Blossoming love (closed with Dots)
Sam let a soft moan when he tried to arch hs back again but couldn't do it much since Henry was behind him now. "I...I,m fine, Henry. Just need to finish this breakfast." He said, trying to smile at his husband, and again Sam was the worst liar ever. It wasn't early now if Henry looked at the door, in fact, it was quite late, and Sam couldn't even finish his cooking. Sam out his hand on his back again, resulting in pushing Henry backward, but he also needed it now. His back was kicking him so bad, and he didn't know if he could cook the breakfast now.
(Hehe just mag=ssage his back first )
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Henry could see through Sam's poor acting and immediately sensed his wife was in pain. He then recalled what he had tried to do last night but abandoned. "Is it your back? Oh babr.... come here." Henry gently removrd Sam from the stove and pulled him down on his lap as they sat down together on the high stool at the kitchen. He then massaged his back, esprcially the lower parts nearer his hips that must be most sore. Henry's palm's always warm, and it should help Sam relax acting like a heating pad itself. "Hmm how about we prepare it together.... anywhere else that felt painful? Your belly? Does it feel like something is pressing down?" Henry asked as he took his doctor's side, monitoring Sam's condition. The worst case would be its in fact signs of miscarriage for Sam to be in so much discomfort, he knew the chance was small, but you could never be too careful.
Sam smiled at his husband and also let a soft moan while he was massaging his back, but it was the moan of relief now since Henry's palms were very helpful on his back. He couldn't help but still need to arch his back time to time since there was still much pressure in side his back. "It's fine, Henry. My back is only one having the problem now. I know it's a shame, but I don't think I can cook breakfast for this morning. We can also order it from the hotel if you want, but you know how I love your food, Henry. Just simple but so wonderful for me." Sam asked his husband as he leaned forward for a bit, pressing his hand on the table that could support his back from the front. Sam didn't really want t ask Henry for cooking as hen knew that his husband also had a sore muscle, but he loved Henry's food as much as his husband love Sam's food, so just fried egg, and bacon would be fine for Sam.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
"Alright, i could cook." Henry smiled at how his wife hinted him. "I.know you love my cooking... although it could be a little burnt." He smiled but didnt stop his massaging yet. "How about you sit here and monitor me? I could have a little problem with forgettig to add salt and maybe something else... you are th3 master of the kitchen here." Henry smiled and kissed Sam, then lifted him up bridal style again so his back.would be well supported. He transferred his wife to a more cushioned seat and kissed his forehead. "You would wait here alright? Rub your belly for me as welll.... i will come back and take over the rub after getting breakfast done." He said and turned around to start cooking. Sam was somewhere near, with a cushion under his belly ro support it. Henry would tunr around and smile at Sam from time to time until he got the bacon and egg done under Sam's instruction.
Sam loved how Henry smiled at him from time to time, and when he wanted some help from his little wife. His husband could see how Sam was rubbing his belly, and back at the same time. It would be an awkward posture but it was helpful. "Hm, Don't forget the milk and pickles, Henry. You know that your wife is so addicted to it" Sam said, smiling when Henry walked to him and put the plate down. Just smell of it could make Sam's stomach growled so loud, as the mother was hungry now. Sam smiled with how Henry out more cushions on his back since it could be helpful, but he didn't know if Sam could handle the trip for today. "Hmm, Your food is always good, Henry," Sam said, looking at Henry who walked back from the kitchen with a glass of milk, and pickles bottle.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Henry got some real heat packs and put them.on Sam's back as well, keeping everything warm would make it easier for the stiffness to go away. He smiled at how Sam's face lit up at the sight of the pickles, and kissed him on his.lips. "i better cherish this moment where your mouth didnt taste like.pickles...." sam always tasted nice, but adding the pickles in, it made it turn sour and it was a little strange. He put the plate near Sam and took the other plate himself, cutting the bacon for Sam and h8mself so they vould both eat by using a fork, sparing a hand each other. Henry used his free hand to rub Sam's back, and Sam used his hand to rub his belly. "With your situation.... I guess we could just laze around in the hotel. Maybe we could make use of the bathtub here.... a warrm water bath would be great for us both actually." Henry suggested.
sAM SMILED WITH HOW THE BABIES STATED KICKING SLITHGLY WHEN THEIR MOTHER ATE BREAKFAST. It was a quite hard eating with only fork, and one hand, but with two hands of a sweet couple wouldn't be the problem. Sah fed his husband a fried egg when Henry fed him the bacon. It was the slow eating, but they could enjoy this more than other time. Sam also leaned his face a bit onto Henry's shoulders when he finished his breakfast and started his dessert that was a pickle. "Yeah, that sounds good to both of us, Henry, and we can laze, and stay on the couch when we watch the movie. Hmm, it's been a long time that I haven't watched the Harry Potter." Sam said, smiling and following with a big mouthful of the pickle. Harry Potter was still the best movie for Sam likewise Harry Potter was also the first bedtime story for their children, and both Victoria and Jayden seemed to love it.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Henry smiled. "You are educating our babies to be Harry Potter fans even before thry are born right? Ok, we would get the movie playing after a nice.long bubble bath." He nodded, agreeeing on their itinerary of the day. Henry let Sam enjoy his puickes wheile he had both hands free in rubbing Sam's belly and back. It felt funny, and Sam's body felt "thick" for his belly was very large now, but he enjoyed Sam's body a lot. Feeling thr babies kicking slightly was also great as always. He kissed Sam and let him eat until it felt like Sam was going to.overeat again, almost finishing the whole bottle. "Enough now babe.... dont finish it all at once." He frownrd and lightly scolded Sam, taking away the bottle of pickles. "I dont want you to feel bad in your stomach again...." he put away the bottle and returned after starting the water in the tub.
Sam almost felt asleep again when Henry got back from starting the water in the tub with how much he had eaten his breakfast. hHe couldn't even stop eating it, especially the pickles that was is favorite. Sam smiled at his husband who already got closer, and caressed both his face and belly. "Hmm, we still have a bit time, Henry. Just enjoy the morning." He said, smiling. Henry looked like a big cat now when he nuzzled his face on Sam, and moved his hand around like a cat playing with its own. He loved how Henry knew that Sam couldn't move much with his sore back, and he didn't even reach to it. Sam rubbed Henry's hairs when he nuzzled his face into his chest both hands playing with his belly. "Hmm, you're my cat now, but big cat!" Sam said and gave a kiss on Henry's forehead.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
"Usually i would deacribe a big cat as a lion... and I fo hope I am firece like a lion more than cute like a kitten." Henry smiled and nuzzled even more on Sam's chest, resting his head slightly on his belly, using it like a pillow that he cherished a lot. He kissed on Sam's belly and suddenly remembered how his skin had been almost scratched from their naughty dealings yesterday, so he quickly removed the robe that loosely tied around his belly. Sam's skin looked even fairer under the morning.light, and Henry for a moment held his breath in how unwrapping a gift. He was relieved when he saw the belly skin almost fully healed, and kissed the affected part gently. "I see even when stretched as large as it is, you still heal remarkably quick on your belly." He smiled and lookrd up, tilting his head sideways like a cat.
Sam lifted Henry's face for a bit and placed another soft kiss on his forehead. "Hmm, If you're the lion, I will not allow the lion to get near with my babies, so hmm sounds bad." Sam teased his husband softly as Henry frowned and nuzzled even more on his chest. Sam rubbed Henry's forehead again when he tilted his face like a cat with how Sam's belly healed so quick. "Hmm I guess, it's because of the good treatment from my doctor. He is the best!" Sam smiled. He eventually let a soft moan when Henry reached hs belly and removed the robe, even more, showing his perfect belly with the twins inside. His belly seemed to be the toy for the big cat, Henry now, but Sam also loved his Henry didn't teast it so much to drive him crazy.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
"Aww our babies are already closer to you then me, if you dont allow me to get close..... I would have to stick with you even more to get my limited chance with them. Or, i have to try harder in pregnant so I.could at least get close to them when they are growing inside of you." Henry smiled and kissed the belly, then on Sam's chest on his heart. He cupped his belly, and kissed along the middleline. He smiled at Sam, his face a content cheshire cat. "Hmm now the doctor recommended some hot water bath. Let's go see if it's of a temperarure that's comfortable enough?" He said and stood up, lightly scooping Sam up from under his waist and his knees.
Sam held his husband tightly when Henry helped him walked to the tub slowly. His back wasn't good enough yet, so Sam didn't want to risk himself by walking along but also didn't want Henry to carry him as well. They finally got to the tub and Sam leaned to the wall when Henry went to check the temperature. He was wearing the loose pants with the robe that was already unwrapped it so, it would take just a little time to take all their clothes off. "Hmm, Is that good, huh?" Sam asked his husband when he walked back. The room was full with the scent of the soap and aroma things with many kinds of flower that was so helpful helping Sam to relax.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
"I think it's good. Couldnt be too hot for you now." Henry said. "Too hot would only make your skin irritated... and circulation being too fast wouldnt be good for your heart." He explained and smiled at his wife after testing the water. "Hmm now come my favourite part of undressing you." He said approaching Sam. He knew his wife might not want it, but he still wanted to do it. He removed the last of the clothings on Sam slowly, and then lifted him up in his arms and put him into the water. The clear water made Sam's skin appear to be flawless, and Henry just sank down the water holding Sam. They sat down and the water overflowed a little. Henry had to smile at that. "I guess you have put on more weight than I thought... otherwise the water wouldnt get out." He chuckled holding his wife around his round belly.
Sam smiled as Henry that as he leaned a bit on his husband when he got behind Sam. The tub was big enough for Henry to sit next to Sam, but Sam loved how his husband still got behind him and supported his back and belly gently. "Hmm, you know how much I gain weight this time. I just hope my husband doesn't hate his fat wife." Sam joked, smiling softly as he knew how much Henry loved his body during his pregnancy. Sam could even feel how Henry's cock hardened for a bit under his ass, and it would be hard for his husband holding his mind. He might give something back for Henry other days, maybe on the bed or here in the tub. "So what do we have for today, huh? I can remember that we got the soap with cinnamon scent, right? That will be something new although I've used cinnamon for many times with my cooking." Sam asked his husband and also reminded him when they both got to the store for the new soap, and Sam chose to try the new thing instead of the flower scent he loved.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
"Oh how could i not like my wife who's soft like marshmallow now... i think you are mastering pregnancy well now, otherwise you wouldnt be gaining as much weight. Its a good sign showing how you are handling the situation very well. And also how happy you are." Henry praised, not wanting to risk any bad emotion from Sam. He scooped up some water and poured it gently over Sam's chest that was above the water level. "I used some cinnamon and vanilla, but this felt like more cinnamon than anything. I thought it would be a different combination this time... you like it?" Henry cupped Sam's belly and started rubbing. He shifted slightly under Sam so hisslowly waking erection wouldnt poke into Sam too much, and tried to drift his mind off Sam, forcing himself to think of some less pleasant things to kill his hardon. He wanted to focus on taking care of Sam now.
Sa smiled widely with how Henry praised him so much, and this was the result from Sam crying for times yesterday. He closed his eyes as he enjoyed the scent of the water. It was good, and Sam loved when it smelled like a dessert, sweet and pretty. "Hmm, you're woking so good at giving me such a great scene of it. "I love it, Henry. It's sweet like my husband." Sam whispered softly, letting his husband rub over his belly in the soothing way that Sam always loved. He could feel how Henry needed to handle with his desire, and it wouldn't be easy for him. Sam was also surprised how Henry talked about his pregnancy.This time was strange for Sam, and he couldn't even control anything. "I'm not that good in pregnancy, Henry. You know when I can't stop eating, and I'm sure that my labor won't be easy." He joked as he could remember how he needed to handle his labor. It wasn't easy although Sam had done it for 3 times.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Henry chuckled. "Labor wouldnt be easy, believe me when I said that. Not one client that I have faced had ever said their labor is easy, but all they could remember after the birth is how lovely their babies are." He said and was glad his hardon died down. His hands lingered on the big belly and added after a moment of thought. "We are having big babies so it would make your labor a bit more challenging, but I will be there with you, so dont you worry. You are handling it well, yes, that's what I believe. You managed to take care of our household so perfectly even with 2 big babies in you, and also got James, Harry and Charon so well fed. You are an amazing mum, you know?" He kissed Sam's cheek fondly and was pleased to see the blush on Sam. "Not to mention even with your weight gain... you still managed to look so beautiful.... " he smirked, his hands trailing up slightly to cup Sam's breasts but didnt proceed. He took the shampoo and said. "How about I wash your hair for you..."
Sam smiled with so much praise from his husband, but it was true that he could handle everything well although Sam still needed the nanny for taking care their 3 little boys, feeding all of them was also a hard work. He could remember when he just had been woken up by Henry when he felt asleep on the couch after feeding their babies, and it happened for many times. "Hmm, I'm not that amazing, Henry. I just do what I can for our babies as you also do your job." Sam smiled at his husband. Henry wasn't only the doctor since he was also the business man with branches of the clinic, so they both had their own duty but they still understood each other. "Yes, honey. washing my hair seem t be a good this for me. You know I love everything you do for me, Henry. Always."
(Hey sorry for doing not good again, but I can feel that myself.)
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
"You are really amazing... so it is lucky that I am amazing as well." Henry smiled and added. "Close your eyes love, so i wouldnt have to worry about soap getting into your eyes." Henry muttered and started massaging Sam's head, pressing at spots with his fingertips so Sam could relax better. He even started humming a little tune with how he enjoyed the task. He rinsed The bubbles off and felt like they had spent enough time in the tub, at leasg he wasnt feeling any soreness now and their fingertips had wrinkled. He patted on Sam's belly to tell him they should get out now, only to find Sam seemed to be asleep again, drawing a fond chuckle from Henry.

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