Open Running along together (Centaur Story)
Gerard? Lumin continued to call out as he made out of their room and into the living room where he supposed his mate would be. The moment his sight landed on the mare that was his mother, instantly all sleepiness went away. Arms already waiting for him, he ran to the awaiting embrace, snuggling to both loved ones with a huge, bright smile on his face. Mom! Oh how I missed you so much! We're glad to finally have your presence with us! The omega whispered to his mother in a joy-filled tone. And the smile became larger as he felt the mother hugging back.

It's also good to finally be with you again, my little moon. Oh how I longed to have you be by my side again. And as I see, you've been blessed with quite a charming alpha. I shouldn't worry anymore. The mother responded to the emotional son, ever so glancing to the equally happy mate.

The family lingered in the hug just savoring the moment they were finally together. That was until a small whimper was heard. The hug broke and it was revealed that the whimper came from the healer. Helena was alarmed, more so when he saw his son being immediately checked over, and guided to sit down by the alpha.

With Gerard and Lumin, the omega just assured the worried mate as he rubbed the pulsing womb. Just strong kicks, hon. Strong kicks, that's all. There was a giggle, and that made the his love relaxed from fretting even more. I guess they're just as excited as I am with meeting their grandma. His pregnant belly became more prominent having sat down, good thing his still standing mate was mostly blocking him from his now anxious mother.

A cough came from behind them that got the attention of the couple. Worry was evident in the face of the mare, forehead all scrunched up and hooves fighting to remain steady. Is everything alright my sons? Is Lumin not feeling well at all?  Ah, here. I made this rabbit stew for my little moon. This always got him better. The offer had been kind, but it was strongly turned down by the couple as the omega of the two started looking green.

This confused Helena even more. Her son, turning down his favorite? Now when did this happen?

Gerard, Lumin, what is going on? she could feel something's not right.
The words of Helena towards her son made the alpha roll over in joy. Now he's pleased with his impression made. When his lover flinched at the pain, Gerard was there, feeling him, holding him close as their lights played happily on his tummy.

Everything is ok Mrs. Luna. He assures with a soft voice. At the mare's suggestion of rabbit stew, the alpha asks her to please have a seat. My apologies ma'am. I know all this looks confusing, but the reason Lumin is like this are just good news! The stallion leans down with the healer at his side, caressing the distended belly with loving hands and offering a glass of water to calm the nausea.

The mother frowns a bit, raising an eyebrow. However, being the carrier of her own son years ago, she puts the pieces together faster than they might think. The traces of a smile are forming on the corner of her lips. She notices, the pale face, the changed scent of the golden beauty and of top of all, with L resting on his side, the big tummy.

-Please lad, please tell me what I'm thinking right now- She beams at them, preparing herself to stand up again.

-Well, if you are waiting to hear that your beautiful son is pregnant, making us both so happy, yes- The stallion blushes, kissing Lumin's head tenderly.

-My sons, come here- She reaches fast and covers the couple in another hug. Bonecrushing on the alpha's side, and sweet on the omega's one.

-I'm glad you accepted us ma'am. That's why we were s happy with your gift. We have four little stars growing healthy, and Lumin is the beautiful moon capturing my heart- Gerard tickles his mate during the embrace.

-First of all, call me mother from now on Gerard. I'm so happy for you both. How many? I want to know how many grandkids I'm having- Pointed out the enthusiastic mare.

-Thanks, mother- The alpha nuzzles her in affection -Want to tell her how many lights we're having angel?- He asks lavender eyes.
Lumin was grateful to the alpha that had made the assurance for her mother. He was still feeling quite queasy from the smell of the stew, and cannot respond accordingly for the time being; but not to seem rude to his mother, he had given his own statement.

Gerard's right. I've never been healthier, ma. Though his pale face say otherwise, the smile on him was assuring enough.

Thank you for the water, G. He then giggled softly. Looks like our stars are getting impatient to be known by their grandma. They're giving her a lot of clues. It was only a whisper between the two. He was starting to doubt his mother's telepathy skills when the question was raised. The omega could only smile as his mate finally 'let the cat out of the bag', as many would say.

Lumin laughed as the excited, hyped side of his mother had been shown, and with the hug, he welcomed the mare and hug her as sweetly as she had embraced him. There was a sweet fragrance coming from her then and he thought it was his mom's way of saying congratulations to him and to Gerard.

Oh, congratulations, my sons!

The tickles had made him giddy, but then there was also another round of chuckles coming from the moon. Lumin blushed at the inquiry of a number, for the number he was expecting at that. The large belly was rubbed and kicks came as the foals' response. He looked at it fondly. It was really obvious he was carrying more than one, wasn't it? And with Gerard's permission, he gave the number he hoped would further please his mother.

Mom, in your not-so-little moon grow four little stars. You're going to be a grandmother to four, ma. We're having quadruplets! He leaned into Gerard's warmth and together they observed the spark that shone from Helena again.

-Thank the gods! You're blessed with four! The more grand kids I can spoil then. My, you have been really fertile then, dear. And your alpha's must be so strong.

- Ma! Lumin exclaimed embarrassed of what his mother had just said. What his alpha does to him, behind doors must stay behind doors.

- Just saying, sweetie. By the way, you're...umm.. growing well, Lu. Helena started as she saw his omega son stroking the active belly, fondly; the size of it being more emphasized.

- When are you due? Seems to me you could be birthing foals anytime soon.

- We still got a month to go before our stars make their grand appearance ma.

- Well, that's still soon. Take care of yourself well until then, my son. And Gerard, I trust you won't let any harm come to your family when the time comes. As an omega who experienced birth, I know Lu would have chosen to birth at the forest. Creatures there aren't all friendly, dear, and I almost lost my little moon if it weren't for Kean (Lumin's father) who suffered a scar along his chest. There was worry and there was sadness in the violet eyes. She looked at the alpha, almost pleading.

You'll take good care of them, right son?
The alpha also blushed when called "strong". However, his firm grip over Lumin didn't get loose. As mother and son talked, he scented his mate lightly, smiling and nodding at Helena's words. The sudden sad look on her face caught his attention though. It was the first time Gerard heard about Lumin's father, Kean. For some reason, when he wanted to bring up the subject, Lumin tensed. He still doesn't know what happened to the healer's father, but questioning is out of the plan for now, witnessing the anxiety on the older mare.

The alpha stands up and reaches Helena, holding her hand. As long as I live, I will protect Lumin with everything I had. He's my angel after all. His voice becames deep while she lets out a shaky breath. And we are family now. The tall centaurs get together in a calming embrace, Lumin watching. They don't doubt in inviting him too. The mare takes the chance to release her sweet fragance, officially marking Gerard. Thank you mother. I promise to be a good son, and take care of my mate. No harm will come to him. If anyone dares to touch him, I'll cause havoc, all for my prince. He states, sounding a bit possesive. A good quality on alphas if controlled properly, praising their omegas.

The three lies down, nuzzling at each other. After a while, the carrying taur goes to the bathroom, leaving husband and mother on a comfortable chat. The stallion takes the opportunity for something else.

-Mother, I don't want to push this too far but, do you think I could know what happened to Lumin's father?-
-Oh son, I think.....-

There's a pause.
A shaky sigh let out as the mare tried her best to compose herself before the young lad. The past of his husband was well remembered but rarely brought up between mother and son. But alas the alpha had a point. He had the right to know about his late father-in-law, no matter how hard it was for her to re tell the tale. He wasn't ashamed of her husband, no. It was just a hard topic to bring up, especially with Lumin.

- It was unexpected, the night that I was to birth my triplets. I was a month early for reasons unknown to us, and we barely had time for well preparations. They say that when delivery of foals come, nothing is stronger than the omega's instincts. He tried to persuade me to just give birth at home, and I wanted it also for the safety and better success of the delivery. However, my instincts hadn't let me submit, and my mate was too kind to tie me up and give me suppressants as a last attempt to block the urges. So we found ourselves in a cave well hidden behind the trees.

But what we thought was safe was actually a dangerous zone of the wolves. We couldn't have known. The forest had been to dense that time that catching their scents would be impossible. I was pushing and as normal blood leaked. There was no one to aid the birth, we couldn't reach the medics and Kean was busy guarding the entry. All was going well, I have given birth to two. That was until wolves came growling, crawling towards us with their predator eyes. I didn't know, too busy with catching my breath. All I could hear was the sound of my ragged breaths and heavy heartbeat. Unknown to me was my alpha, fighting desperately the wolves, preventing them to reach his laboring omega. But then one slipped and then another, until all three was already creeping inside.

Helena paused to prevent herself from crying, the memory was too painful for a mother and a wife to bear. But she must show courage in front of her son-in-law. She's alright now, she has to be.

- The-the wolves ate our two foals... Tears slowly came and sobs were heard. Oh her two babies! It took a while before the mother was able to continue.

- They were fast, I wasn't able to do anything. Kean rushed in after them but the wolves were quick on their scheme. In his hands were wooden spears, roughly cut but still sharp enough to pierce. He sobbed of the loss, and in anger, aimed for the wolves. They were tricky creatures and had put up quite the fight. He won and had stabbed the cruel beings repeatedly, he was furious. My husband suffered a scar that crossed his torso, I told you. But what's more is that scar had been deep enough to rapture an artery near his heart. He bled furiously, it was really a scary sight. And as if all odds were against us, another wolf came, coming for a kill like its kin had been a while ago.

There was another pause, with the mare looking at the bathroom door as if being cautious.

- Kean was ready to strike, but then he became distracted by my whimpers. Lumin was coming and he knew I would need the help this time, emotional that is. He tried to encourage me to be strong and to birth our third and then only foal. But as he was, encouraging me, the wolf had sneaked up behind him and had bitten him deep on the back. Kean fought to stay conscious, and as I whimpered again through another contraction, he gathered all his strength and had killed that wolf also. But that was it, my husband, my alpha, was dying. He and I sobbed at the realization. I wanted to die with him, with my foals and just be peaceful. However there was that smile as I hugged my mate in despair, and I sobbed further. How could he smile so warm to me like that as if everything's going to be alright? And why must he guilt me so? I just cried hugging him, not minding the blood staining my dress. A contraction hit and I felt sorry as I even had the thought of suicide with the young life's innocence. I said my apologies over and over, overcame by guilt, even as I birthed my moon.

- That was also the reason why I named him Lumin. He was to be my illuminating light to the darkness of our past. I'm thankful that the boy was indeed wonderful. I've moved on but still I honor the memory of Kean and my babies, Lumin does too, but he's very afraid of remembering.

She noted the further curiosity of Gerard. Another sigh was let out.

-He thinks it's his fault, why his father and siblings are dead. Lumin was the baby that weighs the least among the three. He got sick a month before the supposed due date  and that lead to the premature births. We only knew when a friend healer was kind enough to investigate on the matter. Since finding out, he blamed himself for all of it. He would always say something about if he wasn't sick there wouldn't be deaths. He would even tell something about he was better off not existing at all, saying that maybe I'll have a proper family now. Lumin had always been too kind-hearted. I just hope he really understood that he wasn't at fault to anything.

Helena came nearer to the mate and grab a hold of his hands, gaze firm and serious.

-This is why I'm warning you, my son. Take care of my moon, please. He's the only one I have to hold on to, though I regard you as my own son. Please don't  let him and you and my grandchildren fall into the same fate. There'll be a family of six, and I'm expecting emerging from the forest is a well family of six. I  trust on your confidence, dear. Please let your family be well.

Then a click from a door and the carrying taur emerged, quite flushed as he made it to his seat. He only did realize that the aura changed from its happiness.

-Did something happened while I was gone?
Gerard listened horrified to the story, regreting every minute he spent with Lumin without giving him support. Yes, he didn't know about the healer's past, but discovering how much weight his mate has over his shoulders, makes the stallion's heart ache. He kept composture though, allowing just a silent tear to run down his face, while holding Helena's hands. He made a mental note to pray for his deceased father-in-law. That man gave his life for his family, and Gerard hopes he can do the same if the case is given.

You were so brave mother. How? You are much stronger than me. He hugs the mare tightly. I promise the six of us will be back. I wish I could take all the memories away. If I had know about this earlier I...

He's interrupted. The elder omega reminds him to not follow Lumin's path. Son, instead of feeling guilty, just show my little moon how precoius life is. Treasure the good moments, and let the bad ones drift away. It's hard, but every day I feel Kean with me. In the peace of the night, the warm rays of day. He's always with me, smiling and holding the two little lights that faded with him. She pauses. I meet him in my dreams, we run in the fields and before I wake up, he and our two babies smile. "Always with you princess. I miss you and Lumin so much. We will be together one day, I promise" he says.

Tears slip more easily from Gerard, quickly wiping them off when his mate came in.

Nothing sweetie. Mother was just telling me a story about you. The time you hurt one of your hoofs?. He cheers up a bit, promising himself to talk about this with his angel later, taking his remorse away once and for all. In the meantime? They just keep talking about the foals and Helena's job for hours. The place becomes a mix of scents (food included)
Sunset arrives, and against all odds, the couple convince the mother to stay.

Oh you two. A pair of young colts in love that still need mommy. She laughs. Actually, thinking on that term, do you think it would be possible for me to meet your parents Gerard? While I'm still on town?

Of course mother, I'll love to and I'm sure they will too!!! He almost raises his front hoofs excited.
It was obvious that the omega was oblivious to what happened. Not a hint of doubt was seen on his happy face. The joy of having his mother and mate with him overcomes the feeling of all doubt.

Oh my hooves! You didn't have to tell him about that, mom. It was so embarrassing! I was just a young, careless colt then. He even defended as he cheered with Gerard.He had no clue of the tension that existed while he was gone. And he hadn't had a clue that his love, finally knew of his past and that there wold be a confrontation soon. But the gods may have fated it so, after all, it's time Lumin lets go of the guilt.

They talked for hours, and in between the chats were snacks and meals deliciously made by the couple; though it was mostly Gerard's doing. The family was happy, and the taur liked it. His mother and alpha were getting along so well, and he was happy that there wouldn't be any need to fear any more. His sun will be to his moon forever.

Ma, we insist you stay. Lumin repeated the invite, chuckling to his mother's tease. At the mention of meeting Gerard's family, he smiled. His mother will surely like them.

Mr. and Mrs. O'Keefe are both wonderful, mom. The healer was excited to for the meeting, but still he opted to just embrace his mother again even though he wanted to raise his hooves as well. The movement would surely rattle the sleeping foals in him.
Helena accepted to stay for three days, sending a message to her coworkers. The mates prepared the small but comfortable guest room for their mother as the night sky paints itself. Gerard now wears a red sweater, mathcing Lumin's blue pajamas. The older omega joined them with a night suit too, enjoying hot cocoa and sharing more embarrassing stories about her son. Lumin continously blushed, finding comfort in the chest of his alpha. Dominant snorted at every tale while comforting his angel with little pecks and their own scent-marking space.


The stallion is sitting in bed, getting naked with the certainty that their guest is now sleeping. He knows Lumin is tired from such a exciting day, even hating what he's going to do know, but he needs to take this chance, with mother here. The alpha watches his omega coming from the bathroom, also undressing with a tired look. Gerard pats at the spot next to him, earning a confused stare followed by a nod.

Love, I need to tell you something. Silence sofocates the room again, meaning anticipation. I talked with your mom today. He presses their foreheads together. Why do you feel guilty Lumin?.......

The sudden question causes his lover to ask for clarification.

She told me, about your father and brother. A broken gasp leaves the healer's mouth, making the farmer scold himself for going to fast. I'm so sorry, for bringing this up, but we need to talk about it love. I want to make you see there's no reason to blame yourself.

Purple eyes got watery, their owner repeating a simple pattern of words: No, but, if, should, don't exist, miss them.

When Gerard tries to show Lumin his true value, the omega starts to cry, unconsciously reaching for his lover's neck, clinging to his relaxing scent. He doesn't brake completly though. Is more accurate to say there were tears decorating the pure skin of his cheeks.

I listened to the whole story. Your mother.... our mother was so brave, letting me know all this. Yes, I wish I had known your father, and siblings, but baby. The alpha cries along his mate. I have you!!. I have you here, and I know the three of them are watching us now. I can assure they don't blame you, your mother doesn't blame you, I don't blame you. We all just love you.
Just, talk to me, please?

Sounds of pain and affection are muffled by the songs of crickets.
All confusion was gone and was replaced with dread. He knew what was coming. He knew that with his mother here, the 'topic' would be brought up. Pale skin tensed and there was a quick inhale.

W-what do you mean, G? Lumin hadn't expected the past to be revealed to his mate so soon.

The moment the words 'father' and 'brother' came out from Gerard, the omega tried best not to cry. He was being reminded of it all, and it was his fault wasn't it. Thoughts came and clashed. As if there was an inner turmoil between Gerard's comforting words and his own conscience, and he was confused, so confused who he was to listen to.

Speech broken by sobs and lack of focus, the mantra of negatives the only words he could muster to say. His head aches and his heart aches, and Lumin won't show it but he is also pained by his own dejection. He wants to be guilt-free, but it seems his conscience won't let him. Sobs became louder on the alpha's chest, breaths quickening its pace and becoming more rash.

I'm sorry if I'm like this, but... but I can't let go of the guilt. It's just... it all make sense, my existence... if..if I wasn't sick, both my siblings would have been delivered at a safer place, my father wouldn't have to sacrifice himself. I-It's my fault, all of it! I know they don't blame me, but still! It pains me so much to know I am a reason to their deaths! Lumin cried out, hugging the alpha tighter releasing all his pent up frustrations of himself.

Gerard comforted the crying mate in his arms, continuously saying uplifting words in an attempt to calm his moon. It took a while but he did succeed. And now rested in his arms was a peaceful passive.

I'm sorry if I didn't tell you this sooner, hon. I just hoped that I will find that right time where I'll finally have the confidence to tell you the tale without all the guilt. Sorry, love. Lumin hoped that the larger taur wasn't angry at him with how he hid this from him, and just bowed his head in shame. He was startled by a fury of kicks and had groaned in discomfort. The omega started rubbing the huge orb slowly, a comforting gesture it was for the foals.

Daddy's alright, my loves. calm now. When you grow up, I'll tell you about your grandpa and uncles. You'll know them, I promise. They are all great centaurs, and daddy loves them too. he was starting to tear up again, this time of regret. They are watching you and guiding you from above, I'm sure.
The stallion stood there, being closer to his mate that he has been since their bonding night.

"They are watching you and guiding you from above, I'm sure." That last sentence carried pure sadness, mixed with the never ending mother love Lumin was already showing. The picture could steal a broken gasp even from the most fierceful man. He decides to intervene. Yes my stars, they are watching you, thanking daddy for being so strong. He kisses Lumin's hair. There's no day where two little foals and a caring father miss the opportunity to see the ones they left behind. He takes a deep breath. They will always guide us. He seals, truly believing for a second that the shining night sky has three centaurs protecting them from all danger.

Almost unreal, isn't it? Just this morning the hunter was holding the owner of precious eyes proudly, celebrating their love in front of mother. Now hearts are broken. No, no ,no. We already used that word many times, right? Besides, it would be a lie, considering that they're healing at the moment, covered under warm blankets and love words.

It's ok my angel. You're the best son, best mate and best healer a person can meet. And yes, I love you, but that's not the source of my words. For almost five months I have seen how you break you back at work- There it goes again, that simple verb that explains so many things- I see how you offer me your heart, how you beam at our foals, how you try to ignore things bothering you. It's not fair, no fair my sunshine. All this the alpha express it with a soothing voice, leaving zero space for arguments. A statement that brings peace to the omega's exhausted soul. Now you will add being a great father to the list. He actually chuckles, gently tickling the other's belly.

Sleep now. Sleep and treasure our future together, instead of your past. You already spent too much time on it. Confronting the topic leaves them sleeping until late in the morning.


Good morning mother. Gerard says agitated, apologizing for being up so late. His lover was still recovering from last night, gasping and grunting happily on his dreams. The stallion couldn't avoid to steal kisses from those sweet pink lips, even sucking on them like fresh peaches. Lumin is still snoring though. ('cause despite he not admitting it, he snores like his alpha)

Keep dreamin' lazy moon. Whispers the farmer.


Son, son? Gerard?. He snaps from his trance, preparing eggs for mother. Oh, sorry, just a bit, distracted mom.

It's ok son. Something wrong with Lumin?

No, no, actually the other way. We talked last night, about father and his siblings. Her expression changed, clinging to a breath that couldn't leave her chest. He finally gave up on his remorse mother. It wasn't easy, but we talked through it.

Oh thank the gods. She released a gasp. Just two days in my life and already bringing smiles to this family. She praises, hugging her in-law.

Whenever I can mother. You two desserve that and more.

They finish breakfast. Sliced green apples, toasts, crispy bacon (in case the carrier's stomach can handle it today), dozens of eggs and nice cocoa. Lumin woke up in time to see the table being served.

Morning. Mother and mate said, hairs messy and pajamas on.

(Yeah, a long one. Hope you like it. Also, feel free to ask me anything if you see it confusing) Blush
Gerard wasn't angry, no, it's even the opposite. The omega looked up in wide eyes as the alpha locked eyes full of warmth and love for him. He was brought closer in an embrace, and as words of praise came, his heart mended itself, from once being broken by the pain of the guilt, now filled with overwhelming relief. Bitter tears, became sweet tears of happiness.

I really should work on it. His mate was right, they're future is coming. He should look forward to it more than keep hold of the past. He's never been blamed but instead loved and adored from above by the three centaurs he holds dear. It' time to let go and be there for his family, of the future and of the present.

The sleep was peaceful, with the omega having a lighter heart. He was really fortunate to have Gerard. He might very well be his savior.


Lumin woke up to an empty space beside him, assuming his love was already up and bustling in the kitchen right now. Followed him was their foals waking up, and with a rub and a fond smile, he greeted them good morning.

Good morning, my little stars. Did you sleep well? You were very behave while daddy was sleeping. He slowly worked on getting himself up, sliding nearer to the edge and when he was close enough, grabbed the dresser table for support. Carefully he lifted himself up, and he allowed some praise for himself as he succeeded the task with only a slight stumble as an incident. Good job, Lu! He cheered internally.

Next was getting dressed. Having worn his own pajamas, he started heading out. Scents of food invaded and his stomach automatically grumbled. Shhh... we'll be having breakfast soon.

As he entered the kitchen he smiled, loving how well his mother and mate were getting along. Good morning!

The omega headed for a seat and waited patiently for Gerard to finish serving the food. As he did so, he talked with his mom.

-Ma, how was your sleep? Did you sleep well?

-Oh yes dear, I'm fine. I assure you I slept well. By the way, Gerard told me about... you letting go of all self-blame. Is this true?
The son smiled and placed a hand over his mother's Yes, well thanks to Gerard that is. He sent the mate a smile and blushed some when the other returned it.

-You don't know how much relief this news bring me. I'm sure this is what your father and brothers would have wanted.

(i liked it! :D And also I think I got! :) just tell me if there was something wrong about my post.)
(Nothing wrong. perfect actually.  :)  )

The alpha was falling into a bad habit now; smiling. Since Lumin came into view, that's something he can't avoid, even now watching at the pair talk and eat happily. Gods, he loves him, right? It's obvious the whole time.
After breakfast, the three of them get ready and start walking to the farmlands. Helena kept her promise to meet Gerard's herd. She giggled and even teased her son a bit, noticing his tail tangled with the alpha's.

-So cute. I need a portrait of this-
-Mom!- Lumin frowns, trying not to laugh with his mate's affections.

-Tell me if you want to take a break sweetie. Our babies are kicking more everyday-
The healer nodded and scented his partner.


Deliah and Otto came to view as the trio arrived. They galloped fast, hugging the familiar couple, but raising eyebrows at the elder mare.

Mom, dad, before you say something, I would like you to meet Mrs. Luna. Lumin's mother.

The head omega was the first to celebrate, bowing and offering her arms to the new family addition. Helena, unlike her reserved, precious son, accepted the gesture instantly. The two females hummed in their embrace, tails all over the place and sweet fragances decorating the air.

-I'm so glad to finally meet you Mrs. Luna. I'm Deliah. Don't call me Mrs. O'Keefe please, no need of that- She said, emotions resembling the ones of a filly in christmas.
-Ok, Deliah. Nice to meet you too. Thanks for accepting me. Guess there's no need to call me Mrs. Luna either. Call me Helena- She uses her soft voice, now sounding like her son.

-How could we not accept you?-. Otto gave her his brightest smile. -Mind if I join in ladies?-

Lumin and Gerard started with fond smiles, now turned into uncomfortable parted lips. When parents of each side of the couple meet, family bonding is normal, but it will never stop being a bit akward for the young ones. Watching your parents flirting with your in-laws?. No matter the species, it doesn't stop being a concept easy to assimilate.

The passive is surprised at how fast his mother gave in. The dominant is perplexed with the way his folks hide their guest from the rest of the herd, and begin to scent-mark her.

-Son, I think Lumin and you should go for a walk- Otto states, rumbling as Helena purrs at his scent.
-Yes my moon. Go and enjoy. We need to consume this meeting- Finishes said mare with Helena carresing her hair.

Ok? The couples exits the private cabin they were lead to, heading to the lake. Sexual encounters are not a part of this meetings, but the scene leaves the mates bewildered in some grade.

Let me take you to the place we sealed our bond my angel. That way we can forget about..... that. Gerard blushes, just to end laughing openly with his sunshine at the turn of events.

Oh gods, my folks are so mawkish. He keeps laughing.
His mother can be so embarrassing sometimes, and Lumin could only get redder with how the mare continuously teased him in front of his mate. Mom, please.

The offer of rest was received well by the carrying omega. The supposed to be 20 minutes walk became 30 to accommodate the said omega's comfort. Each time, the passive would ask and thank them shyly, obviously being insecure of how much time he must be taking. C-can we rest for a moment? as he would often say breathless.

At  last the trio arrived at the farms, and to him it was actually no surprise to see the head couple already heading for their direction. He saw the warm welcome the couple had given to her mother and he felt his heart once again burst with joy. And it even looks like the Luna mare was doing a great job interacting with his mate's parents. He could already tell they'll be great in-laws.

So... I take it that you like Gerard's parents as well? the son asked, a huge grin on his face.

Of course! Oh I have not yet met such a sweet and hospitable pair as they are! Helena tried embracing the two in her giddiness, and the omega just chuckled to that.

The parents chatted about and their children were happily listening at the sides enjoying the merriment. However when the uhmm... flirtings had began, the smiles of the younger were slowly turning into frowns. As much as an honorable step for their mother is to be scent marked by the two heads, they were sure it was not a scene they would like to see. A walk doesn't sound too bad now, doesn't it. To the young moon, it may be best to have his hooves swelling a bit than be traumatized for the rest of his life.

Let's get out of here, G. Before things even get weirder. It was only a whisper but you could still hear the desperation and awkwardness in the voice.

The lake had been as majestic as he remembered it to be. It's been a while, has it love? I really hope this would be enough to erase the (cough) bad thoughts. passive laughed with his alpha.

That they are, and my mom too! My goodness! They still got it really. But its because of that they are becoming more lovable everyday, don't you agree? The couple laughed on. Lumin, sensing their foals kicking, rubbed on his belly as the humor of the two continued.

It seems the little ones are with us, dear.
Of course they are love. They feel grandpa and grandmas being too...... lovely. Gerard massages with his knuckles the swollen belly, planting kisses on it, ocasionally switching to the soft lips he owned this morning. Their taste equal to sweet nectar and he reminds Lumin of that with praising words.

They enjoy the reflections of the lake, contemplating the blue sky and the warmth of noon. Eventually, with delicate hickeys and pecks on his neck, the healer falls asleep, relaxing his weight on the stallion's side. Beautiful. He whispers, making sure their tales are still together.


An hour later, Gerard still hears his parents and new mother laughing. The celebration muffled behind the walls of the cabin they were still in. Turning his head to the east, he sees Rackli and his mate Rosa, waving at him, making signs for permission to come close. The alpha invites them, surprised to also see Chester and Scarlet joining, chilling by the lake.

-Sshhh, let him sleep- He says in dominant mode.
-Relax man, we got you- Rackli whispers, nuzzling and stealing smiles of his shy mare.

-He looks so peaceful. How are the babies doing?- Asks Scarlet, not longer hurt at G's actions.
-They are great. Kicking harder every day- He places a kiss on the other's scalp.

-Hey G, I was wondering... - Chester talks, loweing his head. -We made Lumin our friend since he came here. He's awesome and we all had great times with him, right?-

The centaurs nod.

-But isn't it odd that we don't know his friends? I'm sure he knows he can invite anyone to the farmlands. Do you know if he has friends on town?- Finishes the other omega.

-Yeah man. Not fair that he gets to spend time with his alpha's friends only. He should enjoy some more with his own crew, right?- Adds Rackli.

All this makes the future father think further on the subject. He has offered Lumin everything he can. What it that was too much?. Maybe he overwhelmed his mate, not giving him the chance to present his own friends? He plans to get the answer, but not now.

The passive is humming happily in his sleep, giving his alpha a face to die for.
The mild sun and the lake serenaded the two lovers into a peaceful yet romantic trance. Cool winds were conquered by the warmth of each other's embrace, and of course the hot breaths of each as they exchange kisses and pecks. The day was lovely and intimate for the couple, and Lumin would often remind himself of it as he slept.


An hour had past since the they found peace by the lake. The passive was serene lying on his alpha, lips tugged upwards with a dreamy sigh. He was not aware of the others that joined them yet and just continued in his sleep. The peace continued on, the omega still sleeping with the friends chatting merrily. That was until the pregnant centaur began stirring with a pained expression on his face, hands clutching his stomach. Groans called the attention of the alpha and friends towards the pained mate.

Lavenders started to open, but half way through another wince was made. G-Gerard... ! Lumin was panting by now.

-Is he going into labor?

-No, I don't think so. Here let me. Chester as an omega had instincts that sympathized with his fellow's own; and it tells him that these are not yet the labor pains they should be worried about. He moved to crouch in front of the healer and had a feel around the stomach. It was contracting, but just barely. The friend sighed in relief, glad that he thought correct. He looked at the worried face of Gerard and gave a reassuring pat on his shoulder.

- Braxton Hicks, fake labor pains as other would call it, they help carrying taurs be prepared for the actual labor. He'll be fine. Chester then turned back to Lumin.

-Lu, deep breaths now. Hee hee hoo.... that's it, breath. For someone without experience, Lumin found that the other omega was doing well in guiding him, and he was thankful for it. He followed the pattern and soon the pain diminished. A smile found its way back on the white's face, rubbing his belly. False pains, huh.The birth will surely be happening soon.
Thanks Ches. Owe you one. Said Gerard, nuzzling his mate. Little ones, I know you already want to be free, just a bit more, yes? Cut daddy some slack. He gently massaged the belly, checking Lumin's face. As their stares locked, the tension building on their bodies faded, earning a faint whine from both, followed by a chaste kiss. There was silence for a minute as everyone admired the deep love between the taurs.

The picture was odd, yet pleasant. Lumin's white and gold hair, damped a bit on angelic sweat, raising his majestic tail to express joy. His white coat singing with the signs of their four lights, contrasting with the stallion at his side. The skilled hunter with marked muscles, giving cover to his lover, looked so different. Big, strong legs and masculine hair......

Then why does he look like he could break if Lumin goes away? In which exact second, the farmer stopped being the bored, joking lad not interested in bonds, to become the caring mate and future father he is now?

The questions could have gone further, if it wasn't for Rackli yelling "There they go again" with a devilish grin.

The couple frowned, then laughed and then chased their annoying friend. Lumin throwing apple peels at him, not really running for the sake of their children.

Rosa, how do you stand this fool? Jokes Gerard, friendly wrestling with his alpha "bro"
Gerard would really make a good father, he could already tell. Truly how heart-warming it is when the mighty alpha is seen so gentle, humorous, and protective when it comes to the foals. The smile on his face and the fondness in his voice are testaments to the centaur's great love for their little ones. A satisfied smile spread on the omega as he watched his lover's affection to the young lives in him. And when their eyes met, time froze with the realization of just how deeply in love the they are for one another. Lumin would have opted for a longer kiss,but being reminded of their audience, they just stared at each other for quite sometime, with the healer also having his own thoughts as he stare into green eyes. He was just an ordinary healer, often went unnoticed and underappreciated be some patients. He didn't have any strong charms, but here he is now, an omega of such a great and loving alpha of the kindest of hearts and a mother-to-be to four giddy foals. What did he do to deserve all these blessings?

And of course there was Rackli...
Lumin gathered all of his apple peels and tried his best to aim for the friend alpha, laughing as he did so. Rosa, Chester, and Scarlet cheered them on from the sides, the mare omega teasingly siding with them instead of his own mate. The omega grinned like a child, shouting a loud 'yes' with a hand shot in the air as one peel hit the centaur when the friend ran close enough. Rackli faked a hurt expression, and Lumin just chuckled. Oh how they can be compared to young colts.


The sun was almost gone at the horizon, Lumin and Gerard now back to the position they were in before, laying side by side. The smaller would often rub the belly out of habit in soothing the awake babies, his head snuggling closer to the other's chest.

This day had been really fun, G. I hope that when our stars come, we'll have fun like this, at least.
We will have it L. You'll see. Us chasing them here, on the farm. Swimming with them in this exact lake. Watching them fight and laugh in front of us by a fire, as we rest like we are now, smiling at our beautiful stars. Gerard kisses Lumin deeply, feeling the warmth of the last sun rays going away, replaced by shades of night blue sky.

I love you angel. Always with me?

You can already guess the answer.


They come back to the central cabins, friends behind. The couple lets out a represed breath, wathcing their in-laws now resting in a picnic outside. However, Helena is still between the other two, giggling at the tickles given. Lumin rolls his eyes while his mate takes a hand to his face, sighing.

L, don't take me wrong but ...... he almost chuckles. Your mom doesn't hesitate when it comes to snuggling, does she? He hugs his mate, taking him away from the corny scene. Seems everybody is a young taur today.


While the family and close friends are having dinner on a private room, the alpha is planning to visit Mrs. Dashwood when they go back to town. Thankfully, the conversation with his lover about his father and siblings had a good ending. That doesn't mean the next one, involving the "friends" subject, will result that way too. Gerard prefers to recover more information before having another tense discussion. The more he learns about L's life, the easier it can be for him to accept a new one.

Mmmm, when you think about it, the omega seems to have already accepted his new life.
Lumin chuckled fondly at the future pictured by his alpha. He could already see it, He and his love running together chasing their foals, and when the old hooves grew tired, peacefully watch the children by the lake, side by side in each other's embrace.

I'm looking forward to when that happens, love. I can't wait for these little to be born and just bring more light to our lives. A dreamy sigh had the omega leaning more to his precious mate, eyes getting heavy with the promise of sweet dreams. He turned and had his face very close to Gerard, foreheads almost touching, when he heard the next words. A goofy smile from the white had given peace to the darker.

I love you too, my brightest light. Where would i be without you? Of course I'll always be with you. Faces tilted as the healer had grabbed the sun's neck for a kiss, slow and sweet initiated by the omega.
Lumin just chuckled wasn't able to resist letting out a chuckle with the observation done by his mate. I'll just let her be. It has been a while since he had any relative besides me that she could snuggle and be cheerful about. Look, not even hours she already had told you my past,  and that's saying something. Despite the openness of his mother, he can't help be happy for her. He had already had found his light in Gerard. Maybe his in-laws can also do the same for his beloved mom.

Chattering filled the dining area as happy in-laws and friends shared a meal. Among the various talks, the start of Lumin's fake contraction's got out and suddenly the mothers were all questions for the carrying taur.

Lumin, this would mean the birth would be happening soon. Deliah had started.

Oh my, are you feeling alright, Lu? followed Helena.

I'm alright, mom. The pain was unexpected, but otherwise I'm good with it.

Have you set your plans and preparations for this? Like the place and security and a midwife and everything else? Helena clearly sounded worried.

Lumin blushed, having not prepared anything at all. he looked at Gerard for back up and comfort. We're uh... working on it?
Through the evening, the alpha has just beamed at his omega's words. Perfection is what comes to mind when he listens to the cheering up of his lover. Minutes later, he ignores the heavenly taste of his apple pie at dinner, still lost on his train of thought. Not for long though, as he sees his sunshine wincing in pain at the kicks. Dominant instinct jumps to scene with a protective arm covering the healer from the rest of guests. Gerard gently guides Lumin's face to his own neck, soothing the carrier with the light musk coming from it.

When mother asked for preparations, the stallion instantly felt the other tensing, which made him squeeze his shoulder gently. Just a glance, and it was like they had a plan from the start.

Yes mother, we are working on some details, but we are very sure how we want it to be. He started, tracing circles on Lumin's back for more comfort. We want the birth to take place on the forest, just a few yards out of the farmlands, where great sequoias stand proud. I know this precious taur will make a beautiful nest there. He points at the healer with a fond stare.

Even if we want to be just the two of us during the delivery, we plan to have backup nearby. My dear friends, Scarlet and Rackli, agreed to look over us at certain distance. His face goes white when he sees his alpha brother mouthing : we did?

Gerard barely nods, giving Helena a sympathetic look, understanding why she was so nervous about this. She has all the right to be. His friends raise their eyebrows, but quickly catch the intention, promising safety to the welcomed mare.

And of course, with them we plan to have a midwife, in case my angel has problems during labor. Mothers, we would love if you could help us with that, but I'm sure Mrs. Luna would be busy on a mission when the due date comes, and mom. You could be too excited that day. He smiles towards Deliah, when she admits fear and joy could affect her judgment.

We hope Mrs. Dashwood, my boss, gives us a hand with that. She's a nice mare, always fast when it comes to pregnancies and births. Adds Lumin, earning a warm grin from his partner on crime, nuzzle included.

Seem you have it a ll covered. Thanks my sons. It brings peace to this worried lady. Says Helena, while Ottos just grins, figuring out what just happened. The couple covers their blushed faces with more pecks, breathing easily when anecdotes and tales followed dinner.

His tales still tangled and the spark on their touches told them something.

They were at home.


Alpha and Omega were ready to wake up on a sunny day, musk and kisses increasing more the temperature. Instead, their return to town was delayed by a grey sky and copius rain. At least our couple is cuddled in the privacy of their cabin, getting skilled at the "relaxing techniques" Mrs. Dahswood recommended. In this stage, sex was completly out of the question. However, light rubbing on certain zones, ensure a less painful delivery. Translation? Two centaurs inmersed in primal state, gasping and nipping at each other, lost in bliss and finally sleeping again in their small heaven.

Mine one of their favorite words.

(Sorry if it's a bit erotic. Had to play a little with narrative you know? Blush )

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