Ancient Chinese Coin (Closed with codybubbacla)

Name: Sean Woodard (Add last name if you want)
Age: 20
Height/build: 5'7'', slim with a little muscle
Hair/eyes/complexion: Brown, straight, blue, clean-shaven face, tanned

Sean and his roommate were packing their stuff to go to China.

Name: Cody Aulidge (Add last name if you want)
Age: 21
Height/build: 5'10'', athletic body with light body hair
Hair/eyes/complexion: dark brown, pompadour hair style, blue eyes, clean-shaven face, tanned

Sean was packing for him and his roommates trip to China. They were going on a cross cultural experience with their university, and Sean was pretty much packed. He walked back into the bedroom and noticed Cody was still asleep, and had yet to start packing. Sean threw a pillow at his face...

Sean: Cody, get up!!! We have to be at the Humanities Building in 30 minutes, and you have yet to think about packing!!

Cody shot out of bed and started throwing things into his suitcase as fast as he could. He was in a mad rush to get done as fast as possible.

Sean, standing at the door, tried to get him to calm down some, slowly inching himself toward's Cody's bed...

"Cody.... Cody!! Cody.... Cody.. calm down... it'll be o.... Cody... you're gonna give yourself a heartatac... CODY!!!

Cody turned around real quick and was face to face with his roommate. Neither said a word, because they were embarrassed yet excited to be so close to one another. After a second of tension, Sean backed away shyly and Cody looked at the floor to try and hide his blushing...

Sean composed himself.
Sean: Calm down. Be down at my car in 15 minutes.

Cody got down in time. "Ready, Cody?"


Cody jumped in the car and off they drove to the university!!! The students loaded up the bus, and off to the airport they went!!

It felt like the entire drive to the the airport, the flight, AND the ride to the hotel, Cody could only think of the encounter Sean and he had had right before leaving for China. He had tried suppressing his feelings for way too long, but was still too scared to do anything about it. Anyway, he was very excited to go on this trip! There was so much to learn about the Chinese culture, and he was going to get to spend time with some of his best friends, especially Sean!!!

Sean and Cody were walking around, til they saw an old ruined temple.

LET'S GO IN!!! Cody said

Sean and Cody walked in. They saw a coin the size of a quarter.

Cody, eager to see what it was, snatched up the coin!

"It must be a wishing coin"

He held the coin up to his face, and wished quietly (so Sean couldn't hear), I wish that Sean and my love would be made real, bursting with love!!!

As if by magic, Sean started to rub Cody's cock through his jeans.

What the heck is happening?!?! Is this true?!?! Sean, did the coin make you do that, or is this genuine love?!?! God, this feels good!!!

"Let me try it." Sean took the coin and blushed. "I wish Cody and I were pregnant forever with massive bellies and breasts."

immediately, Cody began feeling a tingling in his nipples and deep within his stomach... What is going on?!?!

"My wish."

WELL WHAT DID YOU WISH FOR?!?! he screamed...

"For us to be pregnant forever with massive bellies and breasts." Sean repeated.

Well it's beginning to look like you're wish is coming true... I look about 3 months pregnant, and my nipples are so sore... And LOOK!!! You're belly is beginning to expand!!!

"Doesn't feel really good?"

Yea, I'm not feeling too great either!

Their body parts soon stopped growing.

What the heck?!?! My body looks like an 8 month pregnant woman!! And my boobs are leaking milk!!!

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