The station

Jace was so worried about this escape plan, he was having trouble breathing with all the pressure from the babies on him, you could clearly see he was carrying at least 3 babies and his stomach overtook his whole frame, it made him look tiny in comparison. He had to try and find his centre of gravity, he had almost tipped a few times with Gear grabbing his shirt to keep him steady. He was scared that he was going to get Gear killed with his condition and the way it was affecting him.

(Have a good sleep, yeah, it was a bit hard for me to reply anyway because I'm at work, hahaha)

Gear hadn't said anything about it, he knew the risks when he started this and he wasn't about to just let Jace die. letting out a breath Jace got out of bed. "alright so when we get out im going to move ahead to grab the supplies but you won't ever really be out of my eye sight so don't worry or anything then will head bellow deck to find the ship. It was a simple enough plan.. but had it's risks.

Jace bit his lip nodding and took Gear's hand gently rubbing the back of it lightly "If something happens to me, if they catch me or I go into labour while we're trying to escape I want you to promise me you'll leave without me need to promise me before I will go through with this" he said seriously a he stared into Gear's eyes.

Gear shook his head. "If I promised you that I would be lying, I won't leave you behind. Look, if we stay here..we won't make it. Getting out is our only option and its going to be hard but we get out together or we don't get out at all. Jace I can't leave you behind." He held out a hand to the male. "Besides. Even If I wanted to go on my own I can't fly the ship by myself." He held out a hand to jace and smiled lightly "Ready? lets go.."

Jace bit his lip looking up at Gear, he took a deep breath and nodded taking Gear's hands gently and getting Gear to help him stand and steady himself. He felt a little afraid, even on Earth he wouldn't do anything exciting or any what dangerous. He leant up on his tiptoes kissing Gear softly "Good luck my love" he said gently

"indeed, goodluck." Gear moved swiftly but always within reach of Jace encase he needed him. This time he did not make his exit known instead he watched waited until the guards were looking away then as he had done before pushed aside the broken part of gate. IT had been fixed with barb wire that Jace had quickly cut threw using some pliers he had gotten from someone else. Gear helped Jace threw next glanced over his shoulder once and began to lead him down a hallway, so far so good. The longer they could go unnoticed the better.

Jace followed him as quickly as he could with how big his stomach was. His heart was racing quickly as they went from corridor to corridor. Gear grea bed the bag he had hidden and they headed down to the dock with the escape pods.

They didn't have much farther to go when the alarm went off. Gear grabbed Jace's hand and began helping him, it made the two of them slightly faster but not by much. How long would it be before they figured it out? but the ship was just ahead of them now. Gear reached into his pocket and pulled out the keys he had stolen on the way here the hatch began to open for them. "Almost there Jace." Gear said glancing behind him.

Jace waddled after him as quickly as he could, the alarms going off made him jump a little and his face scrunched up in pain as a short contraction pulled his stomach right for a few seconds. His face relaxed a little as it passed and quickly followed Gear again, his heart racing quickly

they had reached the ship and were just getting on bored when white came running after him. Gear pulled something out of the bag then tossed both the bag and the keys to gear. "Inside, get it started, it should be automated so you won't have to do anything other then turn it on and tell it to go to earth. I'll be right behind you."

Gear had been waiting for this for a long time he would have to time it just right, maybe it was wrong perhaps this made him no better then white but he wanted the scientist to have a taste of his own medicine. Gear moved to the side just in time he reached down pressing the needle into white's stomach and pulling back. The look in his eyes.. gear had been waiting for that and white's moment of paused allowed him time to throw a good punch knocking the man out. See it occurred to him that they might actually need a doctor, a bit of help encase something went wrong, that and then he could witness the full effects of his revenge on the scientist.

Gear dragged the knocked out doctor inside and set him in a chair using rope to restrain him until he could find something better. "Don't worry, he won't hurt us." The door closed behind them and the ship began to take off. "I've given him a taste of his own medicine.

(just a little idea, XD I thought it might be interesting. )

Jace nodded scared and waddled into the ship quickly putting the bag down near the controls before he started the engine quickly, he looked around at all the levers and wondered how they were going to the do this. He turned hearing Gear and looked a little shocked as he saw him tie Dr White up, he swallowed roughly after what he heard Gear say " gave him the needle?" He asked looking at Gear, to be honest he had thought of doing the same thing and he had only been there a week whereas Gear had been there for a year and a half. He sat down in one of the chairs and rubbed his stomach which had again contracted harshly "I've started having contractions, so this will all be over for us in probably a few days" he said smiling gently at Gear, completely forgetting about the blue liquid put inside of him by Dr White, he had assumed it had no affect and no one had told him what it was supposed to do so he just assumed it hadn't worked.

(Nah, I love it, was actually thinking how good it would be to do that, hahahaa)

Gear had decided something, if white didn't want to work if he showed a hint of hesitation. Gear would give him the blue liquid and if Jace died, if anything happened to him. Gear was going to make the doctor's life hell. Jace didn't know what he was in for Gear hadn't been able to tell him how could he? What was he supposed to say though he couldn't hide his grim expression he moved to the side looking over the controls of the ship. "Sit and rest as best you can, you'll need you're energy. There's a bed in the back I think if you want to lay down. Gear didn't know much about the ship but it was enough to get it out of the hanger at least and once he had done that he set it to auto pilot. They were far away from earth it would likely take up to two weeks or so to reach home but they were on there way now..

(lol, great minds think alike.)

Jace looked at Gear hesitantly, he looked concerned about something but he didn't know what it was. He went over to him and turned Gear's face towards him kissing him softly "Don't worry my darling, soon we'll be on earth and free of these things" he said softly stroking Gear's cheek gently before he stood up straight and waddled over to the little bed crawling into it and sighing as he tried to sleep for a while.

(Yeah we do, hahaha. So, I was thinking that even though Jace starts having contractions and stuff but it lasts like a week and a half, Gear would have his babies before him? But what does the yellow liquid do to him? The one that White injected him with? I was thinking Gear has the babies, then White and then Jace?)

Gear was up for a long time, well really the whole not he didn't sleep keeping an eye on both Jace and white, it was only the beginning of everything that would happen.

(See I didn't actually get that far other then the fact that I figured it would make him carry a bit longer then normal, it was experimental and had never been used on anyone else but I haven't come up with many more effects yet. Though that sounds fine Jace can go last Any ideas on what the Yellow could do? I'm open to suggestions otherwise im sure I'll come up with something interesting soon.)

Jace slept on and off for a few hours but the contractions started to get quite uncomfortable so he stood up sighing a little and went back to Gear's side sitting down next to him taking his hand gently and laid his head on his shoulder "Maybe you should get some rest'll need it too" he said gently kissing his cheek lightly

(Well, I don't know if you like birthing eggs but it could be like 5 ostrich sized eggs? Maybe another species of alien has made a deal with them too? If not, it could make them all come out breach? Or any idea you have is fine too)

(I like the idea of anther alien species, something a bit less human perhaps? XD )

Gear looked at Jace and nodded "Yea.. you're right.. probably should." he stood up rubbing his eyes and took the bed Jace had been laying on. He must have been more tired then he thought because shortly after he ended up falling asleep.

Gear was still asleep early the fallowing morning, or what could have been the morning considering it was space and everything was dark. Either way white awoke with a groan looking around the ship he shook his head chuckling slightly.

(Sure, whatever you would like :) )

Jace smiled gently at Gear when he went to bed. Jace just stared out the window, every now and again small moans of pain but he knew he had a while yet. He heard a groan from Dr White and turned smiling as he struggled with the ropes "Hello there doctor" he said standing up and waddling over so he wasn't quite in distance of him "Feeling a bit under the weather?" He grinned at the pale look on the doctor's face

White glared at him and went quiet. he didn't seem to have anything to say, now that he was carrying it was no longer funny or amusing . "you'll both be lucky if you survive you know. After the stunt that boy pulled, Gear's been a good breeder but he doesn't behave besides hes getting old, perhaps hes done this one to many times.. well... you saw how much it took out of him on the last one. and you...the chances of you making it are vary slim, you just arn't strong enough... I may be "under the weather.." but this.. it won't kill me."

Jace rolled his eyes "You can believe what you want but these things will be out of me in the next couple of days and whatever you put inside Gear will be out and you'll be here suffering through what we suffered through and we'll be watching and being cruel just like you were to us" he said grinning a little at the doctor, he gasped and moaned as a contraction ran through him holding onto his stomach

"will see won't we? All in time.. in time.."

Gear awoke latter he sat up placing a hand to his side the things inside of him were shifting and moving around so much.. it felt strange.. not anything like it had in the past. Gear was interrupted by the sound of a groan from Jace and he stood coming over to Jace's side. "Hey, how are you feeling?" Gear asked softly running a hand along the man's lower back and kneeing the tight muscles there.

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