The station

2 white said looking up, but you'll have to do better than that if you want to get them out Come on try again." White said bored, as if this were something simple or some desk job.

Gear gripped Jace's hand trying to reassure him. "Just take a few deep breaths and go again. "That was good."

Jace glared at the doctor, so mad at how easy he made this sound, he looked at Gear and took a deep breath before leaning forward as another contraction hit pushing as hard as he physically could screaming out in pain as he squeezed Gear's hand tightly

"Keep going!" Gear coached him the baby was moving at least slow progress but jace should have been able to feel it move at least move some. When the pain ended Gear took the cool cloth to Jace's forehead again.

Jace laid back sobbing softly, thankful for the cool cloth but he felt there was little to no movement and was quite worried as his whole body shook in exhaustion. He whimpered as he felt another contraction start and leaned forward crying out as he pushed as hard as he could clenching his teeth together as he squeezed Gears hand tightly

Gear only nodded smiling gently down at him, When there was again no movement white became frustrated with the slow, or complete lack of progress. he crossed the room reached into a drawer and pulled out a syringe. " This should speed things up, It normally helps our 'weaker' patients. he said injecting the shot into Jace's abdomen before anyone could protest.

Jace yelped a little as the needle was plunged into him, he suddenly felt the babies moving intensely inside him, he whimpered and groaned at the movement "What did you do?!" He cried out and screamed as a contraction hit and he almost felt like his hips were being pushed apart as he screamed in agony

"It'll strengthen the contractions, as you've seen already it may also give you a bit of energy but it tends to do the same to the babies.. either way a shot of this normally does the trick now push." White said sitting down where he had before.

(to dark? or was that alright)

Jace screamed in pain leaning forward he pushed as hard as he could, his voice was getting hoarse from the loud screams coming out of his mouth as he squeezed Gear's hand so hard he was surprised he didn't break it, he felt like his whole lower half was on the verge of breaking trying to make room for these things to leave him

(No, you can go worse if you like, hahaha, I'll tell you if it's something I couldn't handle)

(Alright, :) )

Gear was a bit worried as well watching Jace he winced as his hand was gripped so tightly. "Doing good Jace." he tried to encourage the boy he knew that he was struggling to gear wasn't really sure how to help him other then be there.

"Now were getting somewhere." White smirked "That's good, still.. it'll be a close fit though I'm sure."

Jace laid back down as the contraction passed "What do you mean a close fit?! Doesn't our bodies stretch for it?" He asked terrified looking between Dr White and Gear "Or...or is my body not doing that?" He asked before screaming in agony again leaning forward pushing with all his might feeling a little bit of movement and something pressing against his hip bone

"You don't have wide hips.." Gear answered before white could say something to scare him. "That doesn't mean you can't do it, it's just.. it won't be easy..."Gear was becoming a bit afraid of losing Jace, what if something happened?

Jace felt tears welling in his eyes looking at Gear scared, "What do you mean it won't be easy? It's already not easy? How much worse can it be?" He asked terrified of the answer before crying out and pushing with all his energy again barely feeling any progress, he was so tired and it just hurt too much as he laid back again

"I know.. i'm sorry you're making progress now though." Gear ran a hand threw Jace's hair pressing the cloth to him trying to cool him off a bit. "I know it hurts. but you're strong. I know you don't always think you are but you are Jace."

Jace sobbed brokenly in so much pain, he sat up a little as another contraction ripped through him and he pushed with all his might screaming out in agony as he started to feel a burning and stretching sensation in his bum. "What's happening?!" He screamed out sobbing uncontrollably as he tightened his grip on Gears hand

"The baby is start to crown." Gear remembered that feeling he didn't need white to confirm in though white did repeat what Gear had said moments latter. "Just push threw the burn. Gear knew this would be the hardest part for Jace "I'm right here." Gear said softly.

Jace sobbed brokenly and screamed as the next contraction wracked through his body he pushed as hard as he could the burning and stretching made him scream louder still, his whole body shook from the pain as he pushed with all his might feeling like his lower half was being torn apart as he squeezed Gears hand tightly grunting and moaning in pain

White watched as the head slowly stretched him. "Keep going kid." however it was just a few moments latter that the scientist seemed to change his mind. "Wait, breath for a moment Jace. Don't push."

Jace looked exhausted and confused "What? What's happening? Why aren't I pushing?" He asked desperately, his whole body shaking he looked up at Gear worriedly breathing quickly squeezing his hand lightly as he looked back at the evil bastard between his legs

"You have to go slow during this part at times. It's ok, it's normal." Gear said trying to comfort Jace. After a few minutes white nodded "Alright push again he commanded Just have to be careful wouldn't want you to tear or anything.

Jace nodded biting his lip through the pain before he was finally told to push again, he leaned forward grunting and crying out as the burning came back worse than before as he pushed as hard as he could screaming in pain before leaning back sobbing a bit, unable to stop himself from crying.

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