The station

Jace let go of Gear's legs letting them drop to the bed, he held Gear to his chest stroking his hair gently "Shhh, sleep now Gear, you're okay, I've got you" he said softly in a loving tone as he stroked Gears side gently. He wiped over his sweaty body with the cloth and moved out from behind him, laying down next to him and pulling him into his arms.

Gear looked up at Jace and closed his eye he didn't want to sleep when he knew white would come back in soon but he couldn't not, he was to tired to fight it vary long so he settled for wrapping an arm around Jace before he drifted off.

Jace held him close over the next few hours while he slept, Jace couldn't quite sleep starting to worry about what Dr White said, unsure about how it was going to affect him. He watched as over the next few hours his stomach started to grow slowly. The nurse came in and moved them back out to the main room as Gear slept. He pushed the hair away from Gear's face gently, he knew Dr White wouldn't make Gear take babies straight a away because he knew he wouldn't want to lose a great breeder like Gear had proved he was, unlike Jace who struggled to birth what he had heard were quite small twins

Gear didn't awake for awhile when he did he sat up wincing, his muscles were still sore but at least he could move, He looked at Jace silently he was going to find a way to get them both out of here and somewhere else. Then he could come back for the others but if they stayed here Jace wouldn't make it.. he might not make it now but gear would do what ever he could to protect him. This was his fault, he knew better he shouldn't have let Dr.White get to him.

So, as Gear sat up running a hand threw his messy hair he began thinking putting together a proper plan.

Jace had finally fallen asleep, his breathing even as his stomach looked like someone on their second day instead of their first. He stirred a little when he felt Gear move and slowly opened his eyes yawning a little, he looked up at Gear rubbing at his eyes "Hey, are you okay?" He asked gently rubbing his arm "You look so deep in thought" he said cuddling into his side, his back had already began to ache so he sat up a bit stretching a little groaning quietly

"Were going to get out of here.." Gear whispered I'm thinking of a plan, there is an escape pod on the lower decks, I saw it once when they brought me down there. but you're going to need medical supplies so we would have to get back to the room and steal supplies, I can do that when they take me. it shouldn't be to hard. It's just after that, getting to the ship, figuring out where the keys are.. still.." He looked back at Jace with a small smile trying to hide his worry. "I think we can do it.. if you're up for it."

Jace smiled softly at Gear's positivity but wasn't sure he really could believe in him at the moment, knowing how this place could affect you and he knew he would be quite close to labour when Gear was getting his needle. He cuddled into Gear's side smiling "Sounds like a plan" he said softly and kissed his neck softly

"Good." Gear smiled lightly he wondered if his family missed him, he wasn't supposed to be gone for so long.. he almost wanted to get back in tuch when he got back. Gear knew they wouldn't take him for awhile yet they would give him awhile to recover, unless he misbehaved witch is exactly what he had in mind. He would do something that would direct attention towards him and not Jace. " You're going to have to trust me." Gear said wrapping an arm around Jace and giving him a kiss. "I won't let them hurt you the others will protect you when im gone but you'll have to trust me can you do that?" He wasn't going to do it now, he would wait one more day to set it all up, besides he needed one more day of rest.

Jace bit his lip looking at Gear with worry on his face "When you're gone...?" He asked concerned not really liking the idea of Gear leaving him at all for even a few minutes and that calculating look on Gear's face definitely scared Jace. "Please tell me you aren't going to do something stupid though, promise me" he said softly squeezing his hand gently

oh it was defiantly stupid, but that was the point Dr.white would never see it coming he would guess gear to try and escape eventually but not like this, but it was Gear's fault they were in this mess he didn't need Jace to worry. "Yea, I promise." He said convincingly Gear laid back down he was still tired he closed his eyes hoping to get a bit more rest before he got up and started to put things to action.

Jace but his lip, not quite believing him but not wanting to question any more. He rubbed Gear's sides gently knowing he was still tired. Jace curled into his side and fell asleep himself. Jace slept on and off over the next 24 hours knowing he would need to save as much energy as possible to birth these aliens inside him. He could see Gear's mind racing a million miles a minute every time he looked at him and he was quite worried about what this plan was that Gear refused to share with him.

Gear awoke a few times he hadn't meant to go back to sleep for the whole day but maybe it was good that he had. When he got up he spent a little time with Jace and then he was up talking to some of the others around, this is where the fact that the others looked up to him came in handy what every they were talking about with Gear the others seemed to agree. it was afternoon when Gear came back sitting down at the side of the bed. "Jace.." Gear said quietly. Gear had thought this threw over and over and he was sure now that this would work. "I'll be back ok? he leaned down and gave Jace a kiss.

Jace looked wary at Gear's tone of voice and pulled him close kissing him deeply before pulling back "Please be careful, I know you lied about you not doing something crazy but don't do something so crazy that I won't see you again, okay?" He said stroking Gear's cheeks gently before letting go and turning away biting his lip lightly

"That I can promise, stay safe..I love you." Gear said looking back at Jace before taking a few steps back and stepping out of the room. There was silence that fallowed, and then.. there wasn't there was panic an alarm rang out. Gear had noted the weak spot in the bars months ago and now he had kicked it free and gotten through if he could get the medical supply without getting caught that would be great, if not.. well it would still be worth it. he was also hoping to get his hands on a map or at least find a lay out of the ship.

Jade's heart stuttered a little hearing Gear say that he loved him, he turned back but not quickly enough as Gear had gone already "I love you too" he said out loud sighing a little, not quite sure what to do now, he had had Gear this whole time and was scared by himself and a little lonely so he felt for the men who were completely by them self all the time

Gear turned a corner and pulled open the door to the empty room, he moved over to the drawers and pulled out a few of the viles of white liquid he was hoping he wouldn't have to use them on Jace but if he did he would. He also grabbed medical equipment a stitching kit and a few other things tossing it into a bag. he stashed the bag where he could get to it latter and turned to leave he had just opened the door and turned the corner when white grabbed his arm. Gear tried to pull free, but he had known this was likely to happen all along.

Gear returned hours latter as he had guessed this crime, it was severe enough that white punished gear directly so at least Jace would be safe for now. Clearly though something had been done to him his skin was pail he sat down on the bed trying not to be sick. It was alright, he had know it would happen but phase one of the escape plan was set at least..

Jace quickly went to his side worriedly grabbing a bucket and giving it to him, he rubbed his back gently and kissed the side of his head "Gear, what happened, are you okay? Obviously you're not okay, what happened? Also, I love you too." He said all in one breath pushing the hair back from Gear's face gently kissing all over the side of his face lightly

"Im alright.." he smiled lightly hearing those words "Sorry, I didn't mean to worry you so much.. I'm ok really.. I got the supplies.. it's hidden.. Phase one is done. He had also managed to briefly look at a map so he knew the rough layout of the ship and how it would work. He planned to leave in two days, getting to the ship was going to be the hardest part but the two of them could do it.

Jace pulled him close laying Gear's head on his shoulder rubbing his side gently "Okay, I trust you" he said softly holding him close. They spent the next few days discussing the plans and such, Jace was worried though, they were cutting it quite close to when he was meant to be in labour, they were leaving on the 4th day for him which scared him a little, he didn't want to slow Gear down if he ended up getting labour pains while they tried to escape

Over the next few days, it was clear at least to gear that something was different, of course he had realized it would be the moment white had pulled out a vile of yellow liquid. He didn't have the slightest clue what it had done to him, or what it would do but over all carrying this time around had been a bit harder on im. Or perhaps that was because he hadn't given himself much time to recover. Either way, he tried to push such thoughts out of his mind. It was the day they were supposed to escape and Gear was nervous, everything had to go as planned.

(probably going to have to go to bed but I'll be around tomarrow.)

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