The Wolf's Heirs (Closed with Tjopj44)

He had left his father's pack some time ago to go try life on his own. As he wandered through the woods he finds himself catching the scent of a fertile human, male he thinks. As he gets closer to the human his finds himself growing hard at the humans scent. He peeks through the bushes, his ears perking up as he sees a lone, young human male.

Max was walking more and more deeply into the woods. He was a tall young man with short blonde hair, blue eyes and a slightly toned body. He was wearing a white shirt, shorts and a green cape with a hood, to protect himself of the cold hair. The moon was shining in the sky. He was going to camp somewhere in the woods, and, unaware of the danger he was in, decided to camp right there

The large black wolf continues to watch the boy for another hour or so before slowly creeping along the shadows before moving closer to the boy's tent. He was hidden perfectly by the shadows, his golden eyes seeming to glow in the darkness.

The night was cold, and Max was shivering even with the cape, so he decided to make a fire pit. He had already found some branches, and was starting to light the fire when he felt something weird. Someone was watching him. He looked around and saw the two glowing eyes. He gasped, scared, and asked "who is in there?"

Knowing he had been spotted the wolf slowly closed his eyes, momentarily disappearing into the darkness completely. He slowly crept into the faint light cast by the fire, his form larger than that of a normal wolf because of his lineage. His golden eyes stayed focused on the boy as he shivered from the cold.

Max concluded he must have imagined the eyes, and was about to turn away to the fire pit when he saw the wolf slowly approaching. He gasped again, the wolf was huge, bigger than any he had ever saw before. He slowly stood up, looking at the wolf's eyes "y-you are quite a big wolf" he said.

The wolf eyes Max as it continues to approach the fire.

(02-04-2016, 10:53 PM)018Luxio Wrote:  The wolf eyes Max as it continues to approach the fire.

Max starts to walk backwards, staring at the wolf who was staring at gin. He could see the wolf was also very smart. Max was scared and, when trying to walk backwards, he fell on the floor

The wolf seizes the opportunity before moving over him, pinning the boy down with a paw to his chest. He nosed at the boy's neck, his wet nose quite cold.

Max looked deeply inside the eyes of the wolf, too scared for screaming. At the same time, he was regretting his decision of camping inside some freaking woods, but was determined to not being some pathetic victim. So, when he faced the eyes of the wolf for the second time, he had already accepted his fate. He looked at the wolf with brave eyes,,and said "if you wanna kill me, do it now"

The wolf stares at him for a moment before suddenly flipping the boy over, claws running lightly down the boys back.

(02-04-2016, 11:22 PM)018Luxio Wrote:  The wolf stares at him for a moment before suddenly flipping the boy over, claws running lightly down the boys back.

"what... What the fuck?" Max exclaimed, confused, trying to guess what was the wolf doing

The wolf grows softly keeping him pinned down. He slowly moves to pulls the boy's clothes off.

Unexpectedly, Max felt a sudden laugh starting to form inside him when occurred to him that maybe wolves didn't like the taste of their victims' clothes. The feeling was gone when he thought that maybe the wolf was about to do something worse than devouring him.

After tearing the boys clothes off the wolf pins him down once again before forcing the boy to bury his face in the dark, unable to see anything as he slightly changed his form to have better access to the boy. After preparing the boy he turns back to his full form, their coupling lasting only an hour or so.

Max lost all his calm and concentration when he felt the wolf turning into a man. He tried to scape, but the werewolf was pulling him down. He could only watch as the strong male started to rape him. "no... Please, no, anything but that" he said, sobbing, but the werewolf kept going. Max screamed, cried, begged for the man to stop, but he didn't. The pain was terrible... The man was too big,,and Max had never had sex with a man, he was straight. However, he felt the pain as the man penetrated him, and wondered if he would bleed.
His torture lasted one hour, but it seemed to be the whole night for Max. The whole time, he screamed, not in pleasure, but in pain.

When the wolf finishes with the boy he leaves him bruised and bleeding on the ground, his belly full with his offspring. He slips back into the shadows knowing that no matter what the boy said, if he told, that no one would believe him. Werewolves were beings of fiction after al.

Max stood on the floor, too weak to get up. He was bleeding, and, now that the wolf was gone, he was crying. He hated the wolf, the hideous creature who had raped him,,and hated himself for not being able to resist. he cried on the floor, ashamed of himself, until he fell asleep.

The wolf continues to watch over Max, tracking him back to the small town he lived in. He always made sure to stay out of sight, hidden in the shadows. There were times when he would take his human form and follow the boy around, him even getting close enough to touch in lines at grocery stores or other places but he never did.

Unaware he was being followed, Max arrived on his small apartment, still a bit dizzy, still feeling terrible

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