C Crawl out through the Fallout, baby (closed with NSAria)

Tobias panted harshly as his orgasm faded, hips pressed close to Charlie's, trapping his cum within him and ensuring it took hold...He felt satisfied....but a new feeling took hold...an intense need to be filled, his new opening throbbing and twitching.

"Aah, fuck!" He gasped when Charlie bit him, pulling away only to be pushed onto his pack. His legs spread, exposing him. He lifted his head a bit, only to throw it back and moan as Charlie fingered him. "F-fuck....shit...." he moaned, bucking his hips into the feeling.

He moaned into the kiss, shifting and wrapping his arms around the other. "Ooh, yes....please." he panted, rolling his hips against him. He couldn't think of anything else, he needed this like he needed air....

Charlie slowly entered Tobias his eyes closing slowly at the sensation, he continues sliding inward until his hips touch those of his companion. He buries his face once again in Tobias's neck nibbling and sucking on the other man.

His naive innocence shows itself for a moment in his unsure thrusts, but every quickly something primal and hungry took over and he redoubled his efforts slamming his hips into Tobias. "So warm." He pants into the others shoulder.

Tobias' breath hitched as Charlie entered him, lighting up new nerves within his new anatomy. His breathing picked up at the overwhelming feeling, fingers digging into Charlie's back. "Ooh, oh god..." He panted, back arching at Charlie's hesitant thrusts as his inner muscles spammed around him.

He cried out louder as Charlie's thrusts sped up, toes curling and hips shifting into the movement. He cursed and panted, overwhelmed by the new raw signals flooding his brain. His cock hard again, trapped between their bodies and smearing a mixture of Charlie's fluids and his own cum on their stomachs.

The full scent of the fluids on his stomach sent Charlie over the edge, his thrusts become erratic bucking motions, "I'm coming!" He kisses Tobias hard on the mouth as his throbbing erection coats the inside of Tobias' new opening.

Charlie would collapse on top of Tobias, breathing heavily. "Wow, just wow."

Tobias bucked his hips when he felt Charlie's cock throb harder within him, crying out in extacy when the other filled him with his hot cum. The feeling threw him over the edge, inner muscles clamping down on Charlie's member in waves, as if they were milking him, while he blew his load between their bodies and moaned into the kiss.

His body still buzzed from his orgasm when Charlie collapsed against him, hands rubbing the other's back. "F-fuck...." he panted, breath hitching at an odd twinge in his lower abdomen. "Oh.....wh-what...?" He mumbled, rolling to the side to let Charlie off him. "Shit....we....we just. Oh no.....oh god." He panted, closing his eyes and remembering what they had seen so far. "We just got each other pregnant....f-fuck."

"Wasn't that the point?" Charlie says dreamily and then suddenly his eyes snap open, "What?! OH FUCK! What did we just do?" He pushes himself up against the nearest wall and curls up into a ball and begins to cry, "I don't think I can do this."

He begins to actively sob, "What are we going to do?" He rocks back and forth, "No....No.... we can't be like this.." He gets up and goes to the computer, "We need to find a way to survive this, whats done is done."

Tobias scrambled to find his pants, tugging them on awkwardly before going over to Charlie. He sat beside him, resting one arm over his shoulders while he sobbed before looking confused when he got up. He quickly followed, peering around for any more traps before looking over the other's shoulder. "Well, I guess the people here survived it....And died because of the overseer." He said, frowning.

He looked around, being mindful to check for traps, before going to look at some of the equipment. "Maybe they had an antidote....or something. Just in case one of the doctors got......infected." He said, glancing back to Charlie. He couldn't make much sense of the equipment, so he decided to read some of the labels on bottles.

Within them, the process had already started. Much faster than should be possible, they would feel the faint twinges of their new organs stretching around a growing embryo....they only had a few days to figure things out before they would give birth.

The following day Charlie wakes up with a significant baby bump, "I don't like this. Have you found anything in the research to suggest there is a way to stop or reverse whats been done to us? I really don't want to give birth." His voice trembles a bit during that last sentence.

If he stopped for long enough and held his hands on his belly he could actually feel the growth, this both terrified and excited him for some reason. Has to be another side effect of the FEV.

"How are you feeling today?"

Tobias had charged Doc with finding them something to sleep on while they continued to go through the research. he had stopped completely when he felt his belly growing...It terrified him, watching the skin slowly stretch as the life inside him grew.

He told Charlie to get some rest, saying he would follow soon....but he didn't, he stayed up going through the console, trying to find every ounce of research they had. He had fallen asleep at the console, one hand on his swollen middle.

He groaned when he heard Charlie, lifting his head. "No.....nothing about reversing it. Like they never even bothered to research it...." He muttered. His breath hitched sharply, feeling something within him move. Both hands darting to his belly, staring down at it with wide eyes. It hurt, but felt strangely good...He looked to be half way through his pregnancy already.

"It helps if you rub it," Charlie says with a combination of pride and fear.

"I found an video on one of the terminals of one of the guys that gave birth, I guess it can't hurt to watch it if we can't stop it. Might give us some tips?" He attempts to sound confident in that decision. "Do you want me to pull it up."

He flinches as he feels a hard kick connect with his ribcage, "I can't wait for this thing to be out of me," As he says that a looks crosses his face, "What are we going to do with the babies? We can't stay here in this vault forever, especially with all these traps everywhere. Who knows what would happen if we got dosed again."

Tobias leaned back in his seat, shirt lifting to expose more of his belly, both hands rubbing it slowly. He closed his eyes tight, wincing as the baby rolled and kicked. He groaned, face scrunching up as his pregnancy went through a growth spurt, visibly expanding under his hands as movement rippled just below the surface.

A few moments later, he relaxed and sat panting softly. He slowly looked over to Charlie, brows raised slightly. "A video? I guess...." He said, slowly getting up. "I....I don't think whatever's inside us is human....." He muttered, looking worried. "All the entries about the births have been wiped..." He sighed, shaking his head. "If.....if they are human....we need to get out of here. There's no use going now and get caught out there going into labor...if they aren't human, we need to destroy them." He mumbled, making a face as the thing in his belly started to move again.

"Destroy them?" Charlie's face looked horrified for a moment before the words 'not human' clicked in his head, "I guess you're right, if they aren't we can't really trot them around the wasteland. Are there any files on the babies after the births? Any clue as to what is going to come out of us?" He rests his hand on his bump which then surges in size, going from 6 to 8 months in a matter of moments. He drops to his knees clutching his belly with tears running down his face, "At least its going quickly I guess, it will be over soon?" He asks hopefully his eyes still streaming tears.

"No files on them....But, considering the use of FEV....I'm gonna say its gonna be big.....and green." He said, frowning deeply. "But it looks like they deleted everything around the same time everything went to shit...." He said, shaking his head.

He moved closer when Charlie dropped to his knees, slowly kneeling beside him and rubbing his back. "Shit...breathe." He said before gasping and crying out as his own belly nearly doubled in size. He looked ready to pop, the button on his pants popping as his belly dropped. "f-fuck......fuck...." He panted, one hand holding tightly to Charlie's shoulder.

"We should get up on the tables, if this is coming fast we are going to have to help each other." Charlie panted though the sudden pain as whatever was inside him practically turned somersaults inside him, his belly twisting and contorting in a disconcerting manner.

"Why would you need to progress a pregnancy this fast? This is just stupid." He helped up Tobias and guided him over to one of the tables, positioning him between the stirrups, just in case. "I guess if this is coming soon we should just keep out clothes clean I guess," He states in a odd moment of lucidity. He drops his pants and underwear, standing entirely naked but slightly hunched over due to the pain.

Tobias clutched at his stomach, feeling the thing inside him shift into position, looking in horror as Charlie's did the same. "God, this is insane....how....how is this happening?" He gasped, managing to get up and follow him over to the table.

"We're going to go at the same time....." He said, panting heavily. He blinked when Charlie suggested taking their clothes off....awkwardly getting his own off before doubling over as a new pain rippled through his body, his belly contorting as the muscles contracted. He started to panic, breathing picking up. "Oh, god....Oh god! S-so much pressure!" He managed to cry out.

"Looks more likely that you are going to go first," His own gut tensing and roiling but not to the extent of his companions, "Come on, up on the table. Least I can do is help you through this, I watched my mom do it for our neighbor."

"I don't know how different this is going to be from a normal birth, I've tried to get a little familiar with those from the books that are in here. Neither of our waters have broken so this is probably just practice, I gue....." His words are cut off abruptly by a sharp pain as his belly visibly contracts around its contents.

"Breathe, just breathe. The pain will stop in a moment." He repeats several times like a mantra as he braces himself on the table to keep from falling over.

"Why me?" Tobias nearly whined. "Y-you got stuck first....." He argued, as if it mattered. But whatever was in him had hit the point where his body wanted it out...and he couldn't do anything to stop it. "You've got more experience than me.....I've only seen....dogs...." He said, panting between words. His contraction ended, leaving him gasping for air as he tried to haul himself onto the table.

He grunted as he lifted each leg up into the stirrups, exposing himself fully. He tried to relax more, but another contraction siezed his middle, making him choke on air and curl in on himself, cursing the whole time.

Charlie was desperately trying to keep Tobias calm, of all the things that he remembered about his mother helping deliver the neighbors baby, it was that the mother needs to stay calm or she might hurt herself. "Just breathe, the pain will stop eventually." He rubbed the inside of his companions thighs for some kind of comfort.

Charlie was trying his best to keep his calm face on, even though he was starting to cramp as well. He toddled over to one of the book cases and found a book he had read the day before, "I found this yesterday, this should help with the birth." He says confidently, "I hope," he says much quieter.

He only hoped that the labor went quickly, but since neither of their waters had broken yet, he didn't really see much hope of that in their future.

Opening the book he drags his finger down the page. "Okay, this isn't going to fun for either of us, but I need to check and see if you are dilating."

Tobias' contraction seemed to last forever, but only lasted a few minutes before the vise like grip on his middle released. He gasped for air, gripping the edges of the table so hard his knuckles had gone white. "F-fuck....I can't....god, it hurts." He panted, face scrunched up. He slowly opened his eyes, looking over his swollen belly at Charlie. "I thought I could handle pain.....shit...." He mumbled, shaking his head.

He watched Charlie go get the book, quirking one brow as he spoke about it. "I hope so too....Anything that could make this easier will help." He muttered, laying his head back and closing his eyes to enjoy the relaxed moment.

His head jolted back up when Charlie mentioned checking something....remembering the term from something he'd heard before. "Ok.....how do you do that?" He asked, afraid to move and trigger another contraction too soon.

He looks down at the book several times before answering, "Umm, I have to physically check. This probably won't be fun. I'm sorry."

Suddenly Tobias would feel fingers invading his still brand new orifice digging deeply, but there is hesitation, as if he didn't want to hurt his new friend. After a few moments the hand is removed, "About 2-3 centimeters. I think. You've got quite a bit to go."

Charlie turns to find a chair to sit in to help when he is nearly knocked down by a massive contraction of his own, "Dammit, not yet. We can't both do this."

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