C Neighbors w/ tjopj44

A few months passed, with Cass almost eight and a half months along. He discovered that he was actually due the same time Will was, and was excited to meet his daughter and see Will's boys. Now, he was putting some finishing touches on the nursrry, the walls a soft lavender color with wooden furniture. "Come in," he called at the knock on the door, knowing it was Will.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Will entered in Cass's house. He had just came back from a day at work on his school, which, fortunatelly, was perfect. The only problem now was the fact that he was almost nine months pregnant with twins, which meant he was as huge as a pregnant guy could be. He waddled into his friend's house and said "Hello, buddy" as he walked to Cass and rubbed his friend's belly.

"Hey," Cass replied softly, relaxing slightly at the hand on his belly. Will's touch was always so gentle, knowing that he would be an amazing father. "Are you on family leave yet? I got off today, should be off until Maria's about four months old."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Yeah, i guess i should go on family leave to, but i'm in a very important topic on classes, so i guess i'll wait a bit more. Although, my little Fred and George are very excited to meet the world out there. Here, feel how they are kicking today" Will said, placing Cass's hand on his swollen middle "Have you decided something for the birth?" he asked

Cass smiled at the small patters against his palm, taking them in for a few moments. "Well, do you want to go to a hospital or have them here? My doctor said it'd be okay if I had Maria at home since she's healthy."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Yeah, that's why i came here tonight" Will said with a smile "My doctor said i could give birth at home too, and i would like you to be there with me when time comes, you know? I mean, unless you are giving birth too, then... If you wanted, we could have them together, wouldn't it be nice?" he asked, excited

"Yeah, it would be. I'll be there when you have your boys, I promise. As long as you're there when I have Maria," Cass smiled, idly rubbing his belly, smiling at a little kick to his palm. "She settled head-down, so she might get here a little sooner than expected."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"It would be my pleasure" Will replied with a smile "My little ones are in position to come too. They are so heaby right now i can barely stand up" he shared it with his friend. He rubbed his belly, that was no more round like before, but had become oval. Will knew it meant he was just a few days from labor

"Yeah. Maria definitely is gonna be here soon," Cass grinned, excited that he'd have his baby soon. "Do you have everything ready for the boys? Everything's ready for Maria, I probably just need some more clothes."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"i have everything prepared for my boys right now. I guess it's that time where we can only wait" Will said, rubbing his belly and frowning when he felt a,little pain on the lower part of his belly. He was used to this kind of contractions, he knew they were Braxton Hics, very different from the real labor contraction.

(Do you want them to give birth together or would you prefer one to be coaching the other?)

Cass nodded, rubbing his own belly as his daughter shifted slightly. "Yeah. Hopefully it's soon," he smiled reassuringly.


✨don't look at my sin✨

(do you want it to happen now or do you prefer them to have some fun nights?)

"Well, since we are both ready, why don't we spend a night together? We could sleep in my house, watch some movies, eat popcorn. What do you say?

((now would probably be best))

"That'd be awesome. Let me finish in here, then I'll head over," Cass replied, finishing painting the room and packing a bag.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Sure, and while that I'll make some popcorn" Will said and went to his house. While doing the popcorn, he once again felt a contraction. They were getting more frequent now, so he guessed his twins would be coming soon.

Cass felt a contraction while he was packing, but didn't worry about it. His baby was due any day now, and wouldn't be panicked if she came tonight or tomorrow. He soon came over to Will's place, rubbing his belly to relieve some tightness.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Good evening, Cass" Will said as he opened the door for his neighbor. He grabbed the popcorn, that was still hot, and asked "So, what movie do you want to watch?" Right in that moment, though, he felt a strong contraction, which made his huge orb-like belly hard as a rock. He moaned in pain and then felt water running down his leg "My.. My water just broke" he said, surprised

Cass walked into the home, setting his bag aside as Will had his contraction. His eyes widened when Will said his water broke, chuckling weakly. "Good thing you took off work, huh?"

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Yeah, indeed" Will replied, breathing heavily and chuckling too "damn, this is happening so fast. What do I do now? He asked, trying to keep himself calm

"Depends on how you wanna give birth, I guess. If you ant to have them in bed, move to the bed, in water, fill the bath tub." Cass listed off, shrugging as he felt his own belly harden slightly.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"I'd rather do it on the bed" Will said "Will you stay with me?" He asked as he went to the bedroom and lied on the bed, breathing through the contraction

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