Open Running along together (Centaur Story)
(Thank you, maybe we could take turns on describing the birth and the foals? Like I'll do Gia next and you do the third foal? Blush I don't exactly want to skip, experience! :D )

Lumin panted. His hole where the child had just left was now sore. White fur covered in sweat described our omega. But why does he still smile? The moment he heard the cry, he let out a breath he didn't knew he was holding. She was here. Their first star just came; and as she was placed in front of him, his heart was filled with joy. His night sky was made brighter by the baby girl, a perfect representation of an angel with her inheriting the white coat of his. The brown patches made her look as one with the Earth. That's what she is, their star and an angel of the Earth.

Gerard... She's beautiful. He was beginning to be teary; but when he came to observe their daughter more closely, it was no fight, tears poured down from the happy daddy. Yes, he was definitely a father now. sweet Loraine. Chapped lips came to touch the little forehead; and as if already knowing her 'mother', the foal had her strong cry cease to mere hiccups only. Lumin chuckled to that, bringing his child closer to him as he brought them closer to the warmth and scent of his surely proud mate.

Another kiss was shared between the two mates before the omega had started on contractions again. He breathed to it, making sure that he wouldn't put his strain on the small life in his arms. I-It seems you're siblings are eager as well....mmhhnn. We'll see you soon okay. Though in pain, the passive cared for the child until Mrs. D was able to retrieve her from him.

It seems that the second foal was really wanting out. Already making him at 10 cm again, he pushed with all his might, gripping and shifting on Gerard. White teeth were bared as the omega strained to get their second out.

Oohhhhh! G... help me. Pleas would be given occasionally to the husband and healer, accompanied with groans of clear discomfort.  He was evidently not doing better even after the first birth.

Almost there, Lu. Give me one more push!


And soon another round of wailing was heard. After an hour Loraine came, Gia, their second daughter, was introduced into the world. Like her sister, she had his white body; but when it came to her human half, she was completely Gerard, brown hair and forest colored eyes. This one, he knew, would be a fighter. Those strong limbs of hers that kept on flailing was a good sign of that. And how her eyes would blaze with fury.

Shhh... Gia. Daddy's here, and so is papa. All is well, my beautiful soldier. And the child did calm. Cute green eyes now stared curiously at them.

L looked at Gerard and chuckled again. Their daughters were really too cute. She does know we're her parents right love?
(That sounds perfect!)

That picture will be in his mind until the last breath escapes his lungs. Their beautiful Loraine, on her mom's arms, making all kind of angelic noises and looking confused. The sweet tone and fragance of his lover despite the pain too. It was all priceless. When the carrier started contractions again, he took their baby girl from the elder mare's arms, drying her off and planting quick kisses on her forehead. With all the heard hearing the wailing, Deliah took her chance and went inside the nest, eyes watering when seeing her granddaughter holding papa's finger.

-Oh my boy. She's so beautiful-.
-Like his precious dad mom. Could you take care of her until the birth is over, please? I need to be with my mate.-
-Of course sweetie. You go in there and make sure L is ok. I will clean this little angel.-

With that, the stallion gave her mother a warm peck on the cheek, reminding her of the days when the farmer was merely a little colt playing on the mud. Holding back a sob, she took Loraine outside, also bringing the head-alpha to the edge of tears.

Hi little girl. I'm grandpa


Off course she knows my sunshine. Was Gerard's answer for Lumin, crouching besides the omega and kissing his cheek, before holding the second foal already showed some of his features. Don't tell me you call her soldier just 'cause she looks like me. Lumin gave a playful look along a shy smile, earning more tears and pecks from his alpha. Thanks, for all this my angel.

Their love words were at some point overshowed by the constant crying of their star and the returning contractions of the healer. You can do it love. I'll take her outside with mother. Will be right back.

He exits the nest, cooing his perfect little soldier. He stole some seconds to just admire her shinning eyes and soft coat, not noticing the extended arms of Otto and the love stares of his friends.

Now, now. Don't cry baby girl. Papa is always with you, but grandpa wants to know you. The alpha leader nodded and hugged them both, challenging his son ability to resist bursting into happiness. Make sure she's ok dad.

Sure thing son. I got her covered. Go back and bring the other two. With a gentle chuckle, the hunter went bac and held his mate's hand. Twenty minutes later, a chesnut coated boy with golden tail was squirming and extending his arms, crying out loud. Despite the color, the silky skin and semi-purple eyes gave G the key.

My precious Louven. Look at you. My baby boy, daddy wants to say hi too. He cleaned his trembling star and with pure affection placed him on Lumin's arms.

He stole those diamond eyes from you love.
The nest was filled with more tension as the third of the foals was being birthed. The omega had already birthed two, now there was only two more to go. But surely the first foals had taken quite the energy from him.

Breaths became harsher, yet still the laboring taur pushed through. The sweaty white fur rose higher as Lumin panted more. Glances would steal the eyes of the alpha, gaining encouragement on those gleaming orbs.

This third was easier to pass with his siblings already prepared his way of descent. The only problem might be the stubbornness of the foal to be born, wailing out his insecurities and fears as he was delivered.

H-hi, my Louven. Shhh... don't cry anymore. Lumin had said as if sensing his child fears. Daddy and papa are here to keep you safe.

A shaky finger was tempted to brush the silky cheeks of the boy. You're so beautiful. Hmm.. what should I nickname you? Louven had calmed now and was peacefully snuggled on his father's hold. Maybe I could claim you as my gentle fairy? He looked at his awed husband teasingly, how would the alpha react to the girlish title.


Again the foal on his arms was taken from him by his husband as contractions started again. This would be the last, and he cheered inside, not knowing that this would also be the hardest of them all.

The omega was now tired, exhausted, to the point he just wants to pass out from it all. For the while Gerard was gone, the centaur sending their children to their parents, he would grip on the sheets and leaves, hands shaking as more energy drained out of him.

When his alpha did came back, the taur had his hands instantly on warmer chest hoping to fight the coldness he was feeling. Harsh breaths became more erratic.

Love... I'm so tired! I-I can't... but with the powerful words he was given plus the given chance to feel the head of their youngest, Lumin gained more strength.
With the little left he had, he pushed and pushed, the strength of which not retaliating as the passive persevered to get their foal out.

Gahhhhh!.... and their family was finally complete, the arrival of Gabriel sealing their family of six. Baby Gabriel was like his second sister, white fur and upper half inherited from their papa. Still there was the difference. The boy had a lighter shade of black, appearing grayish for his hair. The green was also more like seaweed than emerald.

Lumin fought exhaustion to see his son. He wouldn't let sleep take this precious moment from him. Vision was getting a bit blurry, but he knew he was alright, he could hear from Mrs. Dashwood that all was a success. Now to take a look at their second boy.

Ga-Gabriel... he's so lovely, G. The infant had cheeks tinted with pink and like his brother, quite the quiet child is he. He chuckled weakly having noticed something.

Why do our boys seem to rival their sisters in beauty? The omega leaned out to kiss Gerard a grateful kiss on the lips. I bet our boys would be omegas, dear. What do you think? Eyes fluttered more as lids became heavier.

Thank you, G. For giving me our family...
Gentle fairy? The alpha chuckled at the name, leaning foward with their son on arms, planting a kiss full of affection on his lover's forehead. Sounds great angel. We will always protect this "little guardian of the woods". With that he placed a finger on the foal's nose, earning a startled look. My precious son. Beautiful fairy like daddy.


Lumin almost vanished Gerard's hand during the last delivery, applying a force worthy of a warrior on it. The wet cheeks and muffled screams of his omega did their job in making the alpha sad again. However, when their last star greeted the world, the couple knew there wasn't greater victory than this.

Of course his lovely my sunshine. He came from you. Our stallion couldn't stop his own sobbing and swift pecks given to the smaller taur. You made it Lu, gods you made it. I'm so happy. You brought our little ones to this world. You, you .... you are my badass omega sweetie. Despite his exhaustion, the healer didn't stop kissing his husband back, falling in a warm embrace with Gabriel on the middle. When the beauty comment striked seconds later, the farmer nodded.

Indeed love. The four of them rival your perfect features. Although, maybe our soldier Gia turns out to be alpha on the future. Who knows?. The smile drew on his face was sincere, radiating a complete feeling, like the morning sunrays peeking trough tall trees.

You were the one that gave us this opportunity angel. I should thank you for giving me this dream family, and be sure I will for the rest of my life, as long as you are with me. Their heads rested together, until the omega fell in deep slumber.

Sweet dreams omega-mine. Your family is here. Always.


It wasn't fair to wake the taur on this state, so when Mrs. Dashwood cleaned him and checked the passive's rear for possible injuries, Gerard washed off the sweat and slick from his mate. Most of the sheets and birth arrangments were removed or changed, leaving the nest clean so the couple didn't have to move to a cabin.

-All my blessings for you two lad. Make sure they all are ok.-
-Sure thing ma'am. Thanks for everything. How could I pay you for all these.-
-Don't have to. Only by making my student happy.-
-In that case it won't be hard.-

He ends it with a faded smile, mixed wit exhaustion. The older mare notices and hugs him, waving his good bye. The herd healers crouched at the entrance with their four grandchildren on arms or back. Otto played with Louven's hoofs, gaining a surprised stare from the small four-legged, followed by giggles. Gabriel was sleeping on his horseback while Delliah had the two girls humming tiredly on her chest. The sight had no words, no description, no form neither purpose. It just felt right.

Mom, dad. Thanks. Within those words Gerard accepted more tears erupting from his eyes, crying in pure joy with his folks. At the end, he took his army one by one, bringing them to their safe place. Now Gia and Louven sleep at Lumin's side, Loraine and Gabriel at G's one. The alpha passes an arm over L's shoulder, finally accepting closing eyes after so many stress.

Morning comes and every centaur on the lands anxiously waits for the new family to appear in public display.
Faint rays of the early sun seeped through the log that holds the new family. The delivery had went well, officially ending at the earliest hour of a new day. Five hours had past since the foals and their dominant father had joined their omega in sleep. All was quiet and calm as they slept. The hums of the winds passing by leaves and joyous songs of birds were their lullaby.

A teasing light dared to shine on the face of the new daddy. Slowly, eyes fluttered open. Vision was blurry at first, but after catching sight of all the rough wood around him, he knew he was at the nest. The nest! The foals! Lumin turned to see Gerard sleeping beside him. Strong instincts had him longing to see their babies, and he had been tempted to just shake his mate awake for that reason. He was about to, until...

Ahh! He bit out a shout, in pain from something nipping him from his lower stomach. It was still even sore from the birth. Curious eyes went trailing down to his stomach, only to see... fur of white and black?

Huh? But then all things became clear as those fur moved and shown cute little faces, their tiny bodies too revealing themselves. The omega became teary with the realization. These were his foals. Their foals; his and Gerard's. Their stars.

My stars.... which is which he knew well. The pain wasn't enough to rid him of the memory of seeing their little ones for the first time. Distinct features he clearly remembers. A loving finger dared to touch the cheeks of each four little centaurs they've been blessed with.

Loraine...our angel. he chuckled when the baby girl nudged his finger. The eldest and the one of pure white.

Gia...our soldier. Their second daughter and the fiercest crier of them all, coated in white fur and crowned with black hair; eyes were one with the forest. She had tried to grab the finger that was disturbing her peaceful sleep slash feeding. Good thing Lumin was fast enough not to get caught.

Louven...our fairy. The first boy. He was the one of chestnut fur, and human half inherited his hair and eyes, the opposite of Gia. Louven tried to snuggle to the warmth of the finger, his soft chubby cheeks brushing the finger, but he still had to greet their last, so he'd promise to be back.

And Gabriel...our twilight. The nickname would fit their fourth foal well, having been born at twilight, and with colors matching it; grey hair, seaweed eyes, and white coat. The baby boy looked content when it was his turn to be touched by his finger. The daddy had laughed when suddenly the child had yawned, letting his finger feel a small gush of warm air from the infant.

Daddy and Papa love you all. You're so precious, and I say, the greatest gift we had received. He paused to wipe some tear from his eye.

Thank you for being alive. 
I and papa will always protect you, so you just grow well alright. Lumin knew he was probably not understood by the babies, but he felt good talking to them.

Oh how he wanted to really shake Gerard now so he could join in their moment. Wake up, Papa.
With the light bumps and soft giggles of their babies, Gerard woke up, soul celebrating in bliss when he saw those celestial lavender eyes stuck in awe at the four newborns. It seemed like a moment too perfect to be true. His moon, playing with their little ones, not to mention he was also feeding them, which kicked his alpha instincts into high gear. The most perfect omega was at his side, as lover and "mother" of his foals. "Protect" and "Love" was all that came to mind, until his rational side came back from sleep.

Good morning my sunshine. He gently pulled Lumin's head to his chest, kissing him lovely on his forehead and fruity-smelling hair. Good morning to you too my stars. Are you treating daddy good?

He almost teared up when Louven, their little fairy, stumbled on shaky legs and fell on Gerard's front, extending his little arms to his papa. Come here my little champ. The stallion placed a big hand on the tiny horsetype torso, lifting the boy and snuggling him against his chest, where the passive taur could also pamper him.

Sweetie, you... brought them all safe. You were so brave, going though so much pain for our children. I love you, so much. He accepted the incoming, tender words of his mate, resting their foreheads together while Gia and Gabriel climbed on the farmer's back.

-Woah there!, think you can tame papa? Come on! Twilight and Soldier against farmer- He bursted in laughter along Lumin, watching in wonder how Loraine hid under daddy's chin, Louven still hugged his front and the other two foals explored his coat.

-I don't think it's a fair fight love- Chuckles the healer, feeding Loraine while his partner plays with the other three.

-You're right, it isn't. Oh angel, by the way, I like the nicknames you gave them- He says after his everything told him the reason behind each praise.


Not much time passed until Gabriel and Loraine started crying. Each adult took one of them, cooing the kids and swinging them softly. In the meantime, Louven and Gia curled in a ball of giggles and babbling.

My family. I love you all. He whispers to purple eyes as the weeping stars calmed down. Want another nap if they doze off, sexy dad? That earned a smile, that in no way was shy as the first ones he used to steal from the healer. Or do you prefer, sexy mom? He playfully raised an eyebrow.

No moment could be as perfect as this, him in the arms of his alpha as they bonded with tiny foals. The little ones were curious beings, it would seem. Their crawling ventures proved their activeness while they were still in his tummy. Lumin teared a bit, chuckling when Gia had bumped with Gabriel and having the boy unlatching from him with drips of milk on his lips. A clean sheet was taken to wipe the cute, messy face of their twilight. Still busy with the task, it took the 'mother' a while to realize that his other son was making his way to his other father on wobbly legs.

It got him worried, he must admit. Louven! Pale arms shot up to the sides of the small chestnut body, not touching just' on stand-by if their son should fall. The hands did not leave its place until their fairy got safe on the waiting arms of his mate. The omega was of course proud as well. Their son had just made his first steps! That's amazing, baby! White hair was petted by the older whitette, the proud parent pampering the giggling foal with kisses and bubbles.

Lumin looked up at Gerard as he was praised, smile softening and body relaxing again on the mate's chest. The slightly tanned chest was given a peck before his passive gave a sigh evidently of content.

I wouldn't have gotten through all the pain without you, love. You supported me throughout, and not once did you let me feel miserable. You made carrying quads easy, G. I never felt so burdened when you would treat me like royalty everyday. Our stars are here with us, healthy and as active as ever, because of you.  If I was any other, I might have miscarried, without a very very very supportive husband by my side. Also, they wouldn't be alive now if you didn't have that strong seed that made me conceive. The speech was ended with a bump on the nose, a tease to his equally emotional alpha.

I love you, Gerard O' Keefe. If you claim me amazing, then you're amazing as well. A kiss between two love strucked centaurs was exchanged. The scene however was ended by their Gia and Gabriel climbing on their papa. They were cute, his babies, and his bigger baby. The little ones had huge eyes peering over their father, amazed by the new view offered by the height they were at.

Lumin would chuckle, petting his eldest's golden hair as the daughter continued to feed. The girl had her violets blinking frequently with head often drooping. Seems the little angel was ready for another sleep.


Loraine and Gabriel cried, and with instincts running, he was quick to grab the nearer Loraine and lullaby-ed her to calmness. The omega blushed at the tease of the alpha. I'm still a stallion and male you know. I'd prefer sexy dad, b-but is still depends on the k-kids. He then let out a yawn.

A sleep would be nice. And soon the nest was again quiet as the family of six returned to peaceful dreams.
Ok sexy dad. I admit that your omega atributes weren't the only ones to let me breathless when we locked fates after all. Your stallion spear and manly torso also drive me insane. He says with a seductive voice, ending in a yawn too, accepting more rest along his family. Of couse, the omega closed his eyes blushed, trying not to think in sexual details. Gerard loved that about Lumin. The way his innocence mixed with pure devotion and gentle nudges. He definitely is blessed, or very, very lucky.


(2 days later)

Now that the passive recovered strenght, and the foals got to know the whole nest, the family ventures into the farmlands. The herd leaders ordered the centaurs in anticipation to let the couple and kids alone. Only relatives and close friends are allowed to greet the sextet. Of course, grandma and grandpa were the first ones to show up, holding each foal in warm arms and playing with their little hoofs. Something that daddy and Papa already did, stealing endlessly giggles from their little ones.

-Who will be a great hunter?. You, yes you. Louven- Says Otto with a bright smile, bouncing the future colt up and down.

-Dad, come on! Lumin says he's our little fairy. I bet he will prefer protection over hunting- Points Gerard with a fond face.

-Well, in that case, you will grow to be the guardian of this forests Louven. Maybe you'll be good at magic-

-And where do you leave this precious girls- Interrupts Deliah while combing the future fillies.

-Right mother. They already promise so much- Adds Lumin with a grin, hiding his face on Gerard's chest while both of them caress Gabriel, who seems to want a nap.

-Indeed Lu. I'm so happy they all made it. You two made four beautiful babies-

The couple blushes.


The alpha holds his mate close, covering a sensitive neck in warm whispers. Tails are entangled while they sink on a small pond near the main lake. Their stars are playing in wobbly legs, standing and falling, but never dropping faces of amazement.

Look at them angel. How does it feel to be the father of such wonderful beings. Asks the stallion with a soft kiss to the cheek.

How he delights on the answer.


Their friends appear minutes later. Rackli holds with affection a now-pregnant Rosa, as they witness their own future. Gia tries to growl at Scarlet while they mimic funny faces. Chester swims with Loraine and Gabriel on his back. Louven tries to impress his parents by splashing in the water, and it works.

Important to say, G's little sister came running to the pond too, pampering with kisses her nieces and nephews.

Calm down Mrs. Storm. Why don't you come here and give you big bro a hug first, huh? Teases G, earning a crushing arm grip from Sasha.

-They are so cute. They got that from you Lu.- She says with colorful eyes, staring at the white-coat marvel.

-Hey, what about me. Am I not cute?-

There's silence followed by a burst of laughter from the taurs present, even the quiet, beautiful omega that turns out to be his lover.

-Thanks everybody- He fakes a pout, laughing too.


Later that day, Dayton, the third O'Keefe brother arrives to the farm from his journey. He can't wait to hug his brother, run with his nephews and show his respects to the omega that accepted Gerard's hand.

You little bastard. Lucky as always. He thinks it with no envy on his mind, just joy.

(Hope you don't mind the time skipping. If you want I can edit this, or you can fill that 2 day gap with whatever you want) :)
Lumin blushed crimson hearing the way he was described with the then seductive alpha. U-um good thing you remember... Let's go to sleep. He quickly ended turning away to hide the red face (and the the erecting member). Dirty thoughts, stop!
After two days with being in the forest, the omega was excited to finally head back to the farms and introduce their children to everyone. He would lock gazes with Gerard ever so often on their way, still feeling like it was all a dream and had urges to check that it wasn't. The boys in his arms were sleeping, contrast to the rowdy girls in his mate's; and it was cute how the alpha struggled to keep them at bay. A smile broke, yes it is real, they're a family now.

Grandparents were really adorable, he thought, as the foals were gushed over by Otto and Deliah. Chuckles would escape him every time he saw the children's face be squished, and the little ones would squirm trying to break free.

I can already see the girls reigning the lands with their beauty, of course there will also be this tough guy fighting away potential mates The alpha faked a surprised expression, and he laughed at the silliness of it.

Deliah chuckled with. Yes, and there is the protective father.

Gabriel was dozing off again and on his arms, they lulled the boy. The comment wasn't unnoticed, and they blushed. Thank you, mom.
The couple entered the lake, and the omega felt serene for a while until he saw their foals. He fretted what if one of them got injured. They fell and he was all ready to run to them when he was held back by his love. Eyes gleamed, their foals are alright, and it seems they would be. Tense white accepted the comfort of the broad tan.

It's frightening. When you look at them you can only see the perfection in them, and you'd want them to have a good life. I'm frightened because what if I screwed up, and the perfection in them won't bloom, and harm them. I don't want that. A sigh came that was followed by a smile. But then again I have resolved that I'll do my best to not let those happen. They're too precious for me, and I'm willing to sacrifice anything for them. Add to that is you. I know together, we'll raise them well. I'm happy and content just seeing them smile, I hope that they would carry those smiles until they grow old. Lumin braved to capture his dominant's lips into a kiss, as if thanking the man for this gift to him.
Their friends came and the dip in the waters became more eventful. Foals scattered to different aunts and uncles, and lavenders would brighten with how the children are accepted well. Eyes would check on foals, and the proud 'mother' would laugh at their cuteness. Water was a new discovery to them, and the aunts and uncles would struggles not to get them too excited.

While Gerard was talking to Sasha, Chester had come up to him to give him Loraine. The two omegas got into conversation.
- How were these two? I hope they didn't cause trouble?-
-No not at all, except Gabriel trying to jump from my back, took all I got to stop him.-
-I'm sorry for that.-
-It's fine.-
-Hey Chester, have you planned having your own children soon?-
-Well...- They were cut by the commotion with Gerard, and they laughed having heard what it was all about. Lumin excused himself from Chester and tried to comfort the mate.

You may not be cute, but you are definitely handsome, G. Whistles erupted from the friends.
Lumin just finished putting all the babies for their afternoon nap and was now in search for the alpha. He noticed that G was talking to another centaur and stayed back, not wanting to be rude.

Who is that? He thought.

(I'm okay with skips :D )
The kiss in the lake was surely, as close as he could get to paradise in earth. He treasured every word leaving Lumin's mouth, admiring his beauty. Yes, it's frightening my sunshine, but they have to learn for themselves, and we will be there when they fall, then rise, then fall again. He said with pure love towards his family, holding his mate close, hoofs playing under the water. He continued. Figuratively and literally. They chuckled. And when we are gone, running together in the night sky, we will still watch them, having their families, following their paths. Lumin, you and I will witness our family being happy, for the eternity. It was hard not to at least sob a bit after that statement. He tenderly cleaned the tears, covering damped cheeks in soft kisses.


The "handsome" quote and the cherring of their friends got him red, and certainly sent a spark to a place where we didn't want it. At least, for now. After all, they are parents know, but Gerard is sure another heat will come soon, with Lumin and him returning to the pond where all started, to do exactly the same thing. At least, with not foal alert this time.


He saw his mate getting their kids ready for sleep. The sight still had problems to adjust to his brain, witnessing something so perfect. Something he no longer has to yearn for. What if life gets more perfect? Well, don't ask, because his big brother is scaring the shit out of him, grin on his face as usual.

The preparing outburst changed to a reflex hug, both alphas grunting in joy.

-D? Man, you just got here?-
-Yeah, couldn't lose meeting my little bro with his mate-
-Who told you? Nevermind, come on man, you must be tired as hell. Lumin has to see ya.
-Lumin? Nice name- He chuckled

Brothers galloped fast, messing around as little colts, until the omega left the nest, making a friendly silence sign.

Love, this is my brother, Dayton. He said in low voice, fighting to keep the tone down with emotion rushing through his body. The dark-coated, bigger centaur bowed, presenting his respects to one of the most important omegas of the herd.

Is a pleasure to finally meet you Lumin. I'm so grateful you choose my .... dumb bro here.


The healer giggled.


(Hope you liked it. I was planning to keep this conversation going for two more posts. The next one that is up to you, and then my reply. Is this ok for you, or do you prefer faster progress? You know everything is fine for me. :D )
(I'm aright with the pace you're in :D I'm also sorry for being very inconsistent)

The poor omega was startled into hiding further behind the opening when alpha brothers came to childish senses and began chasing one another. It was evident that whoever was the other stallion, Gerard was happy to be with him; and in turn Lumin also found favor with the other darker taur. He was feeling happy for his mate, of course without the potential for jealousy.

Fortunately or unfortunately, white fur was seen and the passive was brought out of hiding to be introduced their guest. Eyes widened when what he thought was merely a guest was actually family. So that's why he resembles G!

Hurriedly, Lumin bowed a not-so-graceful 90 degrees, eyes not meeting Dayton and blush teasing the cheeks. He could hear the excitement in the voice of his love as the alpha introduced the brother. He felt himself slightly shaking, intimidated by the very important person in front of him.

I-It's nice to meet you, ah sir, Dayton sir. The golden hair shook as the omega wished to contradict the comment of the brother-in-law to his mate.

G-Gerard is a very good mate. He l-loves me and our family d-dearly! And the blush intensified realizing the outburst he made.

I'm sorry if I was rude, sir.

(Hope this was okay Blush )
(Totally ok. 0 worries :D )

Bud, stop apologizing!. Said Dayton with a welcoming chuckle. You are so educated, I like that. Hey G, you could learn a thing or two from him

Shut up D. Answered the younger brother with a wide grin, now at his lover's side, holding him tenderly and nuzzling at his slightly messy golden hair. Yeah love, don't apologize with this clown.

What did you say?

And with that started a muffled brotherly fight, amusing the younger taur. Few minutes after, the hidden question dropped though.

-So, before I see my nieces and nephews, I would like to ask for something, Lumin- Started Dayton in a raspy voice, laying on the grass with the happy couple sitting at his side.

-You mean... - Rambled Gerard, letting Lumin to rest his weight against him, head shyly snuggled against chest.

-Yeah, I. Lumin, I would feel very honored if you let me...- The bigger centaur stopped, blushing, certainly earning a close outburst from his relative. The big Dayton, well-known traveler and living proof of the O'Keefe heard strenght, intimidated by making a simple question. Certainly a good material for future jokes.

- *snort* come on man! Really? Ok, I'll give L a hint- Proposed the alpha, noticing the confused look on perfect lavender eyes. -Love do you remeber when my folks scented us to welcome you to the family?-

The answer wrapped in his mate's sweet words gave him a satisfying feeling, setting the conditions for a long, chaste but delicious kiss before continuing. -Well, my big bro here wants to know if you'll let him do the same. As always, nothing arousing- He sealed it with a touch of noses.

That way our stars won't get scared when meeting him. What do you say?

Lumin could only laugh seeing the brothers at it again with their childish fights. Made him think if he would experience the same if ever his siblings had lived instead. Of course the thought had no sadness behind; no more blame on himself, and he knew his two brothers were also happy for him.

An eyebrow surely quirked when such a strong gentleman showed shyness for a request. No doubt his face had reflected an expression of curiosity; seems the tables had turned between the omega and brother-in-law. He found it more interesting that Gerard was finding the situation humorous.

Yes, it was really an unforgettable moment, that time when I really felt accepted and one with the family. It was like a huge welcome for me, fully accepted to be with you for eternity; how could I forget? Lumin had let out a dreamy sigh, face all happy (and at romantic trance) after the kiss.

Gentle lips mouthed an 'o', finally understanding what Dayton wanted; and the white stallion smiled liking the fond request. The thought was sweet actually.

You have my full permission, Dayton, uh... can I call you that? But the foals are sleeping, maybe you could when they wake up? Just then wailing can be heard from the room, and omega instincts kicking in, he was quick to return to their foals, dragging along with him the brother duo.

As they entered, four teary foals met them. The passive got Loraine and Gia, while the husband was signaled to handle Louven and Gabriel.

I think they woke up feeling an unfamiliar presence. Sshh... it's okay. It's just your uncle Dayton, he's papa's brother. L scooted closer to G's warmth, leaning his head to his alpha's shoulder; and together they calmed the foals down. Dominant and passive shared a smile, before motioning the watching stallion to come near. The babies begin squirming again as he came, and he found it funny that the centaur was displaying an awkward look of uncertainty.

They always get fussy when they do not know the centaur nearing them. You could scent mark them now, if you'd like, so they could start warming up to you.
The older brother actually fell flatered being called by his name and with an expression full of joy, got inside the nest to witness four adorable creatures. The way Lumin soothed them, how Gerard looked at his boys with eyes blinded in wonder. It was magical to say the least. The proud father rested his chin on L's soft hair, a deep rumble born from his chest while their children tried to break the hold.

Dayton came closer, taking the girls first. Containing the tears was becoming an incredibly hard task now, so he tried to divert his thoughts. Hunting, chooping wood, wrestling, running under a killer sun. Nothing worked though. Instead, he decided to concentrate on Loraine and Gia, placing a tender kiss on each forehead and playing a bit with their trembling hoofs.

The parents were nervous. The future fillies made a serious face illarious at first, but after a minute, they feared a stressful ending for this reunion. Dayton however, never lacked conviction. I'm just your uncle, and I'm so happy for finally see you little ones. The calmed voice must have worked, because now the girls are playing with his nose and giggling to no end.

Would you look at that. Says Gerard, planting a kiss on his mate's lips before laying on the floor with the two boys. The adults spend half hour playing with the little ones, until they are tired enough to truly sleep. The bulky taur, of course, don't lose the chance to hug Lumin, tickle him and scent him.

Thanks, for all this Lumin. G made the best choice. He whispers, feeling the healer relaxing under his frame.

A bit more of that and I might get jealous. Jokes the younger farmer, fighting for L's hold while his white/golden marvel just giggles.



(Skip to the time you prefer ;) )
(time skip to when Lumin finishes his leave or to the quads 1st birthday? I'm not entirely resolved on when to skip Blush )
(02-28-2017, 02:51 PM)shiro08 Wrote: (time skip to when Lumin finishes his leave or to the quads 1st birthday? I'm not entirely resolved on when to skip Blush )

(Sounds good! Don't worry. Skip to the time you think is better. If fou aren't sure, I would suggest L's mom visiting before the quads 1st birthday.) :)
(okay, thank you! :) )

A year had almost gone by, the little bundles of joy of the Luna-O'Keefe couple are set to turn one the next month. The 'mother' omega was thankful to all the guiding gods above that the foals, despite their mischief and adventures, remained all healthy and safe. How accomplished he was feeling with everyday fretting over the ever-so-curious quads.

There was that one time that the family decided to visit the town, shop for some things but mostly for sightseeing. G had a handful of bags with him and so the healer was left to carry the children; he didn't really trust them to just trail on their own with how full of people the area was. Lumin was trying to show the foals the ducklings on the lake (the same one on their first date), it was a time when Gerard got them something to eat, he got all the children down to show how they would feed them when all of a sudden he realized that one was missing. There near drowning was Gia. L dove immediately, white fur drenched with the cool water of the lake; and the omega father shook, not out of the coldness but with how he cried that thank goodness his daughter was safe.

Of course the trouble didn't stop there but ever since the incident, Lumin was ever more conscious on keeping an eye on their foals. Gerard became very protective also; of course it wasn't the type that the children were deprived of their freedom to explore. And that's why thank the gods, that he and his alpha managed to keep their children well and happy. Sometimes doubts of being a good parent would enter, but then again he is with Gerard and together they somehow make things all good for their family.


A letter came along with a small parcel one day. It was from Helena, and it was very obvious with how the letter and wrapper were all covered with flower prints. The son chuckled.

To my precious moon Lumin,

I received your message of my grandchildren's successful birth and I just wanted you to know that I am so proud of you dear. I know that this would be very outdated, and I hope you forgive me for only having this time to write back. Send my congratulations to your mate as well, and also to the sweet parent-in-laws of  yours. I'm sure that you're having quite the challenge right now, raising four young colts who have infinite energy and curiosity, and I wish you and Gerard all the best! I'm certain that you're doing great, and that makes me more happier and proud of you my sons.

By the way, if my calculations are correct on the date xxxx, my grandchildren will be turning one right. You better have planned on inviting me over, young man. I already planned to pamper them with many gifts. I'll be coming over about one week before their birthday. For the mean time, please accept these sweaters. They're made so that you'll all have matching outfits. Hope you like it!

Love your mom,

Helena Luna

The daddy of the four foals staring up to their 'mother' in curiosity (he must have looked interesting for them with how he was laughing) brought his little stars into the center of their room, making them seat in front of him. The parcel had the sweaters and the healer chuckled at the design. Looks like his mother caught up with the celestial trend of the family. Four small sweaters, these were for the foals it seems, was baby blue in color with big and tiny stars embroidered on them. His was a navy blue color, and in the middle was a huge crescent moon. Of course the sun embroidery was on his alpha's blue one.

Grandma gave us sweaters! Let's see if they fit good, okay? And the foals just patted the ground with their hands.

L was in the middle of dressing the third child when Gerard came home from work.

Welcome home papa! Look, mom gave us these. She said she'll be coming a week before her grandchildren's birthday. G-Gabriel, sit still. There! Okay Louven, it's your turn.
Oh, how he remembers that day in town. His arms were full with all kind of groceries and shopping, but he didn't let them block the view from his husband (because let's be honest. At this point the two taurs are like a married couple) and family. Those lavender orbs, guarding the deep secrets of affection that just a "mother" could have. The way his coat shined, sunlight reflected from the lake of their first memory, bathing the soft white fur of his lover. The precious smile he casted over their little ones.

He should stop sighing in love though, before trailing down to a gorgeous, round rear, capable of driving crazy the alpha inside him. That's why he decided to catch them some meals, not counting with the inmense fear overwhelming his senses in matter of seconds.
Gerard inmediatly jumped on the lake, dragging his mate and little girl out of the cold water and soothing the nerves of the omega.

Don't take him wrong. The farmer's face was white too, while he tried to warm up their playful Gia. Still, acknowledging the curiosity of a young centaur, he was surprised an incident like this didn't happen before.

My brave angel, you have great reflexes. No doubt I chosed the right omega. He said in a deep voice, kissing Lumin's ear, babies sleeping and parents drinking hot cocoa. Quite the family picture, don't you think?


Work was certainly tiring, yet what can you complain about with a happy mate and four never-tiring children waiting for you. G couldn't avoid but laughing when he saw the sweater army smiling at him.

Grandma's gifts uh? *chuckle* oh love, your mother is a case. He paused, kissing the healer, with a bit of passion you could say. How was your day with this ferocious army? The answer made him chuckle, changing his leather vest for the sun themed sweater in no time.

How do I look?

He then passed to help Lumin in the hard task; of catching Louven to dress him up.



Just how she promised, Helena was knocking at their door a week before the birthday. Both alpha and omega didn't waste time in making her feel at home, obviously proud of their children. The grandmother almost cried in happiness, drowing in kisses the little rascals.

-Mother!. What if I tell you we're planning to make the party at the farmlands. Would you like to go?- Asked Gerard while nuzzling L's neck and carrying Louven in arms.

-Oh, so I would get to see this sweethearts playing on the fields? I think it sounds wonderful dear. Beside I would get to see your parents again....- The mare stopped, blushing a little and covering his words with praises for Loraine, who was giggling in her arms.

The couple exchanged looks at the commentary, containg their laughter. Seems Mrs. Luna really likes scenting with the leaders of the herd. Nothing weird about it, right?


(Note: the (...) means there's a lot of information you can add in that space if you want. :D )
These four are starting to tire me out. You're not mistaken when you call them army. They may be cute but they are so active and energetic that it's hard to compete. We went out to the nearby gardens today, and they just ran and ran. Oh my it was like chasing wild geese back into their pen. But as you can see, they still have lot's of energy to spare. Lumin smiled still, despite golden locks messy and white body marked with bits of dirt.

It was all worth it, though, seeing them so free and happy. I just finished taking them for a bath. It would be my turn soon.

The omega's eyes lit up seeing the interest his mate had shown with the sweaters, and he was relieved that G likes them.

As always, you look dashing love. No lies; even with wearing the not-so-manly sweater, still Gerard's charm overcomes. Arms went wide to catch the running foal, tickling the young one's belly as the foal was caught; daddy and son a giggling fit. There you go, all handsome just like your papa. L looked to the panting mate. Thanks for the help, hon. We really make a good team!


Daddy L were quick to dress up the little ones when grandma arrived, carrying them to their living room to play with the mare. The moment the mother saw the foals,  tears sprung; and as soon as Lumin and Gerard dropped off the last child, in a flash they were engulfed in a tight hug.

Oh you don't know how happy you made me you two. She released the hold, quick to move towards her grandchildren. You made such beautiful children! I'm so proud of you sons! The mother he was to the healer, gentle pinches on the cheeks and face rubs were made by Helena in all giddiness and satisfaction. They're so cute! Ooh squishy! What are their names?

The one you're holding is our last born, Gabriel. The boy next to him is our third, Louven. Gia, our second,is the one trying to climb the sofa, and the sleepy one is Loraine, our first.

Gerard thank you for looking out of my son. You better treasure this family that you have now.

Ma, I assure you, G's doing an amazing job with that.

Just as the son predicted, the mare was evidently excited to meet the in-laws again. He's sure she's all all ready to jump into scenting them the moment they arrive at the farmlands, without any trace of shame. Lumin isn't bothered though, he even likes the way his mother is now. It's not just the two of them anymore. They have a family to bond with now. He could see how happier his mother had been, and that made him happier as well.

I'm sure Deliah and Otto would also be happy to see you, mom. And I'm confident you have prepared yourself much for this reunion. The omega son would tease. Helena blushed.

The quads might think their grandma is a tomato. Your face is so red, ma. The foals were giggling, squirming to have a hold of the 'tomato' cheeks of the mare, curiosity in their eyes.

Stop with the tease, son. You know how I love those two.

(Sorry for the lateness Blush )
(Long wait? Look at me. Sorry. Blush )

Mmmm, you know how sexy you look being all sweaty. How those messy locks and wild coat drive me crazy... Whispered the dominant to his submissive before he could take a bath. You running thorugh the gardens with our foals, majestic with that white tail of yours... The alpha groaned pleased, stealing a red face and muffled whimpers from his lover. At the end, he gave him a gentle pat on the rear. Go wash your stinky fur before we make more babies. Said Gerard, now focusing on the quads.

He was even more pleased with his mate's praise for the clothing, reluctant to take his shower before properly dressing their stars.
Sure we make a good team babe, come here. Another kiss stolen. Is like when they met, just more hormones and less shyness on the way.


Yes mother. I'll protect them with my life if I have to. Our four stars and my shining moon are the most important things for me. Assured Gerard with a solemn gesture, holding Lumin close. I want to watch them grow, and grew older myself with this precious taur at my side. Now their noses are together, almost kissing, tears ready to reach the surface without sucess.

Of course the laughs came short after with the bonding topic in display. Don't worry mother, they love you too. I just expect they don't steal you from us when we get there. He paused for a second, making a funny thinking face. Or the foals.


The birthday day came with the dimmed sunlight filtering through the windows. G's musky body is protecting L's one in a tight embrace, both of them tired after a night of weeping, hungry babies. The alpha felt the warmth on his face, making him groan and yawn. Also, wet hickeys mixed with chaste little pecks rested on the healer's neck and back.

Wake up lazy taur. Today's the big day. Smiled the farmer.

An hour later, O'Keefe is preparing some eggs with bacon, herbal tea, spicy bread and fruits covered in all sorts of sweet creams.


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