C On Camera (w/hyenadog) (End~)

Mitsuo whimpered, feeling the baby hanging from him. He shifted himself, allowing the baby's body to rest on the bed while he rested himself. He slowly moved Gil's hands from his belly, not wanting him to touch it right now due to how tender it was. "Rub my back....it aches so much." He muttered, keeping his head low and eyes closed.

He took a few deep breaths before giving a hard push, his straining groan building up in intensity to a near scream as the baby's head began to spread him wide...Between pushes, he panted and sobbed from pain trying to stay focused.

Gil was all yes to whatever Mitsuo wanted. He rubbed his back like he said, using both palms drawing circles, hoping the warmth from him could have lessned a tiny bit of his discomfort. The baby was stubborn and Mtisuo was exhausted. The baby was long, considering it's a newborn, with how his body spread across the bed.

The push was making progress at first, but then the chin just wouldn't come out. It would strain against Mitsuo, but receded right back when he panted. "It's ok, it's ok. You are doing a great job. Just continue to push, focus on the push." Gil muttered encouraging words, Mitsuo's face was buried at the crook of his neck and it just looked like the birth was going on forever. Gil wasn't sure how much Mitsuo could take it, and if he couldn't, would he be able to just drag the baby out.

The backrub did help distract part of him from the pain. Gil's firm, yet gentle touch was soothing to his aching muscles. But things weren't progressing and he was starting to worry about the health of the baby. He sobbed against Gil's shoulder, both hands clinging to him as he pushed with everything he had.

He bit down on Gil's shoulder hard, feeling the baby's head stretching him so painfully wide. The tear was getting worse, blood mixing with the fluids all over the baby and beneath him on the bed. He just needed to get a little more out, but he couldn't get past the intense pain. It felt like he was being split in half.

Gil could even hear Mitsuo's gasp everytime when teh baby nudged against his tear. He knew that burning pain was horrid, and it wasn't MItsuo's fault for him to be unable to push pass it. He was worried. The blood stain on the bedsheet was expanding. He groaned when Mitsuo bit on his shoulder, but soon he relaxed his muscle which had tensed up involuntarily, so that his fiance could bite down. "Come on, babe, don't be afraid, we are getting through this together."

With shaky hands, Gil once again reached down. He grabbed the baby and waited. When Mitsuo started pushing again, he bit his lip and pulled. The chin was almost there, just a millimeter from coming out and MItsuo's body was trembling vigorously with the extreme pain. Just when they were about to succeed, the baby twitched and Gil's hold loosened.

Mitsuo felt Gil holding the baby and pushed hard. He could feel the baby slipping further out, but the pain was just so bad. He shifted his hips and eased the baby that last millimeter. Gil's pull helped and the baby suddenly popped free into Gil's hands. Mitsuo cried out, digging his nails into Gil's arms.

The baby squirmed, gurgled, then wailed as Mitsuo laid against Gil's body. He was shaking, sobbing from the pain. But it was over...

It's a brutal way to drag a baby out of Mktsuo, and the baby's head was covered with blood. Following the shudder, Mitsuo collapsed entirely onto Gil. It's chaotic but Gil mamaged to hold the jello.likr Mitsuo and the baby both, and quickly wiped clean the baby, before flipping over his fiance and held him tight and placed the newborn into his arms.

"Look.... another boy. We now have 3 boys.here." he smiled and.presented the baby, Mitsuo.looked like he was onlh half.consicious now.

Mitsuo felt so drained, so empty. He made a soft noise when Gil moved him, laying back against him as the newborn was placed into his arms. He weakly held the baby, a smile coming to his face. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back, still trembling.

"Check me...I'm still bleeding...." He muttered, groaning as his body continued to work the afterbirth out. Everything between his legs was so painful. Swollen and aching, as well as bleeding. But he did it, they had two beautiful boys to show for it.

With the baby settled, Gil moved his attention to Mitsuo's badly abused genitals. His cock was limp and his balls looked lile they were absolutely drained, almost looking like they had diminished in size. As carefully as possible, he took an alcoholic awipe to dab away the blood, causing Mitsuo to hiss but the poor man was too exhausted to even move.

Gil muttered apologies as he cleared the area, and was reliwved to find the wound to be less serious than thought. Mitsuo was demonstrating remarkable ability to stretch and the tear was minimal. "We wohld take care of the aftedbirth first. Deep breath and relax, let ypur body do the work." Gil gently rubbed his belly to promote his residual contractions. He did nptice something strange, like there's a hard lump still deep in Mitsuo, but he dismissed that as a part of the placenta.

(I was thinking maybe there are been an underdeveloped fetus that had stopped growing at an eaely stage, and after a few days from.this birth, Mitsio had to "give birth" again as his body tried to.push this dead fetus out?)

Mitsuo shifted to get comfortable, weakly scooting further up onto the pillows. He hissed sharply when Gil began to clean him. His legs tensed and twitched, but he didn't move. He just leaned his head back and took slow deep breaths.

He had torn in the same spot he tore that first time Gil saw him perform online. but he would heal pretty well. He groaned as his body kept pushing to get the afterbirth out, wincing at the feeling and shifting his legs. He gave a few short pushes to help it along, wanting to be done so he could rest.


(Thanks ;))

Gil used an alcohol swipe to disinfect the area. Treating Mitsuo like a little child, he soothingly consoled him. "Good job babe... such a good boy. You have done very well, i am so proud of you." He knew it must sting, but Mitsuo was indeed doint very well holding still. There's still some blood seeping out, Gil probably would keep Mitsuo on bedrest for the next few days.

Gil was seeing a huge puddle of something squishy coming out. He tugged slightly on the chord and rubbed Mitsuo's belly to help with its passing. "Perhaps we should feed this big guy so this could pass easier?" He suggested. Mitsuo's pushes were weak and his womb had stopped contracting altogether.

Mitsuo made soft noises of pain as Gil continued to clean him, legs shifting and twitching slightly. He knew this was just part of the whole ordeal, and he appreciated how gentle Gil was. He made a soft noise at his words, lifting his head and smiling down at him.

He grunted as Gil pulled on the placenta and pressed on his belly, biting his lip at how gross it felt. But he nodded to his suggestion, shifting the second twin to entice him to nurse. The baby was tired, but started nursing once Mitsuo's nipple met his lips. The nursing got his contractions working again, helping to push the rest of the afterbirth out.

"Mmm...I have some of those absorbent panties from after I had Jun...can you get them? Then we can change the sheets..." He sighed. Thankfully, they had put a waterproof sheet on under the normal sheets....to protect from any accidents at night. But it saved the mattress.

Mitsuo's belly appeared big and sloppy now, bur from last time, when his belly was even bigger, Gil knew he waa gifted with the great ability of recovering quick. The placenta came with another push that had Mitsuo squeezing his eyes together to hold back the moan. Under the roomlight, he checked carefully the squishy mess, making sure it's complete.

He sighed when he was convinced everything was gping alright, and then went to get the panties. It's almost like a diaper, and Gil smirked knowing hpw it looked on Mitsuo.

He got back with warm towels to wipe down on Mitsuo. He slipped the panties on and wasnt surpeised when Mitsuo hissed again having his sore body moved.

Mitsuo scrunched up his face both at how gross it felt, and how sore everything between his legs was. He groaned and shifted, adjusting the baby on his chest and relaxing.

He made a soft noise as Gil wiped him down, the warm towel soothing sore muscles. Though the materials of the panties was a bit rough against his abused genitals. "Everything hurts." He groaned. "See the doctor tomorrow." He mumbled, adjusting himself. He wanted nothing more than to just go right to sleep, but they needed to properly clean the newborns and change the sheets.

However, Mitsuo certainly wasn't going anywhere under his own power.

Gil.saw Mitsuo's eyelids drooping and he smiled softly. The baby had fallen asleep suckling on his nipple as well, both were exhausted by the troublesome birth. Gil patted Mitsuo's thighs as he put them down. "I am moving you over to the coach..."

He pickrd his fiance and son up, and laid him gently on the coach, careful not to let him sit . He ruffled his hair and kissed the infanr, then went on to change the sheets and clear everything. When he retuened, mitsuo was half asleep already. He laid him back on the bed and removed the baby, this time he,made sure tbe baby wasnt holding onto Mitsuo. "Just sleep, I would take care of all thibgs."

Considering Mitsuo's condition, Gil called the doctor for a home visir instead of heading to the clinic. Gil was pretty exhausted himself, thereby not thinking clearly whether he should have brought Mitsuo to the clinic for a thprough checkup.

Mitsuo grunted softly in response to Gil, draping one arm over his shoulders when he was scooped up. He smiled up at him once he was settled on the couch, adjusting the newborn still resting on his chest. He started drifting to sleep before Gil returned, feeling the newborn mouthing at his nipple as he slept as well.

He groaned when he was moved again, but he quickly relaxed once he was placed on the clean bed. He let Gil take the baby, his twin already fast asleep. They just needed diapers and a warm onesie before being placed in the crib in their room. Mitsuo didn't worry, he knew Gil would take care of them. His job was done for now.

Unfortunately, Mitsuo's doctor wasn't available to see him for a couple of days. She was away on vacation. And Mitsuo wasn't comfortable going to see anyone else.

Mitsuo's reluctance was clearly writtne on his face as Gil suggested finding another dcotor, and the man could never insist when his lover was displaying such clear unhappiness. he sighed and cupped Mitsuo's face. "Alright, we would wait ok? Though if you feel like anything's wrong, or I found anything seemed not qutie good, we would head to the hospital. No argument. OK?" He said with a slight worry. There were still discharge from Mitsuo, and his belly seemed to still be quite swollen, despite them being 3 days from the birth.

Alex touched Mitsuo's belly gently. He was sitting behind Mitsuo so he could sit up a bit wtihout putting pressure on his tear. It felt stuffed, like something is still there, almost like there's still a baby inside. Gil shook the absurd thought away and kissed Mitsuo. "I just want everything to be ok.... "

With the bloodlost and exhausting birth, Alex was strictly keepign Mitsuo on his bed. He carried Mitsuo everywhere, but he wouldn't allow him away from bed except for seeing the babies and to the toilet.

Mitsuo didn't want too many people knowing what he was. sure, plenty of people knew he was a hermaphrodite, but only Gil, his parents, and his doctor knew he could actually get pregnant. He didn't need the media knowing.

He sighed softly when Gil cupped his face, leaning into his touch and closing his eyes. "ok." He muttered, resting against him. The twins sat in a pair of rocking seats, sleeping soundly after eating not too long ago. Jun was quite curious about his little brothers, but thankfully he didn't bother them when they slept. He sat nearby playing with some toys and watching the TV.

Mitsuo knew discharge after giving birth was normal, but he could swear he still felt something. He was hoping it was just his uterus swelling a bit and remaining tense. He didn't realize he was running a slight fever today. And he was having cramps. But he would see the doctor tomorrow, so he didn't want to worry Gil.

Gil just assumed Mitsuo being warm was normal. He was used to him being warm from teh pregnancy, and didn't notice anything's wrong with him continuing to be so. He sat down beside Mitsuo and smiled at theri children. "So we are parents of 3! Should we settle on the names?" He glanced at the twins. One of them is as unique as MItsuo, and the other got only the male genitals. He wondered if they would ever get a girl later.

Gil was responded with a moan. He looked at MItsuo with surprise, he wasn't expecting that, and then he saw his face was pained. He sat up and took his hand. "Mitsuo? What is it?" He asked looking at the man who was still pale. He had been so since the birth. "Where is it hurting?" He put his hand on Mitsuo's belly and was surprised when he felt it tightened.

Mitsuo always had a naturally high body temperature, which wenthe up a little during pregnancy. But it had gotten higher than that today. He felt so drained and looked so pale, but he didn't want to worry Gil.

Unfortunately, he didn't have much say in the matter. A vicious cramp in his lower belly had him moaning in pain and squeezing his eyes shut. It was much sharper than a contraction, tightening so suddenly. He wrapped his arms around himself and leaned against Gil, whimpering from the pain.

"S-somethings wrong." He muttered, his body still so drained from the birth.

Gil was beyond worry now. Mitsuo was never like this after the birth with Jun, and that time he had delivered 4 babies in a row. He held Mitsuo against himself and thought he should call the ambulance. "I am calling for an ambulance.... can you tell me where was hurting the most?" He asked fishing for his phone. As a second htought, he glanced at the loose sweatpants Mitsuo had on and decided he should check on him first. "Mits how about I check you first. Let's move to the toilet?" He said glancing at Jun and the babies.

Giljust assumed that pained moan was agreeing, and lifted Mitsuo, who just lay there tiredly in his arms, and hurried over to the bathroom. He put removed first the sweatpants, then the absorbent panties and found it was soaked with discharge again, not 2 hours away from the last one. He bit his lips and put a towel onto the floor so Mitsuo could lay on it. "Where is it hurting the most now?"

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