
Weird... I logged on and we have a new look... is this permanent?

At the moment, yes. Lyric was playing around with new looks earlier, and this was the one we liked the best. He might change it again, but for now, this is our new look ^^


If you have an issue, I can help! PM me or email me here-->

Lol. Nice! It's different. Little confusing at first but i like it. Do we not get a banner anymore though? I noticed that is gone.

Can't seem to make the banner line up properly. Might play with it laters.

We had a duck banner earlier XD


If you have an issue, I can help! PM me or email me here-->

Well if the belly is slightly oblong its ok. Every bump is unique!

Lol. A ducky! And i missed that!? Dang... *kicks self in butt*

Is the banner just a matter of CSS, or did it just not look right?

I'll take a look at other themes. The problem is that there are only a limited number of options.

I'm always a fan of purple!

I'm not taking requests guys, sorry. There's just not many options to choose from. It'll have to be whatever I can find .

I'll be playing around with different themes. The font was really tiny in the blue and gray one, unfortunately. And this one is getting imaging errors.

The original was the default and very bland. Trying other options is not a crime, people.

(04-22-2012, 08:38 PM)Waruzard Wrote:  It's not a crime, but you seem to be picking ones that don't work well for everyone on here. I'm just saying.

Lyric won't know if they work if he doesn't try them out, Waruzard. He also won't know if they work for every one's browser if he's only using one browser.

The mod team is helping out with this, though, and offering our own input, suggestions and ideas, so have no fear!

Sometimes, the world is cruel to shiny things...

(04-22-2012, 08:38 PM)Waruzard Wrote:  It's not a crime, but you seem to be picking ones that don't work well for everyone on here. I'm just saying.

(04-22-2012, 08:50 PM)Waruzard Wrote:  I'm just offering my own input here. I figure a thread called "Themes" is where we can talk about the themes. Maybe he needs to find out which browsers people are using. I have Firefox and this current classic blue theme isn't very functional on it. I would also prefer if the content wasn't so narrow and the button text wasn't so block shaped.

Firstly, you do not speak for everyone here. Your opinion reflects your own. Secondly, you are nitpicking. I'm sorry that the button text is block-shaped. Maybe I'll find one that's triangle shaped instead. I cannot find a theme that everyone will like. In fact, it'll be impossible. I have limited options to choose from here.

I appreciate yours and everyone else's input as it does help to know which themes the community likes and doesn't like. Also, some themes won't work properly on different browsers, so I have to take that into consideration as well. It's really a frustrating task and your nitpicking and tone really doesn't make it any easier.

Waruzard, I'm changing the layout because I think MPC deserves more than just a default layout. There are other fun themes that could possibly make it more lively around here. We've only been at this new location for a few months and are still settling in. I've also just recently learned how to change themes. It is not unreasonable for me to choose a new theme and I'm sorry that you feel differently.

Anyone have any thoughts on this "Block & Blue" theme?

If this is Block and Blue right now, I'll vote yes as well... looks good, and my browser isn't all screwed up by it!

Yep, this is block and blue.
Post here if you run into any issues.

Hey Lyric

I think your doing a great job...The site works, It gets all MREG lovers together.. with out mpregcentral we would have no where to to go...seems silly to nit pick...just as long as we can all easily communicate as a community then that's great..X


:) For the record, I love the current theme.

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