Closed Bondmates (w/secretsparrow)
name: Leviathan Amathwite, Dragon lord of the Eastern sea
race: dragon
age: 37
gender: male
appearance: Human form- 5'7", wavy black hair, green eyes, lean muscular build, tan skin with a faint green tint when near fire.
Dragon form- Blue green shimmering scales with a paler color underneath. Snake like sea dragon, about the size of a blue whale.
position: seeder
occupation: History Director & Head Librarian

"My lord, Amathwite?"

"Hmm?" Only the top of his head could be seen behind the pillars of tomes on the massive oak desk. The man leaned to the side to match a face with the familiar voice of his page. "Oh, sorry, Deivs. I'm not quite finished here.  Have to prepare for my evening class.  I did not mean to delay you." His eyes returned to the document in his hand re reading it for the third time, as if nothing had just happened.  

Seeing he was losing the man's attention again Deivs cleared his throat.  "Forgive me. I'm just tidying up. I didn't mean to rush you, my lord." The page hesitated, failing to find the proper words to evoke the needed dismissal from his superior. Each and every action begging to be set free yet held in check by a natural respect for the dark haired man opposite him.

"What? Ah, yes, yes. You may go." he made a shooing motion absentmindedly towards him, but when the younger male was two steps from the door, hand outstretched to pull the clockwork latch, Lord Amathwite called out a final request. "And be so kind as to deliver this to Chalmers Hall?"

Deivs shoulders drooped slightly at the sight of the summons he indicated with a tap of a finger. It would take him five mintues out ofhis way to deliver it.  Five minutes longer he'd have to be out among the crowds of student leaving classes and heading to the dorms or who knows where now that day classes were out. On top of that he'd probably get stuck talking to Dr. Brinks for a half hour tops. The woman was kind but could drone on. Simply waiting for her to pass the summons along to whatever student resided in her building, was no easy feat.  Adding to that, he'd have to log a reply.

"...of course, my Lord."

"Thank you. And please put it on her desk, not the front desk, Deivs. That is, if you can't place it directly in hand."

"Yes, my lord."

Amathwite did not look up from what he was reading, but smiled as the familiar clicks of the chamber door sounded.  He knew Deivs did not care much for socializing beyond what was needed for his job and studies, but thought it good to force him out with one random task or another.  watching him spread his gold wings and streak past the upper window elicited a soft chuckle. It amused him, to tease the silver fire drake, though he did think kindly and highly of Dievs.

His eyes returned to the document in hand. The acceptance and approval from the school for his potential marriage candidate. It was not against any rules for a faculty member to marry a student, but it was frowned upon. Considering Amathwite's family position, and the fact that the student was not even under his direct care, it was approved in record time.  Now he only need to officially present his proposal to his potential mate.  The summons for him was already on it's way, requesting he meet him in his private study attached to his chambers on campus the next day. Many students came and went for tutoring and meets, so it was not uncommon, but Amathwitte considered his potential mate would think it odd, being he is not a student of his and made it for a late afternoon appointment so as not to make him uncomfortable. Now he had only to wait For a response. The distraction of his last class for the day would keep his mind in check.
name: Talon
race: fire dragon
gender: male
Age: 20
appearance: 6'7, red hair, and orange eyes, he stands rather tall and skinny but that isn't to say he without any muscle at all.
Dragon form - small, about the size of two men. Red and black scales with an orange underbelly. He also has long claws and spiraled horns atop his head.
position: carrier
occupation: Student.

Talon was a second year student at the university, he studied well and got decent enough grades. He was smart and rather kind to others though he was known to be a bit hot headed at times. He didn't consider him self anything special really, he was a dragon with a fire element but he had been raised by a human family. It wasn't as if that was a bad thing, Talon liked them vary much but it meant that he had been rather sheltered from his own kind and sometimes he still struggled to understand them and how they worked.

Perhaps, that was why Talon had filled out an application for a potential mate. Of course, it wasn't the whole reason but it had defiantly been part of it. Talon had turned the papers on nearly a few weeks ago and by now he had almost forgotten about it. Sometimes, getting a response or finding any match at all could take years but Talon was a carrier a rare trait among their kind. Talon didn't brag about though, nor had he ever really mentioned it. Growing up raised by a human family who had openly mocked other carriers Talon had been careful never to bring it up. It wasn't as if it was a big deal anyway, he didn't have a mate so he didn't have to worry about anything.

The letter was waiting for him that evening when he returned to his dorm. He read it a total of 6 times before his brain fully processed what he was reading. 'potential marriage candidate.' he said shaking his head, he had always expected this but not so soon. The name of the man on the paper sounded filmier but it took a moment to place it. Wasn't he a teacher? That explained the meeting place. Talon let out a long breath and sat down on the edge of the bed. He really shouldn't be so nervous the likely hood of Talon being a match to him were low. Still, he found his mind moving quickly trying to process this new information.

(is this alright?)
(It's perfect.)

Leviathan Amathwite sighed heavily, blowing away the smoke that had accumulated. He ran a hand through his hair a nervous reflex he instantly regretted. his thick mass of hair was not easily tamed and today he wanted to look presentable.  Messy hair so be it. It was better than nearly burning down the building. In his anxious state, he'd concentrated his gaze on the brass dish on the desk too long, residue of the consumed ingredients that littered the shallow curved surface began to smolder.  Just an hour before it was used by an ace student of his to summon a particular book, but now the ashes stirred to life again, a mistake on his part.  He huffed at his own distracted mind, and left his chair to take up a place by the window once disaster was averted.

It was not like him to have so little to do in the middle of a weekday afternoon. Deivs had made sure his schedule was clear as requested.  All two of his sessions he had allowed himself for the day, had finished early, leaving him with ample time prepare for meeting with Talon. His mind was filled with nothing but him and how he would respond to his proposal, so it had been a challenge to concentrate all morning.  An act that earned him a  scolding glare from a fellow teacher. He did not care.  His desire to have a mate and a family would finally come true if all things went well. His train of thought was broken by the sound of Deivs greeting someone at the door. Oddly enough it was prefaced by a surge of elation that took him by surprise.  

"Talon? I'm third year,Deivs, Lord Amathwite's page." Deivs offered his hand to the other male and flashed a hint of a smile. Though this was his job, it was tough for him meeting people.  He managed, even improved since he started this semester.  "He's been waiting for you." Deivs was pleased this was his last task and had opened the door eagerly, wanting it to be done quick, yet still get a look at this Talon the librarian was fixed on. He knew nothing of a proposal, since his superior kept that to himself, but he could guess.  Based on the man voicing his wishes for a companion on the rare occasion they broached the matter of mates. Deivs agreed, and wanted a mate and family of his own as well, but couldn't bring himself to share something he considered was out of his reach anyway.

Leviathan Amathwite turned from the window and looked to the door as Deivs' head popped into view. "My lord, Talon is here."
Talon slowly entered the room looking around his eyes wandering over everything before stopping at Devis. "Ah yes, nice to meet you." Talon said softly he was currently able to mask the nervousness from his voice quiet well and to anyone who didn't know better Talon would simply seemed laid back. Slowly he took a few steps further into the room, his heart was pounding in his chest it felt so strange being here. He had never taken any classes with Leviathan nor was Talon able to recall even what he looked like.

Talon stood 6'7 with redish hair and orange colored eyes. He was tall and skinny but he carried some muscle, it wasn't as if he seemed weak. Currently he dressed in black pants and a dark red T-shirt It was casual but still looked nice enough on him he didn't have to worry about it to much. As Talon waited for Leviathan he fidgeted slightly pulling at the sleeves of his shirt.
Deivs shamefully judged the other male, with a raised brow, pairing his height with the small voice that spilled out. He couldn't hold back a grin at the gentleness. As their hands met in greeting, Dievs as all dragons felt the flow of power, giving him all he needed to know about what rank he was. It was refreshing to know e was another drake. If things went the way he suspected they would, Dievs thought it would be nice to have another Drake among the few people he interacts with daily. "Come this way, Lord Amathwite is in here." he lead him to the door, announced him, then skittered off. He wanted to leave as always, but wished he could be a fly on the wall at the same time.

The study was a comfortable room. Large and spacious enough to cater to small classes, with two round tables and an array of chairs, the room still held centuries worth of books on it's high walls. Being that they were all here before him, Levi had yet to read them all, but it was one of many goals. Off to one corner near the window was a great oak desk. Lord Amathwite had spent a couple of hours sorting it and returning tomes, so the desk was clear, only deciding at the last minute to offer him a more relaxed seat. Adjacent to the desk was a small nook with two chairs and a chaise. It was here the dragon lord gestured for him to approach.

Levi noted his height, considered it for a brief second then fell straight into welcoming him. "Talon. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Come in, have a seat." Levi wore dark grey slacks with tall black boots. He had a grey vest of a lighter shade over a fitted long sleeve shirt. Every item he wore, fit close to his frame though loose enough to allow ease of movement. He'd worn a jacket earlier in the day, which now lay draped across the back of his desk chair. "I have to say firstly, it really is a pleasure to finally meet you. Thank you for agreeing to meet with me."
Talon paused again for a moment looking around the room quietly his eyes drifted over everything once before landing back on Levi. He smiled slightly at the other male. Talon wasn't sure what to make of him quiet yet though he did not at least get an immediate negative reaction. Quietly he took a seat in one of the chairs. It felt strange, his mind continued to remind him that this was a teacher and that all of this was happening vary quickly. He let out a breath running a hand threw his hair, a nervous habit he often had.

"Nice to meet you as well." Talon said with a nod he smiled lightly, he hid his nerves quiet well but there were small hints. He wanted to make more conversation but his mind drew a blank and he struggled to find the proper words, what was he supposed to say? Talon had always assumed the words would just come to him but now that he was here, he found himself at a loss.
Levi felt poor thing seem half afraid, as if a sudden clamor would have him dashing from the room. He absorbed this and made sure to leave his seated position open, settling back in the chair with his body posture open and away from him, so it wouldn't crowd his potential mate. Such behavior was nerve racking with the scent of the young drake drifting about the room. It was distinct, near intoxicating even on such low levels and increased as he threaded nervous hand through red locks.  Pushing the thought of wanting to do that for him, Levi smiled and cleared his throat, amused that the scent would tempt him so. He knew the boy by sight, and that was a pleasant thing, but other than what was listed in his marriage profile, he was clueless. He doubted Talon's personality could be one to disappoint, but then that's what this meeting was all about. Discovering a little more about each other before the final yay or nay was given.

"Talon, tell me. You are aware why I summoned you? I was pleasantly surprised to find your name among the candidates. Or  rather, to connect your name to the face I've seen a few times around campus."  Amathwite had in fact searched for him, and had resigned himself to approaching him directly, but just as he was planning this, the name appeared on the list.  Levi had put things into motion that night and found it hard to contain his excitement.

"I know there are some families that do this out of tradition, duty, even some sick form of 'breeding quality', but to get straight to it, I simply desire a family." He hesitated, taking in the boy's reaction to his words so far with a kind eye.  "So, my proposal is not just for a mate, but for you to bear my child... our child." Dragon kind were a little more forthcoming with family matters in ways most humans didn't understand. To request a mate and children were honorable things.  
For a long moment Talon looked up at him "Yes, I know why i'm here." He nodded starting to relax just a bit though it was not as easy as it should have been. He shifted in his seat a bit and smiled lightly. He understood what Levi was saying clearly but he was unsure. Marriage was one thing, he didn't mind that but he really had no plans of a child until he finished with school.

"Look, you must understand, normally these application take more then a few weeks to go threw. Years, sometimes.. so forgive me if I seem a bit hesitant, you seem vary nice it's just.. a child? I can't I mean.. I can't right now."

He had been raised by human parents and though he understood the way dragons worked and there customs outright asking for a child had defiantly spooked Talon a bit.

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