C On Camera (w/hyenadog) (End~)

Little Jun was so excited to learn about his Japanese heritage, finding out some of his ancestors may have been armored warriors with swords was just the coolest thing to the little boy. "Yeah! Sam-rai!" He laughed, unable to control the volume of his voice and giggling when he was lifted and cuddled. He held onto his father, holding his plastic sword out like they were charging into battle, only to see Mitsuo sleeping soundly on the bed.

"Mama said he's tired." Said Jun, looking up to Gil and pouting.

Mitsuo rolled onto his side and made a soft sound, so comfortable on the fluffy bed, snoring softly.

Gil saw how soundly sleeping MItsuo was and pressed a finger on his lips. "Oh.. then we should keep quiet." He said bumping the little boy and sneaked their way back out into the living area. He checked the other room and, though it wasn't too good a thing to say, was relieved that the twins were still with their grandmother. To handle two babies who usually needed a bottle and a diaper change at the same time wasn't easy, and it was nice to know at least he wouldn't have to keep being on high alert in case the babies started fussing.

He placed Jun down and smiled as he asked the little boy to demonstrate the tricks he had learnt. the boy just charged around and demonstrated the little gadgetes he had on his kimono, the little strings with intricate knots tied everywhere, but ended up tripping himself on the carpet and pouted, his eyes rimmed red and he was about to cry out loud. Gil hurried to get the boy and stopped him from wailing. "Shhhh mama is still sleeping remember? Be a strong boy and don't cry ok, buddy you are so brave, brave like a samurai!"

Jun was happy to show his father his outfit and his sword, along with some other goodies he'd gotten from his grandparents and from Mitsuo for being such a good boy. But when he tripped on his long pants, he wanted to start crying so badly...but then he heard Gil's words, little hands balled into fists as he sniffled and nodded. Instead of crying, he hid himself against Gil, hugging him tight much like Mitsuo would when he was upset. He really was like a miniature version of his mother.

A small noise came from Mitsuo, one hand over his mouth with his sleeve caught between his teeth. He had woken up to get some water and saw the little scene with Jun falling. It left him overwhelmed with emotion.

Gil wrapped Jun up tightly, rubbing his back like he would do with Mituso, and smiled from the close resemblance. "it's alright, you are such a good boy, tough for momma and you have indeed inherited the great samurai's blood.... I am so proud of you babe." He said holding his little boy in his tight embrace, praising him and jerked upwards when he heard the familiar noise from Mitsuo.

Had Gil known better, he would notice Mitsuo getting emotional is one of the tell-tale signs of his condition- yet both of them had been ignorant. He smiled at how cute Mitsuo was, that he amazingly rivalled Jun in how adorable he could be biting his own sleeve. He lift up his arm, invitng Mitsuo over for a hug as well. He ruffled his hair as Mitsuo came to him as well, and with hugging 2 "mitsuos" at once had Gil overwhelmed with joy.

Jun hugged his father tightly, sniffling softly before looking up at him and smiling. He looked past him, seeing Mitsuo before Gil did, a wide smile crossing the boy's lips.

Mitsuo didn't even realize he was being more emotional than usual, he couldn't help it. Seeing his soon to be husband comforting their son like that was just so heartwarming. He quickly joined them, hugging them tightly and nuzzling Gil gently. "Love you two so much." He mumbled, voice wavering slightly.

"I am the same.... ah though you shouldnt have left out our 2 little terrors." Gil said and smiled even wider remembering the adorable twins that.could be little devils at times. He hugged him tight and.Jun.squealed excitedly, apparently the little boy also enjoyed the embrace as much as his parents.

They spent more quality time together, before Gil remmebered the kaiseki dinner he had reserved for the 2. He looked.over at Jun.hoping the boy had started feeling.sleepy, so he.could sneak.out.with Mitsuo.

Mitsuo laughed softly, shaking his head. "I love all of you so much." He sighed, shifting to nuzzle Jun as the boy squealed and giggled, moving to tickle him until he managed to escape and hide behind some furniture. He laughed and went to cuddle with Gil, relaxing with them for a while...

Jun went to play with his toys for a while, eventually falling asleep in his kimono. Mitsuo noticed this and went to gently change him into his PJ's and put the kimono away. When he finished, he returned to Gil's side, cuddling up with him and giving a content sigh.

"baby.. feeling rested yet? hungry?" Gil asked with hopeful eyes. He wanted Mitsuo to enjoy it so much, he was also afriad he would say he was too tired to join. He had been so relieved that Jun was out, and he really wanted to have some quality time with mitsuo. "I have booked dinner...." He said with sparkles in his eyes, awaiting for Mitsuo's response holding his breath. "kaiseki dinner?" He said hoping it would be worth the money. He was told that was a traditional japanese meal reserved for the very prestiged - at least the price was prestiged.

Mitsuo tilted his head slightly at Gil's question, humming softly before nuzzling against him again. He shifted slightly when he mentioned booking dinner, shifting to look at him curiously. "Oh, yes." He nodded, sitting up and stretching. He arched his back and grunted when his back popped. He wiggled a bit and smiled, "Alright, I need to get ready." He nodded.

Gil chuckled at how Mitsuo obviously wasnt too aware of what he was talking about, still sleepy and then when he was awoke enough, acted like a cat stretching his lean body. "yep I guess i needed to dress up as well." He held his waist and lifted him off the coach, and off they went to get dressed up.

Gil got ready soon and waited outside for Mitsuo, somehow looking forward to seeing him. He wondered if he would dress up in a more casual kimono, he thought the style fitted MItsuo well, his cute bare feet on the wooden slippers somehow making it sort of seductive.

Mitsuo could be very oblivious when he just woke up, and then very cat-like as he woke up more. He didn't notice the bump in his belly, made somewhat more pronounced by his stretching. But as soon as it was shown, he was moving to get up with Gil. "Yeah, not too dressed up though." He chuckled, kissing Gil's cheek.

He got himself dressed, going with a casual kimono but forgoing the wooden sandals for some more comfortable ones. He did his hair up and his makeup was done. He quietly joined Gil outside, giving him a sheepish smile. "All ready to go." He said, stepping closer to the man and linking their arms.

Gil took Mitsuo's arms and, though it was a slight lament not seeing Mitsuo in those cute sandals, found Mitsuo to be quite lovely dressed. "You look so nice in that kimono... we should have dressed you up more even when we got back." He smiled and led the way out, minding their steps as the outift of Mitsuo limited his steps to a certain extend.

They went to a large dining room at the basement of the hotel. Two ladies in full kimono had been waiting, knelt down on the tatami. THey slid open the paper doors for them and the pair got inside. While Mitsuo sat down on one of the mats, his bellywas a little more prominent and even Gil glanced at it curiously. He didn't notice it before but soon dismissed it should just be a lighting problem that made Mitsuo appeared to have a bump.

Mitsuo gave Gil a shy smile, a soft blush tinting his cheeks at his complement, moving himself closer to the man. "Mm, we should dress up more." He nodded, giving a quick turn to show his outfit from all angles. He happily walked beside Gil, having no trouble making his way down stairs.

He was quiet as they entered the dining room, looming around quickly before taking his seat. His position seemed to make the bump more clear, but it could just be a trick of his clothing and ligbting. The women quietly poured them tea before leaving so the food could be brought in.

"Please remind me how to act.... i dont want to make myself a fool." Gil said nervously as he sat on cross-legs - he simply could'nt kneel like japanese do, it just make it really sore on his legs. "You know... there's so many dishes..." He said as the ladies returned, with a tray filled with dozens of little plates, each with a piece of something - fish or otherwise, he couldn't tell. He looked in awe at how efficiently the ladies set the table, even lighting a miniature flame for a small hotpot.

He took the chopsticks and looked at Mituso, helpless and clueless, waiting for his instruction on where to start as he was puzzled even further by how the lady tried to explain to him in japanese.

Mitsuo chuckled softly, shaking his head and giving Gil a gentle smile. "You won't. Just follow my lead." He said, picking up the first bowl and motioning to him to do the same as he started into the first course of the meal. He looked pleased, giving a cute smile at the flavor. really tasting the pure flavors of the ingredients.

the rest of the meal was about the same, following the courses and giggling at Gil's reactions to some of them. He even offered to feed him while Gil fed him his own portion.

(sorry for my lack of replies.)

(Nah it's good :) rp should be something enjoyable and not pressed to do ... though I have to admit i am looking forward to seeing your replies as well LOL)

It started off with Gil gingerly using his chopsticks to pick up a partiuclarly slimy piece of squid sashimi - and failed multiple of times. He was quite confident his skill with chopsticks should be passable, yet that food was just too slippery. He grunted and was quite grateful when Mitsuo offered his piece to him as well, and he returned the favor with other more manageable ones. As they started eating from each other, they gradually got closer and eventually, they just engaged themselves in a passionate kiss.

Mitsuo couldn't help a soft laugh as Gil struggled with the slippery piece of squid, offering him a piece and happily taking the pieces Gil offered. He happily fed Gil and took the pieces offered until the man moved closer and caught him in a kiss.

He moaned softly into the kiss, setting his chopsticks down and slipping a hand into Gil's hair. "Such a good meal." He purred as he pulled away from the kiss, gazing warmly at the man.

"I'm very glad you like it.... happy bachelor 'party' babe." he smiled and held Mitsuo properly. "Even though there is only us two. Or would you like to have a drink somewhere? I guess we could still be naughty one last night before we get married..." He smiled and suggested, he would'nt mind a drink, whatever Mitsuo felt like, he would comply. He stroked Mituso's thighs as they were exposed under the kimono that had opened from the bottom, his fingers dancing their way up.

Mitsuo laughed softly, shaking his head gently. "Its alright. I wasn't really looking for a big party anyway. Most of my friends from home actually live in the states now." he laughed. "We can have a party when we get home and invite them." He nodded. He smirked at Gil's suggestion, shifting his legs slightly as he felt Gil's hand stroking the bit of exposed thigh.

"Mmm...shouldn't we wait until the night of the wedding?" He said, giving a wicked smirk. He could be such a tease.

"We should.... yea we should." Gil froze on the spot and sighed. "Yea.... better save this frustration for tomorroe night... and you'll see." Gil buried his face into the crook of Mitsuo's neck and playfully bit him. "You are just too sexy for me ...." with diner finished, Gil stood up from the tatami holding his teasing little lover bridal style, the sudden movement causing Mitsuo to gasp and hung himself tightly around Gil's neck. The larger man chuckled and bumped Mitsuo in his arms. "You really have put.on a little weight didnt you? Love that...." he smiled and kissed his cheek, before marchint their way back to the room to retire for the night.

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