C Sit Still, Look Pretty || (CeruleanSnowFlake)

Name: Caliban Mathieu
Age: 25
Role: Omega
Pregnant: Yes, five and a half months
Information: Has a pretty easy going personality, but also a tendency to blow things off that he 'may or may not' feel like doing. Relatively a passive person until someone he cares about is in need and in that case he'll be the first to offer a hand. Is always looking for something to keep himself busy as he does not like sitting still.


Name: Shea Kerridge
Age: 23
Role: Omega 
Pregnant: No
Information: Has an alpha-like appearance in that he's tall and muscular, specifically in the shoulder areas. Keeps to himself and tries to stay quiet generally, still uneasy in his surroundings. Can be a bit of a hot-head and snappy when agitated, though it can take a lot of prodding to get him there.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


(Okay first off, and I do have to say these things so bare with me... That title! I just, it's so freaking perfect XD and Cali, it's like you picked him for me--weep, weep-- even if ya didn't, I'm saying ya did, cause, damm, why arent ]you real Cali, why!? Why? And Shea, ateal my heart baby, youre just the type of omega i love.  Okay weirdness rant over and my chars seem so cliche and unoriginal compared to yours)

Name: Cherokee 'Cherry' Boone
Age: 24
Role: omega
Pregnant: yes, six and half months
Information: Cherry is very sweet and a little shy. He is also very caring and acts as a source of comfort for other omegas. He has a weak heart however, so his former alpha returned him.

Name: Fax Price
Age: 23
Role: omega
Pregnant: no
Information: a flirt with an attitude. He likes to send mixed signals and then intimidate pursuing alpha's. He's oddly good at it, and both alpha's and omegas find him just a bit strange regardless.


(Aww yay I'm so glad you like the title! I actually struggled with that one and then the song came on and it was almost like destiny! *.* And you shush you, your characters are always flawless and perfect anyway~ You don't have to worry about that! Like the name Cherokee? That's awesome! I love it! And then Fax, he's gonna be fun I can just tell already. (; Ooo Cali...gosh he's gonna be a little sh*t already I can just tell lol. He created himself, for sure, but it was definitely for you obviously. Shea breaks the mold! It's super effective...ahem I mean yeah, my little oddball. <3 Hehe this should be fun! Sorry my first posts are always so short, I'm sure they'll get longer haha. They always do~)


Caliban yawned slightly, bringing a hand up to cover his mouth as he used the other to pull a mug from the counter above him while he waited for the coffee machine to finish brewing. He'd been adamant about keeping his coffee, more than willing to put up a fight for it, but had finally agreed to settle for a decaffeinated blend. It wasn't perfect, but it would have to do for the time being.

Usually to be up at the time in the morning was unheard of for the red head, but unfortunately today his unborn child and bladder had other plans.

What wasn't strange was the fact that, upon walking into the common lounge room of their temporary home, Shea was already awake and perched in front of the one television they all shared that only got a handful of channels. He'd offered the blond some coffee, but had been promptly ignored for the news and Caliban wasn't going to ask again. If the other omega wanted it, he'd have to get up and get it himself.

Not that Caliban minded. If it weren't for the fact that Shea smelled like an omega, he'd make for a rather intimidating alpha. Shea's trademark piercings across his sharp face on top of the studded cuffs he wore around his wrists, made for a threatening appearance if one didn't know how much of a isolated hermit he was. On top of that, his height and build made it so that he could tower over the rest of them if he wanted to, luckily he'd much rather sit there on the corner of the couch and pretend like no one else existed. 

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


(I know, I really can't wait to be to know them. As for short post, it's long enough for me, so no worries.)

Cherry was usually a morning person, but that morning, he just didn't feel like moving. He felt as if he weighed ton, as if his arms and legs were lead and his eyes filled with sand.

But he had forced himself to get up. He could smell Cali's coffee and his belly rumbled ans the baby kicked, as I'd to say, 'breakfast time, feed me'.

So tiredly, Cherry walked into through the small space that serves as their living room to the tiny adjoining kitchen. He wiped at his eyes with the back of his hand, as if that would push away the remaining sleepiness.

"Good morning, Shea", he said as he passed and then to the redhead. Good morning, Cali. Is there any juice left?"

He moved to the off white fridge and pulled open the door, pale blue eyes searching the contents.

"Morning, b*tches", that was Fax of course, he always seemed to wake up...well awake. " Cali give me some of your coffee, and Cherry...nice hair by the way, get me the milk, would you?" He moved to rumage through the cabinets for ceral.

Cherry's hand had went to his head, his long silky strawberry blonde locks having been braided before bed. He realized that the raven haired omega was just teasing him and sighed.

He placed the milk and juice on the table and then proceeded to roll up the sleeves of his large sleep shirt, before proceeding to chop up an apple for his oatmeal.

The blond on the couch watched the two other omegas enter into the joint living space shared between them all, electric green eyes following them until they stepped into the kitchen area. Shea returned his gaze to the television without a word, though that didn't mean he wasn't paying attention or listening to what was going on around him. It was simply that it didn't involve him, none of this should involve him. That was his opinion and until someone listened he'd continue to make things difficult.

Caliban watched as Shea also ignored Cherry as he walked into the kitchen, shaking his head at the blond omega as he plucked a coffee bean from the bag in front of him and flicked it in Shea's direction. His aim was off slightly, bouncing off Shea's shoulder rather than his head. Either way, it earned him a middle finger from over the back of the couch. At least it was better than being ignored.

"Morning, Cherry," Cali greeted, turning to lean against the counter while he sipped at the hot coffee in his hands. Peering over Cherry's shoulder into the fridge, he pointed towards the back right. "I think there's some orange juice in the back. If there isn't enough I can make the grapefruit juice we have in the freezer."

Turning at the sudden voice and entrance of Fax, Caliban shook his head with a chuckle. "What a way to greet the day," he teased the raven before holding the coffee close to his chest and backing away from the coffee machine a few steps. "Make it yourself," Caliban replied with a raised eyebrow over his playful, hot red stare. "I'm not your bitch, no matter how many times you call us that."

After a moment of trying to free himself from the title, Caliban finally sighed and added. "But there are cinnamon buns baking in the oven if you can be patient."

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Fax poured his ceral, then added a generous amount of milk. He grinned toothily at Cali's words.

"Accept the truth, my fiery haired baby maker, we are all technically b*tches", he laid a hand on his lean chest as he continued, his grey/blue eyes bright. "Though I reserve the title of reigning King".

Cherry looked at him, his own pale blue eyes filled with amusement. "I dont think anyone would try to take it, as I imagine noone wants it... Other then you, of course", he said, then added some hot water from the whistling kettle on the stove to his bowl of dried oats and Apple cubes. He'd wait another minute or so before adding just a bit of brown sugar for sweetness and cinnamon for flavour.

"I adore all my titles", Fax said as he moved around the the table, kissing Cherry on the cheek as he passed and moved next to Cali to pour himself some coffee.

"I'll take a cinnamon bun with my coffee. I'm gonna eat my lucky charms first", he said as he settled the mug on he counter to cool. "Also...", he added as he looked at Cali, then quick as whip, slapped him on the rear. "Still nice and firm", he winked with a laugh.

Cherry shared an exasperated look with the redhead as Fax gathered his bowl of cereal and moved to sit next to Shea, ignoring the blondes obvious disapproval or discomfort and leaning into his side.

Fax was very affectionate, despite his distaste and mistrust for alpha's.

Though most Omega's seemed to find him over-whelming as well, hence the reason he'd been paired with them as suitemates. They could handle him, well Cherry was sure he and Cali could, he still wasn't all that sure of Shea who stayed mostly to himself and quiet.

Shea and Fax truly seemed to be polar opposites, and yet Fax also seemed to gravitate towards Shea the most.

Maybe it was because, despite how opposite they where, they still shared some similarities.

Stubbornly, Caliban stuck his nose in the air with his lips turned upward in a grin. "Speak for yourself," he teased back playfully. "You may be the King, my dear, but I am the Queen." He tossed back a lock of red hair dramatically as if to prove his point, winking as he did so. "Checkmate."

Caliban continued sipping at his coffee, rolling his eyes lightly at Fax as he went on. "I agree with Cherry. I mean, clearly you haven't heard all of the titles you've earned," he commented, red eyes sparkling as he chuckled behind his coffee. "I'm almost positive you wouldn't adore at least half of them."

He watched as Fax put together a cup of coffee. Leaving one hand to hold his mug, he brought his free hand down to the swell of his stomach. Clearly the coffee was working, despite being decaf, as there was suddenly movement in there. Shifting and fluttering that would progress into kicks later in the afternoon. Not that Caliban truly minded the sensations, comforted by the fact that everything was progressing smoothly.

Shaking his head in disbelief, Caliban eyed the cereal with a raised eyebrow. "I'm convinced you're still eight years old inside," Caliban teased before letting out a small yelp at the sudden smack to his rear. Actually, it was Fax. He should have been expecting it. "Of course it is," he shot back instead, sticking out his tongue. "I don't care how far along I am, I'll still be fine as hell. But thank you." He added the last part with a wink and chuckle of his own.

Glancing back towards Cherry, Caliban couldn't help but give a slight shrug. "Sorry, I know I shouldn't feed into him. But I can't help it, he's awful fun to tease." He chuckled shaking his head as he moved to stand over by Cherry. "King," he playfully scoffed. "More like 'silly little prince'."

Shea watched out of the corner of his eye as Fax made his way over to him, trying to pretend like if he ignored him he'd go away. Of course that never worked when it came to Fax, and sure enough he soon found himself squished between the armrest of the couch and Fax's body. It didn't matter if Shea was bigger than the other omega or not, there was no getting rid of Fax when he wanted attention.

It was often said that opposites attract, and Fax would certainly meet the criteria to be his opposite. At first the other omega's presence did bother him and he would push the other away only to have him bounce right back.

Picking up the coffee bean that had been flicked at him earlier and still sat by his thigh on the cushion, Shea made the effort to pick it up and toss it lightly at the raven beside him. Electric green eyes met with Fax, one of the few people who had managed to get the tall omega to hold a gaze for longer than a second or two. "Go away," he told him, though there was none of the malice in his voice that had been there before when he'd first been brought into the program.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Fax snorted, stuck up his own nose and replied. "Like them or not, I'm sure I've earned them honestly", he had made his way to couch then.

Cherry roles his eyes, smiled at Cali and added his sugar and cinnamon to his otherwise bland breakfast. "It's fine", he said in regards to Cali's semi-apology. "He's rather easy to give into and taking him is fun", he gave the two on the couch a fond smile.

"And I think, maybe, he can get Shea to open up a bit", he took a sip of his juice and rubbed at his own belly. His baby was moving softly, almost sleepy like. Obviously, he or she was a bit lazy.

"Speaking of Princes, the center is throwing a Halloween party before the alpha-omega meet and greet", he moved to grab a folded piece of paper from the fridge where a magnet had held it in place.

"It says that all omegas should dress up in costume", he sighed as he handed the paper over. "They must think it'll make the omega's more relaxed for the upcoming meeting".

Fax snickered as Shea wiggled to the side, then hit him with a small coffee bean, before just coming right out and saying it. He knew the other omega didn't truly mean it, but then, evn ifhe had, Fax wouldn't go.

"No, I like it here", he returned and stuffed a spoon full of lucky charms into his mouth. He glanced at Shea from the corner of his eye and smiled as much as his chewing mouth would allow.

Shea was only slightly taller then Fax himself, was a lot broader, but then it was a look that worked for him, and his blonde hair... Well it looked light spun gold from where the light hit it from the window.

Fax took stock of himself, he was tall, lean, though he had a decent build as well, maybe not a six pack, but he could pass as a runner or swimmer if he wanted. His hair was straight, pitch black, kinda boring really if you thought about it. That was partly why he had put in that single red streak, just to give it a little something.

His face was pretty enough, not really omegaish, but not alpha like either. Just something in between maybe.

He found himself sighing. Cali was gorgeous, his red hair like blood and eyes like rubies. Cherry was delicate looking, pretty with his waist long strawberry blonde hair and pale eyes and skin, and Shea....

Shea was the most unique of them in Fax's opinion. He looked like an alpha, looked better actually, but smelled so sweetly of omega and he seemed so...so cool. Fax figured he started crushing when the blonde omega pushed him aside the first day they met.

And that there was another problem. Omega's weren't suppose to want other Omega's.

Caliban paused for a moment before giving a shrug. "Alright, true enough," he conceded with a shrug of his shoulders. "Just play nice over there with Mr. Executioner, alright, King?" He winked with a chuckle as he shook his head at the two on the couch.

"At least everyone seems to be getting along fine," Caliban agreed, setting down his coffee so he could retrieve the finished cinnamon rolls on the oven and begin glazing them. He had to admit, he had been a little worried he wouldn't be able to get along with the omegas he was housed with. It was one of the reasons he was never with an alpha for very long; not a lot of people could put up with his wish-washy, 'I'll do what I feel like, when I feel like it', personality.

Taking note of Cherry's attention to his own swell, Cali offered a sincere smile. "So, how have you been feeling? Everything is going smoothly so far, yeah? You look good," he reassured, and it wasn't a lie. Cherry was a very pretty omega, sensitive and sweet in the sense that he couldn't help but have an urge to take care of him as soon as he's was the vicinity-- A picture perfect omega for a majority of the alphas out there. Caliban had to physically refrain himself from going up and just coddling the other omega sometimes. Cherry being pregnant, of course, only enhanced those reactions ten fold.

Gently reaching out to take the paper from Cherry, Caliban looked it over curiously. "That's a surprise," he mused, scanning over the event paper. "Not that I'll be complaining. I absolutely adore Halloween!" He paused though, excitement dying down as he glanced over to the two omegas on the couch. Unmated, no children. They were who this party would be for.

Crimson eyes turning towards Cherry, Cali chewed his bottom lip lightly. "Do you think they'll be okay?" He asked in a whisper so that they wouldn't hear, most of the words only forming on his lips and not as actual noise.

Squirming against the armrest, Shea brought his hand out of where it was pinned between his own body and the couch to flip the raven haired omega the finger. Of course he hadn't expected Fax to move, it wasn't like this was the first morning he'd been almost suffocated.

Fax Price. In the living room. With the couch.

For a moment Shea watched Fax at his side, feeling the other's grey-blue eyes on him from the corner of his eyes while he ate his cereal. Fax certainly was an interesting character, different from omegas like he was, though maybe not quite to Shea's degree. There had been a number of times that he'd been mistaken as an alpha in his life, and perhaps that was why he'd been able to avoid the system until recently.

In any case, if there was anyone that Shea could feel at least a little comfortable with; it was Fax. Even if he could be a little shit some times.

Watching as the raven haired omega went to take one of his last bites of the cereal, Shea brought his elbow up dramatically as if going to stifle a yawn. Though there was no yawn, and his shoulder knocked purposefully into the arm Fax was using to hold the spoon, causing him to miss his mouth completely. That brought a snicker out of the blonde, shoulders shaking with the effort to stifle it.

"Oh, did I do that? I guess I needed more room."

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


"Oh, everything's great", Cherry answered with a wide smile. "I've been feeling really good and this baby is an absolute angle already", he rubbed his belly again fondly. "The doctor said I was healthy enough, though she still insist that a c-cection is the best course, less strain on my heart and all", he frowned a little then.

He'd always had somewhat poor health, though he didn't let it bother him, but now, he was being forced to make a big decision. "I always thought I'd give birth naturally, but I suppose that if it's okay for the baby, then I might just have the surgery".

He picked at a cinnamon bun, sucking the glaze from his finger. " And you? How is your bundle of energy treating you?"

He glanced over at Shea and Fax and sighed. "I think they'll be okay... But there are those alpha's out there with fetishes, and well I'm afraid they'll attract the weirdos and...", he trailer off and then smiled. "We'll have to just keep an eye on them".

As the elbow met his hand, both the spoon and ceral went flying and Fax squeeked in surprise.

"No! My marshmallows! I always save them for last and now they're gone!" He was aware he was being just a bit dramatic, but hearing the tease in Shea's voice, the rare snicker he tried to hide. Well Fax wanted to prolong it, or at least make it happen more often.

"Meanie. But oh well, no use crying over wasted charms", he stood, grabbing his bowl smirking at Shea. "I now have room for more then just one cinnamon bun, so, sucks to be you, cause I'm eating yours too", he stuck out his tongue and moved quickly to the pan of gooey goodness.

However, Fax misjudged just how hot they still were and he helped as the heat singed his fingers and he lost his hold.

There was a sticky smacking sound as the pastry hit the floor and Fax gazed down mournfully, a long twisting his lips when finally looked up.

"I dropped my Cinna roll", he said disappointment and embarrassment in his tone and Cherry giggled.

It turned into a laugh when Fax gaped at Shea who had somehow, sometime snatxhed the remaining pastry.

"No fair! I dropped mine and, and... Give me the Cinna bun, Shea or I'll... I'll do something drastic", he declared as he punched at the blonde.

Standing back from his finished cinnamon buns, Caliban listened to Cherry with a smile, licking off the glaze that had gotten on his fingers. Ruby eyes gleamed as he nodded along to Cherry talking about the baby. He himself was was excited to be a parent, it was the fact that he would be doing it on his own that was a little unnerving. Of course, he wasn't exactly alone, and the thought of having the three omegas around was a comforting one.

Caliban chuckled as he stretched, shaking is head. "I'm jealous. Come around noon my little angel transforms into a UFC champion-in-training, I swear." Frowning slightly he looked at Cherry with his eyebrows furrowed at the last bit of news. "Really?" He asked, disappointed for the omega though he did his best not to show it.

"I'm sorry," he added, grimacing. "I mean, I'm glad everything has been going well so far, and we should be thankful for that in general, but still..." He shuddered at the thought. Reaching for his coffee to take a long swig of the dark liquid. "That must be scary. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, Cherry," he added, reaching out to place a comforting hand on the strawberry-blond's shoulder. "It'll all work out. Before you know it you'll be waking up to your adorable little angel's cries at two in the morning and start crying yourself." He chuckled at his own joke, falling back on humor when things got too serious or upsetting for him or anyone else in the room.

"Good, huh?" Cali asked from behind his coffee mug, watching Cherry pick at one of the warm buns. "I can't complain, I suppose. Worst thing for me is getting up this bloody early," he groaned, looking at the clock to see that it wasn't even nine-thirty yet. "Practice I guess, for the months to come."

Caliban looked over towards the two on the couch, nodding at Cherry's words. It wasn't that long ago that he'd accidentally walked into Shea's room without knocking, catching the young omega getting dressed. It was the first time he'd seen the blond shirtless and without his studded cuffs and in the split second it took for Shea to turn away and finish up he saw the marks around his wrists. Scars from what he could only guess were handcuffs or rope. Either way the omega had been bound at one point, and it was those kind of weirdos that would be looking for him again. Fax was hardly any different. Their oddness, their differences, drew in an eerie type of alpha that Caliban shuddered to think about.

"We'll watch them closely," Caliban agreed.

Shea had continued chuckling for a good minute, watching Fax move off the couch as he complained about the marshmallows in the cereal he'd lost.

Now, Shea was not usually one to accept things from others. It didn't matter if it was an alpha or an omega; if they were offering something, in Shea's mind, they were looking for something. However, after being in the same living quarters with the three omegas around him and watching them diligently try to involve him without asking for anything in return... It might have started to change his mind. If only slightly.

Caliban was the worst at it. Coffee, food, it didn't matter what it was, if Caliban had something to share he was offering it to everyone. Even Shea who tried his best to ignore the fiery redhead was sometimes bothered and poked until he was forced to give in and accept. Like this morning, with the cinnamon bun that was currently at risk of being stolen by Fax.

It didn't really matter, and it wasn't so much that he actually wanted the cinnamon bun that made him get up and grab it before Fax noticed, it was just the simple fact that he knew Fax wanted it. It only made it better that it was now the only cinnamon bun left as the two still on pan were Caliban's, who had made them, and Cherry's, who had stuck his finger in the glaze of his already.

Despite being as large as he was, Shea was surprisingly silent as he moved as well as quick, and Fax never even noticed until the sticky bun was already in Shea's hand and Cherry started laughing at Fax's loss.

He chuckled at the punch in his direction, actually enjoying himself as he took the moment to interact with the others, green eyes watching Fax with an obvious gleam of mischief. "Is this what you want?" Shea asked, his tone teasing but playful. He wiggled the cinnamon bun in his hand, practically dangling it in front of Fax, before bringing it to his lips. "I don't believe you're capable of anything drastic. But I might be." His tongue slipped between his teeth to drag across the top of the cinnamon bun, the stud in his tongue carving a canal over the glaze. "It's really good," he taunted, lips curled upward in a smile. "You dunno what you're missing."

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


(I just wanna clarify something... And I only just realized it, but when Fax said he was gonna do something drastic, he was suppose to pounce, not punch. Good gravey, spell check is an ass, and Fax, well that certainly was drastic. Goodness I'm sorry I didn't read that earlier, poor Shea 8(... Getting punched over a cinnamon roll X_X, but kudos for dodging and being a good sport ?)

"Yes, well I suppose maybe if I did do natural, then I'd be wishing for the c-cection. But either way, as long as my baby is okay, and if I get to hold them, then I'll be happy", he gave the red head a reassuring smile, as he could tell that Cali felt for him.

He picked another piece off and popped it into his mouth, nodding as he chewed. "It's delicious. And I suppose I've always been an early riser myself, but if I have to get up at two and three clock in the morning", he shook his head. "We'll just have to adapt, won't we?"

He followed Cali's glance and sighed softly. "I know they can take care of themselves, or at least the claim too, but I worry for them regardless", he spoke softly, so only he and Cali could hear.

"When Fax came and I was told to mentor him, they told me that he had been hiding himself on the streets. He managed to pass himself off as an alpha until a seeker found out what he really was... He still tries to hide himself because he's afraid, and I know he has every reason to be, just like Shea", he swallowed the lump in his throat.

"The looks he gets sometimes when he's just sitting quietly. It's like he's trying to escape in the only way he knows", Cherry sighed and wiped at his eyes.

"Sorry, the hormones make me more emotional. And, I just want them safe and happy. They're family, like you Cali. I don't what I'd do without any of you..." He trailed off and rubbed at his belly again, biting his lip and looking at the floor.

Fax watched, both shocked and delighted at the display. Shea had dodged his playful punch easily and actually that made Fax wonder, but for now he focuses on the blonde whonwas currently licking at the pastry Fax had tried to claim, as he taunted him, albeit playfully.

Fax bit his lip at the display, his attention momentarily captured by the glance of silver in Shea's pink tongue.

"I...I...I'll do something later", he finally said, slightly defeated, somewhat distracted, and if his heart rate was anything to go by, kinda turned on.

(Sorry, I'm a slow tonight, well slower. I had a good laugh at my goofup and then had all the feels, because Shea! And well, sorry for the delay and that its short as well)

Caliban chuckled at that, pleased to see that at Cherry was at least looking at the positives. "That's true," he offered the strawberry-blond a reassuring smile. "Besides, if you need any help after the surgery you know we'll be here for you to help with anything." Honestly, Caliban felt reassured at Cherry's words. Having developed a connection to the omegas he was sharing quarters with, he wouldn't want to see anything happen to any of them. "You'll make a great parent, Cherry," Caliban told him earnestly.

Seeming to preen with pride at that, Caliban reached over to take a piece for himself, pausing for a moment before dipping the cinnamon bun into his coffee with a shrug as he stuck it in his mouth. "It's not bad," he agreed after chewing and swallowing. Sighing, Caliban looked down at the rest of his cinnamon bun. "Though now that I think about it, coffee cake probably would have been better. Ah well, maybe tomorrow." He shrugged again as he ripped off another piece of the bun, dipping it in his coffee once again before eating it.

A grimace appeared on his lips at Cherry's words, shaking his head quickly. "Not me. I am not a morning person," he admitted. "Usually I need at least three cups of coffee before I'm functioning, unfortunately my schedule seems to be changing already indeed." Caliban scoffed lightly with a chuckle. "Right, with my luck I'll get used to it as soon as the kid starts sleeping on a normal schedule."

As he looked over towards Fax and Shea, he was pleased he see the two of them getting along. Caliban himself had a difficult time with Shea, which was odd because usually Caliban could get along with anyone if he tried. Shea however, would not have it. Even when he did participate in conversations with the Caliban, the omega was always looking over his head, off to the side, or at the floor. He never met Caliban's eyes. At least he seemed to be able to relax around Fax, and Caliban was happy for even that small amount of progress.

"They claim they can take care of themselves, and against the typical alpha I'd agree with them." Caliban shook his head though, drinking from his mug that now had a hint of cinnamon and sugar flavor. "But they don't attract typical alphas, they intimidate them."

They spoke quietly among themselves so the two younger omegas wouldn't overhear, nodding as he listened to Cherry's introduction to Fax. "It was the same for Shea, I think. It was hard to mentor him when he wouldn't even look me in the eye." He raised his eyebrows at the back of Shea's head with a quiet sigh. "Still won't. It's strange, but I guess he was in hiding too. All I know is that his previous alpha spent a lot of money to find him and then left him here. It doesn't really make sense to me." He shrugged. "He seems to be warming up a little bit now, thanks to Fax."

Moving closer to Cherry, Caliban wrapped an arm around his back to rub soothing little circles across it. "It's alright, Cherry," he tried to reassure the hormonal omega. "They've got us now. We'll take care of our cute little tigers. We all take care of each other, that's what families do." They were close enough to be like a family, and like every family they could have their differences and rough spots, but they would always be there to catch each other in the end.

Shea watched Fax's reaction with a cocky smirk, knowing he'd won. Part of him couldn't help himself, it had been far too long since he'd allowed himself to just relax and be himself. Of course, outside the walls of their quarters was a whole different world, but he felt comfortable here with the people he was with. Even if the piercing red gaze of Caliban sent shivers across his skin, even if he knew that gaze didn't belong to him, it was all he could think of when they turned his way. Shea tried his best to ignore it, but at the same time knew he was building a wall between himself and the redheaded omega who was currently chuckling at Fax's defeat.

He held the cinnamon bun out to Fax, just out of reach, waving it in his hand slightly as he clicked the metal in his tongue against his teeth-- Having caught the grey-blue eyes dart in the direction of his tongue. "You sure you don't want it?" He coaxed, bringing the bun up to nibble on one side before holding it in front of the raven again. "Ginger did a really good job."

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Cherry leaned into Clai's side and sighed softly. "I know I can count on you guys, and thanks for everything else. I'm really don't know what I would've done without your support", he slipped an arm around Cali's waist and gave him a squeeze before pulling away to finish his own bun while it was still warm.

He listened to Cali talk and nodded along. "They do and I think that's why they attract the weird ones, the ones who have that urge to just hurt and break anyone they think is a challenge. But like wise, we'll be there and the center does have that policy about not roughing around with omegas on grounds, and as long as well keep them out of sight, we'll make sure they don't leave the ground either".

As he listened to Cali's story about Shea and about how he too could see that he seemed more at ease around Fax, he found himself even more glad of Fax's own eccentricities.

Though, really seeing the look on the raven haired omegas face made him giggle.

Fax crossed his arms across his chest as he watched Shea lift the Cinna roll above his head, then taunt him about how good it was. As much as it lightened Fax's heart to see the blonde being open, he really, really did want to taste that cinnamon roll and Shea's lips, which he found his gaze lingering on... Well those lips and the tongue ring.

"I'm good...I mean it's probably cold anyway", he replied as snootily as possible as he stuck out his own tongue again. He looked at the glaze shined lips and sighed, shoulders slumping. "You're such a tease, Shea-Shea, and here I thought you like me", he sighed heavily and turned to walk behind Shea, as if going back to his room.

He stopped though, glanced over Shea's shoulder at Cali and Cherry and smirked as he leaned in, his mouth coming to Shea's ear when he tip-toed. "Watch your back Blondie, I don't take teasing lightly", he whispered then placed a quick kiss on the blondes cheek and taking his moment of stunned silence, grabbed the bun and smirked.

"Now of you'll all excuse me. I have a costume to be ready, and a delicious Cinna bun to eat. Ciao for now, my pretty b*tches", he laughed and hurried into his room, just in case there was to be any retaliation.

Shooting Cherry a grin, he returned the light squeeze before releasing the strawberry-blond so that he could return to the cinnamon bun. "Don't feel alone in that," Cali told him with a rare sincerity in his voice. "I think we all feel that way. We're here for each other, whatever it is. Even the other two, though I doubt they'd admit it." He shook his head with a chuckle at the mention of the two other omegas playfully teasing each other. It was an odd thing to see, Caliban wasn't going to deny that. If they weren't both omegas he'd say the two of them made a perfect pair, albeit a bit odd, but still cute.

It was a scary thought; the kind of alphas that were out there, and the kind that were drawn to the two they were speaking of. They looked strong and imposing, someone who could stop you with a simple glance. It was that part of them the crazy alphas wanted to possess, wanted to control, wanted to break. Caliban shivered. "Still, I'll be keeping an eye on them during this Halloween event. Halloween seems to drain the sanity from people as it is," he sighed. "I know the rules, but I also rules can and will be broken. I myself break the rules quite often, throw a little fit and they don't want a big issue so they do whatever it takes to solve the issue and move on. If something happened to them...I have no doubt the center would cover their own ass and save the face of their business before worrying about any of us."

The smile returned to Cali's face as their gaze moved to the two omegas in question, letting out a light chuckle. "They really do bring out the best in each other...or maybe the worst. I can't tell yet."

Shea was very obviously proud of himself, standing to his full height as he peered down at the slightly shorter raven. Now Shea wasn't a complete fool when it came to flirting and romance, he'd dabbled a bit in his fair share of flirting before he came along and took Shea's ability to trust anyone.

Still, he recognized the look in Fax's face and he caught the grey blue eyes lingering around his lips that unintentionally curved upwards into a smile. It was strange, but for some reason he wasn't uncomfortable with Fax's teasing. Perhaps it was the simple fact that Fax just wasn't an alpha, but he also couldn't help but feel there was more to it than that. He just couldn't explain it yet.

Shea laughed again as it seemed that Fax had given up on his attempt to swipe the cinnamon bun. Part of him was a little disappointed that their game was over so soon, but of course they lived together and there was plenty of opportunity to get him again later. Taking another bite of the cinnamon bun, Shea answered coolly, "Mmm, nah. It's still nice and warm." Deliberately he ran his tongue across his lips, sure to overextend while running along his bottom lip to expose the silver stud again.

He was still priding himself for a job well done as Fax moved to go past him and to his room, electric green eyes widening slightly at the hot breath that was suddenly against the shell of his ear. Whatever he'd been expecting, it certainly had not been that. Fax's words sending light shivers down his spine as he was stunned into silence for a moment. He went slack as he tried to process the sudden shift in lead, warmth on his cheek lingering even after Fax's lips disappeared, no longer believing he held the upper hand in this game.

It even took him a moment to realize his hand was much lighter, and as he blinked and tried to shake himself free of surprise. Noticing his cinnamon bun was no longer in his hand, he spun on his heels in time to see Fax hurrying off with his pastry. "Oh it's on!" he called after him, crossing his arms over his chest like a child. "That was underhanded and dirty. Two can play at that game! You just watch!"

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


"Oh I don't", Cherry assured with a grin. "I for a fact that if it was possible, we'd all be the delivery rooms, and basically everywhere possible. I'm just grateful, as I should be", he finished off his pastry and took the plate to the sink.

"They're adorable, aren't they?" He questioned as moved to clear the table as well. Watching Fax and Shea, he felt another surge of protective instinct.

"Halloween does at that. And it's also a full moon tonight, so I'm sure all the crazies will be writing", he sighed and bit his lip again then shook his head. "And your right about the center to. They are likely to turn head and pretend nothing happened. I always liked to think they had our best interest in mind, but I suppose it's more a money thing for them"

Cherry shook his head again and decided to change the subject a bit. "Have you thought of a costume yet?"

Fax cackled at Shea's shout, part of him tickled by blonde thinking he'd ever pull one over on him, and other part... To hear Shea speak to him in such a playful manner, knowing he himself was the cause, well Fax felt happy for that alone. He felt like he was actually making g a difference. Now all he had to do was make sure Shea enjoyed himself tonight and that he didn't attract any unwanted attention.

Caliban let out a laugh at that, running a hand through his fiery red hair to push his hangs back away from his eyes. "I'd be there for you if you wanted," he agreed, "However, I'm sure that's a side of me you'll never want to see." He winked a ruby eye at Cherry with a toothy grin. "I don't have a very high pain tolerance." Waving Cherry away from the sink, not allowing the strawberry-blond to do anymore than drop his dishes into the sink. "Go relax or something," he ordered with a light shove to Cherry's shoulder. "I made the dishes, I'll clean them."

Turning to glance back towards the two omegas, Caliban could only nod his head with a knowing smile. "They are," he agreed, already feeling like a parent around Shea and Fax. A light laugh escaped him as he shook his head. "It's a little silly to think about isn't it?" He asked Cherry, voice carrying a light tone of humor. "Us trying to protect them? At a glance one would assume it would be the other way around."

Caliban chewed his bottom lip lightly, hand tussling his own hair in slight agitation. Or maybe it was just the hormones that were throwing all his emotions off balance, either way he was slightly uneasy about the party. A light scoff escaped him. "Of course it would be a full moon on top of everything else." He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose lightly. "The center doesn't bother me so much. It's a job to them, and even if it's wrong it's not like they're doing it out of malice. As long as Fax and Shea make it through the night without issue, it will be a good night."

"I think so," Caliban answered, grateful for the change of subject though the idea remained in the back of his mind. He offered a smile and a simple shrug of his shoulders, watching as Shea returned to the couch after Fax disappeared off to his room. "Call me classic, but I'm dressing as a vampire. I did my own outfit though, so at least it will be original."

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


"But I dirtied my own dishes, I should at least wash them", Cherry tried to protest, but he knew it was futile and sat down in one of the chairs and sipped at some more juice.

He laughed at the red heads words. "You forget, I've walked in on you changing a number of times. I don't mind that part...but seeing you in pain and not being able to do anything. That would be the hard part", he said before reaching up to stifle a yawn behind his hand.

Maybe he wasn't so much a morning person these days anymore.

He smiled as Cali laughed. "I was thinking the same thing. We are a bit more...delicate?...looking then they are. But that all just proves that appearances are deceiving".

Of course, the laughter seemed to go as fast at it came and the red head was running a hand through his hair in agitation. Cherry knew it was part worry for their younger roommates. He listened as Cali voiced his concerns, nodding as he agreed.

Then when the redhead stated speaking of his costume, Cherry grinned. "I think a vampire would suit you well. Especially with your beautiful red hair and eyes. I can't wait to see it. Me, well I'm still not completely sure, but I have some that spray in color in silver, so I may use that", he laughed again and shook his head as he stood. "Your guess as to what'll it be is actually as good as mine. I usually do last minute changes in these things. Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'm gonna go shower and take a nap, though maybe reverse that order".

He yawned again and started to walk back to his room, stopping to ruffle Shea's hair as he passed.

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