The lab (closed rp)

A dull pounding headache filtered into Mitsuo's consciousness as he slowly awoke. Bright lights made him wince and keep his eyes closed, shifting himself to try and turn away from them. He found himself unable to move, slowly opening his eyes to see he was restrained in some strange chair. 

The chair was quite elaborate, clearly able to be adjusted and moved. His arms, legs, and upper body were strapped in with thick leather belts...yet his lower torso was not. Noting this, he also realized he was dressed in only a hospital gown, making him suddenly very self conscious. The room itself felt very much like a lab in a hospital. Counters with scientific things on them lined the walls, a light overhead could be adjusted, and it just smelled too clean.

Looking to his left, Mitsuo discovered he wasn't alone. Another man was unconscious in another chair. "H-hey....hey, wake up" he whispered, voice hoarse as if he'd been screaming. He didn't remember how he got here....but if his headache was anything to go by, it hadn't been pleasant.

Carson was brought out of his induced slumber by a voice which seemed to be near him. He didn't respond in anyway at first. He started to panic when he felt cool pleather material sticking to his skin. Without a single thought, he started to stretch like he did whenever he awoke, but found it impossible.

He slowly opened his eyes, partly in search of the voice and also to take in his surroundings. He was greeted by bright lights, similar to those of an operating theater. He groaned loudly and closed his eyes as he turned his head away from the abusive lights. After a few moments passed, he opened his eyes again and looked around. He noticed several monitors in the room. He also noticed that he was bound to the exam chair by leather straps.

After taking in his restraints and his immediate surroundings he looked around still searching for the voice. He looked beside him and saw a man around his age also bound to a chair. "W-wh-where are we?" Carson asked the other prisoner in a voice that was barely audible.

After asking his question, Carson clenched his eyes shut, as if this was nothing but a nightmare, and he'd be returned to the alleyway by the coffeehouse where he worked. Alas his hopes proved to have no avail when he opened his eyes and found himself in the same location, still held captive.

Mitsuo shifted and squirmed in his chair, trying to wiggle his hands free. But it was useless, the chair seemed specifically designed for someone who would thrash and writhe. It was even padded, which was nice, all things considered.

He was distracted from his wiggling when he heard noises caused by movement in the chair beside him. He nibbled at his lip piercing as he watched the other man wake up, assuming he felt just as awful. He frowned at the question he got, shaking his head, "I have no idea. I woke up here like you." He whispered. He wasn't sure why, but he wanted to keep his voice down.

"Last thing I remember was walking home...I think I heard something behind me...then I woke up here....." he continued, wincing slightly as even whispering made his head pound.

His head snapped towards the sound of a lock sliding open, watching with wide eyes as a slender figure in a lab coat stepped into the room. His face was covered by a medical mask and eyes obscured by glasses, but his long graying hair was neatly pulled back into a ponytail down his back. Without his glasses, Mitsuo couldn't make out anything on the ID card clipped to his breast pocket...though, it didn't even matter, as everything on the card was obscured anyway. Probably to keep subjects from knowing his identity...

"So you two are finally awake." Came a rather nasaly voice, "I've been wondering how long it would take. I'm always glad to see my subjects awake and aware." He chuckled, a noise that made Mitsuo wince. "You two should feel privileged, being part of a new study on genetics and reproduction. You'll provide so much information." He said, moving to one of the counters along the wall.

The man opened a container on the counter, a soft white mist flowing from it. He removed two vials with tongs and sealed the container again. He then did the same with another container. He idly mumbled to himself, most of it things Mitsuo couldn't understand.

That's when the man produced several large syringes and began filling them from the various vials. Taking care to fill them precisely while Mitsuo watched in horror. Few knew it, but Mitsuo had a deep phobia of needles, specifically medical ones...despite having numerous piercings. "Sh-shit....keep...keep those away from me! Let me out of here!" He shouted, clearly panicking as he thrashed in his chair. The man just chuckled, rolling a small table over with the syringes neatly laid out on it. "There is no escape."

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