Closed Crawl out through the Fallout, baby (closed with NSAria)
Tobias was oblivious to anything around him, He was only aware of the pain in his own body. The skin of his growing tail started to darken and thicken, becoming leathery. His boots splitting as his feet grew longer, claws tearing through the leather. He writhed on the floor, kicking his legs out as his new tail slapped against the floor.

He cried out and put his hands on his head, showing the skin on his hands and arms was becoming scaly and claws splitting his fingernails....And all the time his belly was slowly swelling, filling with eggs sired by the old deathclaw....
Charlie tried to concentrate on fixing Doc and helping him up as Tobias writhed in pain behind him. He winced in pain every once in a while as he felt the supermutant seed taking root and beginning to grow.

"Almost there, dammit Doc wake up!" Charlie smacks Doc's canister like body leaving a small unseen dent. The robot stirs and it's flights begin blinking in alarm.

[Patient Charlie, you are hurt. Why am I on the ground? Have I sustained damage?] The robot queries as it struggles to get up.

"I'm fine Doc, let's get you up." Charlie grabs and hoists the large robot to a standing position with surprising ease. "I need you to check on Tobias. Full medical examination protocol: Authorization Bravo Gamma Charlie."

The robot immediately toddler over to Tobias and began scanning the writing man.
Tobias was slowly calming down, lying there on his side, his clothes shredded around his new tail and mutated limbs. Stubby spikes sticking up through holes in the back of his shirt along his spine. And on his head was a pair of mismatched stubby horns.

[Patient Tobias no longer recognized] came the robot's voice, switching to attack mode. Tobias shifted suddenly, rolling over and getting up. His eyes glowing bright blue as he lunged at the robot, snarling. He knocked Doc down and ripped his arms off before freezing and staring at his hands. "Ooh......oh god...." He panted, stumbling off the damaged robot, claws clicking on the floor.

He scrambled back, terrified by his own body, only to trip over his own tail and fall back against the wall. He slid down to a seated position, looking over his clawed hands and feet, reaching up to tug on his new horns, and lifting and moving his tail. He finished with both hands on his swollen middle, looking about 5 months, but still growing slowly. "H-holy shit...."
"No!" Charlie cries out as Doc attacks Tobias and is subsequently disarmed(sorry couldn't help it lol). "What the hell is happening to us?" He stands and Tobias would notice (if he were looking of course) that Charlie looks....larger.

He was so focused on his friends transformation that did didn't notice his own. He was several inches taller and had bulked up quite a bit as well, his lithe frame looking much more muscular. It seemed that everything got bigger as more of his body is revealed, his once average penis was now an enviable size.
Tobias looked over at Charlie, watching him for a moment before his eyes went wide. "'re growing...." He said, slowly standing up. He wobbled on his new legs, tail swaying behind him. "Aah...f-fuck....we....we've mutated." He said, trying not to freak out. "The must've taken some genetic material.....from whatever we....bred....with." He said, staring at Charlie.

His eyes lowered, seeing the other's girth before he blushed and looked away. His own pants fell off, showing his genitals were now neatly hidden within a slit between his legs. He groaned, supporting his growing belly. "Oh god....I'm....I'm full of eggs." He panted, closing his eyes. The shells weren't hard yet, but he could feel them slip and shift around inside him. And a strange part of him found the feeling arousing, causing the tip of his cock to peek out of his slit. "Nnnh..."
"Holy shit, what the fuck?" He looks down at his more muscular body and was both horrified by the implications of this, and impressed with his new body. But he could see as his stomach began to swell with yet another child. He hoped that this new one was less monstrous, and smaller, than the first, but he knew this would not be the case.

"What do you mean eggs? Holy shit, you got bred by a death claw? And you survived?" Finally registering the physical changes to his friends body. He could see the individual shapes shifting in his belly as he stood and moved. Although what most intrigued Charlie was Tobias's new genital slit, he hadn't ever seen one before but he was midst fascinated by the emergence of Tobias's cock from the slit.
Tobias looked up at Charlie, watching his muscles and body grow, and his belly swell. He didn't seem to be changing into a full supermutant, which he was thankful for...He didn't want his friend to lose his mind, especially when he was so talented with robots.

He sat there, panting softly before rolling onto his side and then mostly onto his back. "Yeah....It was spoke a little." He muttered, leaning his head back. He bit his lip, more of his cock sliding out of his genital slit. It was different, ribbed and curved, dribbling thick precum. and the base was swollen. "Ooh, fuck.....f-fuck..." He grunted and strained, the slit suddenly bulging just behind his cock before his egg began to crown. He gasped as it popped free and rolled onto the floor, shell quickly hardening.

"Holy shit." He panted, lifting his head. "I'm not in labor....that...that just happened...." He said, color rising in his face.
"Dude, what the fuck? What was that word? I think you have a cloaca now. It's like a genital slit for your cock and the vagina we grew before." His eyes growing wide as the eggs make their way out. "It's almost like they are coming out of your cock, even though it's not." His belly was swelling a bit faster than the first time, but in odd spurts.

"We need to be more careful, if this virus in us adds DNA from the things that breed us, this could get very bad. Very fast." He looks at Tobias again. "Worse I guess."
The egg that popped out of Tobias looked like your average deathclaw egg, oblong and about the same size as a football. Tobias reached to pick it up, frowning. "A cloaca?" He asked, looking down at his full belly. He couldn't see past it to see his new equipment, but he felt pressure again.

He grunted and strained, nearly moaning as another egg emerged just behind his cock. "Oooh....why....why does that feel good? Aaah!" He gasped, tail slapping on the floor as he popped yet another egg out.
"You, uh want any help with anything?" Charlies newly enlarged cock twitches at the sight of the eggs emerging from Tobias, he couldn't help it but he was getting turned on by this. He wasn't sure if it was a lingering attraction to Tobias they he had had before, or if this damn pregnancy was making him horny.

Speaking of his pregnancy, he looked about 5 months along at this point and he could already tell that this baby was going to be much larger than the first, he only hoped that this one might survive.
Tobias rolled over onto his hands and knees, getting himself up on his feet and squatting. He moaned loudly as the position put more pressure on the eggs to come out. His tail twitched and trembled as he lowered his head and cried out as another egg popped out of him. Then another, and another, until they seemed to be popping out non stop. Tobias could only lean against the wall and shake as he blew his load all over the floor.

His belly didn't seem to shrink much despite how many eggs he'd laid...his body was making them almost as fast as he popped them out.
Charlie did his best to move the eggs out of the way since they seemed to just keep coming, he arranged them in an open crate in the packing material, his belly making his movements difficult as it continues to grow larger. His womb was sitting lower this time, prodding his sensitive parts on the inside causing his thick cock to rise slowly.

A blush began to rise in his cheeks as he reached its full, now quite large, thickness. Something about his heat was different, he remember losing any sexual desire during the first pregnancy, but this time, it was almost as if he didn't get enough from the giant beast lying dead a few meters away. "What is happening to me?" He said quietly as he began absent mindedly stroking his throbbing cock.
Tobias couldn't pay much attention to Charlie while he laid his eggs. He could only shudder and twitch, panting harshly as each one popped out of him. By the time his belly started to shrink, he had laid over 30 eggs and couldn't even count how many times he had cum. He grunted and pushed the last few eggs out, not having the pressure of a full womb to make it as easy...

He came again when the last egg popped free, cock twitching but nothing coming out...he could only slump against the wall, panting hard. It was then he looked up and saw his friend so heavily pregnant and jerking his large cock. And despite his exhaustion, he felt a strange pang of arousal...just how huge he was. How his cock throbbed beneath his swollen belly....and how his hand ran over the skin covering it. He had to shake those thoughts out of his head, stumbling to his feet and moving his eggs. Hoping none of them were fertile....or they had an army of deathclaw-human hybrids in the making.
Charlie was in a daze as he slowly stroked his thick cock as he rubbed his growing belly, he barely noticed Tobias moving his eggs around. Both his cock and his pussy were leaking profusely, slowly forming a puddle around his muscular butt. He closed his eyes as he enjoyed the sensation of the child growing within him.

After a moment, his logical brain returned and his eyes snapped open, "What the hell am I doing?" His cheeks nearly glow from him blushing. Once he realized that Tobias up and moving around he shifted to hide his huge erection.

"You okay?" He says quietly to Tobias.
Tobias had shoved his eggs into a pile in the corner using his tail. But his attention turned back to Charlie, watching his belly swell as he stroked himself. He couldn't help feeling aroused by the sight...but not in a desperate way...laying all those eggs seemed to have cleared his system of a lot of what caused his heats.

He didn't notice how his slit dripped as he watched. Cock hidden from view, but female sex swollen enough to part his slit and show his arousal... "do you...want some help?" He asked, tilting his head.
Charlie blushes even harder, "I'd like that, no more babies. You remember how that turned out last time." He shifts his legs to expose himself again. His belly was growing larger by the moment, it was clear that the baby within him was going to be very large.

He noticed the pile of eggs in the corner, and hoped that they weren't fertile. The spawn from that clutch could decimate the wasteland. The puddle beneath him was growing by the minute, it was clear that even his embarrassment couldn't alleviate his arousal.
Tobias hesitantly moved closer, claws clicking on the floor and tail swaying behind him. He moved his clawed hands to his friend's growing belly, feeling the young inside shift. "Damn...." He mumbled, laying his head against it to hear the strong heartbeat of the growing baby.

But he couldn't ignore Charlie's raging erection, shifting slightly and leaning closer. The other's musky scent was overpowering and he couldn't help going into a bit of a trance. Tongue darting out as he licked up the length, tasting the fluid leaking from the tip, a low growl rumbling in his chest.
Charlie's eyes rolled back in his head as Tobias' tongue flicks over the sensitive head of this throbbing cock. Unfortunately he couldn't see what was happening due to his still growing belly. He rested a hand on it and could actually feel the skin expanding below his fingers.

"Hope this baby comes soon, I can't really get much bigger." He jokes absentmindedly as the belly starts to rub against the head of his cock, causing light moans to escape him. "Hey Tobias? While you're down there, could you take care of that? Might make things go faster?"
Tobias groaned softly, looking up at Charlie's belly, then back to his cock. He leaned in close again, running his tongue over the tip lazily. He suddenly opened his mouth, taking the head of his cock into it. He sucked on it, teasing it with his tongue while he moaned and hummed to create wonderful vibrations. He took more of his cock into his mouth, relaxing his jaw and throat. His new mutation allowed him to nearly unhinge it as he bobbed his head. His own hips twitching as his sex throbbed from arousal.
The arm that was supporting Charlie's still increasing girth nearly gave out as Tobias took his entire length in his mouth. "God your tongue feels so good."

His puddle is again increasing, he is so aroused he can barely see straight. He runs his fingers through Tobias' hair and pushes his head down onto his cock

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