(( Host. *Mpreg Hetro story* closed with LoveBite ))
Name: Alessia.

Appearance: As Alien,Light Green skin with fluid like touch,icy blue eyes,with four fingers,skinny on body appearance. As human: Female,raven hair,blue eyes,curvy figure,long legs.

Age: Immortal until time will come for death.

*It was that time again. She...who came from outer space,with only just in her human form. Not at all slim but had some womanly curves with beautiful raven hair as dark as the night that is here right now with glowing icy blue eyes that showed of just what she was on the inside,arrived in a bar that is surrounded by some men around here in the bar either talking with their friends or hanging out with women.

She needed to pick a perfect specimen that would carry her young. Where she is from,she impregnates males just like all the other women do to those they choose but instead...she would rather pick a human man as a host.

But he has to be perfect.

She used her senses to scan who ever had that perfect smell that would be the host for her young...and she found him...right there with the bartender having a drink of his own. She smirked watching him thinking he was perfect. All she had to do was introduce herself though*

*She had a silvery tone of voice from the moment she had spoken to him. She moved her eyes up to the television he was watching before she had came onto the scene with a small chuckle*

"I hope I am not interrupting your...entertainment. And choice of dinner you are having."

*She lowered her icy looking eyes down to what he was eating and drinking with. Typical of humans and their choice of diet really*
"I do feel that I am in need for sitting,thank you."

*The raven haired smiled sitting down beside him onto the bar stool,taking off her leather jacket to reveal all of the curves she had on with a tight red dress all together. She was informed that not men who are into women cannot resist the look of how very beautiful an attractive woman can be in all red*

"I am Alessia. Do you have a name I should call you?"
"Thank you. And Terrance...really does suit you."

*She liked that this human was a gentleman or it would be sadly a waste of her time if not for her senses. She would just make it like she was a hooker to those who wanted some and she would just take them somewhere to get them impregnated and leave them on their own...so this human really might be something. She would possibly make this a night he would never forget by the time she is finished with him*

"What do you recommend?"

*She never had a nice choice of drinks that is around here on this planet as some tasted awful to her...so she would perhaps think that he would have some good taste other than...beer as he calls it which she can smell from where she was sitting*
"Daiquiri. Then i shall have it."

*She never heard of what it was before but she was sure that she would like it with a name like that. Alcohol is never her best choice of consuming as she does with fine liquids on her planet. She smiled with her hand onto her face along with her elbow on her shoulder to make herself look more alluring to him since she got his full attention*

"So...Terrance...anything I should learn about you?"

*Alessia had studied a bit on what a farm is and what people do. They harvest. On what they need to survive. At least she knows that this man can take care of himself. This was quite a grand choice she had made on her time of her own race to reproduce*

"Well...I'm not from around here. Let's just say that I'm from somewhere that you've never been to. Like...Canada."

*She'll leave it at that to him. There is no way he cannot know what she really is and why she is here. This is the whole point of making him a host for her young*
*Alessia chuckled,trying her best not to look nervous when he mentioned about that word. He has no idea how incredibly right he was. She watched him taking a drink from his beer and she thought of this as an opportunity to touch him in a way with her ability to make him feel completely aroused and fertile as possible.

She moved her hand to the top of his hand so her fingers can make a connection with all of her powers combined to surge within him*

"I couldn't agree more..."
*Alessia managed to take one sip of the daquri before she were to go. And she had to admit...it was rather tasteful. But at least her touch made his emotions for sexual desires had now taken its play. She nodded to confirm his wants and needs.

She smiled standing up with her jacket in her hand and used the other to take his hand to ensure that it would make him extremely fertile and aroused because of the way she was touching him.

The thing about her species is that female aliens can make any male,alien or human,become extremely aroused or fertile if only by the smallest or largest touch of skin to skin. She can sense by his touch...he would reproduce greatly and that made her feel pride from her choice in this human*
*The female casually let herself out of the vehicle with the hold of the male human's hand into hers as soon as they arrived to where he lives in apparently. And he was right. It's a big farmhouse. Cozy looking. Not like anything she had ever seen before. It looked so beautiful in the night. She smiled up at the human with a small chuckle and she leaned in for a whisper in his ear*

"I'm sure the dog won't...interrupt our little scene together,won't he?"

*She purred with a trail of her fingers onto his neck to give some more of her energy to make him feel arouse like ectasy. Her time is nearly near to get back to her planet and if she was discovered...who knows what he might do*
*Now in his room finally,she watched him getting undressed which made herself getting undressed too. With just slowly taking off both of her jacket and shoes. She closed her eyes to kiss him back just as this was the custom as any other humans would do. She finally got him in the mood. She slowly moved her hand down to his crotch to feel if he was truly ready thanks to her power...and he is.

She smirked underneath the kiss and grabbed a hold of what is underneath his pants a bit tightly to make him feel even more aroused for this intimate moment.

She would do all she can to make him feel in the mood...but the time will come when she would have to make telepathic illusions when she'll have her hands on his head and she'll begin to impregnate him with her alien DNA*
*Alessia kissed him again and she felt him taking off his pants. Now was the time. She smiled up at the human silently holding him close,her fingers sparkling white with a light kind of power so she can run them through his hands...to give him illusions...false illusions that he was actually making love to her.

While that was so...

She slowly moved one of her hands below his abdomen to feel where her young would grow...and she felt it...there it is*

"My children...my little ones...you'll be inside of this human and well cared for...treat him well...he's very special,this one."
*The alien female watched him sleep with her hand moving over his head and over his belly to see that it was complete. With his belly glowing like that,her young are inside of him. He was officially impregnated with her DNA. All it would have to take is weeks for the process to be completed and he will be pregnant for sure.

She looked at his handsome face sleep before she winced a bit feeling alien force from outside...calling out to her. It was now time to go home. She looked down at Terrance slowly lowering her head to place a kiss there*

"I'll come back for both you and my young when their time nears. Take care of them...if you can hear me."
*A week has gone by ever since the conception has began...and it progessed well as Terrance is officially with child. Or alien children from how he was gaining weight. Offspring alien wise would have rapid growth spurts that can last through 3 week trimester until it was time to give birth. Right now,Terrance gained at least some pounds that made his belly looked a bit big and firm...sooner or later,he would feel something fluttering inside of him or just a glow shining from within him*
Caroline Potter:


Appearance: Blonde,green eyed with freakles on her skin,has a knack of being a farm girl,slightly tall but healthily skinny,wears clothes of country kind.

*The young woman had noticed an ad on her way to a job she worked at and this was not so bad for a second job until she can save enough money to get her own house with a farm instead of an apartment. She needed to make a living for herself and with a job like this,this is what she does best.

She parked at the entrance of where it was located and got out of the car only to find him pulling. Great! A chance to meet and talk with him about the ad. She smiled and made sure she was presentable*

"Hi there. I'm here for this."

*She showed him the paper of the add of hiring a helping hand*
"Then I'm your gal. My father and mother were farmers and raised me on what they know and do."

*The woman answered simply with a smile before she can move her hand up to his for a handshake*

"Caroline Potter."

*She introduced herself before having to follow him. She smiled at the dog with a chuckle*

"Shoot,I grew up with dogs. I'm sure this one won't bite."

*She knelt down,gently calling over the dog to her. One thing about her is that she loves animals,especially dogs*
"Hiiii Suzie. You're such a pretty girl."

*Caroline cooed at the big dog that came to her and ended up being licked on. She chuckled ruffling up on her fur. Out of all the dogs she never had in her life,this was a good dog he had. She stood up before the owner of the house with a nod*

"Especially with a tractor. My father taught me that much."
"I've already ate on the way over but thank you."

*Caroline replied taking off her jacket so she can make herself comfortable and looking at the place herself. It reminds her a lot of her old back and her old farm. It made her feel like maybe she can really get used to this and he does his farming really well. Harvest and animal wise*

"I also am used to taking care of horses as well any cows,chickens,ectra."
*Caroline nodded walking out with him so that he can show her on what it is she needs to know and where to sleep. She noticed that he does got a lot of appetite...and some weight gain because she could've sworn she saw his belly...getting a bit big by the more he eats. Wow. But either he needed help or not,wouldn't he start to work out? Try to loose weight before he needed help? So many questions in her mind about him that will never be answered even if she did asked...

She stopped with him by the barn watching him eat the rest of his snack. She chuckled a bit with her hand over her mouth and she smirked at him a bit*

"Should I be concerned about how I should feed them or of how you are feeding yourself?"

*She asked a bit jokingly staring down at his middle*
*She didn't mean to embarrass him or make fun of him. She was just a bit stunned by how much weight he could gain whenever he would eat that fast. She could have sworn also she heard some gurgle around somewhere next to her....with his stomach...or it was just her imagination. She shrugged a bit from that sort of nonsense*

"Oh no,sir. No insult. Believe me,I'm not lie that all the time."

*The woman explained herself looking up on the inside of the barn. She nodded even though she knew all of that by heart to let him know that she understands completely*
*Caroline did her best not to stare at his middle because she really needed this job and this wouldn't be so bad. This was filled with everything she knows and by god,she was willing to prove to him of what she is capable of. She nodded to confirm of what she wanted with a smile*

"Yes,sir. You bet I do!"

*She replied to his question excitingly before she can ask a question of her own*

"When do I start?"

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