Rhythm and Baby Blues (closed with Gale)

A wealthy musician needs to improve his image following a series of embarrassing public scuffles, DUI, and Twitter battles. What better way to do this than by purchasing a breeder and forming a “picture perfect family?” The handsome, muscular singer fingers a perfect breeder in another muscular young man. Hypnotized immediately, the singer won’t settle for anyone else. He even agrees to bring the breeder’s young friend along as well. Things get tricky, though, when the musician assumes he will be doing the breeding, but is shocked and mortified when instincts take over and he finds himself being bred instead.

Likewise, the musician’s personal assistant, a hard and bitter man, jaded by years of unrequited love from the musician, takes advantage of a young slave. He thought he was using sex as stress relief for both of them, but is thrown for a loop when the young slave not only falls in love with his surly attitude, but is now carrying his child.


Name: Bryce Zayn

Age: 23 (I can always increase if you prefer)
Bio: He started off originally in a popular boy band that ended years later due to personal conflictions of song choices they could go with. Feeling he had no "voice" in most of the decisions, his image changed drastically when another manager picked up on his voice and talent. This has ever since, given him a wreckless demeanor, the male wearing the bad boy image well. His first album dropped to a huge success, causing some of his old bandmates to do the same with little success. This allowed him to become arrogant with a buff physique to match now.
Description: Stands at 5'11", sports soft round brown eyes with an olive skin complexion. He presently sports spiked up hair similar to a fauxhawk, his hair color dark brown, with curly facial hair proudly forming alongside his jawline to his chin. He has a couple of tattoos particularly on his arms.

Name: Samuel Owens
Age: 35
His new manager and runs an entire label. He introduces Bryce to this concept that most celebrities have done, but unfortunately doesn't warn him about the risks of some of his tastes. Of these introductions, he has attempted several times to seduce Bryce from one of his personal obsessions like most from the male's boy band days to no avail. He's forced to settle on other means.
Description: A broad chested individual from Britain who stands at 6'2". His skin complexion is fair, his hair color light brown bordering blonde. He has an upkept amount of facial hair with blue eyes to match. He hasn't let his age slow him down, making sure his frame is toned, but he does have a little gut, easily hidden under a good suit.


It was the day after his client won so many awards. Everyone was entitled to partying, but Bryce tended to take things a bit further as usual. One of his former bandmates was at the awards ceremony himself and while it did seem to be civil during the show, it got a bit nasty at the after party. Drunkenly, Bryce openly threw indirect shade at the other on Twitter, inciting how he barely racked 19 million views on YouTube for that whack of a song whereas he's broken charts. They fought at a club and Bryce was let out the next morning, clearly a victor in his own rights. Samuel however was a bit annoyed.

"Where're we going" the male asked with shades placed over his face and a southern like hat resting over his hair.

"Taking you somewhere to get some frustrations out of your system" the older British man stated, pushing up his glasses as the black SUV drove down the highway. "You can't keep getting into these little incursions. You will need to let bygones be bygones."

Bryce shrugged as he turned up the music, hearing one of his song playing on the radio. Where they were going was a facility of many laid out in the country side. The large vehicle had driven for miles where they were greeted by what appeared to be a large mansion of sorts complete with guards and of course a gate.

"Every good man needs a good wife or whatever it is you're into" Samuel stated. "You just need someone to make your image look good for a while to help cover up some of these incidents."

Why didn't he just say so? Bryce could totally get to know a woman...oh who was he kidding? He was into men, but the male had particular tastes. He didn't like the twinks. He liked men who had that chauvinistic flare to them, but his luck never turned out great given that those kind of men were either straight or just kept it easily hidden.

The two slipped out the car where they were greeted by the facility's Administrator, Caitlynn Goodwin.

"Good morning you two" she said as she escorted them inside.

Name: Link Barnes

Age: 25

Physical: 6'; deep brown hair, kept short by his handlers; hazel eyes; with nothing to do in his cell all day, and no access to fatty foods, he is muscular without being bulky and stronger than he looks

Bio: Link was born the only heir to the wealthy Barnes fortune. Spoiled and arrogant as a teenager, he got into more mischief than he could handle. Through a series of bad choices and even worse friends, his first felony offense at 19 left a person dead. His parents gave him up to the system, and they haven't seen him since. Rather than get locked up for 25 years, he cut his prison time almost completely with good behavior, getting a college degree, and signing up for the Breeders Program. There, he meets Fife, the two become unlikely friends, and Link develops a paternal side, which he is still a little uncomfortable with.

Name: Fifield "Fife" Cole

Age: 22

Physical: 5'8"; bright blond hair, which he prefers a little longer, and desperately hides from the grooming staff; green eyes; unlike Link, he's too lazy to work out, but a strict diet keeps him lean; but when food is plentiful, he's inclined to be a touch chubby

Bio: Fife was raised within the Breeding Program, so knows nothing else. He's something of a queen bee in the system, as he knows the ins and outs of just about everything. Now that he's of age, he's been on the market as a Breeder for years. He's been purchased by several prospective clients, but always returned within a few weeks for having a smart mouth. This earns him a good beating, a bit of psychological reprograming, but he's always returned to Link's side, so he doesn't complain much. Something of a flirt, he's incorrigible but highly intelligent.


"Stop it, Fife. I mean it." 

"Stop what? I'm not doing anything."

Link lowered his book, his hazel eyes narrowing at the smaller man sitting on the table in front of him. Fife was tossing flirty smiles at a group of men on the other side of the recreation room. "You know we're not allowed to have sex in here, and if you get them riled up, everything will go to shit."

Fife smiled prettily, one leg crossed over the other. Their grey uniforms were a bit on the frumpy side, but Fife managed to make up for it with attitude and an utter confidence in his sexuality. "They won't get riled up. They're gentlemen."

"One of them has already been sold. Did you know that?" He turned the page of his book and continued reading. "And he didn't get sold by being a snarky bitch."

Fife huffed and finally hopped off the table and into a chair next to his only friend. "As if I want to be sold. As soon as I'm sold, they'll just drag me away from you." He leaned forward, blinking his eyelashes up at Link. "Maybe you could knock me up and we could raise a secret baby, the way my daddies did with me."

"I'll not have any child of mine being raised in the Breeding Program, Fife."

"Then what am I supposed to do with my time? I'm so bored, I could die."

"Clients moving in!" a voice at the end of the room shouted.

This was everyone's cue to strike a pose. Clients would be moving through the room soon, and if they were handsome, then prospective breeders tried to look as appealing as possible, like orphans desperate for parents. Link just groaned and rolled his eyes while Fife dove under the table. Fife was certainly cute enough to get snatched up, a hot, saucy piece of ass that had been purchased several times, only to end in disaster. If anyone in this facility was wary of clients, it was Fife.

As for Link, he figured he would shoo off any potential clients by remaining unengaged and surly. He turned the page of his book and let Fife hide under the table, pressed up against his legs.

"Most of them have been sold in this area" she stated while walking down the marble tiled floors, heels clicking loudly as she walked at a moderate pace like a tour guide leading them around. "But it's no issue to find something for any client's taste and ship them over."

Bryce raised an eyebrow, looking at Samuel, using his grip to pull the older male over briefly.

"What is this" he asked. "A brothel or some mail order shit?"

The man looked a bit stern and serious, walking away to continue the walk to join Dr. Goodwin, but he did turn to look back at Bryce.

"As I told you, someone to get your mind off some things. No harm in sending them back when you're done."

Bryce rolled his eyes and just kept walking, but slowly. The male was playing around with his phone as they walked into the room full of males clad in certain clothing. It was like an orphanage, but for what particularly? Bryce just saw men of varying ages, each attempting to look what could be thought of as attractive. Dr. Goodwin explained the situation and left it among the two to survey over each individual for a bit.

"There's not much to go off of" he whispered to Samuel.

"Maybe because you're not looking around?" He snatched up the phone from the male like he was a kid, turning it off and placing it in his pocket. "You don't get this back until you find someone of interest. Humor me, at least."

He rolled his eyes under the shade, smirking as he walked around some of the chatty individuals. None of them caught his interest. Some felt a bit to touchy, causing the muscles underneath the long sleeve shirt he wore to tense and scare them off. It was out of these situations that he noticed a male, reading a book. He had the size he was looking for in an individual, seemed to have that vibe of being surly. Bryce rubbed the stubble on his chin a bit, thinking the matter over. Eh, he was reckless enough to try it.

"Yo" he said outwards as he walked over. He took a seat downward next to the male, almost shoving the male he was with out the way if not for the interference of Samuel catching him.

"Do forgive him, he's a bit hungover from last night."

Bryce looked at the book, smirking a bit. "You know, I could just tell you how that story ends and we can converse about some other things instead."

By his appearance, Bryce was undeterred. He thought they looked good together and he was going to press his luck.

Link looked up from his book, polite if only from habit. This newcomer looked nothing like the other old, fat men who poked around at him. He was handsome to be sure. Then again, most famous people were. He set his book aside and straightened in his seat at his odd "Yo" introduction. Not exactly charming, but what famous people were?

He crossed his own muscular arms across his chest, smirking a little at the client. "You won't like what I do to you if you spoil the ending. So why don't you suggest a new topic of conversation? We can start off with who you are."

But Fife knew. He shot to his feet and banged his head on the underside of the table. He scrambled out clumsily, clutching his throbbing skull, but was still gaping down at Bryce.

"Holy shit, you're . . . you're that singer!" Here! In a Breeders Facility! What on earth was someone like Bryce Zayn doing here? Couldn't he have anyone he wanted?

Still, he was a famous hot guy, and that made him nervous. He giggled before muffling it behind both hands. He turned to flee, but Link's firm voice stopped him.

"Fife, stay," he ordered shortly. He only turned back to Bryce when Fife returned to his side. "If you are here looking for a casual fling, Mr. Zayn, I'm afraid neither of us can help you. I think I'm a little too rough for your tastes, and Fife has a smart mouth. Talented, but smart."

Fife pinched him harshly, not liking have famous eyes on him. It made him blush and turned him stupid. Only belatedly did he notice the much larger man who had come in with Zayn. Now that was a scary, gorgeous man. The scary, gorgeous size of him at least flushed the stupid out of him and made him cautious instead.

That certainly got the response he was looking for and did garner his attention from the book. He met the other male's firm stance by crossing his arms back, raising one of his thick eyebrows underneath the shades.

"Hulking out, are we?" He chuckled. He could meet the opposition very much the same, but he would play the matter out in a civil matter. No need to have his manager die from a heart attack or old age not being able to cope with his demeanor, right? Unfortunately for him, someone under the table had apparently given his name away, which prompted him to look under. That in itself began to start whispered conversations.

"Seems your friend blurted it out right away" he sighed. "But let's not be so formal. Bryce works just fine for me. He chuckled a bit, slightly sizing this male up for himself. "Actually, I think you are, Mr...?"

Samuel was pushing up his glasses for the second time in the day when he came across the boy who shot up from under the table. He could only guess why the male was down there in the first place, hearing some stories of how some of the breeders liked to fraternize amongst themselves, resulting in pregnancies that either went up for adoption or just put them out from work for a certain period of time. That would certainly be an issue. From how those two seemed to be, maybe the male could set a situation up, but that depended on how Bryce interacted with this other male, both of them seemingly trying to have a contest of how big their dicks were at this point. When he got the other male's name, he would continue. For now, Samuel didn't pay the other male any mind, but he did keep his blue eyes glancing in his direction every now and then. The figure sort of reminded him of when Bryce was without all the tattoos and was back in the boy band with the rest of the others. Interesting how only four to six years could change a man that much.

"I'm actually here because a certain someone wished for me to be here, but now that I'm here, maybe I like something or someone a bit rough or someone crafty and intelligent. Clearly, you enjoy reading, especially something like this which means you have a distinct class to you hidden away by that surly sour face you're presently wearing, so there's something about you different than the rest already."

Samuel scoffed lowly, the British male watching as Bryce began a conversation with Link, but keeping the male on his list for a reference to give to Dr. Goodwin. Maybe he could Bryce in his place for once or maybe they both would begin bashing each other's face in at a bar and drink and laugh about it. Either way, some good may come out the situation. Bryce placed his boots on the table, laying back a bit.

"Here's a little crowded. Care to go for a walk?"

Link grinned across the table at Bryce, the poor man who was trying so hard to keep his shit together. It was obvious that the larger man had dragged him here, and Bryce had little clue as to what he was doing. "I'm Link Barnes. This is my friend, Fife Cole." He glanced over his shoulder at the smaller man and frowned. "Sit, Fife. You're hovering."

Fife kept a skeptical eye on the British man, but sat as he was told.

Perhaps there was some sort of affection there, but whatever it was, it was strictly brotherly, made obvious by the way Fife glared at him occasionally, and the way they never seemed to touch each other.

Link turned his attention back to Bryce. "So you're here browsing, then. We've seen plenty of clients breeze through the compound." He was tempted to warn Bryce off of trying to take Fife, but it was clear he was in the market for something a little more rugged. A little more like himself. Link briefly turned the thought around in his head and smirked. If Mr. Zayn wanted a rough tumble, Link could give him one, but rock stars were inclined to being complicated and spoiled. Link had little patience for petty drama.

But, he couldn't judge until he'd tested the goods. "A walk. A reasonable request." He stood in one fluid motion, his body now fully on display. It was possible he could outrun, outmaneuver, and all around outdo Bryce. But that was yet to be seen.

Fife frowned and started to stand slowly, not sure if he was invited on the walk. No one had ever shown Link this much interest before. What if he was bought?! What if he left Fife?! What if he actually found a home outside this hellhole and never thought of Fife again?! Something was both tight and fluttering in panic at the thought that his best friend was about to walk out of his life.

His knuckles were white where he gripped the table, looking ready to bolt or attack. Yes, he wanted Link to find happiness somewhere far away from here, but instincts were taking over and he was downright frantic.

Bryce and Samuel were paying close attention, Bryce more so wrapped up at the thought of this Link Barnes fella than he was with the Fife figure. However, they both noted that it was Link who told the other male to sit down and the male was prompted to do otherwise. Was this command affectionate on a brotherly scale or was there something else to it. Either way, Link took the male up on his offer, revealing his fully body frame and height, going on a walk and that left seemingly left Fife alone by himself.

"Nothing's stopping you from going" Samuel said while adjusting his glasses, noticing how the male seemed to be a bit upset that somebody else was taking an interest in Link. That was something the male could possibly play to his advantage. "I do suppose if I were to do the same for you, in the least."

Samuel motioned his hand for Fife to begin walking out ahead of him. He should have plenty of time to catch up with Bryce and Link if he preferred. The male adjusted his tie and suit before walking out, looking at the rest briefly before leaving, hearing a few heavy sighs among the voices.

Bryce was outside, the front yard to be exact, examining some of the trees that were beginning to sprout fruit, apples particularly. 

"Yea. Had a rough start this morning in a jail cell to be exact" he kept the shades over his face for the time being, though the sun revealed a patched up cut near his eye a bit. "So being driven miles out to a place I've never heard of is weird, but...maybe I'll humor the idea, for now. How does someone like you or them get into this kind of thing anyways?"

Fife jumped, startled to be addressed by the larger man, so focused was he on Link. He flexed his shoulders anxiously and shook his head. "Link can go on a walk if he wants. It's just . . . weird, I dunno," he muttered. He was further startled when he was asked to go on his own walk. Very strange indeed. He figured this guy must be Bryce's manager . . . maybe his bodyguard. He was probably trying to give Bryce time alone with Link.

He stood, brushing imaginary wrinkles out of his gray scrub bottoms. "Sure, yeah. We can go look at the . . ." Probably not the pools. Too many wet, half-naked bodies that were more muscular and mouth-watering than his own. "The gardens. Yeah, the gardens are pretty this time of year."

He led him to the green courtyards that surrounded the back half of the compound. It was meant to give the Breeders a sense of peace, something beautiful when they looked out their windows. It smelled warm and green, and the sunlight in Fife's blond hair seemed to illuminate it even more. "I planted these," he said, gesturing to a line of straight, red tulips.

Link reached up and easily pulled an underripe apple off one of the lower branches. He inspected it, trying to get a feel for how the apples would develop as time went on. He tossed it to Bryce, chuckling.

"A jail cell, huh? A troublemaker, are you?" He laughed a little deeper, his voice like honey and bourbon. He turned his face toward the sun, briefly enjoying the warmth on his face before casting a sidelong smirk at Bryce. "A troublemaker by nature? Or does it come with being a rock star?"

At Bryce's question, he chuckled again and shrugged his broad shoulders. "I was a troublemaker in my own right. Went into the Breeding Program to keep out of a 25 year sentence. Pretty simple, really. Met Fife, and I've been babysitting the brat ever since."

Samuel understood a bit why it was weird. There seemed to be a brotherly connection among both of them. Seeing someone else take interest typically made them jealous or otherwise a bit anxious to ward off the person vying for their affection. He wasn't interested in following them though and so Samuel decided to indulge his own interests. If the other male wanted to lead him into the gardens for whatever reason, he was going to follow him otherwise. After all, it seemed Bryce was behaving for once.

Stepping outside, he was greeted with scents of every kind. There were lavenders being grown, roses sprouting. He even noticed a small section reserved for sunflowers.

"They look stunning" his slightly mellophonic voice stated, him walking over towards some, kneeling down to get a good look at them. "You have quite the green thumb, though..."

He rose up, looking directly at Fife. "I wonder why nobody's seemingly taken an interest into you just yet."

He smiled warmly, though thanks to dealing with celebrities for years, he was a bit bitter and cold at times. Still, this male reminded him of Bryce before his influence on the male.

"What if this was some sort of double deal" he asked the flower growing male. "Where your friend got taken away, but you also got to still see him occasionally. What would you say to something like that?"

Bryce grabbed the apple, showing great reflexes even though he was a bit hung over presently.

"By nature" he said unashamed. "Usually had to keep it at bay for fans and a few others by boxing and weight lifting, but taking so much bullshit for so many years, my new manager just said heck with it, why not bring it out fully and so I did. He said I should be a lion for once."

He liked the way the male laughed. There was a sweetness to it in that it was something he enjoyed hearing on a man. He thought the male explaining that he was put into a 25 year sentence was rough, but so was he in a way? He did get into some rough brawls himself, but nothing that warranted 25 years. He would press into why that were the case, but maybe it wasn't something he should ask on trying to analyze the male.

"So you're only here to keep that guy out of trouble, huh?" Of course he understood what he meant in that he actually came there to reduce his sentence, but now he got why they seemed to be so close. "That's interesting..."

Their time was cut short as Dr. Goodwin had returned per giving them some time to themselves. Bryce kept the apple in his hand, rubbing his beard a bit before walking off, but not before saying "I'll...see you around, some time..."

He would love to be with someone that size and he hadn't considered it until now, but he would love to see what Link looked like with a baby bump on him. He made his way towards the woman, who was standing alongside Samuel.

"I take it you decided" she asked the younger male.

He simply shrugged, keeping his facade that he wasn't interested, though they both knew otherwise. Samuel followed her, getting the files on both Link and Fife. With everything finalized, the deal was closed on both men.

Fife must have been a little conflicted by his love of gardening, because it made him blush and shift awkwardly. He was usually much smoother than this! An effortless flirt. A purring sex-kitten when he needed to be. But standing over his tulips, explaining it to a stranger? He couldn't keep the red out of his cheeks.

"Yeah, I dunno," he said, trying to shrug it off. "I tried vegetables once. I got really good zucchini's, but my tomatoes died and squirrels ate my cucumbers, and it was a mess. Squirrels leave my tulips alone, so . . ." He shrugged awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck. "Anyway, the sunflowers were my idea. They reduce erosion. There's a river on the other side of the fence, it's kinda pulling away at the ground."

He downright jumped when Samuel mentioned his single status. "Oh, no, believe me, men have taken interest. I've been bought, what . . . five times? No, six. Didn't work out." Because he was a smart ass and had the scars to prove it. Surely Samuel wasn't asking for him. He seemed like a grumpy guy. What would he want with a sex slave? Surely, he didn't want children. Or maybe Fife was jumping to conclusions.

He turned a little green at the mention of Link leaving, though. "Look, I'm not a shitty friend. I want Link to be happy. He can go off and . . . be a slave or get married or . . . or whatever, and if I got to see him at least sometimes, even if it was rarely, it would be enough." Maybe if he recited that, he would start to believe it. The thought of being left alone here still made him at once furious and sick.

Link made a thoughtful noise, eyes now sweeping up and down Bryce's body, the first time he'd really sized him up since their meeting. "I'm here because the government says I have to be. Looking after Fife is just brotherly-duty."

He paid Ms. Godwin no mind at all when she took Bryce away. He didn't bother saying good bye to him, either. If Bryce wanted anything more from him, he surely knew where to find him. He kept his hands in his pocket, his stride strong and easily as two guards came to escort him back to the rec room where Fife was surely waiting.

"We will have to see" Samuel smirked, talking to himself as guards came to take Fife away. "Seven is a good number, after all."

He may have been cold and calculating, but that didn't mean he didn't have particular needs and wants. While he influenced Bryce into thinking certain ways, causing the male to in a way prefer strong men from the looks of it, he did cause the male to in the end, prefer men. He just thought that naturally, he would have come to him instead. Either way, he could fix that. While the guards were escorting Bryce back, it was Dr. Goodwin who intervened in the hallways, leading the male to Samuel. She closed the door behind her while waiting outside of the room.

"It seems my client has taken a shining to you" he said, straight to the point. "Though what Bryce wants isn't exactly what you'll give him. He's looking for something to pound and clearly, you're not that kind of guy. Am I in the ballpark?"

He smiled a bit, walking towards the male. "I've pulled a few strings and you're good to go, but of course there is a catch. I need for you to break Bryce in. I've unfortunately caused him to think a certain pattern. Someone of your caliber with the reports I've read on you while getting the paperwork together, you should have an easy task before you. I'm even willing to throw in some cash in the million range if you desire it. The media just needs to see Bryce in a new light. An attitude adjustment, for lack of better words. What say you?"

Fife could only blink stupidly as Samuel walked away. He was still a little stunned when he was led back to the recreation room. He found Link's forgotten book and flipped through the pages silently, counting slowly in his head, trying to calm his own scattered thoughts. Link was leaving. Of course Bryce would like him. Why wouldn't he like Link?

He groaned and flopped across the table, glaring to himself.

Link was intrigued, but cautious, when Samuel asked for a private conference. He smirked, though, when he heard that Bryce was interested. He was definitely getting that vibe, no matter how hard Bryce fought to conceal it.

He choked on an amused laugh. "Yeah, you're about right. While I don't mind a little healthy give and take, there's no way your client's going to get to pound me into oblivion. If he's looking for that, he'll need someone like Fife."

But then came the silver lining, and Link's smirk became a grin. "I can break your man in just fine," he said confidently. He'd known there was a catch in there somewhere! He'd smelled it all over Bryce from the very beginning! "And I don't need your millions. I need Fife. We're not lovers, so you don't need to worry about any of that dramatic shit, but he's like my little brother, and I'm not leaving him here alone. You let me bring Fife along, he can clean, he's worked laundry detail for years, he can cook like a damn pro, and I'll give Mr. Zayn the . . . adjustment he needs. No Fife, then you'll need to find yourself a different Breeder."

Samuel smiled. He was always right on the money. That's how he was able to take a slightly conflicted male like Bryce in the first place and cause the rift that was occurring now. With Link though, this should be an easy fix. A male with the prowess to put him in his place and Bryce was too foolish to see otherwise because of his weird desires.

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about Fife" he stated. "He's already dealt with. If that was just what you requested, then you're good as free to do as you please with him."

It sounded cruel, but that was just Samuel. If he couldn't have him, someone else would have to fix him. Leaving out, he finished the deal for Link and Fife. They would be told minutes later though. How he arranged the situation, Fife would come to his house. They both would actually, but Link got the luxury to come back to Bryce's mansion after a meet up at one of his hotspots: a club. That way, the male was set up for the situation to occur without him realizing it.

"That was a good experience, wasn't it?" He asked upon getting back into the car.

Bryce shrugged. "I guess? Anywho, my phone? I need to send something off."

Bryce handed him the phone back. When they made it back to New York, Samuel put in the call for Link and Fife to be picked up. Tonight should be the time everything came to full fruition.


Later that evening, Fife was at Samuel's house, wondering what in the hell had happened. It had been just another day this morning! Now they'd been bought and paid for, both of them together. It was too good to be true, which meant it probably was. They'd been given civilian clothing, cleaned up, and shipped off.

Link had tried to reassure Fife before he left, reassure him that he wasn't going to run off, and that he would be back later that night. Then he'd gotten dressed up, for the first time in years, and took a cab downtown. Now Fife was at Samuel's house, standing awkwardly in the living room, wondering what the hell he was supposed to be doing. Link had volunteered him for cooking, cleaning, and laundry duty. Maybe he could start on that.

Unfortunately, his clothes weren't exactly meant for cleaning. The Facility had given him the clothes, and they weren't his style at all: ratty blue flip-flops, basketball shorts, and a T-shirt. He looked like an idiot.

He sighed heavily and began tip-toeing through the house, trying to get a sense of his surroundings. After all, Samuel was a complete mystery to him, and suddenly being in his house was all the more intimidating, though Fife kept his cautious glare as he gave himself a tour.


Link, meanwhile, felt right at home at the front gates of a club. Simple jeans, red Converse, a vintage T-shirt, he was ready for the hunt. He got past security easily and into the pulsing crowd of the exotic club.

He smirked to see more than a few couples in their respective booths, most of them barely dressed, moaning and panting as they mauled each other. There were a few orgasmic shouts that rang through the crowd and Link had to chuckle. Ah, exhibitionism. After years of celibacy, it was proving difficult not to stop and watch, but he had prey here, and he would find it.

He stopped by the bar and indulged in a scotch, if only because he'd missed the taste, and then continued through the crowds, scanning for his quarry, wondering if he was even here at all.

The transaction was successful, Samuel celebrating with a scotch when he was in the comforts of his own home. Hours had passed when the two were fully ready. They both were to come there immediately, but upon arriving, Samuel himself was not present from the looks of things. They were given the grand scene of various antique objects the male liked to collect alongside various paintings, that particularly of the Renaissance period. Link was given a letter by one of the workers, which had instructions on what to do and where to go. Fife however was a bit free to do as he willed. Samuel had plans for him obviously.

Everything was different for Bryce. The male was out on a mission as always, posting on Instagram where he would be tonight and that one little incident with "washed up singers who had their 15 minutes of fame" wouldn't be enough to keep him down. He gathered up with some other known celebrities and took off into the night in one of his sports cars. He was clad in urban attire of course: A black baseball cap over his head, a jersey that showed off his muscles and tattoos while also hanging a bit low a little past his waist. He wore Gray joggers with black leather paddings on them for the pockets, the legs to them tightened a bit for his black socks to be seen as he completed the attire with Nike's and square diamond cut earrings.

Like most celebrities, he was in the VIP section. That was a little in the far back, where he had the comfort of being to himself, which is what was happening presently, without having fans try and bombard him. None of the women (men actually) interested him. He had already danced quite a bit, but now he was relaxing and having Vodka and soon Gin. The male was drunk within a few minutes, becoming active as he usually did.

Back at Samuel's house, the male watched things from his danger room. He could slip out of it, sure enough, but he was curious about Fife. He wanted to know a bit more about the male and likewise. He wanted the kid, as he put it given he was older than all the others, to get a genuine feel of who he was and maybe that would lead to something. He smiled as he left the cushioned rolling chair he sat upon and exited out the room.

"Enjoying the view" his British voice boomed through some of the darkness, candles only lit to give the place a source of light. "I had some business to take care of. I see your friend is gone though. Guess that leaves just you and I, though I must say, those clothes really don't suit you at all."

In his hand, he held two glasses and in the other was an unopened bottle of wine. Just because he was cold and calculating with a hint of bitterness to him, it didn't mean he was incapable of being a gentleman.

"Let's have some drinks and a snack. I'm sure you're wanting to know things about me."

Link was definitely in his element at clubs. There were still traces of the spoiled, trust-fund youth he'd once been inside him. Clubs like this had been his old stomping grounds, underage or not. After years, locked within the sterile confines of the Breeding Program, his senses were alight with the sights and sounds of lurid sex. It made him feel alive again.

Being here on a job didn't damper his mood, either, especially when that job involved the challenge that was Bryce Zayn. 

Of course, Link found the drunk rock star in the VIP section, sauced already despite the relatively early hour. For a moment, Link hesitated, wondering if he was a total dick for planning to debauch a tipsy guy, but if Samuel's tone implied anything, it was that Bryce had no idea what was coming, and would probably need a little saucing up.

"Hey! This is a private party!" one of the drunkards shouted when Link slid into the booth next to Bryce. 

Link casually shot him the bird, knowing very few people in this area were sober enough to fight him off. Now that they were surrounded by the chaos of Bryce's social scene, Link could really give his "owner" a good look over. He was a bigger guy, in shape, good-looking to a fault, classic beauty that so often accompanied fame. Oh, yes, Link could definitely teach Bryce a few things about pleasure. Maybe even destroy those flat abs by planting his baby in him. Maybe that wasn't exactly what Samuel had in mind, but it would definitely change his image.

"I suppose this is your entertainment of choice," he said, close enough to Bryce that he didn't have to shout over the music. "And what the hell are you drinking? You smell like the whole damn bar." He slid a few empty glasses across the table and out of Bryce's reach. "If you're going to be at a place like this, at least bring a bodyguard so they can preserve your chastity," he chuckled.

Back in the elegant seclusion of Samuel's house, Fife was still on the prowl. He didn't touch anything, because it all looked damn expensive, more expensive than even he'd been. He did kick off his flip-flops, though, hating the way the stupid things slapped around when he walked.

So Mr. Owens had fancy taste. An interesting concept. He was rich, as most music moguls were, but Fife had been expecting chrome and leather, maybe sterling silver statues of tigers or something. This place was like a palace. Fife wondered if this was actually Mr. Owens' idea of home, or maybe his wife or husband's. No one had ever mentioned a Mr. or Mrs. Owens, but surely there was one. Handsome, successful men like Samuel weren't supposed to be single.

"Holy shit!" he suddenly balked when he stumbled across one particularly famous painting. "Fuck, that probably costs more than this whole damn place!"

He jumped again when Mr. Owens' voice rang out. He huffed and clutched his chest. "Keep startling me, and I'll keel over. I didn't come with a warranty, just so you know."

Then he spied the wine glasses and arched an eyebrow. Wine? Was this a trick? Alcohol wasn't allowed at the Breeding facility. Was he going to take a sip and then get hauled back to the compound? Fife had always wanted to try wine. Those elegant, dark bottles, the fancy labels, the graceful glasses it was poured into. It looked so decadent and sinful, and he was dying to try it, despite his skepticism.

"Those what?" He was broken out of his trance and glanced down at his clothes. "Oh. Yeah, I dunno. Facility just gives you whatever hand-me-downs they have in stock when you leave. They didn't even give me damn underwear." Although, he'd seen the fancy duds Link had gotten. "Not that I have a style. You wear gray scrubs at the facility, and that's it. But I've seen stuff on TV and in magazines, you know, so I always imagined wearing fancier stuff."

Still, Fife stood in the living room, watching Samuel, not sure what he was supposed to do. Was he allowed to sit without being asked? Was he supposed to crawl on his hands and knees like some of his other owners had demanded? Unsure, he simply stood, hands on his hips, trying to portray a casualness he didn't feel.

"Yeah, actually, I'd love to know things about you." He was also starving, but was too proud to admit that. "First off, did your wife decorate all this? Or your husband? I mean . . . a collection like this, damn. You could charge admission and make another fortune. Half these paintings are originals!"

While he may have been drunk, he certainly was alert. Slurred, but alert. When Link arrived out of nowhere, of course it caused a panic among those he was around, but Bryce practically lit up if that was a good way to put it. The Armenian-American male practically rose from him seat to greet the other male, telling the others that did come to ease up.

"Weren't you in trouble or something..." his voice slurred a bit, recalling the conversation earlier that day, unaware that Samuel released the male for the purpose of breeding Bryce. He smiled drunkenly though, using his strength to bring the other male into a handshake and a slight hug as if they were friends before sitting down. "I'm glad you could make it either way."

There was mention of a bodyguard, which caused him to erupt with laughter.

"I had one...what was his name" he asked some of the others and they responded with Bruiser. "Yea...Bruiser! Bruiser got bruised last night. "

They continued to laugh as he finished down the Gin in hand before setting it down.

"Oh please," he insisted. "I only had four glasses. The rest is theirs, but hey! I know an open position that Bruiser can't fulfill anymore if you're interested. You do look the part, after all. Just try not to fondle another man's woman like he did and maybe we won't have to teach you respect"

He knew his way around a fight, drunk or not.

Samuel chuckled with an amused smirk.

"Oh? Keel over" he asked. "Here, I thought you were just on the verge of swooning."

Cold, but with a sense of humor. He took note of how skeptical the male looked as well as the fact that he was examining some of the various objects around the room.

"Oh, I totally assure you that I'm not on that 50 Shades of Grey kick most seem to find pedantically humorous" he stated. "I built up a fortune to share it with someone that was quite popular, but my intentions were for nought, so I have lovely wine and other delicacies of which to share with someone if they're willing."

He heard the faint sound of a stomach growling and followed up with "There's a coffee table in the living room with some finger foods that has your name on them."

He opened the door, proving his point.

"As for those rags" he continued. "Neither they nor the lines of those grey suits fit you. You should check out your closet some time soon."

He did take note of how Fife was standing rather than sitting. He knew of the breeder programs and how some were drilled to act and behave a certain way. Poor thing must have thought him to be some maniac that gave orders and expected him to carry them out like a slave.

"It was just me actually. I had a fiancé back when I was in college, but she fell ill" he continued. "Something that made her end it with me. Then on, I thought that maybe I could settle down again, but my last three chances didn't end well, so here I am in my thirties contemplating life over wine."

He looked over at Fife. "What about yourself?"

Link laughed in that deep, rumbling way of his. "No, I was not in trouble. I was negotiating with your manager over Fife's freedom." He draped his arm over the back of Bryce's seat, watching him carefully, while also surveying the room.

Who were the rest of these pricks in his entourage? They might have been part of Bryce's image problem in the first place. Rowdy friends caused trouble, which drew the attention of the paparazzi, and ended in a rock star's tarnished image.

"I am not interested in being your bodyguard, Bryce," he said, beginning to look irritated, and even a little possessive, now that he was surrounded by all of Bryce's drunken pals. Part of him wondered if these were the type of friends to leave a passed out friend in the ditch outside some seedy night club.

His gaze whipped over at Link, hazel eyes cutting into him. "Nor am I interested in touching women. Some of the worst sex I've ever had was with women." He casually pushed aside Bryce's empty gin glass and ordered a bottle of water. "Drink this," he ordered, shoving it into Bryce's hand. "The least we can do is make your hangover a little less horrific tomorrow morning."

Fife laughed, a musical sound, one that had surely been put to flirtatious uses in the past. "'50 Shades of Grey?' Have you read that?" He laughed in vast amusement. "Someone snuck a copy into the compound once. Guys went nuts. I swear, it was like the entire barracks went into heat! You can't keep a bunch of Breeders celibate and then let them read a book like that. It was like a damn exploded! Three guys got pregnant!"

Their children were later sold into an adoption program, but Fife pushed that agonizing thought away when Samuel mentioned food.

"Finally!" he whooped triumphantly and headed into the living room to look at the delicacies that awaited. It was a far cry from the diet at the compound. He took a buttery bruschetta topped with roasted tomatoes and bit into it, moaning lewdly. "You know, the only time we get carbs at the compound is holidays. Bread makes you fat, and no one wants a fat Breeder."

He paused, now holding a square of brown bread smeared with butter and smoked salmon. "Wait, you bought me clothes? Seriously?! Can I go see them?!" He was standing clumsily now, wrenching off his shirt, giddy at the thought of something that actually belonged to him. Plus, he was curious as to what kind of clothes Samuel envisioned him in.

It seemed everything excited him: wine, food, clothes. The compound had been hell compared to this! And his bare chest and back bore the pink and white scars that the compound had given him.

He paused, though, when Samuel explained his past, fascinated to hear anything personal about him. He had a tumultuous past for such a frigid guy. He sat again, shirt bunched up on his lap, and reached for the food again.

"I'm sorry she got sick," he said, then frowned. "Three chances? Seriously? You took three shots at love and all three of them failed? That's shitty. They probably had no idea what they had when they had it. Trust me, some people can't spot a good man if he were lodged in their ass. You shouldn't give up on it, though. Smart, gorgeous guy like you? You'll find it somewhere. Probably when you least expect it."

He snorted bitterly. "I never took any shots at love. I've been sold to six different men, and none of them were interested in love. They mostly wanted my ass and birthing hips." He shrugged. "I'm a Breeder. I'm not allowed to expect love."

"Well, I guess if you weren't sitting there in that gray scrub for any reason, it's cool" he shrugged. "Not like it wasn't in the first place."

He noticed the male bringing his arm over the back of his seat. It was just a casual thing, he would naturally assume. Of course the man seemed to be surveying over the rest of the other individuals, to which Bryce felt there needed to be an explanation.

"Oh, these are some of the others who helped my first solo album be successful" he stated, bringing a hand over to each individual. There was one of the sound mixers, a collaborator who rapped and probably gave Lil Wayne a run for his money in tattoos and looks -he seriously looked worse than a rodent, but there was no denying his music skills-, and just a few familiar faces in case Link ever wondered why Bryce seemed to resemble at least one or two of them. "We're just celebrating a bit. No need to be sour."

When he saw those sharp hazel eyes meet his brown irises, he practically chuckled. The male was serious about not wanting to touch women nor was he interested in being his bodyguard.

"Relax" he stated. "I was only joking, though there's room for being the overprotective boyfriend or extreme buzzkill of the group."

He sighed when the male insisted he drunk water. Just to appease the figure, he did just that. Nothing happened of course in case he was extremely drunk. 

"The morning was only bad today because I had to correct someone I used to know..."

Samuel shook his head.

"I'm not a particular fan of anyone who found a way to make a Twilight fanfic even worse than the idea that conjured it" he chuckled. "That and that was one really dull concept at an attempt to spice things up, but congratulations on the three that found it humorous enough to go on a breeding frenzy."

He personally never thought of having kids on his own. Given how many careers he had to manage, it was like raising them without them being in toddler form. 

"I've learned that weight doesn't matter much" he continued. "Unless you're one of those poor souls that has one of those eating disorders and you're close to 600 lbs because of it. I usually prefer someone that has a bit of juice on them as they put it. It's a bit worthwhile in terms of cuddling, but..."

He patted his own stomach slightly. "The suit might not give it away, but someone my age is attempting to keep up with the youth trend in burning calories. Eat as much as you desire as I'm certain there are plenty of ways to manage a diet if you preferred."

The male practically lit up at the idea of there being clothes. Of course Samuel didn't say he bought them specifically for him. He actually didn't, but there were plenty saved over to help give a good wardrobe for Bryce. That of course never happened.

"Whenever you're ready to check them out, they're in your closet."

He noticed scars on the male a bit, which made him want to inquire on if he were abused in the past from different handlers. 

"Life tends to be a bit unfortunate at times" he stated, though he did love the complement on being smart and gorgeous, but let the male continue speaking before going on. "I believe everyone is deserving of love in one form or another, especially you and anyone else that were breeders. Maybe...you'll get to experience what happens when an actual man shows you the concept of love."

That probably came off a bit more flirty than he expected it to be, but if Fife was throwing hints, he could very well do the same, right?

Link couldn't help but laugh again. Sour, was he? He watched Bryce's lips move around the mouth of the water bottle and smirked. Bryce was a prickly one, stubborn and certain of his masculinity. It certainly presented a challenge. Link was used to gorgeous young males flinging themselves at him, practically bending over for a chance at his cock. How was he supposed to woo the un-woo-able? He hardly doubted Bryce would react well to being shoved into the bathroom and fucked against the sink. Or maybe he would?

"Oh yes? And who did you correct? I suppose I should ask 'how.' You strike me as a ready fighter." He liked that about Bryce. He was scrappy, tough. He and Bryce were definitely physical matches. But for all that bravado, which Link admired, he couldn't help but want to see him pinned under a round belly.

Wanting to get away from prying eyes, fearing that Bryce would never be receptive in front of his friends, Link let his hand slide across Bryce's shoulders. It could have been a casual touch, but the heat in his palm, the weight of his hand, suggested it wasn't casual at all. "Why don't we dance a little, hm? I'd like to see your body in action."

Fife smiled brightly to see Samuel's slight belly. There was something comfortably normal about him. He was painfully handsome, he'd made himself a success, was confident and sharp. Nothing could detract from Mr. Owens' shining qualities. Then Fife blushed and looked away. Maybe he needed a cold shower. Two hours out of the compound, and he was already getting worked up.

His blue eyes slid over Samuel's face, as if he were trying to read the meaning behind his words. In the end, his smiled turned warmer, his blush brighter, content and relaxed to be in his company. Already, this place was feeling like home. Now all he had to do was keep from getting kicked out, like he had everywhere else.

He shrugged, tracing the rim of his wineglass, sipping the liquid tentatively, savoring it as it filled his mouth with dark flavors. Hell, everything about this moment felt like sin, and he loved it.

"I feel like I've been looking for love my whole life. The heart-pounding kind, you know? To breed me not because he has to, but because he wants to. It's not like I'm some needy housewife-wanna-be. I just think it would be nice to feel desired. Like, your mate looks at you like you're oxygen. Like he has to have you, right now, right on the coffee table. Passion, you know?" As for children, he couldn't deny he was curious, wondered what it would be like to carry and nurture the life of a beloved husband. But that was such a faraway thought, it was easily dismissed.

"Maybe I'm being silly, I dunno." He stood, clutching his shirt, feeling stupid for having taken it off. "Yeah, maybe I could go take a peek at them? I've never had my own clothes. I could model them for you." He grinned. "You wanna show me the way?"

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