House Rules (Seeking Seeder)

The humans fear was palpable and he licked his lips at the feel of it. That, coupled with his tears on his palm, was enough to drive him wild. But he kept it contained especially when he asked his question.

"Well you see...when we breed...we tend to breed in great quantities...and we need to find a suitable host. The most suitable had been determined to be you humans. But women, who are built with wombs, for some reason cannot hold onto demon children while they grow as well as human males can. I've had carriers in the past get to full term but it becomes so much and the babies get so violent they end up tearing right through the skin, bursting the males stomach. "

He paused there to let the image sink in before he continued. "But recently I've come up with a medicine that will make the skin more pliant and easy to stretch without tearing. The stretch hurts, I wouldn't lie. But it's better to be in a little pain than dead right?" He stated with a laugh.

He was afraid and what else could be expected? He was, after all, a kid on the run who by all accounts was at the legal age. Still, this man, no...demon, was enjoying him be completely helpless. He got a thrill out of it, evident by the appearance on his face and the way he rubbed his face. Even mentioning what he was going to do to him was going to the male seemed to arouse him. Sean wanted to escape, but even if he were to get far, what was going to happen? He just stood there, paralyzed in fear as the figure laughed at his own joke. Everything he mentioned seemed worse than death at this point. What if he could escape after this situation was over? He hated it either way, but something had to be done to get him out of this right?

"Fine..." he moved his face back away from the figure's hand. "Whatever you're going to do, just get it over with."

No need for him to believe he had broken him, right? He kept his face turned away from the male before him, though his arm was still held by the figure.

"Who...are you?"

"Now now..if you're obedient and promise you won't try to get away from me again maybe I'll even provide you with some pain I said..I really AM growing fond of you. You're gorgeous and strong..the way you're trying to put on such a brave face..." he chuckled his hand dropping his arm and fingers resting on the boys hips as he suggested that he could feel his fear plain as day. "Contrary to what you're thinking my sole concern is for my future brood..torturing you is secondary a fringe benefit. And based on your behavior I could be convinced to be..not too hard on you." Who was he?? "My name is Seth..." he said again as he reached around, patting his ass playfully as he directed him infront of him and back towards the medical table. "I come from Hell if you must know. Yes it does exist. But enough chit chat. Get up on the table for me like you were. If you say no you'll end up on it anyway and I'll strap you down again."

There was no point in fighting. This Seth figure was very intent in doing as he pleased, which oddly was what Sean wanted all along, at least before college. Surely, he could still do that, right? He didn't want to be trapped there for the rest of his life!

"Why can't I just give you what you want and leave? I wouldn't tell anyone..."

The man toyed with his hips and eventually his slight fuzzy rear, giving it a playful pat, motioning for him to get back on the table. If he didn't comply, he would be strapped back up there. He felt the supernatural tug in the man's grip when he pulled him up. He was practically helpless right now. He walked towards the table, his heart pounding heavily in his chest. He said this would be painful. Sean could only pray, yes pray especially in the situation he found himself in, as he laid on the table awaiting this form of punishment for breaking inside.

He rid himself of his own clothes in preparation for the main event. Underneath he was still decidedly human, with bronze skin stretched over slight muscle, an impressive 10 inch cock was already fully erect, throbbing and intimidating as he approached his victim. In his hands he had a syringe filled with an ominous glowing pink liquid and without preamble he jabbed it right besides thr boys belly, pressing on the plunger so the thick liquid emptied into him. There was a warm sensation at first then a harsh burning as his womb took shape beneath his chest and by his stomach, and the skin over his belly thickened and stretched to make sure he wouldn't burst during insertion process. Seth smiled as the syringe emptied and he sat back to enjoy the show.

Sean laid on the table, as much as he could for the time being. He heard and saw Seth taking his clothes off, but he practically paled when he saw the girth and size of the monster hidden underneath his undergarments. He had no time to react though. He felt a sharp jab near his belly and soon his body felt the cold sensation of a liquid enter his body. It did not stay that way for long. No. In fact, his belly and body as a whole gained a warm sensation but soon that became more and the expression on his face reddened as he tried to stop from moaning, more out of pain than pleasure. He clutched his slightly toned body. He was no athlete, but he did try to keep a healthy physique about him. Light abs were pushing away as a womb worked itself into creation. It was uncomfortable to the point the warmth had his body beginning to form sweat. He clutched his teeth together, his eyes occasionally glancing at the sex hungry demon, but more back to his body as he gripped it hoping it would soothe the pain. He let out a loud moan, the pressure causing his flaccid member to fatten to a seven and a half inch.

He watched intently as his young prisoner squirmed atop the cold metal table, practically licking his lips hungrily as he eyed him. He could see a slight bump in his stomach as the womb took shape before it flattened, deflating in wait for something to fill it. He wouldn't have to wait long. An amused smirk slid across his face as he stepped over to him and pressed a button on the controls, causing a buzz in the air as the table he was on lowered just enough for proper penetration.

He scooped up a glob of homemade lubricant, coating his fingers liberally and then positioning it down between his legs and cheeks, massaging his waiting hole which was soon to open wide to accept him. But he decided to make the process just a touch easier. "You should be greatful. I usually take my subjects dry" He said roughly while the slick finger was finally slid inside him, a second soon to follow.

The discomfort began to subside. His partially distorted form began to resemble his previous body, though now there was a strange fullness there he had not felt before. Still, he had no time to react. The table began to lower and Seth was on to more things. He felt the cold lube-laced finger enter his hole and of course the response given was a gasp. He was a teen after all, not someone who explored a sexual lifestyle dedicated to having foreign objects or more enter their body. Then another finger entered and of course he squirmed. They wiggled around, massaging his hole as they made it more inviting, loose, for the inevitable matter Sean wished would not occur. His body was reacting though, he own member becoming rock hard.

"I promise, little one, if you relax you might even enjoy it. See? Your body is reacting exactly as it should. Heh" He purred though his words were rather condescending as he introduced a third finger up his back passage, spreading them out like a makeshift speculum to make sure he was properly stretched. Only then was it time for the main event. He stepped back for a moment and let his eyes sweep over him hungrily one last time before he muttered something in a foreign tongue.

The second the phrase was uttered a bath of blue light washed over him, instantly shedding his clothes, and seemingly skin, since once the light hit the basements cold stone floor it dissipated, leaving behind a human like figure, though where there was skin was now rock hard, shiny scales of a deep midnight blue. His eyes were little yellow orbs with black pupils as they blinked around his surroundings. He had no hair only two sharp protrusions from the back of his skull but what was undoubtedly most fascinating was that exceedingluxury long and thick tail that swayed almost seductively behind him.

He smirked, revealing the fangs which had doubled in size and reached down to stroke the surprisingly human, albeit blue, cock which still stood up proud between strong, powerful thighs. "I know you think we're going to get right down to THIS " He motioned at his own shaft enclosed in his claws hand. "But there's one more step before we have sexy fun time" He snickered, still amused at his own quips.

He could not see the hand per say, not when it was under his throbbing erection and spaced legs. He did however feel when his hole was being stretched further, which mentally made him disturbed. Now he was muttering things Sean could not understand, but it soon became clear. He watched as the man before him became something more horrific, scaly skin with a long tail to match. The voice even seemed to change to a sinister tone from the way his teeth changed into something more pointed. If he was afraid then, he certainly was now, especially at the sight of the monster member bulging with blue skin among powerful legs. One of them certainly had enough energy for what was about to unfold, yet for some reason he wanted to drag the matter out further.

"What..." Of course Sean spared no expense in making it clear he despised the situation in the tone of his voice. What more could this thing do to him that he wasn't planning to do before?

He closed the distance between them, stepping between his wide spread legs while his claws remained wrapped around his cock, stroking it idly as he leaned over his prisoner, looming over him like the ominous force that he was. He grinned, flashing those white fangs before lips parted, and his face sand lower, until it was nestled in the crook of his neck.

They penetrated his skin smoothly, like needles and at once a venom was injected, but not one that would kill him, no, in fact in a few moments he should feel his entire body go weak and relaxed, a fuzzy happy haze should over come him, and only when he was sure he was completely relaxed would he proceed.

But this had a second purpose as well. The second he withdrew, the wound bleeding, a small black seal emerged over the puncture wounds. Now he was officially marked..and where ever he went after this, if he was so inclined to release him, Seth would be able to find him for the rest of their lives.

Seth got closer to the point Sean's open legs wouldn't close so to say. The distance was closed between them, the demon before him stroking that monster organ still, but soon he smiled. Sean cringed at the thought of what else he could even do to him and immediately he watched as the figure began to lean in until lips were pressed against his neck. That wasn't the purpose however. Sean felt the sharp pricks to his skin and almost jumped if not for the figure holding him at bay.

At first something didn't feel right. The male found himself becoming a bit less aware like before, his movements a bit slurred like he was drunk. He reached up for where he was bitten at and almost panicked at the thought of being drugged again. He tried to fight, but it was a futile effort. He found himself becoming relaxed and lost to some drugged happiness.

When he saw Seth, the blue demon was still there, but his heart was fluttering to something else about the figure. He wasn't scared anymore. In fact, he saw nothing wrong with the demon anymore, almost like his sense of reality was gone. He had a goofy smile to his face complete with him biting his lower lip softly. His hand weakly rubbed against Seth's bulging biceps, Sean completely lost to the toxin as a black mark appeared on his soft olive skin.

When he saw that goofy smile, Seth was momentarily blindsided by a bit of fast passing regret along with a wish that it wasn't because he was flying high at the moment. The humans touch to his arm made him shiver, and he hunched over him now, clawed hand reaching up to cup his cheek, while a serpent like tongue flickered out, running along his jaw to his lips.

His free hand took its time as it explored the narrow curve of his side to his hip, palm turning so that those nails could dig into his skin gently pulling upward and inward to the tender flesh of his inner thigh. The teasing continued like that for quite sometime, simple pokes and prods of sharp nails. Barely ghosting his fingers over the humans cock with feathery soft touches meant to arouse. It was strange to him as he teased him almost lovingly. Idly his mind wandered back to his other victims and how he'd taken them without regard to their pleasure or even safety. But this one..this little Sean..with all his brave faced, boyish charm, was pulling at a strange chord inside him, facilitating a desire to make sure this new breeder felt good, and taken care of.

Sean could only watch, in a hazed state, as Seth leaned in closer. As Seth's hand moved closer to touch his chin, Sean moved his own arm further so much that he was beginning to lean closer. As the insides of his thighs were being touched here and there, his own member was standing hard and long from the feel of the nails and fingers lightly touching him for arousal. Sean had lost any form of embarrassment, his sense altogether for that matter. Something within him wanted Seth so much that now his arms were wrapped around the blue figure's back, his legs beginning to wrap around his waist as they felt the tail from behind moving. There was something more to his drugged eyes however. Something he really wanted to do, a soft moan escaping his lips from the figure teasing him. It could have been the way the forked tongue moved around and about from out of his mouth. All Sean did know was that impulsively, he made the first move. His lips connected with Seth's and he pulled back partially, if only to savor it a bit before his hand rested firmly behind the back of the demon's head.

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