A Christmas Gift (closed with Dots)

Name: Collin
Age: 19
Appearence: average high, thin, messy black hair, green eyes, pale skin
Personality: quiet, shy, cheerful, calm

Collin was standing in the bus. He looked around and saw his reflection on the window. Gosh, he was so horrible now. His face and his hair were dirty, his clotches were torn, and he was already starting to show. He placed a hand on his belly, thinking about the past events from the last months. 

Since Collin had discovered he was pregnant, his parents kicked him out of the house, with nothing but the clothes he was wearing. His father said that they didn't want a 'pregnant slutty fag', as his father had so cruelly spoke, on their house.  His mother and little sister had accepted the fact that Collin was pregnant (and bissexual, as he explained to them), but not his father. And, well, when his father decided something, no one could disagree, unless you were willing to be beaten, since his father was a very violent person.

Well, his father had told him to miscarry the babies (yeah, because his belly was too big to have just one baby inside it), but Collin refused. When his father beated him and kicked him off, he went to his boyfriend's house, but he broke up with Collin, telling him 'he wasn't prepared to be a dad'.

"And now, look at me" Collin thought to himself "Here I am, 7 months pregnant, with who-know-how-many babies, alone, with nowhere to go". He had asked for help to some other people he knew, but male pregnancy was something new, and there was a lot of prejudice against pregnant men. Collin didn't knew what to do, he was just hoping to find a place in some charity house or something like that. Maybe he could go to an orphanage and say he was an orphan now... It was kinda true, he guessed.

It was snowing outside, and Collin shivered because of the cold. Out there, he could see houses decorated with beautiful lights and Santa Claus statues.
He looked to an old man reading a newspaper near him, and asked "Excuse me, sir, but, could you tell me what day is today?". The old man looked at him, stared at his belly for five seconds with disapproval, and only then, replied "Today is December 1st, boy" the old man said, and continued reading his newspaper.

"Wow, it's almost christmas" Collin thought, remembering how funny christmas used to be on his house. And, as if they were sensing his happyness, the babies started to kick him. He rubbed his belly, trying to calm them down, when the bus stopped and someone entered in the bus

Name: Eric

Age: 24
Appearence: high with muscular body, brown hair, green eyes, white skin
Personality: quiet, brave, calm

Eric was a young rich guy. He was born in rich family.Now He's a board of his company about pregnancy and baby care products.
Eric in the park now. He came here with his limousine car but he ordered his butler to go back because he want to back home with the bus.

"Snow? huh why many peoples like it? it's just a spray of water because it come with Christmas?" Eric said with himself. He love snow and Christmas when he was young because he had a great family  but not now.

when Eric was teen he hate snow, he hate Christmas because his father and mother had died in Christmas by car accident. Now he don't hate Christmas anymore but it's just never important for him.

Eric never accepted a gift from anyone and Christmas just a weekday for him but his house always decorate with beautiful lights, bells, socks and Santa Claus statues. it's not his want but it's made by his butler. The butler who work with his family for long time before he was born. "Sir Eric I hope you'll love Christmas and snow again in someday" Butler said with him in the last year Christmas.

"Huh love Christmas? I have no reason to love it anymore" Eric said while thinking about it. He shook his head and tried t not think you it. He entered in the bus and he saw the pregnant guy inside it he know that he's pregnant guy and it's not new thing for Eric because he had seen it many times in his company. Eric walked to that guy and say in front of him. Eric know that pregnant male is hard and pain more than pregnant women because of male anatomy. He want to know about it maybe it'll help about his company.

"Hey how are you man?" Eric asked while looking at the huge belly. the young guy look very dirty Eric don't konw what happened with him and he don't want to hurt him with his saying.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Collin heard someone talking and looked around. He saw a rich guy sitting in front of him, and looked around more to see who the guy was talking to, because it couldn't be with him. A very few people spoke with him since he was pregnant, and fewer of them were actually nice with him. Since nobody was looking at the guy, Collin decided to reply him.

"Oh... Uh... Hi." He said, looking at the guy, who was very good-looking and young. The guy was dressed with fancy clothes, and Collin imediatally felt guilty, as if someone so dirty like him shouldn't be next to a guy so clean as the one that was sitting near here. However, he continued "I'm very fine, thanks. And you?" he smiled shyly.

"Yeah I'm fine just wan to back to my home now.I'm Eric nice to meet you" Eric said while looking at dirty guys in front of him. this guy don't look like homeless but why he look dirty and why the pregnant man wale alone at night? where is the father?. There a lot of question in his head but it's not good to ask now. "Woow you look so huge man. Congrats with you" Eric smile to dirty man.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(12-13-2015, 06:01 PM)Dots Wrote:  "Yeah I'm fine just want to back to my home now. I'm Eric nice to meet you" Eric said while looking at dirty guys in front of him. this guy don't look like homeless but why he look dirty and why the pregnant man wale alone at night? where is the father?. There a lot of question in his head but it's not good to ask now. "Woow you look so huge man. Congrats with you" Eric smile to dirty man.

"Oh" Collin said, looking down at his huge belly "Well, i guess one can't hide triplets for a long time, right?" he gave Eric a sad smile "Nice to meet you, Eric. My name is Collin." He looked around and decided to ask the guy "Do you know where i can find somewhere to stay? an orphanage or a charity house?"

"Nice to meet you Collin. yeah your belly was so huge but you're carrying triplets? It's very hard for you, right?" Eric asked as he saw Collin's sad smile. "Why you find somewhere to stay? how about your house? It's okay if you don't want to answer it." Eric asked while looking at his cell phone it's 10 p.m. now. it's very late for pregnant guy will can find somewhere to stay.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(12-13-2015, 06:14 PM)Dots Wrote:  "Nice to meet you Collin. yeah your belly was so huge but you're carrying triplets? It's very hard for you, right?" Eric asked as he saw Collin's sad smile. "Why you find somewhere to stay? how about your house? It's okay if you don't want to answer it." Eric asked while looking at his cell phone it's 10 p.m. now. it's very late for pregnant guy will can find somewhere to stay.

"Yeah, it's very hard, but i need to carry on. For them" he said, pointing to his belly. When Eric suggested Collin's house, he said "Well, i don't have a house. Not anymore... Not since i found out i was pregnant. My parents, well, they kinda kicked me out when i told them. Since then, i've lived in the streets, eating what i can find. I had a ring that my sister gave to me, i sold it to get money to buy food. Now the money is over, so i have to find somewhere to stay. I was hoping i could find a place in an orphanage or something like that"

Eric felt bad when I heard about Collin's story.why his parents kicked their own son out? Erin don't understand because his parents died when he was young but he know that it's really bad for someone who was kicked by his own parents "I'm really sorry to hear that Collin but I don't know about orphanage or charity house. If you okay you can go to my house"

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Don't be" Collin said, smiling sadly "If they really were my family, they wouldn't have abandoned me" When Eric offered him his, his eyes widened in shock "Y-your home?" he asked, very surprised "Oh, i would like to accept it sir, but i have no money, and i don't know how i could reward you for it" He was being sincere. He didn't want to abuse from Eric's generosity, and he was without money at all. Besides, Collin suspected Eric was just offering his home to be polite, and wasn't expecting him to accept it at all

"Hey man don't worry about it. I'm okay if you will come to my house" Eric sad and smiled to Collin. Eric don't know anything about Collin but he just felt that he have to help this man because Collin was 6 months pregnant. It's very hard for Collin to stay without the house. "Hey Collin you can come to my house and we can talk about your reward later if you still want to do it. I don't want your money I have it much but I want you to stay in safe place friend not just for you but for your babies too." Eric smile again and look at the huge belly

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

For one second, Collin thought about refusing the purpose, because he didn't want to feel like he was abusing of the other man, but then, when he was about to politely say no, one of the babies kicked him. It was a quick kick, but it was enough to make him remember of his babies, and remember he had to stay alive, for them. So he looked at the man in front of him and said "Thanks. I think i'll accept your purpose". He extended a hand for the man to shake

"Yeah Good that's a good thing boy. Do't worry about anything it's okay for me" Eric smiled to young guy who got huge with the babies. He picked up his cell phone and called to his butler.
"Hey it's me Eric. Sebastian Can you prepare the new room now? I have a guest and he will go to stay at my house for long time. OKay bye thanks" Eric said while looking at Collin. "Done Collin just waiting to arrive to my house now"

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Oh, thanks, Eric" Collin said, smiling for the first time in months "I feel so grateful. I don't know what would i do if you hadn't appeared" He looked at the male and asked again "Are you sure you there is no problem if i stay at your house?"

(would you prefer him to be 9 months pregnant already, so the babies would come at christmas?)

(it's okay for me but How we can me they to become lover? Can they become the lover?)
"Yeah No problem. I'm okay Collin. my house have many rooms but it's empty and lonely. Ii will very happy if there is someone come to live in my house and make it more lively" Eric smiled widely to young guy and than the bus arrive to his house. "Okay Collin we arrived to my house now but I think you can't walk to it now just wait a minute I'll call my butler now"

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(12-14-2015, 04:51 PM)Dots Wrote:  (it's okay for me but How we can me they to become lover? Can they become the lover?)
"Yeah No problem. I'm okay Collin. my house have many rooms but it's empty and lonely. Ii will very happy if there is someone come to live in my house and make it more lively" Eric smiled widely to young guy and than the bus arrive to his house. "Okay Collin we arrived to my house now but I think you can't walk to it now just wait a minute I'll call my butler now"

"Hey, don't need to do it" Collin said, smiling and getting out of the bus "I'm fine, you see? I can still walk very well, i was even standing on the bus. Don't need to worry, really" And he was being sincere, he really could walk, and he didn't want to be carried around or something. "Thanks for inviting me, again" he smiled.

"It's okay Collin I just want to do what I can do. OKay if you sure that you can walk very well. I'll lead you to my house now" Eric said and walk out of the bus. Eric don't know anything about Collin but he just want to help him now. Eric walk slowly to make Collin can walk with him and He lead Collin to his house but his house was decorated by Christmas tree and many lights now that make Eric really upset. "Sebastian? you did it again" Eric complain.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Oh, my goodness, this is so beautiful" Collin said, looking at the big beautiful pine decorated with small lights. It was something big, and his heart skipped a beat. For some reason, seeing such a wonderful thing made him feel very happy, and he felt the babies inside him moving and kicking him. "I mean, look at this, i think it's the biggets christmas tree i have ever seen." He rested his hands on the top of his belly, because it was comfortable and because it was where the babies were kicking him. He discreetly rubbed it, trying to calm them down

"beautiful? haha Thanks but I don't really like it Sorry to said that" Eric said. His face looked sad now because he think about his parents death every time that he saw snow and Christmas tree. "But I'm glad you like it" Eric said. He saw Collin rubbed his belly. "Hey are you okay? I think we should going to my house now my butler had prepared the room for you."

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(12-16-2015, 05:47 AM)Dots Wrote:  "beautiful? haha Thanks but I don't really like it Sorry to said that" Eric said. His face looked sad now because he think about his parents death every time that he saw snow and Christmas tree. "But I'm glad you like it" Eric said. He saw Collin rubbed his belly. "Hey are you okay? I think we should going to my house now my butler had prepared the room for you."

"Oh, so sad you don't like it" Collin said. As Eric asked if he was fine, Collin replied "Yeah, i'm fine, thanks. It's just that... the babies, they are kicking me a lot. I guess they can feel i'm happy and are feeling excited too" He said

"haha It's okay Collin I don't like it but I'm happy that you like it" Eric walked to Collin. He smiled and rubbed Collin's forehead softly. "It's time to go in my house." Eric lead Collin go in to his house. the house was warm by heater and was decorated with small Christmas tree and Santa Claus statue. "Hey Collin Do you eat anything yet? my butler can cook for you if you want. if you want anything now just tell me." Eric smiled softly

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

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