The station

He nodded slowly took in a breath and pushed again he tried to focus leaning foreword and pushing again he gripped Jace's hand hard enough to probably leave a bruise.

Jace used his other hand to help Gear push himself forward "Yes baby" he said gently seeing the head start to fully emerge, it was reaching the widest point and Jace could see the strain on Gear's face. He kissed his cheek gently "Keep going, going so well my darling, so well"

He wanted to stop, he wanted to be done but he knew if he stopped pushing it would just slip back so he kept going the best he could pushing until the contraction finaly ended and he felt the head slip out of him. He groaned loudly and leaned back catching his breath.

Jace gently patted his face with the cloth "You're so strong Gear, you're so close to this being over, just the shoulders and the baby will be out" he said softly and pecked Gear's lips. "I love you so much" he said softly stroking his cheek gently. He took Gear's hand again as he could see his stomach starting to clench from another contraction

Something still felt strange but he tried to go along with it, it was just the shoulders. He tried to relax letting out a breath and then pushing again as hard as he could he hadn't even had time to respond to Jace before the pain had gripped him again.

Jace continued holding Gear's hand and moved back down gently taking the head of the child and pulling gently to help Gear get it out of him. "Keep pushing Gear, so close!" He said smiling encouragingly at him as one of the shoulders popped out.

Gear groaned loudly. "Get it out!" He arched his back taking in a few quick breaths and then pushing again trying to free the other shoulder he could feel it as it came out of him, at this point he should have been able to just pull the child free but there was something else, it had a tail.

Jace nodded and let go of Gear's hand so he could grab the sheets underneath him. He took the shoulders of the child and gently started to pull it free. "Gear, it has a tail but it should get smaller as it exits so I'm just going to pull it out, okay?" He said softly and started to pull the tail out of Gear before it got stuck, he tugged on it a few times

Gear let out a loud cry as Jace pulled on the child it didn't feel right, it didn't feel smaller pain slammed into him and all he could do was shake his head and push to try and free it.

Jace stopped immediately when Gear cried out, he dropped the child on the bed and went to Gear's side "Hey, you're okay, I'm right here" he said gently stroking Gears face and took his hand gently "Okay, I think you need to push the last bit out, you're going so well and you really are at the end now, just take a deep breath and push as hard as you can my love"

He groaned reaching out he took hold of Jace again and began bearing down as hard as he could he felt himself being stretched again the burning returning, his body tensed he was shaking trying to force the last bit of it out.

Jace kissed the side of Gear's head "Keep going, so close my darling, so close, push with all you have then you can rest" he said gently and helped Gear lean forward a bit to help with the pushing. He rubbed Gear's back gently

Gear gave a loud cry and pushed again the rest of the tail came out a few moments latter and Gear leaned back breathing hard. He was exhausted his whole body seemed to ache but still he gave Jace a small smile, at least he was done.

Jace smiled lovingly at Gear "You're done darling, it's all over" he said softly and moved the alien off the bed before laying the blanket over Gear gently. He kissed his head softly "Sleep now sweetheart" he said softly and pulled Gear's head over to lay on his chest, just as Ryptok appeared smiling at them and he picked the child up "Well done Gear, a nice strong child you have given me, I can't wait to see how the child inside Jace grows"

Gear tried to keep his eyes open, tried to stay awake but he was much to tired and soon he had passed out falling asleep moments after the alien had taken the child back with him.

Jace just ignored the alien until he left just gently stroking Gear's hair so he relaxed in his sleep. He was worried how he would go due to the fact whenever Gear struggled it seemed to be much worse for him. He wasn't going to worry Gear though, he would stay positive for Gear. He fell asleep a short time later his head leaning against Gear's head

In the days that passed Gear recovered slowly, he had done this so many time that it seemed to take it's toll on his body. He knew Jace was getting closer and tried to be up and around for him as much as he could. For work he had called in and said he was sick, some bug he just couln't get rid of.

Jace ate some cereal slowly, his appetite had been so little lately because of how often he was getting morning sickness, just like Gear had. He stood up and put the remainder of the cereal in the bin, unable to stomach it. His belly hung low and he almost waddled around the apartment now. He yawned and rubbed his eyes, he was so tired, unable to sleep due to the uncomfortableness and the pressure this alien was putting on his back, he felt like it was straining his back much more than his stomach this time around. He sat on the couch and turned on the tv.

Gear came in and took a seat next to him wrapping one arm around the man he smiled lightly. "Hey." He said softly. "How are you feeling?" He asked looking up at jace for a moment and then to the TV to see what he had turned on.

Jace laid his head against Gear's shoulder and smiled gently up at him "I'm so tired but soon it will be out and I'll be able to sleep again" he said softly and rubbed at his eyes a little. He kissed Gear's shoulder gently "Are you okay?" He asked gently smiling up at him

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03-29-2017, 08:49 PM

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