The scientist's plans. (Closed with SpockRules.)
The man became eager to see what was happening. He had smirked, sitting down on the bed as he had put a towel between James's legs before the gush of water had came free from him. He had looked between James's legs, rubbing his knees and swollen stomach. He had felt each of the werewolf babies as they had moved around inside of James's stomach area.
James grabbed a hold of the bed groaning from the pain and the werewolfs movements inside him. Spreading his legs, James let out a cry as he felt one of the werewolfs push itself into his tight birth canal. Baring down James began to push knowing that it would come out faster if he helped it along. However as he kept pushing, James could feel the werewolf cub pulling its way through the canal.
The man who was James's rapist had smirked, reaching out and rubbing his swollen stomach. He had felt the werewolf pups moving around violently as each had struggled to be born. He had rubbed his slave's stomach and legs, looking between his slave's upper thighs and had seen signs of bulging.
James groaned pushing as hard as he could feeling the pup struggling to be freed. Feeling the pups head bursting out of his small hole, James let out a cry as he felt another one right behind the pup as it seemed they were lined up wishing to be free. Baring down James screamed as the pups body was large and using it's claws to come out, "Ooooo stop them!!! Coming too quickly."
"Alright! alright .. stop complaining!" The man had said in experation, sighing as he had begun helping James through his birthing process. He had gently grabbed the first pup, softly freeing it from it's father's entrance and had followed with the ones that were left inside of him. He had put each pup on the bed beside James, soon letting James rest after the rough birthing.
James laid there sighing crying out as each pup was pulled from him. Laying down James looked over at the pups counting ten of them before looking up at the man. Wondering what would come next, James didn't get a chance to ask before he passed out exhausted from the ordeal. Waking up sometime later, James stared at the man, "So what's next man. It seems you love doing this."
"Indeed my slave, I do love impregnating you. And you will be pregnant until you die. And you will provide me with limitless children." The man had smiled, getting on the bed and pinning James's wrists down. He had let each of the pups nurse from their father when he was sleeping and not complaining about pain. He had petted each of the pups gently, hearing them whimper softly. He had hummed softly to them, making sure that all of the pups were finally able to sleep.
James laid there too weak to move when the man got on top of him pinning him to the bed. Trying to struggle only seemed to be worse as the man tightened his grip before making sure all the pups was sleeping. Looking at them, James only felt hatred at having to give birth to all of them, "So what kind is it this time?"
The man had smirked, licking and kissing James's neck and chest. He had kept him pinned down by his wrists, also pinning his body down with his own. He had made sure that James would suffer like so many times before. He had soon guided his massive manhood to James's small hole, forcing it inside of it inch by painstaking inch. "It will be more werewolves but they will be much more larger and the births will be even more painful than you can imagine."
James tried to struggle but only found himself being pinned down. Soon James groaned as he felt the mans manhood pushing itself into him slowly as the man could make it. Knowing that he was going be forced to give birth to werewolves once again, James looked at the man on top of him before he spat in the mans face, "I would rather die than give birth anymore times."
The man had wiped the spit away from his face, growing annoyed by the man known as James. He had wanted to cause the man as much pain as he could. He had thrusted his hips roughly, covering the man's mouth with tape as he had kept the man pinned down. He had grunted loudly, smirking as he had soon spilled his seed inside of James's body. He had soon gotten up, leaving the room but not before chaining up James's wrists so that he could not wipe his seed away and had left the room. He had returned an hour later and had removed the tape from James's mouth.
James cried out into the tape as the man made sure to be as rough as possible with him. Feeling the man release his seed into him, James knew it wouldn't be long before he was giving birth again. Feeling his wrists chained, James tried to struggle but soon found himself alone. Looking down at his stomach, James began groaning into the tape as his stomach was growing larger than before. Soon the man came back in as the tape was removed, "Your sick bastard!!!" James spat at him again knowing either way he was going to be in pain.
The man had smirked, thrusting and grunting and moaning in pleasure. He had chuckled at James's shouted of words, not affected by them one single bit. He had patted James's now swollen stomach, feeling proud of himself for making his slave larger than before. He had made sure to fill him up to the brim with his seed.
James groaned unable to do anything while he was raped by the man. Looking at his stomach, James couldn't image how large each pup was inside him, as they began moving around wanting to be born. Not wasting anytime, James felt one struggling through the tight canal clawing its way through him except the man's manhood was still inside him keeping the pup inside. Groaning, James screamed as he pushed wanting it out.
The man had soon realized what James was doing and had removed his manhood from him. He had rubbed James's swollen stomach, smirking as he had enjoyed his suffering. He had felt the pups moving around, each wanting to be born first. He had felt proud of himself for being the origin of the man's pain.
James squirmed on the bed, groaning and moaning as the first pup kept moving through the tight canal to freedom. Arching his back, James screamed as he gave a hard push, getting the pups head out of his anus, it being stretched wider than every before. Looking at the man James hoped the pup would die so that he could cause the man pain as well. Taking a short break, James decided to do such thing as he shut his legs refusing to push the rest of the pup out of him.
The man had watched the whole entire scene play out in front of him, smirking as he had seen James struggling and squirming in discomfort. The pup had wiggled, struggling to be free of it's father's body. It had tried to be born as fast as it could but soon it's freedom was blocked as it's father had suddenly closed it's legs. It had whined and gasped, trying to free it's body from it's father but it was not strong enough so it had struggled. The man had scowled, getting on the bed and forcing James's legs open and keeping them that way. "You are really testing my patience!" He had growled at James.
James smiled not caring how bad the pup struggled to be free. However soon the man wasted no time as he got onto the bed forcing his legs open. Unable to kick him or anything, James let out a scream as the pup waited no more before forcing itself out of James anus drawing some blood. Gasping, James had no time to rest before the pups were lined up inside him ready to emerge. Arching his back, James screamed as the second one began pulling itself free.
The man had smirked as he had gained control over James. He had kept the man's legs open, refusing to let James have a moment of rest. He had rubbed James's swollen stomach, feeling it shift from one side to the other, the pups becoming restless and wanting to be born. He had felt as though he could watch his struggling slave all day, enjoying the pain that he was in.
James tried to shut his legs, but the man kept them open not allowing him any rest. Gripping his chains, James screamed as he pushed hard as he could, the large pup moving inside him. Feeling it at its opening, James bared down pushing soon becoming tired knowing he had many more. Laying back gasping, James soon squirmed on the bed as the pup didn't want to wait for him as it clawed its way out causing James to scream. Arching his back, James felt the pup pull itself out of him landing onto the bed leaving James exhausted.

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