C The Doctors Babies (With Lovebite)

Chris reaches to wipe the tears away "It's okay, he's just trying to make sure that you 3 are well taken care of, and he's probably bummed that he wasn't here to see them born"

Eric laughed softly and nervously as he nodded,"Yeah. That could be it."He nodded, looking down and rubbing Logan's back gently, before reaching for Jacob now to pick him up and place him against his chest to feed as well.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Chris lets Eric take the babies, getting them fed, changed and back to sleep by the time Chris leaves for work. When Eric returns to work a few weeks later he has the boys in tow, him finding a small baby shower waiting on him when he walks through the front door.

Eric juggled the baby carriers as he slipped into the break room, humming as he went to place the twins onto the table but noticing a cake and snacks,"Someone's birthday?"He glanced around then noticed everyone as they surprised him, he grinned and laughed as he shook his head,"I guess it is someone's birthday we're celebrating."He said and went to place the baby carriers down, then unstrap his sons to pick them up,"Welcome to your first party you guys."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

For the most part all the boys do is sleep as they're passed around between everyone and fondled over. They sit down to eat some cake and all about halfway through the party before Eric goes to open the gifts. He did notice that while he was opening the gifts that both boys had made it around the room only to both end up in Chris' arms as they continued to sleep.

Eric saw Chris with the twins and smiled some as he then looked down again while he opened up the gift in front of him, laughing softly at the little outfits inside of the box. "These are adorable."He said,"They'll love these."He took the last couple gifts over to take a seat beside Chris, opening them up happily,"So, which one did you get them?"He asked, looking up at Chris playfully,"Passifiers maybe?"He took out the stuffing paper and reached in.

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"You'll see" Chris looks down at the boys as Logan stirs a bit in his arms before curling back up to sleep.

Eric opened up the gift, shushing Logan softly and touching his cheek then kissing his head,"Let's see what Mister Chris got us."He said, pulling away again as he sat back and pulled out what was inside of the gift box.

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He finds a few outfits and other things that he'll most likely need in the future before find a small notepad with a URL written on it followed by a small note at the bottom, 'Wait till you get home for this one'.

His brows furrowed slightly and he tilted his head some, before smiling,"All of this is great. Thanks you guys. Really, it's...really, really nice of all of you to do this for us. It means a lot."He looked around the room, smiling at his friends and then back at Chris as he picked up the twins,"We have to get back to work now, though. Wouldn't want to get in trouble with the board."He held them against his chest, juggling the two sleeping infants and placing them back in their carriers so he could gather up all the gifts they had gotten and throw away the wrapping paper.

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After everything is cleaned up everyone heads back to work. Eric soon heads home and gets the boys taken care of before he heads to shower and get something to eat. Afterward he sits down with his computer before typing in the URL on the notepad. After waiting for the page to load he puts in the password before finding himself staring at a webpage with Jacob and Logan's names written across it, each name having $5,000 written beside it.

Eric's eyes widened, jaw dropping as he scrolled through the site,"A college fund."He covered his mouth and grinned, ecstatic at the sight and looking back at the twins as they played in their baby pen, he sat back and laughed,"Chris, you amazing man."He covered his face for a long moment, then pulled out his phone to text Christopher something short sweet.

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Chris had just stepped into his office when his phone buzzed. He took a seat at his desk before pulling his phone out of his coat pocket and looking at it.

'God, you're extraordinary. Thank you so much. I'm sure if the boys could talk or even undertand, they would tell you that they loved you a thousand times over.'He sent the text off then sat back fully, grinning and shaking his head,"Fuck."He sighed and held his head, looking to his phone again and thinking about adding something more but thinking twice about it as he just dialed his number.

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Chris quickly read over the text before his phone began to vibrate. He pressed answer before putting the phone on speaker. "Hello"

Eric was quiet for a moment on the other line before he started,"If I..."He bit his lip and looked down for another moment until he started again,"I want to leave Lukas."He stood up to his feet and walked quietly over to the twins in their playpen.

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"Are you sure? You know we could never actually be a thing, ours jobs won't allow it.

Eric froze for a few seconds,"And why not? Chris, you're kidding me."He said, turning and frowning at a wall as he headed over to his bedroom to not disturb the twins,"You can't do this. You can't keep leading me on then cutting me off. It's fucking bullshit."

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"I can't date a coworker, it's just policy" He sighs and goes silent for a second or two before speaking again. "We shouldn't have done what we did, but we did and there's nothing we can do about it, and no I wouldn't change it"

Eric held his head, the entire conversation was giving him the biggest migraine of his life,"Policy my ass!"He exclaimed though soon covered his mouth, closing his eyes and shutting the bedroom door just a crack,"Christopher, I swear to God-"He rubbed his face and laughed,"I can't believe I thought you actually cared. You're such a goddamned liar. Just like Lukas."He hung up the phone and threw it on the bed, laughing again and shaking his head as he wiped his face, moving to leave the room again.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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