C No Going Home (chrome)


Name: Lars Kittering
Age: 24
Status: Omega
Job: Runner
Info: Lars joined the rebellion the moment he'd turned eighteen, mostly to get out of being given away to an alpha. He stood neutral on the conflicting subject matter of alphas mating to omegas upon reaching eighteen at first, but when he'd been matched up himself a year before that big date, he made a decision to slip away from his home life and make a new one with the rebellion despite the laments of his parents. He's been with his small rebel group ever since, and he serves as a runner for information between the plethora of omega rebel groups in the war-torn city. It's a good thing he can run fast otherwise he probably would've been taken into custody by now. There have been far too many close encounters with the noble and authority alphas, but Lars has managed to outrun them all. He doesn't see himself as an interesting guy. He enjoys small talk but is kind of awkward at trying to hold a conversation well. He has heterochromia which played a big role in his parents urging him to be mated away. They'd get a nice hefty sum and Lars would get... an alpha. Not ideal, hence his abandonment of his home.


Name: Gunner Targes
Age: 25
Status: Alpha
Job: Enforcer
Info: Gunner never really cared for omegas in the first place. They're needy, whiny, and now they think they're good enough to start their own revolution? It's pathetic in his eyes, and that's one of the reasons he joined the city Enforcer Squad three years prior. In the midst of a rather bad crippling part of the revolution, Gunner decided he might as well get involved instead of sitting around on his ass being an onlooker. He was trained in six months and before he knew it, he was out on the streets, rounding up law violating omegas with no mercy. He's never thought of having his own omega before on a serious level, but the idea has crossed his mind briefly. Nowadays, though, he's too busy herding the little buggers up as they try to fight for more freedom and rights. Sometimes he thinks he should feel remorse but when he's just following orders from his superiors, that's all he's doing - following orders. Gunner has a bit of a mouth on him and he's a snappy spit-fire who doesn't joke around. It's easy to set him off, so... be wary.

(Pics are for reference, they don't belong to me~)

Name: Seven Merlot
Age: 22
Status: Omega
Job: Informant
Info: Seven was always a bit smarter than he should have been, trying to keep one step ahead of everyone else, having every possibility and outcome planned out before he takes action on anything. Thankfully it was this very talent of his that made it possible for him to dodge being mated off to an alpha at eighteen. He'd caught the signs, knew his parents were desperate to gain something from him being paired off as he had been their only child, much to his mother's disappointment. On the streets his smarts was what kept him alive, and what drew the attention of a group of rebel omegas. They use his skills to gather intelligence that can then be passed to runners who would then pass the information on the other nearby rebel groups. Seven can sometimes have a bad habit of being a pessimist, knowing the odds of something bad happening and not being afraid to pass on that information either, regardless of how frightening or gruesome the information may be. The fact that Seven doesn't fear alphas, and has in fact fought and won against more than a few underground alphas going after rouge omegas, has sort of served as a source of hope to his rebellion group.

Name: Cassius Bolton
Age: 26
Status: Alpha
Job: Enforcer
Info: Cassius spent most of his childhood at the bottom of the food chain, often fighting against his siblings for food, toys, just about everything and everything. Of course years of scrapping built Cassius into an intimidating alpha. Nothing but lean muscle and a mean personality to go with it. It's not that Cassius hates omegas, or even that he's disgusted by them, he simply knows that he's better than them. Knows they belong at his feet doing whatever he pleased. Of course, the chance to have an omega of his own dwindled with the population of omegas. It was unlikely that anyone in the middle to low class would be mated off, omegas being sold for high prices to alphas that needed to pass on family names and businesses. Cassius was not one of those alphas. So he took to the job of an enforcer, keeping the omegas where they belonged and not hesitating to have a little fun while doing so. Cassius has a cruel personality with a lack of sympathy and morals that made him dangerous to come across.

(I do not own the photos, they are being used as reference images only. c:  )

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Lars had recently returned from a run between groups, his own and the one that resided on the far far east side of town. He hated going to the east side, that part of the city was so run down that it was hard to traverse and easy to get caught. It wasn't as if omegas weren't allowed on the streets, but nowadays most were too frightened to go out to begin with. You could only be arrested if you were caught violating curfew or any law, really, but the Enforcers seemed to be cracking down on the curfews as of late. The trick to being a runner wasn't running, necessarily; it all boiled down to being able to blend in with the environment. Running past a group of on duty Enforcers was a stupid idea because they'd usually always think something was up, especially if the one running was an omega, so Lars had to keep his calm and just make due with what he had - himself, a small knife as a weapon, and important notes that would turn things deadly for a number of individuals if they ever got into the hands of the noble alphas. This last run had happened without any problems but that wasn't always the case, and Lars was lucky he'd gotten out unscathed because he'd returned from runs numerous times limping or scraped up. Those times definitely weren't what he'd signed up for when he'd insisted on being a runner.

His work might not be done for today yet, but he had a break for awhile, at least until he was handed more information with instructions to run it here or run it there. Some days Lars thought that maybe he'd chosen the wrong job within the rebellion to work as. He thinks he might be better as a mole - not to mention that sounded like a pretty badass job - but that was saved for the top ranking tiered omegas in the groups of rebels and Lars was far from that. In fact, the running position was near the bottom. It was dirty work that had to be done and someone had to do it. Lars had to remind himself every passing day that running was better than having been mated off those six years ago. As much as he hated to see it, the omega population was slowly but surely diminishing in numbers. Maybe the alphas would eventually take notice and make changes for them instead of continuing in the direction they were headed in. It wasn't going to be good for either sides.

Back at the rebel base, Lars found his small favorite hideaway and rested for a moment, getting everything on him ready again as he presumed it wouldn't be long before he was given another note and instructions to deliver the message to another group somewhere in the city. At least the good thing was that he got exercise out of this, right? Right.


Gunner had finished writing a citation to an elderly omega upon crossing a road the wrong way. He didn't feel bad about it, the omegas had to learn, even the older ones, so when he was finished he made sure that the woman had hobbled her way back to the sidewalk carefully, his gaze lingering on her before he turned into a speck in the distance. He'd about written so many citations that day that his little notepad was going to need to be replaced soon. Maybe he wasn't looking close enough or maybe the lesser status was simply being as dumb as they normally were, but he'd yet to write up one alphas today, or the previous day, or the previous week, truthfully. Every single person he'd given a citation to had been omega and occasionally he wondered if he was being too harsh on them. It wasn't like he really cared as he was praised for his work by his superiors, but it did feel a tad odd at times that omegas were only ever the ones he wrote up. Gunner liked to believe it just reinforced the idea that the omegas seriously needed to be on a leash as they clearly had no clue what they were doing.

Turning away from the woman, Gunner headed back towards his crew. The Enforcer Squad was a whole army of alphas but they were split into crews and spread across the city, given specific areas of the city to patrol each day. Gunner had gotten used to the way the system worked now so much so that he didn't question it. There was nothing to question, he knew what his job was and that's all he had to do to get through the day. Nothing to it.

Trudging to meet back with the others, Gunner paused before them and shifted the gun slung across his back a little straighter. "They can't get anything right," he scoffed distastefully. He rubbed at his temples and stepped back into line where his place was with the crew, listening to the others chat among themselves while he scoured the area for anymore omegas in need of a citation.

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