House Rules (Seeking Seeder)

A male on the run from his "boring" life breaks into the attic of a large house late at night while a storm is going on. Unknown to him, the owner is perfectly aware and intends to seek payment through one mean or another. 

Elements: Supernatural, Slight horror with a little action

Looking for: Seeder, actually. Normally I would, but maybe there's someone else willing to give it a go this time.

Name: Sean Larracuente
Age: 18
Height: 5'11
Weight; 190 lbs
Bio: Ran from his home because of refusing to cooperate with parents properly. A rebel of sorts intending to make life play out the way he desires.


The male broke through the window, hoping the heavy rain from outside was more than enough to cover the sound. He dropped into the attic, landing down softly. It was late at night. With any luck, all he had to do was stay down there for the night and possibly sneak up and find the kitchen for some food. He slowly walked up the steps, careful not to make a creaking sound as he pressed his ear against the door, trying to determine any form of sound on the other side. He opened the door when he heard nothing and moved around the large house slowly, the male not sure where he was going, but clearly the kitchen was not upstairs.

( may I join?)


This kid was most decidedly NOT adept at breaking and entering, Seth thought to himself as he listened to the old creaking floorboards from his footfalls. He scoffed as he rose from his seat and teleported right infront of him, flicking the lights on quick. "Well well, what do we have here?" He asked with a hint of amusement in his tone. He was older and handsome. His hair long and jet black and his eyes Piercing, a wierd gold color. But what was most peculiar were those small fangs only visible when he smirked at his little theif.

He had his light on with the phone, the service on the device long gone, but it's features still functional. When he had approached the door to the kitchen, he heard the voice. Soon he found himself bumping into the male who had spoken. Something seemed a bit off about his eyes, but the teeth themselves were very peculiar.

"Umm..." This was certainly not part of the plan. Sean had not expected to be caught because he assumed he was being very quiet up to that point. Granted, he was a bit drenched, water dropping off his jeans and shoes. "I got a bit lost outside and the weather started to get bad. I was just looking for shelter is all."

His stomach growled lightly. He hoped the figure bought the story because he was not looking to head back to that awful house anytime soon.

"I uh...also missed dinner wandering where I was at."

Endearing..he thought to himself as he absorbed the boys story. He stroked his chin thoughtfully for a moment. The man wasn't one to lash out in anger, opting for a more gentle, he stern approach. "Lost, you say?" It was very difficult to be lost around these parts. His house was just on the outskirts of a city. You could see the buildings from his front lawn
Only an idiot would be "lost" He chuckled at the thought.

"Well, come join me for dinner then? I made a little extra, and I couldn't very well send a poor young man such as yourself back out in this torrential weather on an empty belly could i?" There was a hint of amusement in his tone.

Sean nodded. "I haven't been this far out before, honestly."

The male suggested to have dinner with him. That did sound like a really bad idea, but was he mad at him for breaking in at all? Sean did not consider the fact that something unnatural was in the air about the male. Who would in a "normal" society. Only thing that registered in his mind was that he was caught, the man before him had seen his face and so far he had not bothered to call the police. With the thunder rolling into the night, he shrugged.

"Sure...I don't suppose you wouldn't have a towel to spare?"

He pointed towards his drenched clothes, slightly shivering from some of the cold air around them. Maybe if everything played right, he could be out of there as soon as the weather died down. He followed the man towards what he assumed would be the kitchen and dining room.

He had his own ways of dealing with little brats that broke into homes that didn't belong to him. But in addition, he found him rather attractive and was interested in keeping him around.

When he asked for a towel he gave him a friendly smile and went to retrieve the requested it. Bringing it back he tossed it at him and then waved him to follow. "Come with me. I'll set you a place. Ate."

(Ignore that Ate. I have no idea what that was lol )

(lol okay.)

Sean thanked the male, using the towel to get most of the water off of his body and clothes before keeping it around over himself in case he got sick. He kept his bag still strapped over his shoulder as he followed the male.

"Sure..." He was a bit paranoid of course. The thought of actually making a break for it did occur to him, the male possibly thinking to disregard the risk it could impose. What's more problems his parents couldn't handle since they were already going through a divorce? He just needed to leave for a few to clear his mind before college. He could get a free meal out of this at least, right?

He looked at the table when they arrived and where he was told to sit, the male did as instructed. He found himself looking around though, seeing the various paintings and elaborate dishes and silverware for display.

"You have a...nice place. You live here by yourself?"

The house was big for someone to have on their own in his opinion, but maybe that made some people happy.

"I do. It's terribly lonely" he agreed; his house was massive without anyone to share it with. That would change, he thought with a grin as he went about preparing things. He took his bag from the boy and set it down and then went to the kitchen to get the food he'd prepared which was a simple bowl of spaghetti and meatballs..of course..he plated the boys and in the kitchen slipped a few drops of a colorless, odorless drug that would have him passed out in moments. He carried the plate out and set it infront of him.

"I don't believe I ever got your name, my boy" He said with a small smile, then retrieving his own drug less plate of food as well. He sat down across from him and propped his chin on his interlaced fingers, watching him as he waited for him to speak.

"It's uh..." Did he need to give his first name? Maybe his middle would do, though of course he wasn't counting on some events to unfold in a few minutes. "It's Sean. What about yours?"

He only assumed it was safe to ask about his in return. He looked at the food and water he was given. There was nothing out of the ordinary about it. Still, that smile and hue to his eyes made him feel a bit uneasy. His own green eyes glanced back at the food and he picked up the glass of water first only after the male before him began to eat.

"I just want to apologize for breaking in again" he hadn't thought of robbing the man at first, though maybe if he was lucky, he could try in a few. "I wasn't thinking. Lightning sort of..."

He tried to get the rest of the words out, but it began to slur and he was trying to correct himself. "Scurs..."

His vision began to blur as he looked at the man, that fanged smile still present on his face. Sean left from the chair and slipped on the ground. He tried to reach for his bag, but he passed out, his last words barely saying "No wait..."

He was out cold.

When he awoke sometime later, Sean would find himself in a basement of sorts though all he'd be able to see would be the cold black ceiling at first. If he tried to move he'd find his arms were strapped at the wrists and the crook of his elbow and his legs trapped in a similar manner though open wide. The chill in the air on his skin wound confirm that he was, in fact, naked and open to the demons hungry gaze.

Said demon stood close by standing upright with his hands behind his back watching intently for his young prisoner to come to.

He groaned loudly as he stirred. All he could see was darkness, though his eyes were a bit blurry. He tried to wipe his eyes to get a better view but found himself not being able to his arms at all. He tried to move them to get loose and then attempted the same for his legs, the realization sinking in that he was tied down. Even worse by the cold air brushing against his light olive skin, he realized he was nude, his legs spaced apart in an open position.

"Help!" Of course he called out, though he wasn't positive where he exactly was at or if anyone could even hear him. When he turned his head around a bit, he could see the same golden eyes from before, watching him with intent. He panicked of course, his heart racing as he tried to keep some form of calm, but at the same time trying to get loose.

"Shhhh..don't bother screaming..the walls are sound proof...besides you're going to need your strength" he chuckled darkly and ran his finger tips softly up his leg, over his groin and finally settling on his belly. "Let's continue our discussion from before shall we? I believe you were apologizing for breaking in, right?" HAH. He smirked softly.

"Anyway. There's a way you can more than make it up to me...though you don't have a choice really. Are you going to cooperate and listen? Or am I going to have to make you obey the difficult way?" He asked gently, his finger tips soothingly massaging the skin on his stomach.

He struggled against the restraints, but it was even more disturbing when he felt the finger slide up his body and stop at his slightly toned belly. That made him even more appalled, the disgust clear on his face.

"Let me go, creep!" He didn't care about what this man had planned. He wanted out and he was going to try and listen. It was stupid on his end to even break in, though the person before him was more of a loco than he was for breaking and entering.

(Short post. Sorry)

He feigned a hurt look before leaning forward a bit and drumming his fingers against the boys stomach impatiently. "Now now. Is that anyway to talk to the persons house you just broke into? For shame little Sean. No worries..I am a patient man believe it or not. And now I'll tell you you're new purpose in life. "

As he spoke he actually went about undoing his restraints. He didn't believe he'd try to escape. Or maybe he didn't think he'd be so stupid AS to try.

"I've planted myself here in hopes that a young, stupid human male such as yourself would stumble upon me. A couple already have. But they haven't lasted my experiments" he smirked and undid the last restraint. "Im a demon...and I intend to repopulate the earth with my brood...and you're going to carry them." He stated simply, amused smirk on his face.

( no worries. If I suddenly dissapear for two days I'll be back Saturday
Going away for weekend.)

New purpose in life? The male found relief in being released, though he did his best to keep his bare form covered. What did he mean by experiments? Certainly the idea of carrying a brood for him was nonsensical, yet there was a man with a strange glint in his eyes and teeth that looked extremely sharp. Maybe he was one of those people who liked to mod their bodies for whatever reason. Any case, Sean heard enough and looked for anything he could find to throw at the stranger and make a run for it. 

"Leave me alone." How immature did he sound to try and find a form of freedom? He saw a door and tried to make a run for it, but he wasn't counting on his body to still be drugged from earlier. He had barely rose to the floor with a proper stand before staggering back down a bit harshly. Still, he tried to back away from the man. 

"Please don't hurt me," he whimpered, trying to at least protect his body in case the figure before him lashed out at him for trying to escape. "I'm sorry. Just let me go."

(Okay. I hope everything goes well.)

He stood his ground but stood poised and ready to attack should his victim surprise him. He'd kind of figured he'd still be weak from the drugs lingering in his system and he wasn't incorrect as he watched the other sink weakly.

Then, to his delight, the boy seemed to curl in on himself in some feeble attempt at protection. It was a sight which made the demon snicker.

"You can keep begging if you want. It only turns me on." He stated as if he was reporting the weather. Closing the distance between them...he reached out, grabbing him by the arm and hoisting him to his feet so that his eyes could bear deep into his. "But in the end you're going to become my breeder, and I'm going to fill you with so many of my young. I going to need to strap you down for this? Or will you submit to me willingly and save us both the anguish. I'm actually starting to grow rather fond of you" he purred then, sweeping a palm gently across his cheek.

The man wouldn't let up, his voice seemingly taunting the male about his intentions. He even insisted the male beg some more, which only made Sean feel even more sick on the inside. That was when he felt the pull to his arm and of of course he tried to jerk back to get loose. He had a choice of being taken on the that table or something more consensual? Neither situation he was interested in, but the latter seemed more better than being strapped down.

"You said it failed before" he was trying not to fumble over his words, the male's hand collecting some of the tears off his face when he rubbed it softly. "What did you m-mean?"

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