C On Camera (w/hyenadog) (End~)

The slight trembling of Mitsuo put a huge smile on Gil. He erratically thrust into Mitsuo, chasing that last of his pleasure. He knew he wouldnt last. He reached forward and stroked his nipples, kissing him so passionately and thrust in him as deep as he could, reaching.his sensitive cervix and cum so hard he saw stars. It had been too long and his cum was so thick, the hormones in it probably would trigger even harder contractions.

Mitsuo was hit hard with his orgasm, mouth hanging open in a silent cry of pleasure, back arched, toes curled, and legs shaking. Feeling Gil thrust against his cervix like that before being filled with his hot cum was too much. On top of that, the stimulation of his nipples just intensified it all.

He was left a trembling mess under Gil, panting harshly as he came back to earth. They had both missed his first contraction..."oohh....I feel so much better." Muttered Mitsuo,  basking in the afterglow.

Gil got down from his high soooner than Mitsuo, and he held the pregnant man in his arms, nibbling on his face as he trmeblrd from time to time, until his eyes finally cleared. "Welcome back babe....glad it helped.... it helped me definitely." He grinned enjoying the moment of peace when both were obviously satisfied immensely. He kneaded Mitsuo's butt as he slipped out of him, and a rush of white fluid came out. If Gil had been able to see, he would wonder how it appeared to be way less thick than he would expect.

Mitsuo made a happy little noise as Gil nibbled his face and held him close, closing his eyes and just enjoying the feeling. He moaned softly when Gil pulled put, feeling his cum dribble from him. He cuddled with Gil for an hour before he gasped and groaned as his middle tightened with a contraction. "Ooohh...oh, god...that's a real one." He gasped, hands on the tight dome of his belly. It felt different than any of their play sessions. Probably because the babies were more solid than the gel, and he was so heavily pregnant... It was more intense.

This time Gil could feel it as well. The belly really hardened, changing shape under his palm. "Guess the doctor's plan of further delaying th3 birth failed...." he said not without his worry that the babies wouldnt make it. Despite the size of his belly, Mitsuo was in fact just entering his third trimester and the babies werent as well developed as they would hope. "I would call the doctor to update her.... anything you feel different? Symptoms that you would want her to know?"

Mitsuo panted through the contraction, wincing and curling up on his side, "Unfortunately..." He muttered. "M-maybe we were a little too rough." He groaned, biting his lip as he worked through the pain until it passed and his body relaxed. "Uhhnh....It feels different....but not bad." He said, looking to Gil. "there's just more weight, more pressure." He said, frowning a bit.

What they didn't know is the babies were not all the same stage of development...

Gil rubbed the belly of Mitsuo as he waited for his boyfriend to relax after the contraction. His moans and little pants were sexy, with their previous birth plays, these little noises went straight to his cock and he was csure if they didnt have such a passionate session just moments before, he wiould be sporting a hard on again.

Gil.didnt nodded and kissed Mitsuo's cheeks as he took out his phone. While on phone, Gil stuttered a little as the doctor asked about why had labor progressed so much all of a sudden. "Err, w-we just went for a shower. T-then the contractions just hit."

Mitsuo knew his little noises would turn Gil on. He couldn't help it. He was so vocal. but they couldn't have fun this time. Nothing that could risk the birth.

The doctor rolled her eyes as she listened, shaking her head. "I doubt it was just a shower. I told you two no sex. But I can't fault you." she sighed. "I do have an option. I can give a shot that will stop the contractions. At least for now. If you want, come to my offices as soon as possible. I'll squeeze you in." She said. Of course she was worried about the babies.

"Right. Ok... I am sorry. . We would be there." Gil nodded quick and hung up. He updated Mitsuo on the situation and helped him up to get dressed, though stopped him soon. "Wait! We, er, I think we need to clean you up a little..." he said eyeing the slightly swollen opening. "Just, we get this cleaned and we would head off to the clinic." He took a tissue and spread Mitsuo's legs to wipe the area of his cum. He spread his folds and immediately another trickle of fluid came out.

The doctor said she'd be ready for them when they got there. Just a quick exam and a shot before Mitsuo would be placed in a recovery room until his contractions had stopped.

Mitsuo nibbled his lip when Gil stopped him, looking down a bit as he felt the wetness between his legs. "Right." He said, rolling onto his back and letting Gil spread his legs to clean him. He made a face and gasped before more fluid trickled from him. it was clear, and there seemed to be quite a bit of it..."Oh-ooh...what was that?" He asked, brows raised. Worried he'd just peed himself...since everything between his legs was a bit numb. His water had broken....but it didn't come as a rush because he wasn't very dilated yet.

"I-I am not sure... did it feel like pee?" Gil asked dumbly as he was at a lost as well. He touched around Mitsuo's lower belly and asked. "Did it feel like you are emptying your bladder.... or, would it be, your... " he asked with his hands trembling a little, wishing it wouldn't be it. "It must be pee. It couldn't be anything else. Right. It's gonna be fine." He said convincing both of them weakly as he laughed hysterically while wiping the fluid away, only to find it didn't really stop. Gil was getting quite frightened himself, clumsily he dressed Mitsuo and carried him to the car. "It's alright Mitsuo, it's alright. Everything's gonna be alright and Dr Benson would be fixing this in no time." He said striding forward in big steps.

Mitsuo nibbled at his piercings, shaking his head. "I don't know...everything is a bit numb from our fun...but...it doesn't feel like pee." He said, looking more worried. Especially at Gil's behavior. He suggested Gil use the incontinence underwear he'd gotten...because sometimes he just couldn't waddle fast enough to the bathroom when the urge to pee hit...

Once he was dressed, he clung to Gil as he was carried. He could feel the wetness between his legs...it couldn't be pee. He was getting more worried by the moment, hands on his belly protectively as he was set in the front seat of the car. The drive was quiet until Mitsuo felt his belly tighten again his cry of pain grew in intensity as he curled around his belly....feeling even more fluid rush from within. "Oh god! My water broke! Sh-shit....ooohhh, shit. Shit!" He cursed, tears welling up in his eyes. It couldn't be stopped now...The babies were coming.

The underwear was indeed a diaper and Gil used to tease Mitsuo about that, though he could no longer squeeze even a smile when he helped Mitsuo with that in trembling hands.

Gil skidded to a stop when he heard Mitsuo confirming his worst fears. He, too, getting into a panic mode seeing Mituso clutching his belly so tight. He asked frantically. "W-what... we, shall we go back then? The clinic would be at least 20 minutes away.... " He felt so helpless with the situation. "I am gonna pick up in speed baby, sit tight." He said ready to speed through a few redlights. "You are gonna be fine, keep breathing babe, it's gonan be alright."

Mitsuo had punched Gil in the arm a few times for his teasing. Asking if he'd rather him wet the bed at night...that shut him up.

But now Mitsuo couldn't think about anything except how terrified be was. Especially when Gil slammed on the brakes. He panted through the contraction, whimpering softly. "Clinic....please....don't speed." He whimpered. The last thing he wanted was a car accident. "N-nothing is moving yet...aah. we have time to...nngh....drive normally." He said, taking a needed breath when the contraction passed.

"yea, there's nothing to worry about. Yes, let's take a deep breath together. yea I am alright, you are alright, everything's alright." With the nervous muttering Gil seemed to have cleared his mind a bit. He slowed down and groaned when he met with another redlight. "You ok babe? Time the contractions. Don't worry about me, I am not gonna crash you." He said forcing a smile. He searched for Mitsuo's hand and squeezed it, both giving his support to the laboring man and also getting support from him. The worry that clouded over them would remain to be there, but all they could do now was wish for the best that the babies would be alright.

Gil carried Mitsuo inot the clinic, in more or less steady steps, as they arrived almost 30 minutes later. "I counted 4 contractions in our drive. Am i right?"

Mitsuo nodded to Gil, taking his hand and squeezing it. Things would be alright. They just needed to stay calm. But that was easier said than done when each contraction hit. "Ooooohh!! Fuck fuck fuck!" He cried out, working through the pain with swearing and squeezing Gil's hand.

Another strong contraction hit when they got to the lobby of the clinic. Startling a nurse, who quickly got a wheelchair for Mitsuo and took them to the room the doctor had set up...Dr. Benson stepped in a moment later, looking to Gil for an explanation....since Mitsuo wasn't able to explain.

"His water just broke.... and the contractions were hitting closer together. Closing down to 7 minutes apart from the last one." Gil answered sort of sheepishly. He then hid from the doctor's accusing gaze by coming forward to the bed and help fit the gown over Mitsuo. He pulled down the underwear under the robe, in time with Mitsuo letting out a breath for the contraction past again. Together, they looked at the doctor for further instructions.

The nurse was helping Gil get Mitsuo changed and onto a bed while he groaned through his contraction. He wiggled out of the underwear with Gil's help before laying back on the bed and panting softly. He looked to the doctor, clearly worried.

The doctor sighed, shaking her head. "Well, this is going to happen." She said, instructing the nurse to hook Mitsuo up to the monitors before moving to prop Mitsuo's legs up in the stirrups. She gave him a quick exam before letting him relax. "He's not very dilated, so we'll let things move at their own pace. He'll get painkillers and we have monitors for the babies." she said, looking to Gil. "I know this is stressful, but he's in the best hands. The hospital is right across the street and they have a very good maternity ward. But we'll keep him here." she continued. The room they were in was quiet, lights turned down and a relaxing scent in the air. It looked more like a bedroom than a hospital room. Dr. Benson was also a midwife and this was the birthing suite.

(Aww I was hoping for a birth with them two only ;) oh well it could work either way.)

"Sure...sure. can he walk around? Like does all of those monitors needed to be hooked up for thr whole time?" Gil asked sitting down beside Mitsuo and held his hand. He had calmrd down a whole lot more now that they had arrived the clinic. He knew at least Mitsuo's safety would be guaranteed, and the babies would be having the best chance here as well. Mitsuo's legs were still raised up and spread wide on the stirrups. Gil volunteered to help remove the other side when the doctor signalled thr nurse to release Mitsuo. Just a glance between his legs had his cock stirring again. He mentally scolded himself for being such a sex addict, which was at least partly the reason why they ended up here, a whole month, or almost 3 months for the babies, ahead of the intended time.

(They can have privacy until they call for help.)

Dr. Benson nodded, "He has to keep them on, but he can walk around the room. Just keep track of the wires." she said, frowning a bit. "I'll leave you two be for now. There's a button on the bed to call me or a nurse. I'll check in when my appointments are through." She said, stepping out.

Mitsuo grunted as he lowered his legs off the stirrups, tugging a blanket over himself and glancing to Gil. He took his hand and squeezed as another contraction rolled through him. He whimpered and shifted himself, free hand on his tight belly. "Oooh, god...It hurts....a lot more than our play." He muttered, closing his eyes tight.

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