The Demon's Bride

Hiro chuckled and kissed him as he nuzzled the cubs. While two latched onto his breasts and started to suckle them hungrily. "Don't worry, my beautiful Sakura. You have more than enough to feed our cubs"

Sakura pffted softly as Hiro spoke. "Or you could grow a pair and help me...would save my nipples some torture..." He noted a moment or two before a lil' wince struck his face. " teeth.." Chiding the lil' one that took the bite.

Hiro chuckled and kissed him. "Well it's about time to start weening our cubs off your milk now and start them on meat. The meat will have to be shredded and boiled down to be soft enough for them to chew it though".

Sakura uhuhs softly. "Have you told them this yet? Cause they don't look like they wanna stop any time soon." He'd tease as he looked over at Hiro and smiled once more. "Am I still changing?"

(Imma have to pass out after next Post on our other RP)

(Same here)

"I know, but they will understand". He chuckled and kissed him. "Yes, your body is more stronger and faster".

Sakrua pffts softly as Hiro mentions being stronger and faster as he held the cubs close to his chest. "Im sure they will. You gonna go all by yer lonesome to hunt the beast? Or will you be doing something else?"

Hiro chuckled and kissed him. "Mmm...maybe I will hunt the sexy creature in front of me instead later. But for now, I am going to go hunting for a couple of fat bucks for my beautiful flower and our cubs." He purred and nuzzled the cubs.

Sakura mmhmmhs softly as he holds the cubs and looks you over once more. "Righty-O, I see how it is. I have kids and ya' just wanna run away. Uhu.." He was ofcourse teasing.

"Yes, that's right. I am going crazy and never to return". He joked back in return and kissed him. "When I get back, I will give you a belly rub". He purred

The Bride nods as he lays back and closes those eyes of his. Letting the cubs do as they want, climbing over his body or feeding. He'd do his best to wait until his husband got back.

Hiro returned shortly with a pair of large fat boars on his shoulders to feed his wife and their family. He sat them down and purred as the cubs ran over to greet him. He picked them up and groomed them lovingly. Before kissing his wife as a greeting and nuzzled him.

Sakura kissed and nuzzles back, the mother signing softly as he pulled back and gently rubbed at the alarmingly large two month bulge in his belly. Perhaps a little concerned that he is already showing so much after such a small amount of time. Still though, it wasn't that grand of a worry. "So, whats on the docket today after all the eating?" The Demon's bride commented.

Hiro purred and kissed his wife's belly. "Mmm...I was thinking of enjoying this warmed day today with the pups. After the pups go down for a nap. We could enjoy a nice warmed bath together followed by me giving you a warmed oil belly massage." He replied

"Mmm, I suppose I'll get ready while you take the kids out." The boy replied as he's start to try to get to his feet, but the weight of his belly was already making things a tad difficult. His struggles audible with grunts and groans. "Im gonna be immobile with this litter..."

"Here allow me to help you up". He replied and helped him into his feet with ease.

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