C On Camera (w/hyenadog) (End~)

The doctor was so quick with this new one, and Gil had been quite distracted busy holding Mitsuo in position with the laboring man's waning energy in holding himself upright. What he saw dropping down onto the doctor's outstretched hands was something a little disturbing, and he turned away quick, choosing instead to comfort his mate who seemed quite drained even though this had been a relatively quick and easy delivery.

"It's good love this would fit. This last one maybe big but you got it in you. You got gravity working with you now, which is good. Hang in there babe." Gil said that to comfort Mitsuo even though he knew the girth of the baby must be huge for Mitsuo to be complaining like that. He rubbed his back and felt Mitsuo slumbering harder over him when he pushed again. The doctor seemed not very pleased with the progress though, judging by the frown on her face.

Mitsuo took shaky breaths between pushes, clinging to Gil tightly for support. He shifted his legs further apart, nearly screaming as be pushed. The baby just wasn't moving. His inner walls had swollen from abuse, making the passage too tight. One check told Dr. Benson that much. She quickly instructed a nurse to get more anti-inflamatory medication and told Mitsuo he needed to stop pushing for now.

"You need to take a break. The baby seems to be bigger and your body is swelling from the trauma of giving birth. So we need to let the swelling go down before you can push." Said the doctor as the nurse gave him the medication through his IV. Mitsuo could only whine against gil, his deflated belly clenching tight with each contraction.

"You hear the doctor? Dont push baby, dont. Focus on me, think about something else. Err, hmm... " Gil found himself at a lost. He wouldnt want to put his attention to the babies, for he had a feeling thry wouldnt all survive, and then any other thing he could think.of would ultimately lead back tp his urge to push. He hesitated so much until he settled on something. "I love you babe, I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Mitsuo, would you marry me?" He asked in such a quiet voice that he didnt know if Mitsuo would hear in his internal fight with the urge of his body. "You dont have to answer me right away, and this might not be the best situation, but I.want to do this. You are my perfect match babe..." his hand slipped down to rub against his painfully tightening belly, doing what he could to relieve of some of the uncomfortable sensation.

Mitsuo was struggling against his own body. The urge to push was such a primal instinct, so deeply imbeded in his very DNA. But he was managing with just a grunt and tensing with each contraction. Tightening his arms instead of focusing that tension down into his pelvis.

He leaned against Gil, only half hearing him as he spoke. But he did notice the quiet pause, whining softly. He was caught off guard by Gil's admission, shifting to look at him, completely forgetting about his body and just listening to bim. He could feel his eyes welling up with tears, but he couldn't seem to speak. All he could do was hug the man tight and press his face against his sboulder. He accepted, he simply couldn't put it into words right now. He knew Gil would be an amazing father and husband, and that certainly gave him the strength he needed.

Gil waant sure if that slight trembling was from Mitsuo's pain or from him hearing his proposal. His heart was jist overwhelmed by his feeling towards this unique individual in his arms. He never beforr could hope to find someone that's such a match with him, and he always felt so lucky to have met him eventually. "I love you so much babe, I could wait foreveer for an answer. I want to take care of you, just like how you have taken care of me... not to say, we share so much in common.... you are so.precious." he said and kissed Mistuo wherever he could, giving him energy and love to continue on.

The medicine took awhile to work, and as Mitsuo whimpered again with undoubtedly another contraction, Gil continued to murmur nonsense to him, hoping ti.would serve as something good in helping Mitsuo.

Mitsuo wasn't entirely sure why he was trembling either, but it was mostly the pain. He whimpered and nuzzled his face against Gil's shoulder and neck, letting him know he was listening. He held him tight, pulling his head away to groan through a contraction. The medicine was helping to reduce the swelling, allowing the baby to move again. But it was still a tight fit.

"Aah...Gil....I....I love you too." he panted, pulling back enough to look at him. He caught the man in a kiss, but had to pull away to breathe. The doctor said he could push again, so he prepared to...but he paused, looking at Gil. "I want you to see." He muttered, shifting back a bit. Dr. Benson helped him to lay in the shallow water, making sure he was comfortable. She motioned for Gil to take her place between his legs, stationing herself beside him to keep watch for anything unusual.

Mitsuo pushed hard, wincing and groaning through clenched teeth. His opening beginning to bulge outwards as the baby slowly inched towards it.

Gil broke into a big smile hearing Mitsuo declaring his love as well and was prwpared for a wonderful kiss when it was cut short by his lack of breath. He kissed Mitsuo repeatedly for being allowed to see, so even when he was a little reluctant in letting Mitsuo go, he positioned himslef between his legs and had to kiss his raised knee seeing how horrible his lowwr parts appeared now. His lips were so swollen, looking like they had been beaten repeatedly, and he was sure whatever small touch would be extremely painful, let alone paasing a head that is bound to be massive.

Gil was somehow an "experienced" doula so to speak, and with the doctor's close monitoring, Mitsuo was pushing effectively despite his increasingly pained moans and dminishing strength. "I can see the bulge, and when you push hard, the head's showing a little tip as well. Keep on pushung Mitsuo, work with th3 contractions. You are doing so well." Even with his pushes, the baby's either too stubbron or too big to pass that after 20 ninutes, there was still minimal progress.

Mitsuo was trying so hard, hooking his hands behind his knees and using the leverage to curl in on himself as he pushed. He was trembling hard as he pushed, face red from exertion. He cried out as the head began to crown, exposing the dark hair covering the baby's head. "Oh god!" He cried out, trembling from the pain and burn.

Oddly enough, he started to get hard. He was thinking about what was happening to him, a baby that he had made was coming out of him. He was thinking about how there was a person inside his vagina...an entire person. A weird part of him wishing he could have this level of intimacy with Gil. Carry him inside his womb, then give birth to him. It was a fetish he knew was impossible, but thinking about it helped distract him from the pain. He didn't even notice his own arousal.

Mitsuo's cry followed by his defeated crumble back down on the doctor had caused the head to slip back again. Gil was then quite amused to see Mitsuo's member started filling out. He pretended to be checking, still unaware of the doctor's extensive knowledge in Mitsuo's unique source of pleasure, and leaned in close to the area to fondle on his tightening balls. He was quite surprised by teh volume of Mitsuo's howl then, one that he was quite sure wasn't purely from pain, where his upper body almost shoot right up. Gil had to turn away to hide his face and come out with awkward excuses. "That's a big contraction, continue to push down babe, we could have a full crowning soon." He said tracing the bulge with his fingers, pressing on each side but this time not without some kind of teasing as he brushed against his clit.

Mitsuo didn't even realize his state of arousal until Gil fondled his balls. The surprise mixed with the contraction made him yell, curling in on himself as he pushed hard. He cursed and gave a noise that was somewhere between a moan and a cry of pain, legs trembling as Gil's teasing fingers pushed his lips apart to help the head come to a full crown.

"It burns! Aah!" He cried out, leaning his head back and giving a strained groan. The doctor was there, pressing below the head to hopefully prevent a tear. But he was stretched so tight, it seemed inevitable.

Mitsuo had been pushing with all his might, apparent from the violent tremble and the gritted teeth, but the baby's coming at a grindingly slow pace, with each push seemingly only moving millimeters. The better aspect of this was the chance of a tear would be diminsihed, though it could also merely been a delay for the occurence. When tw head just kept on coming, the doctor's supporting hand was gradually losing its ability to prevent the tear as well, yet the head just didnt look like it had reached its widest part yet.

"Dont push now Mitsuo, pant, pant through this stage." The doctor yelled as she put both hands on Mitsuo's opening. Gil pciked up Mitsuo's hand and reinforced the message, his eyes alternating between his boyfriend's eyes and his bottom.

Mitsuo felt like he was being split in half. The baby's head was huge, which wasn't surprising...His own birth was complicated by the size of his head. This last baby was the most developed and most like him. He strained and pushed but didn't feel like he was making any progress.

He whined when he was told not to push, leaning his head back and taking a shaky breath. He squeezed Gil's hand as the doctor moved to asses the situation better. "Its not going to fit. We need to move him. He'll need to be cut. I don't want him to tear." She said, looking to both of them before moving to help Gil lift the man horizontally and place him on a nearby gurney. Mitsuo cried out at the movement, but held onto Gil wherever he could. Laying back on the gurney, his legs were put into stirrups while the doctor went to get the supplies she needed.

No matter how gentle Gil tried to be, the movement would cause great pain and discomfort for Mitsuo with such a large head lodged in his pelvis. The stirrrups tests for Mitsuo's flexibility, spreading him so wide. He lookrd vulnerable and incredibly attractive at the moment, panting.with his quivering belly, his skin almost shiny with beads of water reflecting light. Gil stroked his hair back and kissed him "you are in great hands, just a few more moments until the last one would be out. You are so strong, I am so proud of you. Just this last bit." He said to him gently in the doctor's absence. "Since we are alone here...." gil's hand searched over the large belly and then down to Mitsuo's swollen member. It had been straining against his belly for awhile now, and was grantdd the attention it was worthy of only now. "Does the girth of the baby makes it feel like giving birth to yourself? Someone who's big, strong, sharing th3 exact same gene with you, even got a big head like you as well?" He said again kissinh fondly on his forehead.

Mitsuo whimpered loudly as he was situated on the gurney, closing his eyes tight at the feeling of the baby lodged in his pelvis. Thankfully, it didn't slide back in much, so he didn't lose much progress from the move. He trembled and panted, holding Gil's hand and leaning his head into his touch, opening one eye just enough to see him. "It hurts so much." Came a small hoarse voice as he winced again. He shifted and gasped when Gil's hand moved to his erection, biting his lip and giving a strained groan as Gil started teasing him. "Ooh, fuck..." He moaned before giving a loud pained noise. Hearing Gil's words went right to his cock, making his hips jerk as he cried out with a powerful orgasm on top of a contraction. His cry grew more intense as his body shuddered, curling in on himself and forcing the baby down.

It was just enough to push the head past the thickest point, making Mitsuo give a high pitched cry as it popped free. He didn't tear, but he came very close to it. Dr. Benson came back a moment later, rushing to support the head and check Mitsuo's opening. "You are damn lucky. No tear. It's just going to bruise badly." she said, looking to Mitsuo and Gil.

"You hear that? Mistuo you are really very adapted to this. That head's huge!" Gil relayed the good news to the panting man, kissing him over and.over again to share his excitement. Mitsuo looked exhausted, but there's also that blissful daze that always follwoed a great orgasm, and Gil was bewitched by him all over again, and had to fidget to adjust his own erection.

Since the head's out, Gil just stayed there. He asked after some careful consideration. "Can I, check the chord? I mean, like, feel and touch around the baby's neck?" He said looking at the doctor, waiting nervously for her response.

Mitsuo just whimpered. He hurt all over and still had to get the rest of the baby out. He was trembling, leaning into Gil's touch and closing his eyes as he was kissed. He leaned his head back, whining through another contraction and squeezing Gil's hand tight.

Dr. Benson looked up at Gil's question, tilting her head slightly. She was supporting the baby's head, keeping pressure off Mitsuo's abused opening for now. "Umm, sure. Here, put your hand under the head and check with the other." She said, shifting aside to let the man take her place.

"Thanks!" Gil nodded excitedly and movrd into position. He took over thr head from the doctor's hand, amazed alreafy by the weight and width of the head alone, and very gently slip a finger into Mitsuo. The head passing had stretched his opening, leaving some space for Gil to ease through. Still, Mistuo flinched when he entered and Gil muttered a sorry before proceeding to feel around the tiny neck. "That's clear I believe. It's a smooth neck only. Mitsuo that's a very good news." He announced happily, maybe too happily. At this point, Mitsuo's belly had gone down enough that he could see his face over his dome.

Mitsuo bit his lip and whimpered when Gil slid his finger in beside the baby's neck, wincing as he moved to check for the cord. "That's good..." He muttered, looking over his belly and giving a weak smile. He closed his eyes tight and pushed with another contraction, wanting the baby to come out quickly so he could rest.

Dr. Benson coached Gil as Mitsuo pushed, telling him how to turn the baby so it fit easier and how to ease the shoulders free. The rest of the baby came out without much problem, sliding free into Gil's hands while the doctor quickly cleared its airways. Moments later it gave a loud wailing cry, hands balled into fists as it wiggled around. Dr. Benson cut the cord and grabbed a clean towel to wrap the newborn in, helping Gil to clean them off before moving to help Mitsuo sit up a little. "This one is a healthy size, perfectly formed." She chuckled, motioning for Gil to come over and show Mitsuo his new child.

"Gosh he's huge!" Gil said excitedly. The baby felt heavy on his hands. "I bet you are also as big when you are born. A twin of you." He said fitting himself behind Mitsuo so he could help support his arm when the utterly exhausted man was eagerly peeking through the swaddle. "Dont be so impatient.... the baby's not gonna just disappear from my hands." The larger man said holding up Mitsuo's arms that were jello-like. He didnt have an ounce of energy left in him. When they finally could take a good look at the newborn, both were a little emotional. This little terror had tormented Mitsuo long enough. "One big healthy baby boy. Congratulations Mitsuo."

The doctor took care of the last stage of labor, gently assisting as Mitsuo passed the afterbirth and quietly disposing of it while the two men met the newborn. She went to check on the other newborns, getting the bad news that none had survived. She would wait to tell the new parents...

Mitsuo was absolutely exhausted, but he wanted to see his child. His legs had been moved out of the stirrups, allowing him to shift to a more comfortable position...well, as comfortable as he could be after such an ordeal. He puffed his cheeks out a little when Gil chastised him, pouting a little before he looked at the child in his arms. He felt an overwhelming swell of emotion, eyes welling up with tears as he hesitantly reached a shaking hand to brush over the baby's cheek. "He....looks exactly like I did...." He muttered, tears rolling down his cheeks.

The newborn started fussing, scrunching his face up and whining. He was hungry.

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