The Soldier and The Governor ((With bhdire8 and Lovebite))
Victor sat at the table, he had come with his father to have dinner for the second time with his betrothed, though it had been almost half a year since they had officially met. It had been the same amount of time since they had consummated their relationship as well and it showed, not on his face but his body. Six months showed with the roundness of his middle as it grew, from the looks of it and what the doctor says, it's twins. The thirty year old could tell just by the way the weight of his stomach had shifted downwards to settle in his hips and back already.

It was pure hell, having dinner this time around, everyone looked at him as if he would explode any moment, which he felt like he would but of course he wouldn't say anything about it. Though he didn't stop himself from squirming around every few moments with the dull conversation, his cock stirred to life and he wasn't sure if he had to piss or fap. Maybe both, he pondered and fiddled with the belt of his uniform, this formal dinner would kill him if it went on too long. Which it was already doing, they had been here an hour already and the governor or his son, who was also the father of his children hadn't shown up. He halfway thought that they had stood him and his father up.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Caesar and his father were announced and they walked in, dramatic as ever, to the dining hall, fashionably late. They were recognized as the highest authority in this part of the country, and the fact that Caesar had married Victor, a high rank military, was cementing their position in the city. Everybody needed to stand up to greet them, including Victor who had become quite clumsy with the belly.

To hold the facade as a caring husband, Caesar approached Victor, pretending to greet his husband with enthusiasm. "Oh Victor babe, you shouldn't have stood up. You are carrying much too precious cargo now, please, sit." He had frowned when he saw the belt that was wounding so tight over Victor's waist. "Love, didn't I tell you not to wear these tight and uncomfortable uniform? You are disobeying my orders again arent you?" His voice had dropped and was started to sound dangerous.
Victor came up to his feet as gracefully as he could, which actually was more clumsy than the former even with all of the proper training to become a soldier as he had. The older man tried not to frown at the sight of the younger,"I'd rather not."He replied as politely as he could, the uniform was one his birth father had given him before he went off to train in the country. It fit him when he was a chubby twenty year old and it was good enough to wear for this occasion with how big he had gotten,"I forgot, my apologies."He forced a thin smile, embracing his husband and then pulling away just as swiftly,"We haven't ordered yet."He mentioned, taking a slow seat in his chair again, holding the arm of the chair and the table as he lowered himself.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Caesar knew full well that under the full uniform, Victor must be cramped and uncomfortable, not to mention the hour of wait wouldn't do his back or hip any good. He, however, was seriously displeased with the obvious disregard of his orders. Pretending to be an affectionate father, he caressed on the dome of belly and slid his hand to the underbelly, putting some pressure on it and asked in a sickeningly sweet voice. "How's our children doing today? Did they bring you a lot of trouble?"
Victor shifted uncomfortably with a small frown as his belly was pressed against, the twins moved slightly as well when their father's hand made it's appearance against his middle. "They're fine."He grunted out, scratching his beard and moving to place his hand on the younger man's wrist in attempt to stop him from applying any more pressure,"No more trouble than usual."He said gruffly and cleared his throat, glancing up at his father slightly who was to deep into a conversation to even notice his son's discomfort.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"Oh is that so. That put my mind at ease." Caesar said, straightening back up and release his hand, but not before nudging down to Victor's private parts to test for the condition of his penis. He was aware that pregnancy hormones would have given the bearer a constant hard on, but with how ocmposed Vcitor was, he hand't believed it to be possible. However the hardness under his palm confirmed the theory to be quite true.
Victor began to let Caesar's arm go until his hand moved lower, he shifted slightly and looked at his father for help, though. The little man who surprised him for actually being able to get inside of his pants and even impregnating him, tortured him by palming his hard on. He squirmed, tilting his head back some and grimacing as he squeezed his wrist,"Caesar."He looked at him briefly, Please."He urged him, his hips shifting forwards only somewhat before he pulled away as much he could.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"Oh you had been so much more sensitive now than before. You were like a dead fish on bed on our first night. Now I am sure you would jump like a living fish." Caesar spit out harsh words to Victor. Even though they were a couple, they barely spent anytime together. Although Caesar wouldn't say he didn't feel for Victor at all, he wasn't allowed the chance to know him better. This added to how Victor deliberately ignored his words, made this young man who was born to ordering people around quite annoyed. He wasn't aiming at embarrassing his betrothed so he slowly took away his hands. "Do try to remember my words next time." He said that and proceeded to his own seat. Some gossipy women of high social ranking was already commenting on how lovely a husband he was, and rendered a cold sneer from his face that no one could see.
Oh, how much he wanted to curse at the little boy-man for talking to him like he was some peasant when it was his family's money that was supporting him and his father now. "Maybe I will if you try and spend more time around me."He replied briskly, pulling himself up to the table slightly, having to sit at an angle because of his stomach as he rubbed it slowly to smooth down his suit jacket.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"Is that some whining I hear, wanting affection and being spoiled? If you craved for my attention, you could just say it out loud." He looked at the protruding belly announcing to the world that the soldier here was his property and felt so proud. "I have heard pregnancies soften people. Can't believe this is also applicable to our general here who was famous for being cool and unrelenting." He touched his face as if showing affection.
Victor frowned at Caesar as he gripped the arm of the chair now, sitting forwards slightly to reply,"No, if you were to spend more time with me, maybe I would show you even an ounce of respect."He looked him down then sat back again with a hand resting on the curve of his middle as he shifted his hips some,"Soften people towards their children, you mean. The tale says nothing about how the mother reacts to the father."He grimaced when he realized the wording he had used, turning his face away from the others grasp and huffing as he rose his free hand for the waitress to come and take their order.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"Hmm mother you said? Definitely softening. A suiting word, may I point out. Look how you got the motherly glow now. I always suspect they created that term to let the mothers thought nice about how tired and ugly they looked while pregnant. On you, however, that word seemed to really hold some meaning. You did have a bit of.... added beauty maybe?" Caesar smirked as he ordered quickly, not missing a beat.
"I meant, in general."He scoffed, looking away as the other spoke and simply glancing over the menu in his hands, ordering something heavy that he might bring home as leftovers. Which might not be the case, he would end up eating it in the middle of the night or even during the car ride home. "I can only hope that the children don't turn out to be anything like you."He sighed beneath his breath, reaching for his glass to take a sip of juice, while his other hand adjusted the belt around his belly more. Sure that if he ate that the buckle would surely collapse with the added pressure, he frowned some.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Caesar noticed the small gesture and smirked. "See? My advice was right. The uniform is obviously too small for you. You are constricting our babies within. Let's see to it getting unbuckled.... " he crept a hand under the table to rest upon the buckle, quite dure that the belly will shift downward quite a bit without the support. "If you are really going to use a belt, why not use those maternity supporting belt. Hmm let me get you one for the next visit." He whispered beside his ear, looking like talking sweet words to his partner.
Victor grimaced at Caesar,"It's the only thing I could squeeze into and still look presentable."He replied and sighed when the other's hand made it's appearance again from beneath the table,"Please don't-"He moved his hands to cradle his belly quickly before the belt was released, sure that when the young man did that the children would come crashing down onto his bladder and prostate. He wouldn't be able to control himself with the loss of the support,"It's likely I won't even be pregnant for the next visit."He replied, mentioning how they never see each other, the other never even visits or asks him when his doctor's appointments are... He was sure to let the children figure out how much of a deadbeat their father was, if he couldn't control his own mouth himself.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"Oh... another whining demand i hear. Caesar was very surprised to hear the sadness that seeped through the grudging tone. Would Victor actually be wanting his presence? He had always assumed that since their marriage was origjnated from a political alliance, and that Caesar was so much yoingee than him, he would be annoyed and therefore, prefer not to be together with him. He was finding this general more interesting now and decided he would need to really increase the frequency of his visits. He might actually go with him to a doctor's appointment instead of drilling all the informstion put from the doctor afterwards.

He saw the slight panic at his attempt of letting lose his belt and decided he would let him go this time. Or maybe he would do that after awhilr, when his belt was even tighter after the dinner.
"I don't whine."He grunted out simply, not amusing the young governor's son with another reply and not having time to either when the waitress came back with his food. The older man shifted away from his now still hands and took the napkin from the table to lay it over his belly so no food winded up staining his uniform. He shifted his hips forwards and adjusted his chair so he could come closer towards the table, grabbing the fork to take a quick bite of the still steaming lasagna. His eyes rolled back slightly and he almost moaned at the taste, at home, his father restricted him to a strict diet, though when out in public he allowed him whatever he wanted. Unless the elderly man wanted a blubbering, pregnant general on his hands, which he turned into if he wasn't given his way most times.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Even though he didnt really moaned out loud, Caesar could see the face of pure bliss on the stern man's face. He didnt think this was even possible with how the man usuallt kept a poker face, no matter what he faced. The only time he saw that mask cracked was the day when they consummated their marriage, and also the day when the doctor announced he was pregnant. He didnt know he was present at the time, he had been scheudling a surprise visit, only to be informed the general was sent to the hospital when he couldnt stop vomitting that morning.

Quietly he eyed the solider lavishing his lasagna while cutting his own steak elegantly. He considered and got a piece of his own and offered it to the general. "Try this, this tasted quite good. The chrf today clearly knows what he was doing."
Victor glanced to Caesar and shook his head only half heartedly,"I shouldn't."He glanced to his father, who was looking at him this time with slight disgust and he sighed lightly, turning his head to look at Caesar now. To spite his father, he leant into the offered fork to take the bite of the steak, it took every ounce of him not to cry out at how good just the bite of it was. He took a napkin to cover his mouth, pressing his lips together in hope not to end up grinning like a fool, though the twins seemed to enjoy the meal too. His hand went to his belly when it felt as if they were doing somersaults inside of him,"That is good."He nodded in reply, moving the napkin away from his mouth now after wiping it.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Caesar was a bit puzzled by how his partner interacted with his father in law. He had thought they were on good terms to strike the deal with his own father. He found himself getting even more curious with Victor. He thought at first he covered his mouth to spit the steak out, but sitting right next to him, he could see the grin underneath and smiled at the adorable gesture of this older man.

Seeing his hand on his belly, he also covered the calloused hand of Victor with his own. "Wow our children seem to be enjoying this meal too. Are they always this active?" He looked curiously at Victor, eyes glistening like a child seeing his chirstmas present.

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