Aulara Flame's Home For The Pregnant (NSFW allowed)

(03-23-2018, 03:56 PM)Animefan22 Wrote:  Breathing hard leaning on the bed trying to move my hips around slowly "I don't think i can do it

You can, buddy. *I enter the room* I'm right here. *I hold your hand*

(03-25-2018, 01:02 AM)bennett999 Wrote:  Kyle woke up a few hours later hungry

*there's a call button to the kitchen next to you*

(03-25-2018, 07:28 PM)Devotedhelper15 Wrote:  
(03-23-2018, 03:56 PM)Animefan22 Wrote:  Breathing hard leaning on the bed trying to move my hips around slowly "I don't think i can do it

You can, buddy. *I enter the room* I'm right here. *I hold your hand*

Allen looks up "there getting stronger 5 minutes apart

He pressed the call button to the kitchen for some food

(Is this still open,sorry to interrupt)

Allen trys to move his hips around slowly

Hi is this still open

Jesus, I thought no one cared about this anymore

(04-04-2018, 12:26 AM)Animefan22 Wrote:  Allen trys to move his hips around slowly

Good, good job. That's the way.

So is that a no go

(03-26-2018, 01:38 AM)MissMadeline Wrote:  (Is this still open,sorry to interrupt)


Name Edward
Spices human
Gender male
Pregnancy a week overdue with ten pounds twins boys in labor
Other he has small hips as he is 5 foot 4
Edward knock on the door waiting for someone he trys to breathe slowly as he was having a contraction

Edward waits outside till some opened the door his water breaks on the ground by the matt "p please I is a anyone h home I I'm I in l labor

(08-27-2018, 08:48 PM)Birthroleplayer27 Wrote:  Edward waits outside till some opened the door his water breaks on the ground by the matt "p please I is a anyone h home I I'm I in l labor

*I open the door* Hello. Welcome. *I see the mess* Oh dear.

Edward looks up scared he hold his stomach in pain "I I'm s sorry I didn't mean to

(08-27-2018, 10:39 PM)Birthroleplayer27 Wrote:  Edward looks up scared he hold his stomach in pain "I I'm s sorry I didn't mean to

It's alright. Don't worry. Let's get you inside. *I support you and lead you inside*

Edward groaned loudly in pain having a contraction "it's hurts so much my name is Edward

(08-27-2018, 11:56 PM)Birthroleplayer27 Wrote:  Edward groaned loudly in pain having a contraction "it's hurts so much my name is Edward

Aulara. *I place you in a comfy chair* How close are your contractions, buddy?

(08-27-2018, 11:58 PM)Devotedhelper15 Wrote:  
(08-27-2018, 11:56 PM)Birthroleplayer27 Wrote:  Edward groaned loudly in pain having a contraction "it's hurts so much my name is Edward

Aulara. *I place you in a comfy chair* How close are your contractions, buddy?

He looks at Aulara "I think 4 minutes apart I'm having two large boys and I'm a week overdue

He looks at Aulara "I think 4 minutes apart I'm having two large boys and I'm a week overdue

Okay. Can I take your pants off? I want to check your dilation

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