Closed The Priest & The Shepherd (w/Bhdire8)
It was a stupid thing to get shot over, a girl, not even a beautiful one at that, she was average looking though she had nice breasts. Now that he thought about it, everything else that had came with sleeping with her didn't seem worth it. Being tracked down and shot like a dog in the street almost made him think he had knocked the girl up if they had came down from their big houses after him they must've had a good reason.
He was a nobody really, no one so outstanding as to send s killer after him, but they had. The first shot felt like a warning, it had took off a piece of his ear and he dived behind a horse who wasn't looking to stay around to be his blockade. The second bullet scaring off the animal with a whinny and the next whizzed by his head before he was diving behind a market stall.
Though like he had thought, there were multiple people, at least two, or maybe only one with a semi automatic, as he heard the next bullet before he felt it. It was too risky to find out what was going on, it was too late to peek his head out and see what was going on. People were scattering and it was obvious that he was the target, the pooling blood staining his shirt was evidence to that easily.
That was all they wanted it seemed, they shot at him, looking to scare him or maybe even kill him, but he was lucky. That's what they didn't know and he survived the shot to his gut after being left for dead on the sidewalk outside the church.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
(right i couldn't resist the temptation... fingers crossed my boss wouldn't chase me xDD)

The priest was alerted to the unexpected visitor because of the gunshot. He startled up from bed, at first unaware of what was the cause of it, but still decdied to check it out. With a white robe flown on and a lamp, he looked around the meak altar but didn't find anything out of the ordinary, so he looked out of the small church. There, the dark shade laying motionless on the floor. That's obviously someone in need of help.

The pastor wasn't a big guy, but he had to do all the work around the church to maintain it with him alone managing the place. He tried to drag the seriously injured man into the church, and eventually something in his dormant alpha blood awoken that made it possible for him to lift up the man, pulling him over his shoulder with a labored grunt. "Come on, give me a hand here..." He grunted under the heavy weight, but apparently the injured man wasn't able to respond at all. He just moaned slightly, though when under better light, the pastor understood his lack of response. The wound on his abdomen looked nasty, and his whole face was bloodied from the shot that blew away his ear. "you poor soul... rest assured you are in the arms of god now." The small and young pastor started working, gathering his supplies as he sometimes worked as the makeshift practitioner in this small town.
The wounded man had lost a lot of blood, he was barely conscious when he was sat down against one of the pews, whimpering and sinking down more. His eyes opened more to watch as the other, seemingly younger and less dense man, left him there in the church aisle. He opened his mouth to speak though only tasted as blood came onto his tongue, that wasn't good, he looked down at himself. His hands coming up to press against his wound, tearing up slightly, he didn't want to die over sticking his dick in some young whore. His hands helped at least, covering the bullet wound, it had went right through him, it was obvious as his back was wet too. The rancher looked up at the other man who came back with an arm full of supplies, he was trying his damnedest not to fall asleep, he couldn't close his eyes. He wasn't sure if he did he would find a way to open them again.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"Oh dear god had shown his mercy. Sir? What's your name? Stay awake no matter what, I am the priest here." The priest's delicate but dexterous hands worked their wonders. "That's right keepthe pressure on, you are experienced in treating your own wounds?" Seeing what the man had been doing on his own, he glanced at him with mild interest but soon was focusing all he had on the wound. He cut away the bloodied shirt and removed the waistcoat, his frown deepening when he could see more of the degree of damage. "You could remove your hands now...." he said lifting one of the large palms, and wiped away the blood oozing out so he could give a proper assessment of the situation.
Mori-Morrison..."he replied weakly, there was blood on his lip, leaking from his mouth and he tilted his head back, knocking it against the wood of the pew. He breathed slowly and groaned as he pressed his hand more firmly into his wound,"Mm... Not the first time I've been shot-"he grunted, squeezing his eyes shut and almost sinking into a sleep when his shirt was removed, letting his hand come from the wound. He gripped his pants leg tightly and looked at the blonde priest, his saviour,"Y-You won't let me...die, will you?"he took in short breaths, looking at him, his face was a sickly pale, though he was aware of everything as he looked at him.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"I would be doing everything I can to save your life. I am the shephard of god, and you my little lamb. What shepard would I be if I left wounded lamb in the open forest." The young and innocnet priest smiled at the big man. "Tell me something more about yourself? Do you get shot often?" half for keeping the man conscious, he asked, but not without his own curiosity. "Ah I see another nasty scar here... If you managed to survive that, you would have no problem with this. It's a through and through." He examined wiping away the blood. He wouldn't be able to determine if he had any internal injuries, lacerations on his organs, for example, but from teh look of it it should only be bloodloss causing his pale. He chose from his medicines and sprinkled a powder that would promote bloodclot onto his wound.
Miller snorted lightly at what he said, he found it ironic since he was a shepherd himself in the more literal sense of the word, a tired grin came to his face,"No I don't usually do."he replied, blinking and looking up at the ceiling for a moment,"I'm a rancher-"he groaned as the other checked the wound, it stinging like hell,"Argh..."he grit his teeth, trying his best not to curse in front of the priest,"My kid sister... She... She shot me once before... Though all the other times have been near misses."he exhaled, exhausted from forcing himself to stay up, even after losing so much blood.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"Your kid sister? So, where's your ranch? And how would a young lady have in possession a gun?" The priest had grown up with the church. He was only sent here for the position under the church's order so he wasn't too aware of the outside world. "Ranchers sounded like a very dangerous type of job then... i should have known, even with the horses it could be dangerous. YOu must be good with guns then if you managed to make them all misses." He continued to ask, glad to see the blood flow slowing immediately as the medicine took effect. He moved the lamp closer so he could disinfect the needle as he prepared to sew the wound close. He soaked several cotton pads into the only weak anesthetic he had and then pressed them onto his wound to numb his sensation as much as he could.
"My younger sister... Abby."he grit his teeth and exhaled at the burn of his wound as the medicine went to work, disinfecting,"It's just a bit out of town... She was playing around... and ended up... Getting me in the was just a be be gun either way."he murmured, laughing weakly at what he said, shrugging his arm and lifting his hand to press against his ear. He felt the blood and then hissed as he felt where a chunk had been blown off,"Motherfucker..."he complained vocally, shaking his head slowly and shutting his eyes, barely feeling as the other man was closing up his wound.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Hearing his curse, the priest cleared his throat and turned away, pretending he didnt hear that. He glanced at where Morriosn was reaching and winced. "That's an awful one.... i would get to that bit in awhile." He muttered and then focused on the sweing. "How about your parents? And do you have any other siblings? What's your part of work in the ranch?" He asked again, keeping the conversation going as he tied the thread and cut it. "Yep that's it. You would have to be on bedrest for at least 3 month for this to heal... let me.look at the ear now."
He frowned as he dropped his hand again,"Is it really that bad?"he asked as he looked at the other man who was focused on sewing him up,"They went out doing what they loved... Both of them fought in the old war a decade back and never came home."he shrugged, taking in a breath and turning his head slightly,"I had a brother, but we don't talk any more..."he pressed his lips together, tilting his head back and groaning lightly at what he said, he couldn't be out of commission for three months. "I gotta get back home before then-"
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"Your hearing.wouldnt be damaged, as far as I.could tell, but that ear wouldnt look like before as well. Anyone would notice it and thought you to be a lucky one with how close a call that shot had been. " the priest concludrd. "Woah... then you are under great pressure. 12 years ago you would still br a teenager. What happenrd with your brother? Why arent uou talking anymore? Is he older or younger than you?" The priest asked and sternly shook his head. "Nope, 3 months is already an.optimistiv guess. You wouldnt be able to walk before that without risking to open your wound again.... what's so pressing that had you needing to get bacj.home?"
"Lucky, yeah."he exhaled, pressing his lips together as he looked down at himself, shaking his head at the question,"He's my twin."he said simply,"I'd rather not say, it's...hard to explain." The rancher sighed as he looked at the bullet though tried not to move as the other cleaned his ear up,"I just can't leave, I have work to do on the farm. Can you... Can you at least help me get back home? You can explain hiw to treat my wounds to my sister."
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"You said your ranch was just out of the city?" The priest considered. "Which side? Do you know where you had come to? Even if i agree for you to move, you wouldn't be fit for the journey - with constant care on the way nonetheless - until at least 2 months later. You could try, but I bet you couldn't even get through the first mile." The priest said. "I am not lying, I am not able to lie in front of god's eyes. Hwo about I ask for them to deliver a letter to your sister so she could come to take care of you?" He offered as an alternative. His hands were working diligently while he talked, dabbing the area with disinfectant. There wasn't much to do, this wound wouldn't require any stitches and he merely repeated what he did with his abdominal wound, minus the stitching.
"Just north... A few miles."he groaned, shutting his eyes tightly and exhaling as he shook his head,"She needs to stay and take care of the farm while I'm gone." Miller's hand moved to press against the bandage that covered the bullet wound in his stomach, hissing when the alcohol was dabbed on his wound, grimacing at the pain though keeping himself from cursing again. Thinking he was at his limit to be a sinner in front of a priest, biting his lip and exhaling, he still felt weak as if he would pass out though he didn't as he watched the other man.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Jamie was slightly biting his lips, trying his best to be as gentle as he could. He was very focused on what he was doing. WIth the candle lights flickering, it cast a shadow on his features, making them stood out more but also make him look quite pale, like the fragile china angels that the church used for decorations. He worked quick, but bandaging an ear wasn't an easy task and he ended up making quite a lump on the side of Morrison's head. He released his held breath and wiped away the sweta forming on his forehead, more from nerves than heat. "It's done .... the problem now would be how to move you...." He frowned hard looking at how pale the man looked. "I should have treated the wound when I got you on a proper bad..." THe priest got guilty with getting them stuck here.
"It's okay... I probably would have passed out if you tried."he murmured, shutting his eyes for a moment, then meeting his eyes again,"I'll make it."he reached for his hand weakly and gripped it,"Just help me."he told him, moving steadily to stand to his feet, wobbly but stable enough as he stood,"Lead the way."he leaned against him.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
With the large man so close to him, the priest did his best to support him. The way to the back was sbort but it felt like a marathon. Despite the heavy irony taste of blood, thete was something sweeter reaching Jamie and he sniffed in the air. "Hmm you wouldnt happen to bring any sweets around right? Therr's something smelling like honey... or apple... " he askedMorrison, while holding his waist, the preist just reached the other man's shoulder, which actually made him a good height as support for Morrison.
The rancher struggled to drag one foot in front of the other as he walked slowly forward down the church aisle way and then in the back hall behind the altar. He was sweating and moaning lightly as he dragged in heavy breaths, his eyes half closed and half open. The man looked at him slightly,"What...?"he thought he was just exhausted, the question almost made him panic as he thought it was his own scent coming through. "No."he shook his head and almost sank down, before he focused on walking again, grimacing.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
The priest;s nostrils expanded as the curious scent continued to bug him, but he shook his head and held the larger man tighter when his knees almost gave. "could be me... maybe it's just the neighbors' dessert. or the flowers at the back garden." He made up explanations as large beads of sweat dropped down his forehead. The scent, however, triggered his own alpha and he was feeling a little stronger, his senses much enhanced, and a distressed omega was something that his inner alpha wouldn't allow for. He was carrying more and more of Morrison's weight and thereby, they actually benefited from moving a little faster to Jamie's own bed.

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