Blossoming love (closed with Dots)
(Flip his legs to his face? I think Sam's body is not that flexible lol)

Sam moaned and screamed louder as his husband put his cock inside. It was hurt at the first time with how his hole was tight, but finally, he was enjoying that so much. "Ahhh, S..o good" Sam whispered, moaning in the pleasure. He gasped with no sound when Henry went deeper. His cock was big and it stretched Sam's hole even more. Sam clutched his husband tightly as he was moving his cock inside.His hips were automatically moving with the pleasure inside. He could'nt even open his eyes now with so much pleasure inside.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
(HAHA ignore me th3n.... just suddenly got that image popped up xD)

Henry smiled and remained still when he got hilt-deep in Sam, letting his wufe adjust to the thcikness. He waited patiently until Sam's hips moved more eagerly, sensing his wife's ready, he started lightly thrusting, making sure Sam's not undee too much pain. Henry's also not going to hold back too much longer, his wife felt too nice for him, he had great difficulty controlling his desire. "Sam i am moving ok? You are too good to be true..." as he said that, he thrusted a little deeper, getting a little faster, setting up their rhythm as he kissed Sam deeply.
" too, Henry. You're so hot, Henry. I love you" Sam whispered, moaning in pleasure as Henry started moving deeper and faster. It took just a bit time for Sam to adjust his hips for moving at the same rhythm with his husband. Sam always loed Henry when he slowly increased how intense with his sex. He knew how to pleasure his wife in the best way. Sam's hips were moving faster and more eagerly when Henry kissed him deeply. Sam cluthed his husband so tight with the pleasure inside. He sometimes pinched his nails on Henry's skin, and Sam didn't even realize it. He screamed louder when Henry touched his cock. His husband was so good at pleasuring hSam's cock.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
It was a tricky angle but Henry always like to reach for Sam's cock as well, making sure he would draw as much scream from his wife as possible. It's his ultimate yarget to reduce his wife into a mess of trembling desire, spurting until he couldnt come any more. "Sam.... i love you so much, you are the love of my life...." with Sam moving his hips in time with his thrusst, he was bumping into his prostate everytime, causing Sma's cock to jerk and spurt out precum on every thrust. He knew more than felt the marks Sam left on his back, his scratches, and he was more proud than anything to have his little wife leaving marks on him. He kissed him passionately as he pushed into Sam, grunting and moaning in desire.
Sam was screaming so bad when Henry hit his prostate over and over, resulting it his precum was leaking so much on his body. "Ahhhh, You know me too well, honey. You're my life too. I love you more than everything." Sam said, moaning in pleasure. His cock was jerking so bad when Henry touched and stroked it in a good way. "I want you, Henry. I want you." Sam screamed, losing his mind in the pleasure. His hips were moving faster, letting Henry went deeper. Sam was panting so bad after his precum was spurted out more than 5 times. He knew that it almost reached his limit now, and he would cum soon.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Henry knew Sam too well, he noticed Sam's about to cum. He rubbed his cock even faster, and his.other hand caressed his arm at that special way of his, the loving and gentle way to silently encourage him to cum. He even bite slightly on his collarbone and then lower down to his breast, licking and teasing, not strong suckles like Charon, but morr loving and passionate. He then slammed especially hard into Sam, catching him off guard and he knew ftom the spasming of his canal that he was indeed driving Sam crazy fucking him like that.
The pleasure was so high, and it reached Sam's limit quickly, especially when Henry was teasing with Sam's nipples. Sam let out the loudest scream when his husband slammed so hard inside his ass. He couldn't even control himself, and Sam finally shot lots of his cum spread over his lower part. "Cum inside me, honey. I want that. I love you my dearest husband." Sam said, moaning and panting so bad after his cum. He was so tired after that, but Henry's cum was something he always wanted. They had stopped this for half year, so Sam was so much eager to have Henry's cum inside his womb. He also teased his husband at his nipples with his hand when another hand was massaging Henry's back.
(Shoot more babies inside Sam!! hehe)
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
(Haha he would!)

Henry was getting so much pleasure from this, especially when sam tightened around him and screamed loud for him. He squeezed his eyes shut and then lifted Sam off thr bed, carrying him by his legs on either side of his belly while thrusting, walking to their full body mirror at the side and showed Sam. "Babe.... see the mirror? Look at how my cock thrusts in and out of you.... so hot, babe, you are so sexy...." he said as he pumprd deep and hard into Sam, almost dropping.him on.his.cock as he murmured in Sam's ears. "Are you ready Sam? Are you ready to witness how I shoot my cum" He asked staring at Sam's eyes through the mirror.
Sam hugged his husband tightly as he lifted him up to the mirror. He could see how Henry was thrusting so hard in and out his ass. "You're so sexy too, Henry. You know how I love your body although it can't compare how I love your true inner side. Ahh, I want you, honey. I want you." Sam keep saying that as he also moved his hips up and down. The gravity made Henry can go deeply inside Sam's body. It was an awkward moment for staying a long time, but this was the new experience, and Sam knew how Henry loved that. He gasped and clutched his husband tight as Henry started thrusting faster and harder.

(Hmm, it seems that someone here likes doing in front of the mirror, right? I can guess after he does that for many times ;))
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
(HAHA yep i like how that would make everything appear even more intense... and seeing the thick cock of Henry sliding in and out of Sam's tight little hole)

"I love you so much babe..." henry muttered before he tensed up and thrusted hard and strong into Sam for several times, growling from deep within his chest until he bit into Sam's neck hard as he shoot his huge load into Sam. He was pretty sure the tight ring of muscle he went through must be Sam's cervix. He was seeing stars ehen he orgasmed finally in his wife for th3 first time in several months, the feeling was as amazing, if.not even more than, he remembered.
Sam screamed louder when Henry hit him so hard and shot a big load of his cum inside him womb. He could even feel that inside his bady. He was panting when his husbad finished that. Sam collapsed on Henry's chest while holding him tightly. "This is amazing, Henry, but I think I need to rest for days" Sam gave Henry a weak smile. This was so much tense than other time, and Sam needed the time for rest. He still gave a soft moan when Henry moved his cock that was still there inside his ass. Sam also asked his husband to helped him back to the bed when he finished.
(Haha I can notice that ;))
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Henry smiled and held Sam better, steadier as he walked back to the bed. "I know.... sorry, it's been too long. I lost control a little...." he knew he had beena little rough towards the end, especially to Sam when he was not at the best shape. He kissed Sma softly as he brought his wife back to bed before slipping off Sam carefully, then gently helped clean hin with a warm towel. By that time, Sam's almost asleep. Henry got on bed himself and ksssed his wife lovingly. "Good night sam." He whispered, then slipped his arms around Sam, cupping his belly like he was guarding him - and any childrne they would have later.
(Should we skip to 3 months pregnancy? You can start it hehe)

Sam held his husband softly when he wiped his body with the warm towels. It felt so good, especially when Henry gently wiped Sam's cum over his lower part. "Good night, my dearest husband," Sam whispered softly as Henry kissed him and wrapped his arms around. Sam always loved this position as Henry always protected him. He felt asleep instantly with how tired he was. The cum in his womb was so much, and he could get pregnant, at least twins with that (;))
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
(HAHA i am sure Henry had plans to fill Sam's womb with childrne whenever he thought Sam can handle it ;))

It had been a few months since that night and sometimes Henry regretted having encouraged Sam into writing his cookbook. Not only was Sam very busy with meetings with the publisher, he also had less and less attention on him, and also the children. He had been asked even by Victoria once that why wasnt mommy there for her outings with the kindergarten because in ghe past Sam had been present every single time, and Henry had to come up with some ways to explain to the little girl who looked like she was about to cry. Hpwevee, everytime when Henry saw how tired Sam looked like when he came back from one of those meetings, all Henry wanted to do was to pamper his wife, not argue or accuse him of amything.

There had been very little time for them to meet, even for dinner, so tonight Hwnry had planned for a surprise. He had invited Sam's favourite chef to come to their home for a special private dinner. Henry was excited and he hoped this could be a special night for them, after such a busy period - henry was a little bit relieved as tomorrow would be the day Sam's cookbook offivially become available in bookstores, and the publishers would be holding a big event for Sam - he wanted to celebrate that with his wife in their own special way. He came home early from work, but was surprised when the house looked dark. He entered and yelled for his wife. "Sam? Where aee you?" To his surprise, the kids' nanny was the one coming out to greet him.
It was another that Sam was very busy since his book would be officially available, although he had already some fan with the pre-order and privilege for that. People was talking a lot about his book, especially at the part that Sam wrote about hs family and also his husband. Every fan knew Henry now. Tomorrow was a big day for him since he had the biggest event at the biggest bookstore in the town. He had worked with many staffs till late, and Sam just forgot almost everything when he focused only on his book. His heart was broken when he heard how Victoria was so sad when he was there in her day, but Sam also couldn't leave this work since he had already accepted the agreement.
I was almost 9 p.m. when Sam arrived home. He knew that all his children had already felt asleep at that time. Ii was quite bad day fro Sam, not because of his work, but his body felt so bad in this single days. He couldn't even control his mood sometimes, and all he wanted now it resting for the big meeting tomorrow. Sam was surprised when he walked inside and saw that Henry was there at the dining room. His husband didn't look nice at the moment.
(Hehe so naughty!!)
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
They had so few time togethet that Henry didnt notice his wife hadnt been feeling too well. He couldnt even remember what was the last time he had a good talk with his wife. Every night when he came back, Sam looked so tired, Henry sometimes had to help him take a bath and Sam would fall asleep in the middle of it. Henry could understand that work had the priority, especually since it got a clear deadline, but today he was more disappointed than anything finding Sam hadnt even leave him a message or anything telling him he wouldnt be here for dinner. He thought he deserved at least a message.

Henry had asked the chef to leave for the night, embarraased but promised him he would pay for the whole fee anyway. He had waited and tried to appear to be calm in front of their babies, tugging them to bed and ezplaining why mommy's still not there. Though when Sam walked through the door, he wasnt as good natured. His patience had been all gone when he faced the kids. In the middle of the dark dining room, he asked quietly. "Where have you been?"
Sam didn't expect how Henry would be this upset, and he couldn't even notice that. "I just back from working with the staff. You know that I'll have big meeting tomorrow, so I need to prepare many things." Sam was the one trying to be patience, but he was so tired with his long day, and also his bad feeling. "I'm heading to bathroom and sleep now. Have you had the dinner yet?" He asked, and didn't expected to remind Henry how Sam had missed his surprise. He didn't even know that.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
"Of course I know you got endless things to deal withthe staff, but at least I thought, as your husband, I deserved at least to be notified." He bit his lips and tried to control his anger, he kept on reminding himself Sam didnt know about anything, but how Sam just casually mentioned dinner make him even more furious. "And now you are asking about my dinner. Even the nanny knew that you arent coming back for that. Since when am I the only one NOT knowing where my wife was in this house?" He said angrily, standing up from his chair.
Sam was quite upset with that words from his husband. He didn't know why Henry was this angry when he was the one asking him to write the cookbook. "What are you saying, Henry? I won't go anywhere but for my work. Why don't you understand anything? You are the one asking me for this, Henry. Don't you remember that?" Sam said louder. He almost shouted with that words, but it might wake their children and it was the worst thing for Sam. "I'm so bad that I ask you about the dinner? I don't understand that, Henry, and you're also don't understand me. If you're that upset, I'll move to guest room for tonight. That's good for you, right?" He said as Sam couldn't hold his mood.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
"Of course you won't go anywhere excpet for your work, but that's not the problem... the problem is you don't tell me where you are!" Henry couldn't believe how Sam considered himself to be right, he had to take a few deep breathes to calm himself so he wouldn't wake the children up. "Great. Don't bother. I would take the guest room. Do have a good night." He said and then got up to the masterbedroom to take what he needed to spend the night in the other room. Had he been turning back to look at Sam, he would see how pale he looked, and then perhaps the doctor might stop and ask about him, but he was too angry and disappointed to do that, and he disappeared into the guestroom soon after.

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