A/B/O RP (closed to me and Shoo)
(02-13-2017, 03:29 AM)shooshoo Wrote: Sid wiped the sweat off his forehead, smiling at Patrick as they worked to smooth the sheets and get the blanket on the first bed. He gestured over at the plug sitting on a towel. "I had to take the plug out. We better remember to put that back in the bathroom so the kids don't see it."

He straightened up and rubbed at his lower back, arching a little. "Hospitals are actually very stressful places to labor. It's much better to stay at home as long as possible."

Patrick nodded, definitely didn't need the kids seeing that at their age. When they were older and had sex ed and presented they could have their own, but not until then. "I'll take care of it," he agreed, reaching behind him slightly, feeling his own in his ass, but he didn't try to take it out. 

"I know," he rubbed Sid's back, then carefully picked the pillows up off the floor to put on the bed, "but they're much better if you have complications, especially with twins. If you get five minutes apart or less, then we need to go," for now, they had time. 
Sid nodded a little as he breathed through a contraction. It was stronger than the previous contractions, but nothing like they would be before long.

"One more bed," Sid said when the contraction ended, picking up the next set of sheets. They both walked down to the next room, Patrick carrying the plug and towel. "I have talked to Alpha about this before now. He knows I don't like hospitals."
Patrick nodded, that didn't surprise him. "Okay," he agreed, "I mean, I get that. I do. I just...I don't want anything bad to happen, Sid," he admitted. That he hadn't called Alpha to check in or come home said how much he trusted his husband. He knew Sid knew what he was doing, but it was his first time, even if it wasn't himself just yet.
"It won't," Sid said as he shook out the sheet, waiting for Patrick to grab the other end. They made the bed quickly and efficiently, piling the stuffed animals back on the bed. Sid smiled fondly at them, knowing how much their daughter loved them.

"You can text Alpha to tell him. And if you want, I can talk you through what is going to happen. I know that you know the process, but it might help you - " Sid hissed and stopped talking, having to concentrate on keeping relaxed during the contraction.
Checking his phone, Patrick noticed that the contractions were closer together. Not so close yet to worry him, they were still more than five minutes apart, but things were progressing slightly. "Okay," he agreed, doing just that with a few swipes of his thumb. It did make him feel better to know that Alpha was aware of what was happening and could make final decisions if needed. "Okay," he repeated, "So, tell me." 
Sid reached for Patrick's hand, sweeping his thumb over his knuckles soothingly. "Well the contractions are going to get a lot worse. They'll be stronger and longer the closer I get to delivering. At the same time, the pressure is going to get worse as the babies move into my birth canal. I'm going to keep dilating and producing slick to help ease the way out. I'm going to want to walk around."

"I'll probably get loud," Sid admitted. He shifted a little, his hips aching. "So we definitely want the kids to be somewhere else. We can call Alpha's parents and they'll pick them up from school and keep them for the night."
(02-13-2017, 10:11 PM)shooshoo Wrote: Sid reached for Patrick's hand, sweeping his thumb over his knuckles soothingly. "Well the contractions are going to get a lot worse. They'll be stronger and longer the closer I get to delivering. At the same time, the pressure is going to get worse as the babies move into my birth canal. I'm going to keep dilating and producing slick to help ease the way out. I'm going to want to walk around."

"I'll probably get loud," Sid admitted. He shifted a little, his hips aching. "So we definitely want the kids to be somewhere else. We can call Alpha's parents and they'll pick them up from school and keep them for the night."

"That's a good idea," Patrick agreed, relaxing a little as the kids were taken care of. Or at least, there was a plan for them. He could call their schools and alpha's parents to arrange it all easily. 

Taking a deep breath, he nodded, "Whatever you need to do then. And whatever you want me to do. I just...I get nervous. Especially since it's twins," in his mind, that was twice the labor and chances for things to go wrong with it. The pregnancy itself he had been fairly worry free. It was just this end bit. 
Sid smiled at him, leaning over to press a gentle kiss to Patrick's lips. "If it gets to be too much, you can step away. I won't mind."

Patrick's phone buzzed and Sid gestured at it, "Go on and answer. I'm going to go get changed into shorts. These are way too hot."

Sid waddled towards the bedroom, stopping halfway there to lean a hand against the wall as he breathed through another contraction. He felt more slick leak out of him, making the sweats tacky. Another good reason to change into shorts.
(02-14-2017, 01:59 AM)shooshoo Wrote: Sid smiled at him, leaning over to press a gentle kiss to Patrick's lips. "If it gets to be too much, you can step away. I won't mind."

Patrick's phone buzzed and Sid gestured at it, "Go on and answer. I'm going to go get changed into shorts. These are way too hot."

Sid waddled towards the bedroom, stopping halfway there to lean a hand against the wall as he breathed through another contraction. He felt more slick leak out of him, making the sweats tacky. Another good reason to change into shorts.

It was just his mother checking in on him since he was pregnant. Sending her a quick reply, Patrick created a group-text between himself, alpha and his parents to coordinate the kids, then called the school to let them know the change in pick-up plans this afternoon. Once that was done, he stuck his head in to check on Sid before going to pack the kids a bag. Grandma would come pick it up before she got the kids this afternoon. 

Once all that was done and the laundry switched, it was time for lunch. Patrick felt bad about semi-abandoning Sid, but these things needed to happen and hovering wouldn't help. Once he had lunch ready, just a light pasta salad for them both, he took the bowls upstairs to see if Sid could eat. 
Sid had his forearms resting on the dresser, rocking his hips as he worked his way through another contraction. He was completely focused on that, feeling the pressure against his hole. He moaned lowly and let out a sigh of relief as the contraction passed.

Patrick had been in and out, checking on him and taking care of the household. Sid looked over at him, smiling tiredly. He didn't really have much of an appetite but he took the water bottle Patrick had brought up as well.

"Thank you, sweetheart. Did Alpha text back?l
(02-14-2017, 02:11 AM)shooshoo Wrote: Sid had his forearms resting on the dresser, rocking his hips as he worked his way through another contraction. He was completely focused on that, feeling the pressure against his hole. He moaned lowly and let out a sigh of relief as the contraction passed.

Patrick had been in and out, checking on him and taking care of the household. Sid looked over at him, smiling tiredly. He didn't really have much of an appetite but he took the water bottle Patrick had brought up as well.

"Thank you, sweetheart. Did Alpha text back?l

"The kids are all set, his mother will be by to get the kids bags later, I just left them by the door, she knows not to come in," Patrick explained, "and Alpha is going to finish today at work unless things progress, then I'll let him know and he'll head home," at this point though, Patrick didn't think the babies would be here in the next four or so hours. "I was going to eat and rest a little," he took a seat in the stuffed chair and rested his bowl on his middle so he could eat, "I wasn't sure if you would be able to eat or not," he could always take Sid's lunch down and put it in the fridge.
"I'm not very hungry," Sid said as he moved to sit on the bed, tugging off his shirt. He rubbed at his belly soothingly. A foot kicked out, and Sid groaned. "Ow. I know you're not enjoying this either. Try not to beat me up."

Sid looked over at Patrick when he couldn't help but giggle at that. "Do you mind if I lie down with you after you're done eating? I'll try not to disturb you while you nap. I want to be close to all of our scents. It's comforting."
(02-14-2017, 02:37 AM)shooshoo Wrote: "I'm not very hungry," Sid said as he moved to sit on the bed, tugging off his shirt. He rubbed at his belly soothingly. A foot kicked out, and Sid groaned. "Ow. I know you're not enjoying this either. Try not to beat me up."

Sid looked over at Patrick when he couldn't help but giggle at that. "Do you mind if I lie down with you after you're done eating? I'll try not to disturb you while you nap. I want to be close to all of our scents. It's comforting."

"Of course," he agreed easily. There was a reason that this was a light lunch. Finishing it, he left the dishes there and instead tugged off his clothes so he could go lay with his co-husband. "Whatever you want," Patrick murmured, making himself comfortable with pillows. The baby inside him kicked and moved, awake and wanting to do things, but he could merely lay there even if he didn't nap.
Sid shifted on the bed as well, reaching for Patrick's hand as they lay there. The contractions came regularly but Patrick helped coach him through them, keeping Sid focused. Sid brought Patrick's hand up to his lips, kissing the back of his hand.

"I'm not letting you rest," Sid said apologetically. Another contraction began before he could finish apologizing and he clutched Patrick's hand tightly. He couldn't stop the whimper that came out as it continued to build, his belly, back, and hips flaring with pain.
(02-16-2017, 12:27 AM)shooshoo Wrote: Sid shifted on the bed as well, reaching for Patrick's hand as they lay there. The contractions came regularly but Patrick helped coach him through them, keeping Sid focused. Sid brought Patrick's hand up to his lips, kissing the back of his hand.

"I'm not letting you rest," Sid said apologetically. Another contraction began before he could finish apologizing and he clutched Patrick's hand tightly. He couldn't stop the whimper that came out as it continued to build, his belly, back, and hips flaring with pain.

"Neither is baby number three," he replied, unbothered, "You're fine. No one is getting a lot of sleep for a while," he pointed out. He would get the most because he was still pregnant, but not until the infants were here and there were still the older kids and the house and whatnot. He might get the most sleep in general, but it wasn't going to be a lot. 
Sid groaned and shifted on the bed, rolling as best he could onto his back. He felt smothered like that, the weight of his belly holding him down.

"I need to get up," Sid said, turning again and pushing himself to his feet. He panted heavily, one hand under his belly, trying to hold it up. He felt like there was already a head between his legs. He needed to get back into the bathroom, back where it was easier to clean up from the mess of birth.

Sid started to walk but another contraction rolled over him, bringing him to his knees.
(02-16-2017, 01:52 AM)shooshoo Wrote: Sid groaned and shifted on the bed, rolling as best he could onto his back. He felt smothered like that, the weight of his belly holding him down.

"I need to get up," Sid said, turning again and pushing himself to his feet. He panted heavily, one hand under his belly, trying to hold it up. He felt like there was already a head between his legs. He needed to get back into the bathroom, back where it was easier to clean up from the mess of birth.

Sid started to walk but another contraction rolled over him, bringing him to his knees.

At seven months himself, it took Patrick too long to get up and moving to help Sid as quickly as he needed. "I'm texting Alpha," he said, sending the pre-decided code to come home now. 

"You gotta get up, Sid," he instructed, trying to help now that he was on his feet too, "I can't carry you. Alpha's on his way."
Sid shook his head, leaning on hands and knees. Alpha might be on his way, but the first baby was not going to wait.

"Towels. On the floor. Cover the rug." He tugged at his shorts, trying to pull them down. "Hurry!"
(02-17-2017, 12:38 AM)shooshoo Wrote: Sid shook his head, leaning on hands and knees. Alpha might be on his way, but the first baby was not going to wait.

"Towels. On the floor. Cover the rug." He tugged at his shorts, trying to pull them down. "Hurry!"

Moving as fast as he could, which was really just a spirited waddle, Patrick did as he was told. THIS was why he wanted to go to the hospital! Because he was good at making and baking babies, he knew nothing about having them!! There was no time to think about that now though, so he grabbed as many old towels from the bottom of the closet as he could ad brought them back, spreading them under Sid as best he could, "It's coming?" he asked, knowing that the first one was, but damn the timing!
Sid nodded and kneeled on the towels, bearing down on the next contraction. This was just like last time, he thought helplessly as he pushed. He fisted the towels as he pushed and then cried out as his water broke and the baby's head began to crown.

Sid gasped and pushed again, unable to stop. He could see Patrick hovering by him but he couldn't pay attention to him.

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