Labor and Delivery Roleplay - Permanently Closed

Cairi's ill a little shaken up from the incident and the new surroundings. She's also still feeling a little protective of my baby so she keeps her hands around her belly protectovely for as much of the time as she can. She didn't recall much, but the next thing she new was she was being moved to the maternity ward. She was still feeling quite protective and nervous. "Uh... m-my name is C-Cairi." She said nervously. "I'm e-eight and a half months along a-and i th-think my babiea a-are head d-down."

Nurse Elsie smiled as she saw Marcus relax and try and get comfortable in bed. “Okay sweetie, you try and get some rest. We will check on you both in a bit. If you need anything you know how to call me,” she adds before turning off the room’s main light and leaving the room to allow her patient to rest.

Nurse Martina smiles. “It is very nice to meet you Cairi. That is very helpful information. While you get settled I am going to get the doctor so she can come in and examine you. Is there anyone I can call to be with you? Or anyone I can get you?”

Marcus shifted around before finding a comfortable position, drifting off easily. He woke a few hours later, stretching as his baby shifted idly in him. "If you got something to say, the nurse will probably be in here I'm a couple minutes, so say it now," he mumbled playfully to his belly, feeling a small kick delivered to his palm as his stomach growled. "Yeah, I'm pretty hungry, too," he chuckled, pressing the call button with a yawn.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Nurse Elsie had just returned to the nurses station after her break to find that one of her patients had hit his call button. Checking the time she realized it was almost time for his next checkup with the doctor. Sending a page to Dr. Foss she headed down the hall to check on him while waiting for the doctor to arrive.

Walking down the hall she entered his room and hit the call cancel button. “Hi Marcus. We’re you able to get any rest? Is there anything I can get you?”

"Hey, yeah. Slept pretty well for a hospital bed. I was just wondering if I could get breakfast or something," Marcus answered. "And did the doctor say she was gonna induce labor? I don't remember, but I know it's supposed to be a possibility."

✨don't look at my sin✨

“I am glad you were able to get some rest,” Nurse Elsie tells him as she begins to check his vitals and his stitched wounds. “Yes the doctor did mention that inducing labor was a possibility. She will be here in a few minutes to examine you again and then will talk you through the options.” She explains as she finishes her check and makes a note in his chart. “Everything is looking great and breakfast should be delivered soon. In the meantime is there anything else I can get you while you wait for the doctor? Do you need any pain relief for your wounds?l

"Can I get just a little something for the pain? I don't need a lot, it's just stinging a little," Marcus requested, sitting back and bracing himself for another uncomfortable exam.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Elsie smiles, “of course! The doctor left orders to give you a high dose of ibuprofen if you needed it so I will go get you a dose now,” she tells him before heading out of the room to get the medication.

A few minutes later Dr. Foss walks into the room carrying a small paper cup containing the pills. “Hello Marcus,” she greets him warmly. “I ran into Nurse Elsie in the hallway and she told me you were in a little discomfort so I brought in the dose of medicine you requested,” she tells him as she walks to the bed and hands him the pills before giving him the cup of water off the tray table so he can take the medicine. Lasted from some discomfort how are you and the baby doing?” She asks as she moves to the monitor to check the readings on the baby.

Cairi remembers the events that lead up to this moment; the joy she felt being with her lover, the things they did for each other, the ecstasy when they made love, the betrayal after she was kicked out for her pregnancy. The months of loneliness, homelessness, near constant dangers. It all came rushing back. Aside from her twins, which she only learned about from one lucky visit to a free clinic, she is completely alone. She turns her head so the nurse doesn't see the tears flow down her face. She whispers. "No."

(One minor thing. I have changed my mind. I would like a male doctor. Still kind, though.)

Marcus swallowed down the ibuprofen, knowing it would be a little while before they kicked in. "I'm good, the baby's good. A couple kicks here and there, but nothing out of the ordinary. I was wondering if you were gonna induce labor, 'cause you said I was already dilated a bit yesterday, and they talked about it a lot in the ER when I first got in."

✨don't look at my sin✨

(02-21-2019, 12:12 AM)Devotedhelper15 Wrote:  Cairi remembers the events that lead up to this moment; the joy she felt being with her lover, the things they did for each other, the ecstasy when they made love, the betrayal after she was kicked out for her pregnancy. The months of loneliness, homelessness, near constant dangers. It all came rushing back. Aside from her twins, which she only learned about from one lucky visit to a free clinic, she is completely alone. She turns her head so the nurse doesn't see the tears flow down her face. She whispers. "No."

Nurse Martina gave her patient a sympathetic smile. She could see that the girl was upset but didn’t want to call attention to it. “That is alright Cairo,” she says in a soft voice, “try and rest. You and your babies are in good hands now. There is some water on the table next to you and if you need anything just use the page button on the side of your bed. Dr. Hughes will be here in a few minutes to examine you,” she adds before heading out of the room to find the doctor.

A few minutes later a man in his early 50s walked into the room wearing a white doctors coat over his scrubs. “Hello! I am Dr. Hughes and I will be taking care of you while you are here. The doctor in the ER mentioned that you are showing signs of early labor which is why you were transferred up here. I would like to give you a quick exam to see how you and your babies are doing, but before I do I was wondering if you could give me some information about your pregnancy. How far along are you? Have you been under a doctors care? If not that is okay, it is just good for me to know. Have you or the babies had any complications?”

(02-21-2019, 03:48 AM)lxcttrll Wrote:  Marcus swallowed down the ibuprofen, knowing it would be a little while before they kicked in. "I'm good, the baby's good. A couple kicks here and there, but nothing out of the ordinary. I was wondering if you were gonna induce labor, 'cause you said I was already dilated a bit yesterday, and they talked about it a lot in the ER when I first got in."

“Wi am glad to hear you are both doing well,” Dr. Foss says as she comtinues to check the monitor readings. According to these readouts you have been experiencing some small contractions.they are s Between this and the fact that you are starting to dilate I think it would be a good idea for us to induce today. However, before we talk about our options I would like to examine you again and also check the baby’s position. I know it is let the most comfortable position but I am going to have you lay flat for the exam,” she tells him as she moves to the bed’s controls to lay the bed flat for the exam.

Marcus did as the doctor instructed as laid down, shuffling weakly in an attempt to get comfortable. "I think the baby's head down, they keep kicking at my ribs. A little hard for them to be head-up and kick at my ribs," he joked weakly as the exam started.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Dr. Foss gives Marcus a smile. “That is very true,” she says as she moves to begin her exam. “Let’s just make sure,” she adds as she places her hands on his extended belly and begins to feel around checking the size and position of the baby.

“Well the baby is definitely heads down which is a good thing. If it was breech I would be recommending a c-section but since it is heads down we can proceed with a natural delivery,” she explains as she steps away and gets a pair of gloves. “Now I just need to do another check on your cervix and then we can talk options. Can you get in position for me?”

Marcus laid down on his back, bending his legs so the doctor could do another cervix check. He tried to relax, but the exam was still pretty uncomfortable, especially since the pregnancy made him rather sensitive.

✨don't look at my sin✨

The doctor gives Marcus a smile as she finishes her exam. “All done,” she tells him with a smile as she covers him backup and removes her gloves. “You are still at one centimeter,” she tells him as she sits the bed back up. “You could stay at this point for a while but because we are seeing some tiny regular contractions and even though the baby is looking great now, while you slept the baby was showing small signs of stress, most likely from the accident, I am going to recommend we induce you today,” she tells him before pausing to let the information sink in. “If you agree to the induction there are several ways we can do it. However the route I am going to recommend is that we set you up with a pitocin IV to start the contractions and to give you a medicated suppository to help your cervix start to soften and dilate. Do you have any questions?”

Marcus nodded as the doctor explained what would be happening, feeling nervous and excited at the prospect of getting to meet his baby soon. "Whatever works the best, I'm down for it. How long do you think it's all gonna take?"

✨don't look at my sin✨

“It can sometimes take the medication a couple hours to start working but once labor begins it can be anywhere from 3 to 8 hours depending on how your body works with the medication. Either way it is faster than natural labor would be. Now I am going to go put the order in for the medication. Nurse Elsie will be I. Soon to deliver it and bring you breakfast. Because we are inducing labor it will be a very light meal as we don’t want you to eat too much in case we end up needing to preform a c-section. Try and get some rest while you can,” she tells him with a smile. “By the end of the day you will have your baby in your arms,” she adds as she leaves the room.

A few minutes later Nurse Elsie enters the room pushing a cart full of supplies and also carrying a covered food tray. “I hear someone is going to be having a baby today,” she says warmly as she stops by the bed and closes the privacy curtain. “I have the medication the doctor ordered as well as your breakfast. Let’s get you set up with the meds and then I will leave you to eat,” she tell him as she puts in a pair of gloves. Working quickly she changes out his empty IV bag with a new one and also sets up the Pitocin and attaches it to the catheter in his arm. After she gets it flowing she has him get back in position and inserts the suppository. “There we go,” she tells him as she removes her gloves and washes her hands. “You should be in labor soon. For now I have your breakfast and then will leave you to rest while you wait,” she tell him as she places the food tray on the bed table and rolls it in front of him. “The doctor wants you to eat lightly so it is on,y a scrambled egg and a couple pieces of toast but there is some juice to go with it,” she tells him. “Now I have to go check on another patient but make sure you page me as soon as you start feeling regular contractions. Your baby will be here before you know it,” she tells him giving him a supportive squeeze on the arm before leaving the room.

Cairi nods in understanding. "Thank you." After the nurse leaves, she wipes her eyes and takes a sip of water. She lays there for a while, rubbing her belly and humming to her babies. When yhe doctor arrives, Cairi feels quite relaxed and even safe with him. "H-hi. I'm Cairi." She gives him a small smile. "They say they suspect I'm in early labor, but i haven't been having any contractions today. Not even Braxton Hicks, which i do have sometimes. I'm 8 and a half months pregnant and i've been homeless almost the entire time. I've only seen a doctor once. I got a shot in at a free clinic and i found out i'm having a little girl and a little boy. There haven't been any complications that i know of, but i imagine the stress from being homeless and alone hasn't done any good." She rubs her belly some more. "I'm sorry."

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