Allen's Check Up (Closed)

It was another cold February day. Despite the low temperature, there wasn't any snow or nasty weather to accompany it through the rest of the week. Getting out of the taxi was no easy task for Allen. His gargantuan belly made it difficult to do just about everything these days. He was quite a site by the time he got himself vertical. He bought himself a 4XL winter jacket in an effort to have something that closes over his overinflated front, but sadly, he out grew the ability to do that just a few days ago. It really didn't matter anyway because the three little heaters inside him made it almost impossible for Allen to ever be cold. Allen's heavy waddle brought him inside and through the threshold of the door to the new midwifery he was looking at. He was really excited to meet Verna, who he spoke with on the phone. In reality, he was just happy he didn't have to take a chance with whatever hack was on call at the clinic when the time came to meet his children. As soon as he opened the door the receptionist shot a look that Allen got quite frequently, a look that basically says Wow, how are you still pregnant? or That can't be real. The receptionist realized she was starring and quickly switched her expression to a smile. "Hello, how can I help you?" I smiled back at her, "Allen Tagerman and the girls to see Verna for a check up today." She looked through her computer and found my appointment. "Please, have a seat Mr. Tagerman. She'll be right out to see you." I thanked the receptionist and waddled over to the only chair in the room without armrests. I was clearly to wide for the other seats.

A nurse came out a few minutes later, "Mr. Tagerman if you'll just follow me please," she said, offering him a hand up when she noticed his slight struggle to get up. She lead him down the hall, which looked dreadfully long to anyone as pregnant as Allen, but stopped not far down it and opened a door and ushered him, "Verna will be in shortly to see you, but I just have to check a few things if you don't mind," she asked a few of the general questions, checked his blood pressure, then left. It wasn't long after that that Verna came int. She was a tall woman of a lithe build, with a youthful face and, oddly, white hair; not gray in any sense, but white. It was pulled back in a ponytail that stopped at her waist.
"Allen, it's nice to meet you," she said, extending a hand, strong but gentle, for him to shake, "sorry for the wait, I had another last-minute appointment,"

Allen shook Verna's hand and smiled, "It's wonderful to meet you too and don't worry about it, I understand. If anything I should be thanking you for seeing me on such short notice." said Allen as he sat in the chair next to the exam bed. It wasn't easy for him to stay vertical for long periods of time, as he began to get uncomfortable from all the weight putting pressure on his lower half. If it was at all possible, he looked even bigger sitting down as he nearly couldn't find a proper position with how much room he actually took up on the seat. Allen adjusted his shirt back over his dome as it rode up a bit. His attire was simply that of necessity, it was a miracle that he found clothing that fit. "Just to clarify, are you a doctor or a midwife? Not that it matters, but I saw all the diplomas in your office as we passed it and was curious...very impressive by the way" I smirked, resting my hands on top of my belly.

"I'm both actually," Verna mused, "it's a lot of hoops to jump through, but I love what I do," she hummed, "So do you have any ideas as far as your birth plan goes?" she asked, "we have birthing suites here for reasonable prices, or I could go to your place if you prefer to have your girls at home. There are a lot of options to discuss as far as all that goes," she smiled and went to rest a hand on his belly, but paused, "may I?" she asked.

"Wow, that's definitely good to hear." he said. "I don't really know at this point. It really depends on a few things. My mom and sister are flying up in a few days. If they're here by the time I go into labor, then they might be able to drive me here. If not, I may be stuck at home." Allen explained while seeing Verna's hand move towards his belly. "Absolutely" he said putting his hands on the sides of his belly. He gave it a little shake to get the girls moving around. "Okay, girls, say hi to Verna." Their response was quite entertaining.

Verna chuckled a bit, "Well its good that they're so active," she hummed, her hand rubbing his belly a bit, and feeling around it gently, "and it feels like two are laying breech," she wore a look of concentration as she felt around, "Alright little ones hold still for a bit," she chuckled, "I check because multiples are prone to arriving earlier than just singles," she said. She straightened up after ha bit, "Well it looks like they are all doing just fine, how have you been doing? Any odd aches or pains?"

"Good luck trying to calm them down after they get going, it's been nine months and I still haven't figured out how to do that yet." I joked, and pulled my shirt down back over my belly. "Not really, I mean, the usual stuff. Most of it is textbook end of pregnancy aches and pain. I've been having some braxton hicks the last few weeks, but nothing to set your watch to. Maybe one or two every few days." he said shifting in his seat. There was one more detail Allen was hesitant to share with Verna, but then decided it was better off that she knew. "Um, there is one thing that's been on my mind these last day or so. I've been feeling...well...constipated." he blushed.

Verna looked sympathetic, "That is common before delivery... it could be either true consitipation or your body preparing for birth. Either way, it clears up a few days after you give birth. If its bothering at the moment I can give you some pregnancy safe tea to help things move along," she said. She arched an eyebrow when she could see one of the babies roll under his shirt, "That is something else," she hummed.

"I wouldn't say that it's bothering me, the sensation comes and goes. but it has been a couple of days..." Allen trailed off. "If it's that raspberry tea leaf, I tried it a yesterday, and nothing happened." he continued. "Yea, it is something else. I never thought I'd be here though. I'm ready. I've had enough of this pregnancy, and I want to see my feet again." I laughed.

"You may have brewed it wrong," she hummed, "but if it didnt do much its probably just your body prepping for labor. So you may want to take things easy at home," she pat his belly gently, "Have you picked names out for the little darlings yet?"

"As a matter of fact I did" said Allen adjusting himself in the chair. "Jessica, Vanessa, Diana. I would have been alright if I only had to pick one, three was almost too much for me. I had books everywhere." he said rubbing on certain areas of his belly to calm the babies down. Compared to the size of his domed out abdomen, his hands looked small. His belly button looked like he was trying to hide a golf ball under his shirt. They were getting to be a but too active for Allen as he winced. "I'm so used to clean hospital looking practices, this is a refreshing change of pace. It's so inviting here." he said looking around at the decor. "Did you need to run any more tests and checks? I don't want any surprises come the big day."

Verna looked a tad prideful when he praised her practice, then thought for ha bit, looking through some papers on a clipboard, "Well, just for the sake of being certain, I do want to do an ultrasound to rule out quads," she hummed, "I've seen miscounted pregnancies many times before with some patients coming from other hospitals or practices," she helped Allen stand up and get on the examination table, "Alright you should know the drill," she chuckled, letting him lay back, then she had a nurse bring in the ultrasound machine. The gel she used wasn't cold, a pleasant surprise. She laughed softly at Allens surprise, "I keep my gel warm, keeps things more relaxed," she said, exploring the gravid orb of his belly with skilled hands, "One, two... three...." she kept moving the ultrasound wand over his belly, "Well look at that..." she said with a bit of awe, "Four... you've got a little boy in there too!" She said cheerily, chuckling.

Allen started to tear up from the sight of his new found son, "Oh my, look at him. He's beautiful" he said trying to hold back his tears of joy. "I'll have to get back to my name books tonight, this is unbelievable. I knew I was too big for just three." He felt Verna move the wand lower to get a good look at the boy's head in order to isolate his heartbeat. "It feels like you think he's pretty low. Do you need me to lower my pants and underwear?" said Allen figiting on the table to get comfortable. With his considerable bulk on top of him, he was pinned down, blinding the underside of his belly from his view.

"Maybe... nope, there we go," she hummed, "Yep, he's perfectly healthy... he's probably going to be the first one out, as low as he's resting. That's probably why you've been feeling backed up," her eyebrows arched a bit, "I actually think you should stay in a birthing suite... he's already perfectly in your hips right now," she hummed, "You can do this naturally, but its a lot of hard work if you do," she moved the wand around and up the other side of his belly, "perfectly possible though," she said, "I have a wide variety of name books if you want to stay overnight... I honestly believe your contractions will start later in the day Allen..."

Allen was expecting to hear what she had to say, "Really? that close. I don't feel any different." he continued "There's still so much to be done, I need to buy another set of everything. I was only planning for three!" Allen said worriedly. "Contractions? Really? Today?" he said in disbelief. He began to poke and push around on his belly. "If you really think I should stay, then I will. But do you mind if I go get something to eat and come back. I've been really hungry all day. These kids seem to want everything and the kitchen sink today." said rubbing his belly again.

Verna wiped the gel off and thought about it, humming, "You can go get something to eat," she wrote her number down on a note pad and handed it to him, "but if you feel anything off please call me, okay?" She said, helping him up and off the examination table, "You may also want to run to your place and grab a change of clothes,"

With that, Allen temporarily said goodbye to Verna. He left the center and stopped off quickly and home to pick up some clothes, and "baby bag" just in case he didn't have a chance to later. In the back of his mind he thought that this whole situation was sort of melodramatic, but the last thing he wanted to do was go against someone as experienced as Verna. He then decided to order some (second) lunch, the first being right before his appointment. He was so hungry, Allen ate it in the cab on the way back to the center. By the time he walked back through the door he barely fit through it. Allen was looking and feeling bigger than ever. The receptionist greeted him and said that Verna was quite busy with a few other patients. She escorted Allen to his birthing suite to put his stuff down. She took his weight and blood pressure. He didn't seem to like it when he saw his weight had finally broke the 300lbs mark. The staff was extremely nice, letting Allen hang around the center as his labor had yet to start. He began to slow down after an hour or two. He ended up taking a seat in the nurses lounge, with a couple of other nurses there to keep him company just in case.

Verna came into the nurse's lounge after a while with a pleasant smile, as always, and one of the nurses, a soft-spoken man with a gentle southern accent who'd been chatting with Allen (as he was two months pregnant himself with a single child) looked up when she came in.
"Darlin' you have to be a miracle worker," he mused, "I neva seen anyone help deliver a child that fast without all chaos fallen from the sky," Verna just chuckled.
"I've been doing this a long time kid," she hummed.
"She never ages," one of the other nurses whispered loudly, teasingly, to Allen, "she's like a witch or somethin'," there was a friendly air of lighthearted teasing in the room, "She swapped her broom and witch's cat for her wit and her pet fox," Verna laughed a bit.
"Oh hush now Gretta... I just happen to have an affinity for foxes. how are you holding up Allen?" She asked, making herself some tea, "Gretta hasn't bored you to death talking about me being the strange woman who has a harmless little fox has she? Silvy is my baby, nothing wrong with that,"
In truth Allen had had an oppertunity before he slowed down to see, pet, and play with the fox; one of the unusual and expensive Russian Domesticated foxes named Silveo, Silvy for short. In truth, Silveo was elderly, toothless, and friendly. At the moment he was residing in his kennel, snoring like a bulldog.

"I'm doing alright, Just taking a bit of a breather. Gretta has been great. We went for a walk just before and showed me around. Thank you, by the way, my suite is perfect." Allen said "It's still hard to believe that I'll be leaving here with my kids." Gretta smiled and put a hand on his front. "You'll do great. I think after our talk earlier, you're going to be a great dad." Everyone in the room smiled as to give support to Allen in his upcoming delivery."Oh and I had some time to play with Silvy earlier, he's quite the playmate. He's a wonderful animal. It was almost like he knew what's going on inside me" Allen wondered. Shortly after that, the two nurses dispersed as it was time for a shift change. Gretta agreed to stay, but the younger southern man needed a night to relax. The replacement nurse was one fresh out of nursing school, reporting for her first labor and delivery shift. Walking in she was a little intimidated seeing such an extremely pregnant man sitting a few feet in front of her. "Hi, I'm Melanie. I'm here for the 4pm to 8am shift....if this is a bad time, I can come back." she said thinking she interrupted the conversation. As introductions were made and medical jargon tossed around, Allen began to bow out of the conversation and got a little quiet. He was getting uncomfortable sitting in the chair, like he was too big for it. Verna and Melanie talked as Gretta helped me out of the chair. Allen was quite a sight he was absolutely huge. He felt even bigger, even from just before he sat down. With some help, he was able to make his way back over to the conversation. "Hi, I'm Allen." he said to Melanie.

Melanie blinked, in awe of the sight of him, then smiled shyly, "Oh, Verna was just telling me about your little ones in there," she murmured softly, "Four little ones is quite the miracle," Verna nodded and loked over when Silveo whined in his kennel.
"Melanie, could you go walk Silveo? He's been in for a while," Melanie nodded.
"Yes ma'am," she said. It was quite an interesting sight for the remaining patients to see the young nurse with a fox.
"Silveo has a calming effect on patients," Verna hummed, having finished seeing her patients for the day. The rest were her business partner's patients and patients stopping by for shots, "the babies have dropped," Verna noted, a gentle hand feeling his belly, "I can imagine its affecting your ability to sit comfortably," her eyes softened in understanding, "come, we can talk in your suite... the chairs are more forgiving in there," she said. In truth, the chairs felt like the first to actually fit Allen comfortably with his pregnancy. She smiled when he let out a releived sigh, "If you want I could rub your back, it helps with the strain,"

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