C Coffee House Romance (w/ bhdire8)

Katsu cried out still, but grit his teeth to get through the pain. "Curse you and your large children...!" He growled before feeling the shoulder slip through is body. He gasped out at the relief it brought him and he fell back for a moment to catch his breath. he couldn't believe that the would have to do this again when the second one came along. "Please tell me it will slip out now..." He gasped softly as he pushed again.

"not that easy sorry... and yep, curse me for my genes.." Jared said, sweating profusely as well as he anxiously tugged on teh baby. The baby's large, with wide shoulders iike Jared himself, making it a hell lot more difficult for Katsuro who ddin't have wide hips in teh first place. He moved the baby, shifting him to find the angle that would help him come out. "push, keep pushing!" He asked Katsuro, unable to just pull through. "you are this close..." he said, reducing to a half beg.

Katsuro was tired, and his pushes were somewhat not as effective. "listen to me, Katsu, take a deep breath, hold it in, and push down!" he said, almost yelling, to get Katsuro to focus on this last push for the thick trunk of the baby.

Katsuro felt like he was going to pass out by the time the baby was almost out. He leaned back on his elbows and his breath was still ragged. He was sweaty and covered in fluids that made him feel even worse. He felt disgusting and he just wanted it to end. He pushed back up to his elbows again, curling up so he could bear down and pushing as hard as he absolutely could. His face turned red and he cried out finally feeling his child move out of him.

Jared caught the baby who came out with a rush of fluid. "you did it!" he exclaimed, holding the baby up to look at the baby. 'our son.... Katsu you did it." jared said, his voice was so full of emotion, it was trembling as he felt the overhwelming joy. He climbed up the bed to sit beside Katsuro, minidng the still attached chord, he placed the baby gently on his boyfriend's chest while he scooped up him slightly so he could sit up a bit. "look at him.... a big healthy baby boy, katsuro. you are a father now... we are both fathers now." he smiled with tears welled up, looking at Katsuro with a large smile.

Katsuro was crying when he heard his son's crying, sitting up on his elbows until Jared came up to him to hold him and lay his son on his chest. He started crying heavily as he looked down at him, "oh he's so big, look at him...." He cried softly as he brushed back blood from his child's head. He looked up to Jared, beaming at him. "You should get him cleaned up, before our daughter comes...." But he didn't want to let him go, not yet. He put his hands on his son's back, kissing his head.

"yes i should... just a sec." Jared smiled. He loved the scene, ti was so beautiful. He found it touching and yet somehow, still unrealistic. So he's finally a parent - a parent just like Katsuro, even though he had felt the babies move and had beeen planing ofr their arrival for so long, it was still very distant in a way. now, it all hit him suddnely, the joy and the responsibility that came with th e arrival of the babies. He chuckled at the sudden nervousness rising in his chest, and huddled Katsuro close. "Katsu... we are parents finally..." he muttered and kissed Katsuro repeatedly, holding their son who's stil l covered with fluid, grabbing a towel to rub him down first and wrap him up.

Katsuro smiled tiredly up to Jared, he wanted to sleep, but almost as soon as he gave up those son to be cleaned, he felt contractions again. He gripped the bed and moaned, “jared. Oh fuck....” he gasped out “hurry, our little girl is coming. And coming now.”

"just a sec..." Jared replied distractedly, too focused on counting the little toes and fingers of their newborn son. he snapped out of his mesmerized state by another loud yelp from Katsuro.

"i'm here, i'm here..." he hurried back, wiping his bloodied hands with a towel. "how's it going?" he asked, coming bck to his position between Katsuro's widespread legs. his belly didn't die down for a whole lot, and his opening was still gaping, but Jared wasn't seeing anything. "I am feeling your belly ok?" he warned resting his hand onto Katsuro's now puffy belly and felt around for their daughter's position.

Katsuro nodded, lying back and taking deep breaths to try and relax his body. He closed his eyes and tried to breathe through coming contractions, his body trying to work his second child out of his body. He gripped the bed sheets, trying to keep his legs spread for him. "Do you see anything?" he panted, leaning up a little to try and look between his legs, even though his belly was still large. "I feel like she's coming quick... her brother paved a good path for her." He chuckled softly.

Jared was focused on feelng the position of the baby, and what he was feelng didn't seem too right - he couldn't quite determine if what he was feeling was an exceedingly small butt or is that really not a butt....

Hearing Katsuro's question, Jared quickly looked bewteen his legs. "there's a bulge, she's coming down fast, you're right." Jared announced, happy to see progress this fast as well. He decided he woudl abandon trying to feel teh baby, and just go with the flow. "give me a push... maybe she would just pop out." Jared chuckled, joking and once again, spread Katsuro's legs wide.

Katsuro groaned at Jared’s joke, hoping she would just pop out but not in a very silly mood at the moment. So he bore down on his bottom and pushed, his face turning red as he pushed for a few consecutive seconds before he fell back with a gasp. He struggled for air but he still managed to breathe out “well?”

"Well... I guess she isnt that fast. Babe... you are doing very good. I am telling you, we are so close. Just give me a few good pushes." Jared said, taking away the jokes, but the baby girl seemed not at all smaller than her brother. "Come here." He said scooping Katsuro up from the bed to position him between his own legs. He lowered Katsuro into a deep squat, taking most of his weight. "Try this." He said, squatting low as well so the entire back of Katsuro was pressed against his chest, supporting him as best as he could. "Just push... this time you will be the one guiding our baby out." He smiled encouragingly.

Katsu groaned as he moved back into Jared’s arms. He took deep breaths as his weight shifted down. “Oh god. I wish she would just slide out....” he said as he took deep breaths. He leaned his head back, groaned as he pushed. He pushed for a long time, feeling like forever before he fell back against him. “Please little girl just slide out...”

Jared comforted Katsuro. "yeathe head's almost out, just one more push babe, and the stubborn little girl should be fully crowned..." he said, and with his encouragement Katsuro gave another strong push, just enough to have the little girl's head popping out with a puddle of fluid with a scream.

"you did it! now just the shoulders... when i said push, you push." jared instructed, cupping the head waiting for it to turn.

Katsuro nearly collapsed when the head pushed out, falling back and breathing deeply in between contractions. “Almost there....” he gasped as he gripped down on Jared’s hands, determined to get his child out. “You better catch her!” He groaned and gave a final push, biting down on his lip as he turned red. One shoulder slipped out, thenwith a small rush of fluid, the second shoulder slipped out and out came their daughter. Katsuro screaming out, he reached out and caught the bed so Jared could catch their daughter.

Jared did just that. Their daughter, who's almost bigger than their son, rested on his palm, still covered in fluids, but already she was wailing. "oh my god you did it! Katsuro i am so proud of you.. congratulations momma." he yelled excitedly, tugging the baby up, he was careful not ot pull on the cord. After a bit of struggle, Jared managed to rest his family on the bed. he gave Katsuro their daughter to hold, and appreciated her features that was so perfect fora while, before rubbing on his puffy belly gently to guide the placenta out. IWth a low hum, it was also delivered.

"we are parents now. Thank you so much Katsu..." Jared smiled and tugged their baby boy closer, holding him, and teh little family was formed.

Katsuro held their children against his chest, smiling down at the twins. They were still covered in fluids but he didn’t care. He smiled up at Jared, tears in his eyes. “Thank you.” He barely even realized that the placenta passed, just happy and almost numb from the twins tear through him. He looked down at them, seeing their little eyes, looking up at him and around the room, hearing the cooing come from them. “They’re perfect...”

"yea they're perfect. all thanks to you. Katsuro you've been so brave and doing so well, i'm so proud of you." Jared smiled, kissing away the happy teras that had streamed down Katsuro's slightly puffy face from too much pushing. "i love you." he praised and kissed Katsuro again, sharing all the affection he felt for the smaller boy.

It would be another chaos when after they had settled an amubalance finally arrived and they almost made the locl papers delivering their twins at home. Jared had refused that though, not wanting to create any talk in the neighborhood. They would return to their home - where Jared had cleared up all the mess - the next day when the hospital was finally convinced Katsuro was fine and well to go despite going on a birth with minimal assistance - the latter part Jared was not quite agreeing to.

(hmm, do you want to stop it here? or do you think we could create something more for them? i am open to anything :))

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09-28-2018, 04:37 AM

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