C On Camera (w/hyenadog) (End~)

"Ya almost in your womb.... this feels so good, too good, the best I have ever felt ... Mitsuo you are so beautiful." He shoved into Mitsuo without mercy, chasing the feeling of the vagina clenching tight around him whenever he hit it right. He held Mitsuo's legs and kissed him deep, sucking all the air out of him as he worked hard to.plough open his fertile.land, like a diligent farmer about to plant his seed. It excited him and his cock grew even thicker and longer at the thought. "I am gonna put my seed in you, and you are gonna swell up, your belly grow and thrive because of me. You are so gonna get knocked up..." he roared as he heaved Mitsuo higher up, lifting his bottom off the bed so he could slam in even deeper.

Mitsuo's short nails dug into Gil's back as he pounded into him, sharp cries coming between harsh breaths, his orgasm quickly building. His inner walls clenched in waves, letting Gil know he was getting close...each time was a little stronger, making Mitsuo arch and jerk harder. He moaned into the kiss, breathing harshly through his nose.

The man's words filtered into his mind, setting off alarms. "W-wait....I don't.....Oh god!" He stammered, crying out as he was lifted and pounded even harder. Nails dragging down Gil's sides before he grabbed his arms almost desperately as his orgasm washed over him. His whole body going stiff as he came, squeezing around Gil's cock, almost milking it for its seed.

Even with his short nails, Mitsuo managed to leave 4 newmoon shaped marks on Gil's tightly muscled back, though it didnt both Gil at all as his cock was clenched so tight it was borderline pain. His competitive nature took.over and he moved his hips one.last time, pushing through the muscle to break into Mitsuo's womb, and deposited hot, thick sperm into him. The moment he exploded in Mitsuo, he could feel the body in him going into a secondary orgasm as it jerked hard, but was forced back down with how hard Gil was holding him.

Mitsuo nearly screamed when Gil managed to push past his cervix, head thrown back at the pain and pleasure, feeling the warmth of his cum fill his lower belly. The feeling pushed him right into another orgasm, twitching and arching against the man above him, almost unable to breathe from how intense it was.
He gasped sharply, panting to catch his breath before weakly pushing at Gil's chest. "You.....You...." He panted, eyes still closed. "You forgot the....the condom..." He continued, still trying to catch his breath. "I can't get.....I don't want.....sh-shit." He added, his voice breaking as tears dripped from his closed eyes. He wasn't ready for a real baby.

Gil flopped down on bed when he finally came down from his high as well. He flipped Mitsuo up to place him on his chest. Had Mitsuo not been as tired out by the successive orgasms, he wondered if he would just lay on him pliantly like now. Gil kissed Mitsuo's face gently and caressed his sweaty back. "Dont worry babe, i know you arent ready, we could just go to the pharmacy for the pills..... the chance of conception isnt really high as well i guess.…?" He quirked his brow and put his warm.palm.over Mitsuo's lower belly, surprised to find it slightly bloated. He must have come more than he thought. "Dont cry baby....we will sort this out. I am sorry for forgetting about that but.... you are simply too irresistable."

Mitsuo made a small noise when Gil flopped and pulled him onto his chest, still panting softly. He looked up at him, pouting a bit. "Okay." He sighed, looking down when Gil put his hand over his belly. He sniffled softly, closing his eyes to relax for a moment.

An idea popped into his head, what if he got rid of the cum by using the serum? He smirked and looked up at Gil. "We can still have some fun....Swell from your seed." He purred, letting his voice drop to a low whisper. He gave a small wink, slowly sitting up and putting his hand over Gil's on his belly. "Your seed.....taking root....growing." He said, moving to reach for his serum gun and the drawer to pull out a cartridge. He loaded it and turned the gun to offer it to Gil. "Just press it firmly here and pull the trigger..." He muttered softly, pointing to a spot on his already bloated belly. "Help it grow."

The mixture in the cartridge was for an average single pregnancy size. Nothing too tough for Mitsuo.

Gil.sat up as well, heart pounding a little faster at the suggestion. "Gosh are.you serious....? Like, how do you know that's exavtly what i dreamed for...?" He said with a bright smile. "You are such a genius..." he kissed Mitsuo on his cheek as he took the gun. "Here?" Holding it steady, he pulled the trigger right to shoot at the slightly curved belly. Removing it he didnt see any different aside from the patch of skin turning a little red. He traced his finger over the area. "Wow, it looked ... normal. Like nothing had happened yet." He said pulling Mitsuo closer to him. Sitting up against the headboard, he held the smaller man close awaiting for the miracle to happen. "It would be like we get through a pregnancy together, sped up version." He ssid with an exciting smile.

Mitsuo nodded, smiling to Gil. "I suspected that." He chuckled. He leaned closer when he was kissed, looking down at the gun as Gil took it. He quickly looked back up as he pulled the trigger, hissing softly at the feeling before taking the gun and setting it aside. "It takes a few minutes to work into my system." He said, leaning close to Gil and closing his eyes.

A few quiet moments passed before he groaned softly. "Its starting...." He muttered, moving Gil's hand to let him feel the firm shape starting to round out his belly more. The skin was warm, still sweaty from sex. "Ooh...."

"So this would be how it feel like for... a 3 month belly?" He asked curiously, moving his hand around. It felt a little harder to the touch, even fuller and more bloated than before. "If this is indeed a real baby, your breasts should be...." he gave Mitsuo a mischievous smile as his hands slowly sneaked up to play with his nipples, his other arm still wounded around Mitsuo protectively. "Although it could be a little late for that.... you sure you could handle this right? A birth wouldnt be easy. Even with my help." He said with a twinkle in his eyes as he promised his help.

Mitsuo hummed and nodded to Gil's question, letting him feel his growing abdomen. it was slow, but if you stayed still, you could see it expanding. He bit his lip when Gil moved to tease his nipples, moaning softly and leaning back against him more. "Ooh, yeah, if the hormones were working right." He muttered. "This should be fairly easy. The eggs in this batch are pretty small." He said, looking up at Gil and smiling cutely. He shifted a little, moaning softly as his belly started really stretch.

Gil kissed Mitsuo's forehead with pure adore seeing his cute smile. He cupped the belly with his hand hearing thr moan, rubbing against the expanding skin. It was warm, and growing at a faster pace than before. "How do you determine the dize of the eggs? And how large would a clutch normally be?" He asked curiously nibbling Mitsuo. He kissed lower down, bending down to reach his nipples to resume his tease.

Mitsuo closed his eyes when Gil kissed him, relaxing at the rubbing as his skin stretched tighter. "Its a mixture....determines the size and number. I can also determine how soft or firm they are. But I don't change that much." He said, taking a shaky breath as the growth increased. "Aah....mmh." He moaned, leaning his head back. He gasped when he moved to teasing his nipples with his mouth, arching slightly. "Passing....five months." He said, a smirk on his lips.

"Hmm yep. Definitely a bump here." Gil let go of the nipple for a bit to admire the obvious potbelly now. "You are marvelous, Mitsuo." He siad placing his hand on thr lower belly, where the change is most prominent with the eggs taking shape. Mitsuo's cock seemed to be trying to wake up again, but it wasnt recovered quite yet so it just twitched.

Mitsuo just relaxed his body against Gil's, eyes closed as he felt the weight growing in his belly. He made a small noise, feeling Gil's hand again. "Tickles..." He muttered, trying not to laugh. He arched slightly as his belly passed 6 months, shifting his body to help his insides adapt. "Mmmh....aah..." He moaned, running his own hands around the sides of his belly, now clearly a pregnant shape. Soon his navel would pop out...and then it would drop. His cock twitched, some pre dribbling out from around his piercing. He was clearly aroused, regardless of the state of his cock.

The small bump was cute, and Gil could hardly remove his hands from it. It felt warm and thriving. He shifted Mitsuo so he would lay more on his back than on his sides, giving ample space for his belly to grow. With their height difference, he was still able to see Mitsuo's prick trying hard to stand up, weeping precum, though soon the belly would block his visual entirely. He fondled with Mitsuo's bellybutton, finding it interesting to witness the slight changes on it already as it flattened in frton of his eyes. An idea came to him and he sat up higher, so that they could see their images on the computre. "See this? We look like the perfect couple awaiting for the birth of our first child." He kissed his cheek, protectively holding his belly.

Mitsuo shifted with Gil, shifting his legs a bit and moaning as his belly continued to swell. He loved Gil's hands on him, opening his eyes to look down and watch them. He felt a warmth swell in his chest, such a happy feeling having someone holding him like this. He looked up when Gil spoke, looking at the computer. His cheeks flushed, not realizing the camera had been on at all. "Oh....That....You're right." He said, giving the man a sweet smile as he moved his hands over Gil's. His belly was passing 7 months, stretching his navel tight until it popped out. "Aah..." He gasped, legs shifting as his cock finally stood at attention. His chest had swollen slightly, making it look like he had small perky breasts instead of a slightly chubby man-chest.

Gil fondled with his popped bellybutton, flicking over that little bud a few times. Smiling into the camera, he could see from the other angle below Mitsyo's belly that's approaching massive now. He moved his hands upwards to cup his breasts, pushing them up supporting them. "Hmm does it ever occur to you that you could very well be lactating when you have reached 7 months in real life?" He asked tweaking the nipples.

"Aah." Gasped Mitsuo when his belly button was flicked, looking down at it and biting his lip. He was well into 8 month size now, reaching the end of his false pregnancy. He moaned as Gil fondled his chest, glad it didn't hurt like he knew it would if this was real. "I would be dripping with milk...fully prepared to feed our baby." He muttered, blushing when he realized he had said "our" baby.

Gil didnt catch it at first, too focused on teasing many parts of Mitsuo at once. It took him some time to process. Looking up in surprise, he smiled widely seeing the tomato face. Gil shiftef Mitsuo slightly so his legs could be spread wider to accommodatw the bly, then whispered. "I think it would be a great idea.... our baby. That's technically quite true as well considering my seeds had filled you, contributing to a bit of your growth." He held the belly with both hands now, jiggling it slightly to feel the weight and firmness.

Mitsuo had gone red right to his ears, looking away slightly. He wasn't sure why he said it like that, but it had felt natural.
He glanced up at Gil, nibbling his lip at his words. Looking down at himself, he put his hands on his belly, gasping as Gil shook it. "Oh, its slowing down..." He muttered as he reached 9 months. "Should I....get up and walk? Make the drop more pronounced." He nodded, looking up at Gil

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