The station
Jace bit his lip "So, you're not much older than me then...could you...could you talk to me about what's going to happen, I'm...I'm really scared but maybe knowing a little bit would be better..." He said softly trying to see the man who had been so kind to him
"You'll feel sick at first, might even throw up a few times, I don't know it effects everyone a bit different and every time it changes slightly. Your body will adjust quickly it takes about 3-5 days depending on the person.. but then you'll deliver them.. they look human, like human children honestly.. but I don't know I still don't completely buy that." He wasn't sure that would actuly calm the man down or if this newcomer would even believe him.
Jace swallowed roughly "Deliver them...? do we deliver them? And how many are inside of me?" He asked quietly starting to shake a little, he felt like a young boy again unsure of everything and just needing a hug off his mum or someone. He felt tears fall down his cheeks quickly, he took a shaky breath trying to not have a panic attack. He believed Gear, he felt he could trust him even though they hadn't really spoken for long
" I don't know normally 2 sometimes 3." Gear really didn't like scareing Jace but the man had asked and so he continued to tell him how things went around here, what would happen what Jace could expect. Then he tried to comfort him. "Hey but don't worry they'll let you up tomorrow.. and I'll stay with you alright?
Have sniffled a little and nodded "Thank you" he said softly, he wasn't sure if Gear acted this way to any other new people but it made him feel good that someone had his back " you've done this a they, I guess, give you time to heal after you have them?" He asked biting his lip a little
"Sometimes they give you a bit of time 3 weeks I think was the most time I got when one of them was particularly hard. but normally you get 5-7 days before they do it again. So really not to long. " Gear said letting out a sigh. "It's hard but you'll get used to it, you'll adapt. " He wondered for a moment, maybe the two of them could get out of this together somehow but that wasn't something he could bring up out in the open like this.
Jace nodded chewing on his lip, adapting was not really on his mind, he hoped that maybe he could get out somehow, one day anyway. "So, they take 3-5 days to grow but how do they get out? Is it like a c-section or something?" He asked innocently "Like, when you go into labour they take you away to do surgery?" He asked quietly looking around. Suddenly the lights above the doors turned green and all the cages opened, all those that were chained, like Jace, we're stuck to the wall but others roamed freely
This is what gear had been waiting for he moved foreword coming closer to where Jace was until he was standing at the man's side. Jace didn't really seem to be showing at the moment like most of the other men were, of course that was because he was still on a 'break' he had learned the schedule they would likely take him tomorrow morning or the day after. Jace stood 6'5 with brown hair and green eyes. He had broad shoulders, but in odd sort of way he was actually a bit skinny. "He looked down at Jace, remember how innocent he had been when he first goet here.

"I wish they did that, no.. you'll go into labor, normally there long, it'll hurt I won't lie.. but you'll deliver it naturally.."
Jace looked up at the man in front of him, Jace was normally short next to people but Gear towered over him quite easily, Jace couldn't help but find him attractive, he shoved that in the very back of his mind as he had realised what he had said "W-what? But we're men...we don't have a vagina for that, our bodies aren't meant to do something like that" he said starting to shake again "How long does labour last then?" He asked trying to hold back tears and possible vomit.
"about a day, sometimes longer. if you're lucky about 22 hours if not it can be a few days." Jace said quietly it really was just a 50/50 chance sometimes they were easy and things went fine other times it was hard. Look, I know our bodies aren't made for it, that's why it's so hard on us but it happens "Hey look.. Jace calm down.. It's alright It's going to be ok I promise I'll be right here ok?"
Jace could feel himself becoming pale and took shaky breaths looking at Gear nodding a little " they take you somewhere else to birth or is it just in this room..." He said biting his lip lightly looking around at all the men before his eyes landed back on Gears. "How can you help me? Won't you be going through the same thing?" He asked biting his lip and sniffling, he probably looked like a mess but he didn't care.
"Eh, it's possible... but im not carrying yet, might change tomorrow.. or the day after if im lucky enough. so they times we go into labor might not match up. Even if they do though I should still be able to help you. I've been doing this awhile I'm sure I could manage." Gear tried to give him a reassuring smile.
Jace smiled shakily back at him and took a deep breath "So, do we stay in here during labour and they take us somewhere else when we are ready to birth or do we just birth in here as well" he said worriedly, he wasn't good with pain, he was terrified of what was going to happen as he looked at Gear, Gear looked strong and much bigger than him, he wondered if anyone had died while giving birth here, because he felt he may be in that category of likely to die.
"Most of the time they take us somewhere else, the room is actually better than here in most ways, and at least it isn't public or anything but I've seen others go with each other and stuff I don't think they would try and stop me..." Gear looked around the room then reached down and undid the binding on Jace's arms it wasn't much but at least the man would be able to move around a bit now.
Jace nodded and rubbed his wrists likely "Thank you" he said softly looking up at the man biting his lip lightly "Do you find out how many you're having beforehand or is it a surprise situation?" He asked quietly rubbing the back of his neck before rubbing his face free of the tears that had fallen previously. He heard someone scream and jumped a little moving closer to Gear subconsciously
Gear didn't jump though he was a bit startled he was used to this by now someone had gone into labor most likely. he tried to figure out who it was by looking around the room. "It's a surprise most of the time, you can guess yourself but it's pretty hard to tell."
Jace nodded a little starting to shake and have an actual panic attack. He sat on the floor and put his head on his knees gasping for breath a little as someone came and grabbed the person screaming dragging them out of the room as the person yelled and screamed at them. Jace started to rock himself a little having trouble trying to breathe. This was ridiculous, a horrible nightmare he was about to wake up from, he kept telling himself
Gear put an arm around Jace without thinking much of it. "Hey kid it's going to be ok.. I promise. Come on.. hey.. look at me... breath." He said bending down so he was eye level with the shorter male. "It'll be alright.. just take a few deep breaths.. just look at me.." Gear had always tried to help people, he might come off a bit cold hearted at first but he did actuly care.
Jace jumped a little at the contact, not used to it at all, he looked into Gear's eyes searching for the truth in them, he believed Gear was being honest but he was still scared, he just stared into Gear's piercing green eyes and started to feel himself calm down, he noticed that Gear had wrinkles around his eyes like he had spent a lot of his life laughing but more prominently were the lines on his forehead which Jace assumed would have been from this last year and a half of birthing these aliens. He took deep breaths slowly calming down as he stared at Gear.
"There ya go.. just like that.. " Gear stayed like that for a few more moments and then gently pulled away. He said very little really but took a seat at the edge of the bed. "I know that this is going to be almost imposible but you really should try and sleep you'll need it. Don't worry no one will hurt you.. but you must be tired.

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