O Alien Invasion (open to all)

Hearing someone enter the room, Rayne shifted further into his hiding spot and put a hand over his mouth to cover up his breathing. His heart was pounding as a shiver ran down his spine. If he was found this time, he was screwed. Injured and tired, as well as cornered, this was not an ideal situation.

She stared at them boldly. "Why do you think? I'm pregnant," she said, looking at her full belly. She wondered how long until she had to birth them.

"And looking damn fine, too," the trooper purrs, caressing her cheek. "How'd you like to get to know a proud member of the Kuzrovian Occupation Force on Earth?"

I run in " back off she's mine"

She blushed a little bit and bit her bottom lip. "I- uhh.. Get me unstuck from the wall and we'll see what happens," she said, still blushing a little.

One of the troopers deftly backhands Rosie, knocking her unconscious.

"Oh, no no no. I know that trick," the trooper smirks. He pulls off some of the webbing, exposing her breasts. "I've got you right where I want you."

It was worth a shot, trying to get free from the wall. She just ended up getting knocked out and there wasn't much she could do.

Suddenly, a firm hand grabs Rayne's ankle and pulls him out. He finds himself staring up at the barrel of a laser rifle, wielded by a leering alien soldier.


"You humans really are pathetic," the trooper tells Alex, tweaking her nipple. "But damn if you aren't beautiful."

Alex could do nothing.

Rayne yelped when he was grabbed and pulled put, wide eyed as he looked down the barrel of a gun. He screamed out and thrashed as he tried to break free from the hold," Let me go!"

Rayne's struggle is fruitless, however, as he finds himself being wrapped in a cocoon.

Alex soon came too, her head feeling a bit dizzy. She looked around, blinking, confused.

She finds that the alien troopers have a new captive -- a coworker, Justin.

"I found him hiding in the bathrooms," one of them says. "What should we do? Impregnate him?"

The other trooper shakes his head. "We'd have to get the fertilisers in for that, and it'll take them forever to get here from HQ. Just cocoon him and be done with it."

The trooper salutes, before bending down and grabbing Justin's feet. A thick, fleshy web begins to weave itself over the terrified man's legs.

Alex watched as they started turning Justin into one of them. She wanted to help but she was still stuck. "D-don't! Leave him alone, please?"

I start to wake up and pull Justin out before he can be fully cocooned "hide" I whisper

Alex was relieved that this guy could be saved.

Unfortunately, the aliens knock her out again, and Justin is fully cocooned.

"This one's determined, I'll give her that," one of the troopers says. "Let's take her with us, see if we can't put her to good use."

They drag the unconscious Rosie out, and Alex is left with only a fresh, gurgling cocoon for company.

Alex wakes up later. The aliens are gone and there's a fresh cocoon. "fuck this.." she thought. She tried pulling herself loose.

To her shock, she comes loose and falls to the floor. Evidently, the trooper had weakened the webbing more than he intended.

A loud slurping sound is heard from the corners of the room. The cocoons are starting to hatch! Three-fingered hands and taloned feet begin to break out of them.

Alex was surprised as she was released. But the cocoons were starting to hatch! How was she going to get away? She wasn't fast. "Shit shit shit shiiiit..." She said as she quickly tried to waddle out of their sight.

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08-09-2019, 04:48 PM

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