I'm on the back of a 14 hour work day and looking to just chill and chat, so my sincere apologies to the admin guys if there's already a thread about this.


SO MY 14 HOUR DAY went like this;

alarm goes off 06:15, up and at em.

by 06:45 i'm just finishing off my travel mug of tea (Because i'm English, even a four hour day doesn't happen without tea) by 07:02 i'm on the bus to work. Arrive 07:30.

Now because I work in care I can't tell you much about the people I care for but key words are adults with autism, 'behaviours' and mentally taxing.

So yesterday between 07:30-16:00 was a constant demand on my time. Try as I may to include my poor colleague who didn't seem to be the favourite of the day (XD lucky me) it seemed I was the person evryone wanted to talk to. This included the one half hour where I tried desperately to have my lunch - which went cold :( But no grudges, just deep breathes. I love my job, but hey, everyone has one of those days.

16:00-17:00 walk from one workplace to another. (The only hour of the day I can breeeeeeeeeathe and just have my own headspace uninterrupted. - Again, no grudges, but everyone needs some wind down time.) 

17:00 - 22:15 Job 2 - Retail. 

I guess I shouldn't call this job two as it was actually the first job that I gave up some hours at to go to the care job, but whatever, I know which job I prefer. 

So I work at a petrol station (gas station to the US users) we had a fuel spillage - nothing we couldn't deal with on our own, but for everyone's safety it was best to temporarily close while we clean up and make it safe again. - So while we are closing up someone drives in the EXIT and starts yelling at me about why she can't get fuel and i'm like.... you know you drove through the EXIT... that was a clue? There's a fuel spillage and I NEED you to either turn off your engine while we argue or LEAVE - NOW. (More shouting about how her life is so much better than mine and she has somewhere so much more important to be etc.) and i'm like, if you do not turn off your engine or leave I will be calling the police (bluff, like I dunno if I even have the authority, but she's a serious *BOOM* hazard so yeah.... anyway either way all the pumps were on emergency shut off and it would take a good 30 mins before they would come back, so she wasn't getting any fuel no matter what. - She eventually left, cursing me all the way. - We clean up, we're all good and back to normal, the night continues. We leave at night and there's a 20 odd minute wait for my bus home.

23:00 finally through the door, collapse into bed with cuppa.

07:30 partner leaves for work, so i'm up and at and have already done today's unit of study.

So.... what do you do for work? Is it your dream job or is it just for the money? If it's not your dream job, what is?
Obviously for privacy/security reasons I won't go into exactly what I do, but it's a predominantly office-based job. I'm contracted to 45 hours a week, but when you factor in easily starts/late finishes and many 'working lunches', that's more realistically around 48/49 hours a week. The bosses are usually fine and relaxed to the odd "early-dart" e.t.c if you need one - so what you do extra is something you can make up somewhere else. 

The job I do is fine. I don't mind it. It's just certain individuals within the company irritate me. Fortunately due to the pandemic, one positive I've taken from it all is that the majority of them are working from home. Sadly, the colleague who causes me most grief is one of the few, like myself, who have no choice but to be there. 

In terms of my longest working day - I'm probably guessing close to 12 hours. I recall one particular day I had to be in for 7am due to the build-up of workload. My starting time is 8am. I remember getting in around 6:40/45am and it was already gone 6pm when I decided "enough is enough" to close the computer down. I chatted with the few remaining colleagues left in the warehouse at the time after that.
Interesting thread and my job is as an airline pilot. Used to be my dream job but to be honest the shift changes and roster patterns have got harder over the past decade and there's not usually much time to explore places abroad and I spend the first day of my 'weekend' recouperating and come home after a run of 4am starts pretty whacked.

My solution to this has been to go part time which is much better and gives me one week off in four every month and then a normal shift pattern for the other 3 weeks. At least I now feel I have a life which I didn't before.

On a good day with a good fellow pilot (we fly in pairs) I still get quite a bit of satisfaction from flying an approach over London or seeing the sunset etc. I haven't figured out yet if I will miss it when I retire in a few years - maybe but I have plenty of hobbies and interests to keep me busy!


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