The station

Jace leant back into his hands moaning softly "That feels good, thank you" he said softly smiling gently up at Gear, he had a little bit of sweat on his forehead but the contractions weren't too bad yet, it was strange, the contractions weren't coming together as closely as normal. He rubbed the side of Gear's stomach "Hiw are you?" He asked softly smiling gently up at him, you could hear Dr White vomiting in the corner, Jace had been kind enough to sit a bucket in his lap and the doctor could barely hold it with the ropes tied around him so tightly

"Alright.. just tired.." he wanted to know what the yellow liquid had been that white had injected him with and what it was doing to him. He felt strange, dizzy almost. "Here come sit." Gear sat down and patted the spot next to him cuddling up to Jace laying his head on his shoulder. Gear knew he could also go into labor at any time now he just hoped he would be able to help gear first. There was nothing noticeably different about his appearance other then the size of his belly witch was a bit bigger then it normally would be at this stage. Even if it was towards the end of Gear's term.

Gear continued to rub Jace's back trying to help him relax a bit. "How far apart are they?"

Jace kissed the side of his head gently "It's strange, they don't seem to be coming together as fast as last time, it's just on and off, it's fteaking me out a little, you must be close too, how are you feeling?" He asked, Gear looked bigger than Jace and he was a little confused as to why.

"Not's.. nothings happened really.. except they move a lot.. and.." Gear hesitated a moment because what he had been thinking sounded even more insane out loud. "I don't think it's human." he tried to keep the cool calm tone in his voice but he wasn't as great at it as he could have bee. "I don't know.." His eyes drifted to white glaring for a moment he wanted to know what the monster had done to him but white had barely even seemed to notice there conversation. "Never mind.. it's.. I'm sure it'll be fine.."

Jace listened to him and realised he had obviously had some other liquid put into him than what they normally got. He turned, rage filling him and he stormed over to Dr White and grabbed him by the throat, his whole body shaking in rage and pain "What the hell did you put in him to say he feels they aren't human?!" He said angrily closing his hands around the doctors throat a little "Tell me, or I swear to god I will make this the worst experience of your life"

Gear was shocked by Jace's reaction he had never seen Jace get angry before, not like this at least. "H-hey.." Gear got to his feet and moved closer but he didn't actually stop Jace Why should he? What reason did he have.

White smirked, "it's an alien race they were dying out, I wanted a new science experiment.. we both won. Granted I was going to run it threw a simulation before using it on him but then he broke out and what else was I supposed to do.." White was obviously afraid but he was trying not to show it not wanting to give Jace, however angry he may have been, the satisfaction of being able to scare him.

Jace almost had flames in his eyes, he was tired and in pain and the thought of Gear being in pain drove him insane. "What alien race? What are their offspring like? Tell me!" He said shaking angrily, he could see the fear in Whites eyes and kind of took satisfaction out of it "They would have told you how many and what they were like before you would have accepted, I mean, you wouldn't have said yes if they were dangerous because then it could hurt you"

White was silent for a moment he eyed Jace it almost seemed like he wouldn't say anything, like he didn't want to ruin some sort of surprise but he began talking fearing what would happen if he didn't "We call them Icresk, there offspring are large, have a human head and body but also wings... they are born with them, of course I don't know how Gear's body has reacted or how it may, or may have not changed the offspring genetics. They also tend to have 'litters' and they can be quiet active when they want to be, there strong.

White looked up at Jace half expecting him to explode in anger. he didn't move looking up at the other male, Gear came closer putting a hand on Jace's shoulder. At least now he understood what he had been feeling it made a bit more sense.

Jace jumped a little at Gear's touch and turned smiling gently at him before turning back to White glaring at him "How many in a litter? And how large?" He asked glaring at White with all the intensity he could. His facade fell a bit as a contraction ran through him and he whimpered slightly holding onto his belly. As the contraction ended and White hasn't answered his question he raised his hand smacking across Whites cheek.

"You little shit." He growled had he not been tired down he might have tried to attack Gear snapped at him this time. "Watch your tone." he had wrapped an arm around Jace supporting him as he suffered a contraction. "answer the question."

"lets just go with, between 4 and 8 and the arage size various but I'd say about 10- 15 pounds, of course I don't know how many gear is carrying and how big they are, like I told you, I never get to check and see how his body took to the babies so there isn't any way of knowing until he goes into labor I suppose." White smirked slightly, he was in pain, scared these two had the upper hand but hat least he knew that they both would suffer worse.

Jace looked a little nervous 4-8, between 10 and 15 pounds, that was a lot for Gear to handle and Jace was worried. He took Gears hand leading him away from White and sat him down on the chair stroking his cheeks gently "You need to rest, that's going to be really hard and their growth time might be different, we don't know when you're going to go into labour, you need to rest okay?" He said gently and kissed Gear lightly "I love you and we're going to get through this together" he said softly and whimpered as another contraction wracked through his tiny frame, he was surprised that he hadn't felt any movement or signs of the baby dropping as of yet.

Jace was worried , he knew he could probably handle it they had medical equipment on bored but he still worried some. "You need to rest to.. Come on." Gear laid down leaving just enough room for Jace to join him Gear was tried he had to admit but the ship was on doing the work it's self so he could sleep awhile they both could.

Days passed 2 to be exact and the growth of the babies gear was carrying hadn't really slowed. Still he had tried to stay postie they were closer to home everyday now that meant gear should have delivered about 3 days ago had this been anything normal. IT was late when it began the pain was enough to wake him from his sleep. He gasped runing a hand along his side to try and ease the tense mussels.

Jace brushed Gear's hair out of his face gently "Hey, you're okay, I'm right here" he said gently rubbing his side and back gently. Jace wasn't quite sure what was happening with the children inside him, he had been in labour for days now and nothing was happening, he wasn't sure if a child was stuck at his cervix or what but he kept having contractions and he couldn't sleep anymore because of them. He whimpered a little as another contraction rolled through him but kept his focus on Gear sitting him up a bit so they could walk together.

Gear was still half asleep as he got to his feet and started moving around the space "How are you feeling?" he asked when the contraction let up and he was thinking a bit more clear. His eyes drifted to Jace's belly, he was starting to grow worried Jace had been in labor for a few days now and Gear knew it was starting to ware on him.

Jace smiled gently at Gear "I'm okay, I'm just confused why they haven't dropped yet or anything, the pain is just as constant but nothing is happening" he shrugged lightly and kissed Gear softly before pulling away "How are you? How was that contraction? Was it different to the ones from the other aliens?" He asked gently

Gear thought for a moment "It was strong, normally they don't get strong like that until later but other then that it wasn't really any different." Stronger contractions made sense, a larger species would need more force to move it his body had adjusted to that. At least not that he had noticed yet. "Just let me know if anything changed.. hey.. Jace look.." Gear looked out to to the window in front of them earth could be seen, it was still far away but they could see it now.

Jace turned and smiled brightly as he walked to the control section to see a better look "'s so weird seeing it from this angle....home" he said happily and rubbed his stomach as a sort contraction ran through him, he yawned softly and rubbed at his eyes tiredly.

"Home indeed." Gear leaned over the back of one of the chairs "Will be home soon.. and.. we can forget about all of this.." Gear said trying to distract Jace from his contraction and himself from the begging of his own.

Jace looked over at Gear and smiled gently "I don't want to forget about everything on that station" he said softly and went over kissing Gear softly. "I'm going to try and nap, I'm exhausted and these contractions don't seem to be helping these things move any time soon" Jace went and laid down, he slept very on and off over the next several hours.

Gear nodded slowly and kept an eye on Jace as he slept. Gear wandered around the cabin making himself busy, he knew he wasn't going to be able to fall back asleep so he didn't bother to try. Instead he cleaned up a bit. Over the next few hours the contractions became more regular and intense. He did try to remain quiet though he didn't want to wake Jace just yet.

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