Night Bearing (Closed)

Ryne looked to where Damian left. He wished he could do something for Damian, but didn't know how.

It was a full day til Damian came home but when he came home he was beaten badly

Ryne looked at Damian with shock. "What happened to you!?" He yelled. He was completely shocked and scared, he didn't want to see Damian like this. "Who or what did this too you?!"

Damian didn't say a word as he stepped close to Ryne and hugged him tightly " I'm fine "

Ryne's eyes began to water. "Please tell me. I can't see you like this." He said hugging him tightly and shaking.

Damian rubbed Rynes back " shhhh it's okay I'm sorry I had to leave like that I didn't want to hurt you I ran far and got into another vampire crypt on accident they were upset so I got beat a little I'm fine..."

Ryne hugged Damian. "I wish I could do something to stop you from turning into bloodthirsty monster when your around me." He said with tears in his eyes.
Big Grin 

Damian frowned and wiped away Rynes tears " I just need to figure out away to control myself maybe if I tried a little bit..." He whispered desperate

"I'll do anything to help you." He said as rested his head on Damian's shoulder. Ryne heard crying from the other room and separated from Damian to check on their baby. He lifted Roy from his crib and started to rock him back and forth to calm him down.

Roy looked straight into Rynes eyes showing him the future he showed damain biting Rynes wrist it showed Ryne looking paler with red eyes like a vampire"

Ryne stepped back away, looking away from Roy. He looked to Damian. "Damian, I think I just saw the future."

Damian smiled " some vampires have powers Roy must be able to show you the future...what did you see?"

"I saw you biting me and turning me into a vampire." Ryne said a little afraid.

Damian's eyes widen " I would only turn you if that's what you want..."

Ryne looked at Damian, unsure. Then he nodded to him. "Ok, I'll do it. I'll be a vampire." He said trying to be brave on what was going to happen. He didn't know what it was like to be a vampire, the uncertainty was bringing fear.

Damian shook his head " I can sense you don't want this yet lets have more children then when you absolutely decide you tell me.." Damian said kissing Rynes neck

Ryne smiled at Damian. He nodded to him as he hugged him. "Roy also showed me another vision. It showed me pregnant again with a bigger belly. And he showed me you, with a belly too." He stated the last sentence in a whisper.

Damian smiled but was Kinda shocked " me pregnant?"

Ryne nodded. He began to rub his flat belly, missing the feeling of being pregnant. "Speaking of which, when can I get pregnant again?" He asked, with excitement in his voice.

"Whenever you want to..."

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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