The station

Jace jumped a little awake when he herd White cry out, that must have been his first contraction. Jace sat up rubbing at his face a little and yawned a little. He got up rubbing his stomach and went over to Gear "Hey, how are you going?" He asked gently rubbing Gear's back lightly, completely ignoring White's reaction

Gear was leaning over the table a hand pressed firmly to his belly he was in the middle of a contraction and the things inside him seemed to squirm in protest of there short amount of space becoming even less and although Gear seemed to be carrying much lower then he had been before it hadn't dropped yet. When the pain let up Gear raised his head and smiled lightly. "Im ok.. as good as I can be, how are you doing?" Gear's gaze drifted to white, he was almost glad, the doctor was getting what he deserved.

Jace smiled gently at him continuing to rub his back gently "I'm okay, I still don't understand why the babies are taking so long to leave me but I'm okay. Maybe we should untie him and get him to check you?" Have said biting his lip "He might be able to tell how many you're carrying and we don't really know how to help each other give birth or know if something is wrong..."

Gear glared at white, "I don't know if that would be a good idea.." Of course now white was without backup he was having contraction and outnumbered if he tried anything it wasn't likely to go well for him. Gear watched white silently a long few moments. "Fine.. fine alright untie him.." This is what they had brought him for in the first place.

Jace bit his lip and nodded, he feared White would try to pull something but his fear of retaliation was outweighed by his fear of losing Gear. He went and started to untie White "You try anything, you hurt him more than he's in, you're in any way rough with him, I will tie you upside down and you will have contractions for the rest of your life because they need gravity to escape your body, you got that?" He said glaring at White

White looked up at Jace and nodded slowly.. "Yes alright.. fine.." When he was free he stood up taking a moment to get his balance it felt weird "Come lay down.." White said to Gear there was fear in his eyes as he went over to the bed. to start examining Gear.

Gear eyed the man carefully he didn't trust him one bit, or this act he put on. Gear didn't think white was really this afraid, but he also didn't believe the man would try to hurt him. OF course he could be wrong.

(so what do you think, I was thinking we could both kind of both play white should he be good or bad? To afraid to do anything or perhaps he doesn't care?)

Jace followed behind White watching him very carefully, he was very wary of White and didn't quite trust the man no matter how scared he may be. He sat down and pulled Gear's head onto his lap and took his hand gently "Squeeze if you need to" he said softly to Gear

(I don't know, I'll play White while Gear is giving birth but what do you think about the evil or good thing? I don't mind, maybe he's good to Gear because he hasn't had his kids yet and knows he'll need their help but when Jace goes to deliver he's cruel?)

(Honestly I wouldn't mind an excuse for extra revenge on white so feel free to do cruel either time. His motive to be cruel could be anger for making him carry. but either way. )

Gear took Jace's hand as white began pressing down on gear's belly causing him to groan white was feeling for the position and number of children. He was trying to be quick about it he wasn't as rough as he had been in the lab but he wasn't necessarily gentle. White froze for a moment, "Strange." He said out loud.

Gear eyed him sitting up a bit more "What.. what's strange?" he asked nervously.

"I can only find twins, vary large twins so I suppose your human genetics took to it differently. You aren't having a littler the exstra movement is just the wings." White said pulling away. Gear looked up at him, he was to big to only be having twins...he would have almost rahered to have more rather then these two big ones.

Gear's thoughts were interrupted by a contraction his body tensed and he squeezed Jace's hand letting out a groan.

Jace pushed agear's hair back Henry "Just breathe Gear, you're okay" he said worriedly looking at White "That can't be right, he's too big to be having twins, are you sure it isn't triplets?" He asked worriedly running his fingers through Gear's hair. He leaned down to whisper so White didn't hear "Did you grab any sort of pain medication that you could tad to help in that bag?" He whispered (What if White did feel triplets which are still a little bigger than normal babies but wanted to freak them out so he said twins?)

(I like that XD)

"I'm sure." White was lying but he doubted they would see threw that indeed, it was triplets It would be great to see Gear's face when he thought he was done and then realized there was anther. White hadn't lied about one thing though, the babies were large, he could have carried a little up to 8 but his human genetics instead just made 3 large ones, it was a interesting result.

When the pain let up gear relaxed a bit, I have some, thing supper strong.. I couldn't find anything.." He whispered before sitting up "I-need to get back up.. walk a bit.." The contractions weren't close enough together just yet they were strong but not close enough.

Meanwhile Gear watched as white dubbled over one hand pressed against his side.

Jace wrapped and arm around Gear's waist and help him walk around, they stopped whenever either of them had a contraction. They walked around for a long time, Gear was covered in sweat and Jace led him over to the sink to grab a glass of water for him and gently pushed it against Gear's mouth helping him drink it.

Dr White looked on, he was quite excited to see the shock on Gear's face when he birthed 2 and he would think it would be over. He was also excited for when Jace birthed, though he still had days to g, he wanted to see the alien child rip him in two. His facade was apparently holding though, they genuinely believed he was scared of them and needed them.

Gear took a few sips of water pushing the cup away when he felt anther pain building they had been walking for hours and finally things were starting to speed up. Gear put both his hand on the sink and leaned on it breathing hard the pain was intense his body was shaking he was starting to get tired after so long of walking. "B-bed.." He managed to get out when the pain let up making his way back over to it.

Jace nodded and wrapped his arm around Gear leading him over to the bed gently putting him down and brushing the hair out of his eyes. He put several pillows behind him and helped Gear lay down gently. He leant over kissing his head lightly "You are so strong, I love you, this is the last lot you'll ever have to do sweetheart, the last lot"

White rolled his eyes at the interaction between the two and poked at Gears hole before pushing a finger in feeling around "You've still got about an hour to go before you can do anything" he said shrugging a little

Gear let out a breath and groaned loudly laying back, an hour the pains were so intense he had been sure they were ready. Gear closed his eyes trying to steady his breathing. "It hurts." he whimpered he hand resting on his belly his jaw blenched tightly as he began to feel the next pain starting up and he tried to keep from crying out.

Jace kissed the side of Gears head gently "I love you, you're so strong, you can do this" he said softly rubbing the back of Ger's hand gently "Just squeeze my hand, scream, cry, anything you want baby, I'm not judging you" he said grabbing the glass of water and giving a few sips to Gear quickly before another contraction hit him.

White breathed through one of his own contractions before focusing on Gear. He shoved his fingers in a bit roughly, he had been experiencing labour pains for a few hours now and it was their fault so he didn't mind being a bit rough. He felt around "You're ready to push" he said leaning back and pulling his fingers out

Gear yelped partly from the contraction partly from how rough White was the pain was intense he gripped Jace's hand hard and began bearing down desperate to finally get these things out of him. He felt the first twin dropping into place pressing down on his pelvis, He could already tell it was big his back arched he had a few moments rest and again be began pushing trying to force it out of him.

Jace stroked his head gently "You're going so well sweetheart" he said softly kissing along Gears cheek gently "Just keep breathing with me when you get a rest okay?" He said softly "I love you my darling, you're so strong"

White pressed at the side of his hole stretching to see him a bit looking at the progress he had made "You're wasting energy pushing without a contraction" he said shaking his head annoyed. He couldn't believe the first person to deliver this species was someone so experienced in birthing but still chose to do stupid things like that.

Gear groaned and leaned back steadying his breathing. "I.. love you to.." he managed to get out before he was gripped by the next pain he cried out as he pushed it didn't feel like there was enough room he felt like he was going to be be split in two, of course Gear knew he wouldn't he could think logicaly but his hips ached badly.

Jace kissed his forehead gently "Going so well my love, not too long to go" he said softly and whimpered quietly as a contraction hit him and he moaned softly for about thirty seconds as long as the contraction lasted before focusing back on Gear, rubbing the back of his hand gently

White yawned "Keep pushing Gear, you're doing well...I suppose" he said shrugging a little looking at Gear's hole, it had started to stretch more with the head coming closer towards it

the contraction ended and he took a moment to breath looking back at Jace knowing he had a contraction, he wanted to say something but he didn't have vary long to worry about it before he had to push again moving the baby lower he was trying to figure out why the shoulders felt so wide inside him until Gear realized it was because the wings of the baby were wrapped around it's body. He was also well aware of the burning pain he was starting to feel.

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