The Alien Futa (Closed w/BubbleBelly321)

(03-14-2019, 08:20 AM)BubbleBelly321 Wrote:  I nod my head slowly. "Alright, just try to stay relaxed. I'll make sure to look after you." I whisper in his ear, before sitting up once more.

I slowly move, unsheathing my well hidden cock from between my legs. I only take a second to give my appendage a few good strokes, ensuring it's nice and slicked up, before I slowly start to press it against Naethan's now nicely stretched hole. It doesn't take a long time at all until I'm moaning as I feel myself filling up the tight space inside this human. It's honestly like nothing else I've ever felt before, only cementing the feeling that I made the right choice with this one.

"Oh...oh my god." I continue to moan, as I press myself in closer. " feel so good Naethan."

I didn't have to wait long to see what she would do. I felt something big and wide poke my hole; I suck in a breath as my hole gave way from the intrusion. I can feel myself trembling from how big her...cock was. Oh...fuck, I feel so full right now. I let out a shaky moan from that amazing feeling. The affects of the alcohol were slowly wearing off, but its been enhancing the feelings I've been having for Essa ever since I met her. I can feel her cock inside me; never in my whole life have I ever been fucked by an alien. Am I about to lose my virginity up the ass to an alien?. My thoughts end there as I feel her about to move. I turn my head towards her, and say, "you feel good, too Essa. This is my first time, so please be gentle." She kisses me on lips, our connection is intense when we became as one.

Hello! These are/were my social media accounts to RP with me:

Tumblr: blueeblues (You'll get a fairly quick response. It's not my preferred account, though.) (Edit as of May 25, 2024: I don't roleplay on Tumblr anymore.)

Deviantart: blueeblues (same dragon picture as my profile pic on here) (Edit as of March 16, 2023: You will not get a quick response, since I am rarely on there now.)

Kik: MonitorXX (You'll get a quick response)(Edit as of March 14, 2023: I do not have Kik anymore.)

Discord: MonitorX#9527 (You'll get a VERY quick response, I roleplay on Discord now.)

Just letting you know in advance, I am currently not RPing on MpregCentral, since my responses will not be as quick, and I am rarely on here, anyways. So, if you private message me on MC, there is a 90% chance I won't respond back to you. It's easier for me to use Discord, which is why I HIGHLY recommend it. Big Grin

I can't help kissing Naethan, and I feel glad that he's not scared or upset. I take my time, still kissing him, but taking care to move slowly as I keep thrusting inside him. His words seem to encourage me. I can't help but feel turned on, as my cock grows harder with each passing second. Soon I can feel something I've never actually felt before, but can recognize immediately. An egg starts moving down between my legs, waiting to be implanted.

"Naethan...I'm...I'm so close. I need you to stay calm though, this...this might get...intense." My cock throbs and hardens, my muscles preparing to place the egg into my new mate.

(03-14-2019, 09:00 AM)BubbleBelly321 Wrote:  I can't help kissing Naethan, and I feel glad that he's not scared or upset. I take my time, still kissing him, but taking care to move slowly as I keep thrusting inside him. His words seem to encourage me. I can't help but feel turned on, as my cock grows harder with each passing second. Soon I can feel something I've never actually felt before, but can recognize immediately. An egg starts moving down between my legs, waiting to be implanted.

"Naethan...I'm...I'm so close. I need you to stay calm though, this...this might get...intense." My cock throbs and hardens, my muscles preparing to place the egg into my new mate.

I'm kissing her, thrusting back and forth, back and forth. Her cock keeps bumping into my prostate, causing me to twitch in pleasure, and moan in her mouth. She goes faster, hitting my prostate, and I clutch the covers of the bed as I pant in ecstasy. As she's going faster, her cock gets bigger, if that's even possible. I can feel two things...big things, making their way down her cock and inside me. It almost feels like the size of those baseballs back when Earth wasn't destroyed, I vaguely thought. My mouth was wide open, and my eyes closed, as I felt the foreign objects finally get inside me. I feel her seed fill my body a long with them, giving my belly a bit of a pudge. I cum after that, then let go. I give a sigh of relief, finally, the feeling of emptiness is gone.

Hello! These are/were my social media accounts to RP with me:

Tumblr: blueeblues (You'll get a fairly quick response. It's not my preferred account, though.) (Edit as of May 25, 2024: I don't roleplay on Tumblr anymore.)

Deviantart: blueeblues (same dragon picture as my profile pic on here) (Edit as of March 16, 2023: You will not get a quick response, since I am rarely on there now.)

Kik: MonitorXX (You'll get a quick response)(Edit as of March 14, 2023: I do not have Kik anymore.)

Discord: MonitorX#9527 (You'll get a VERY quick response, I roleplay on Discord now.)

Just letting you know in advance, I am currently not RPing on MpregCentral, since my responses will not be as quick, and I am rarely on here, anyways. So, if you private message me on MC, there is a 90% chance I won't respond back to you. It's easier for me to use Discord, which is why I HIGHLY recommend it. Big Grin

A strong feeling of relief and pleasure washes over my whole body, as the egg nestles inside Naethan, and I feel my seed moving to fertilize it. I can't help but cry out loudly, until I'm all done, then kiss the human, and move so I can spoon him from behind. All the while, I keep my cock in place, the appendage still swollen to ensure the eggs implant successfully.

"Mmmm...that was...amazing." I curl up closely to Naethan, my eyes feeling heavy. "You were incredible."

(03-14-2019, 09:30 AM)BubbleBelly321 Wrote:  A strong feeling of relief and pleasure washes over my whole body, as the egg nestles inside Naethan, and I feel my seed moving to fertilize it. I can't help but cry out loudly, until I'm all done, then kiss the human, and move so I can spoon him from behind. All the while, I keep my cock in place, the appendage still swollen to ensure the eggs implant successfully.

"Mmmm...that was...amazing." I curl up closely to Naethan, my eyes feeling heavy. "You were incredible."

I hummed in content, agreeing with her. I like her in me, but man, this fullness is...weird, almost constipated feeling. I frown a little at this. Whatever she put in me, will hopefully come out of me...right? I yawn, dismissing these thoughts till the morning. I'll think about this later, feeling drowsy as I think it. I hold her arms that were around me tighter, her hand on my belly, rubbing it. She kisses my neck, as I drown in the sweet darkness.

Hello! These are/were my social media accounts to RP with me:

Tumblr: blueeblues (You'll get a fairly quick response. It's not my preferred account, though.) (Edit as of May 25, 2024: I don't roleplay on Tumblr anymore.)

Deviantart: blueeblues (same dragon picture as my profile pic on here) (Edit as of March 16, 2023: You will not get a quick response, since I am rarely on there now.)

Kik: MonitorXX (You'll get a quick response)(Edit as of March 14, 2023: I do not have Kik anymore.)

Discord: MonitorX#9527 (You'll get a VERY quick response, I roleplay on Discord now.)

Just letting you know in advance, I am currently not RPing on MpregCentral, since my responses will not be as quick, and I am rarely on here, anyways. So, if you private message me on MC, there is a 90% chance I won't respond back to you. It's easier for me to use Discord, which is why I HIGHLY recommend it. Big Grin

It feels as though only a few short minutes pass, before I drift off to sleep holding Naethan close. I end up waking up once or twice in the night, only to find that we're still attached to one another, so I simply fall back asleep and wait. Only when it's early morning do I finally feel my large appendage deflate enough for us to separate. Naethan shifts a bit, but stays asleep, so I try to ponder my next step.

No matter what, Nathan will likely want an explanation for everything that happened, as well as what's to come next. After glancing around the room, and taking care not to disturb the still sleeping human, I find a clean shirt that had been tossed aside, and put on my underwear. I then take care to re-sheathe my cock before heading to the kitchen. Both of us will need some energy, and he'll need nutrients. So I get to work making some breakfast out of whatever I can find.

(03-17-2019, 10:53 AM)BubbleBelly321 Wrote:  It feels as though only a few short minutes pass, before I drift off to sleep holding Naethan close. I end up waking up once or twice in the night, only to find that we're still attached to one another, so I simply fall back asleep and wait. Only when it's early morning do I finally feel my large appendage deflate enough for us to separate. Naethan shifts a bit, but stays asleep, so I try to ponder my next step.

No matter what, Nathan will likely want an explanation for everything that happened, as well as what's to come next.  After glancing around the room, and taking care not to disturb the still sleeping human, I find a clean shirt that had been tossed aside, and put on my underwear. I then take care to re-sheathe my cock before heading to the kitchen. Both of us will need some energy, and he'll need nutrients. So I get to work making some breakfast out of whatever I can find.

The smell of food hits my nose, causing me to slowly wake up from my slumber. I never felt this sluggish in my entire life, and still I'm so full. I turn to lay on my back, holding my stomach with both hands. My stomach, before I had sex, was a six pack, but now I look a bit bloated, and it feels almost solid, too. What the fuck did this lady to do me? Why am I not getting out of bed to yell at her to leave? I stare at my stomach in concern, but I get up anyways, so I can get to the bottom of this; it's not an easy task, taking me five minutes to get up because I'm so tired. When I eventually get up, I feel a bit dizzy causing me to clutch my stomach and the bed frame. I take a few deep breaths, my eyes closed, vaguely thinking, that's never happened before. I take one final deep breath, and stand up. The smell of food finally gets to me, causing this painful hunger in me, my hand from before clutching it tighter. I gotta eat, but Essa has some explaining to do before I put anything in my mouth. I turn around to grab my gun that was under my pillow. Once I grabbed my gun, I walked with determination to the kitchen, and I pointed my gun at her backside, the smell of the food at full-force, my stomach growling loudly. My determination faltered as I looked into her eyes, when she turned from the sound of my stomach growling, then I became nervous. She's a complete stranger, Naethan! But she looks so great, Naethan! She's done something to you that was done without your consent, when you were vulnerable! When you were still drunk! My eyes started to tear up at that. Yet there's just something about her that makes me not care about what she has done to me. I feel...complete when I'm with her. Oh, pull yourself together, Naethan; again, complete stranger. She's cooking in my kitchen like she owns the place. She can cook for me anytime, whatever she's cooking smells good. This bitch needs to die, Naethan! No, she needs to live! By now, I was trembling, my gun shaking in my hand. I was crying at this point, having a war inside my head.

Hello! These are/were my social media accounts to RP with me:

Tumblr: blueeblues (You'll get a fairly quick response. It's not my preferred account, though.) (Edit as of May 25, 2024: I don't roleplay on Tumblr anymore.)

Deviantart: blueeblues (same dragon picture as my profile pic on here) (Edit as of March 16, 2023: You will not get a quick response, since I am rarely on there now.)

Kik: MonitorXX (You'll get a quick response)(Edit as of March 14, 2023: I do not have Kik anymore.)

Discord: MonitorX#9527 (You'll get a VERY quick response, I roleplay on Discord now.)

Just letting you know in advance, I am currently not RPing on MpregCentral, since my responses will not be as quick, and I am rarely on here, anyways. So, if you private message me on MC, there is a 90% chance I won't respond back to you. It's easier for me to use Discord, which is why I HIGHLY recommend it. Big Grin

As i turn around and see Naethan standing there and shaking with a gun pointed at me, i slowly raise my hands and try to remain calm. He seems distressed, and likely in shock, so I do my best to not try to surprise him or escalate things any further.

"Naethan, please listen to me. You need to calm down. I promise, I'm not going to do anything to harm you. This is your home, and you're safe here. I'll leave if you want me to, but I feel you have some questions for me that desperately need answering."

(03-21-2019, 03:22 AM)BubbleBelly321 Wrote:  As i turn around and see Naethan standing there and shaking with a gun pointed at me, i slowly raise my hands and try to remain calm. He seems distressed, and likely in shock, so I do my best to not try to surprise him or escalate things any further.

"Naethan, please listen to me. You need to calm down. I promise, I'm not going to do anything to harm you. This is your home, and you're safe here. I'll leave if you want me to, but I feel you have some questions for me that desperately need answering."

Her voice jolts me out my thoughts, my breathing is slowly coming back to normal, not realizing that my breathing was wrong in the first place. My hand, that was holding the gun, stopped shaking, but it still pointed right at her. I nervously look at her, "You damn right, I need answers lady. We had sex - great, I gave my consent for that - but I never gave you consent for whatever the fuck you did to me. I don't understand why I have conflicting emotions with you, I want to shoot you, but at the same time I don't. I have this connection with you, and I just want you to take care of me, why?" I ask, desperately. I brought my left hand down to hold my stomach. "What did you do to me?"

Hello! These are/were my social media accounts to RP with me:

Tumblr: blueeblues (You'll get a fairly quick response. It's not my preferred account, though.) (Edit as of May 25, 2024: I don't roleplay on Tumblr anymore.)

Deviantart: blueeblues (same dragon picture as my profile pic on here) (Edit as of March 16, 2023: You will not get a quick response, since I am rarely on there now.)

Kik: MonitorXX (You'll get a quick response)(Edit as of March 14, 2023: I do not have Kik anymore.)

Discord: MonitorX#9527 (You'll get a VERY quick response, I roleplay on Discord now.)

Just letting you know in advance, I am currently not RPing on MpregCentral, since my responses will not be as quick, and I am rarely on here, anyways. So, if you private message me on MC, there is a 90% chance I won't respond back to you. It's easier for me to use Discord, which is why I HIGHLY recommend it. Big Grin

I stare at Naethan, trying not to let my face betray any emotions. I'd heard of people mating with my kind reacting with aggression on the following morning before, and I needed to be careful here. "I'll tell you, but you need to either give me your gun, or put it away. I don't respond well to threats of violence, and I'dhate for you to do anything you may end up regretting later."

(03-21-2019, 04:21 AM)BubbleBelly321 Wrote:  I stare at Naethan, trying not to let my face betray any emotions. I'd heard of people mating with my kind reacting with aggression on the following morning before, and I needed to be careful here. "I'll tell you, but you need to either give me your gun, or put it away. I don't respond well to threats of violence, and I'dhate for you to do anything you may end up regretting later."

I slowly lower my gun, and walk towards the counter that was right next to the table, and put it on there, all the while, I'm watching her. Okay, I may have overreacted, or maybe not, but she needs to explain. I sit down at the table, folding my arms, and I look at her in a menacing way. "Explain", I say in a no-nonsense voice.

Hello! These are/were my social media accounts to RP with me:

Tumblr: blueeblues (You'll get a fairly quick response. It's not my preferred account, though.) (Edit as of May 25, 2024: I don't roleplay on Tumblr anymore.)

Deviantart: blueeblues (same dragon picture as my profile pic on here) (Edit as of March 16, 2023: You will not get a quick response, since I am rarely on there now.)

Kik: MonitorXX (You'll get a quick response)(Edit as of March 14, 2023: I do not have Kik anymore.)

Discord: MonitorX#9527 (You'll get a VERY quick response, I roleplay on Discord now.)

Just letting you know in advance, I am currently not RPing on MpregCentral, since my responses will not be as quick, and I am rarely on here, anyways. So, if you private message me on MC, there is a 90% chance I won't respond back to you. It's easier for me to use Discord, which is why I HIGHLY recommend it. Big Grin

I take a breath and sit at the table. "Well, to make a long story very simple, I'm an alien." It seems just giving Naethan clear answers would be the best way to approach the strange news coming his way. At least, I hope this is the case.

"My kind seek out a mate among other species when it's time for us to reproduce, and we end up picking those who are most biologically, and psychologically compatible with us as individuals." I take a moment to guage his reaction, but continue on. "Essentially, because of our high compatibility, my body reacted, and laid my eggs inside you."

(03-21-2019, 04:41 AM)BubbleBelly321 Wrote:  I take a breath and sit at the table. "Well, to make a long story very simple, I'm an alien." It seems just giving Naethan clear answers would be the best way to approach the strange news coming his way. At least, I hope this is the case.

"My kind seek out a mate among other species when it's time for us to reproduce, and we end up picking those who are most biologically, and psychologically compatible with us as individuals." I take a moment to guage his reaction, but continue on. "Essentially, because of our high compatibility, my body reacted, and laid my eggs inside you."

Well, huh, that explains a lot. The shock on my face clear as day. I, then, stare at her with a blank expression. "Surprisingly, I'm not disgusted. I feel...protected when I'm with you, when it should really be the other way around." I look down at my bloated tummy, and put my hands on it. "I should hate you for what you've done to be, but I can't. These...eggs are, essentially, babies." My eyes tear up. God, damn it, Essa, fuck it; I'm going to see where this takes us. I sniffle a little, then look up at her. "At least you were straight foward with me, so I won't kick you out." I chuckle at the end, smiling at her.

Hello! These are/were my social media accounts to RP with me:

Tumblr: blueeblues (You'll get a fairly quick response. It's not my preferred account, though.) (Edit as of May 25, 2024: I don't roleplay on Tumblr anymore.)

Deviantart: blueeblues (same dragon picture as my profile pic on here) (Edit as of March 16, 2023: You will not get a quick response, since I am rarely on there now.)

Kik: MonitorXX (You'll get a quick response)(Edit as of March 14, 2023: I do not have Kik anymore.)

Discord: MonitorX#9527 (You'll get a VERY quick response, I roleplay on Discord now.)

Just letting you know in advance, I am currently not RPing on MpregCentral, since my responses will not be as quick, and I am rarely on here, anyways. So, if you private message me on MC, there is a 90% chance I won't respond back to you. It's easier for me to use Discord, which is why I HIGHLY recommend it. Big Grin

I visibly relax as Naethan does the same. Still, I feel the need to reassure and explain things further. "I'm glad you're taking this well. Your conflicting emotions likely came about from the chemical changes in your body, as well as your worries regarding the changes. I am sorry,I i should have informed you sooner, and that was completely my fault." I smile, and move to serve breakfast. "If there's anything else you want to know, dont hesitate to ask."

(03-21-2019, 05:03 AM)BubbleBelly321 Wrote:  I visibly relax as Naethan does the same. Still, I feel the need to reassure and explain things further. "I'm glad you're taking this well. Your conflicting emotions likely came about from the chemical changes in your body, as well as your worries regarding the changes. I am sorry,I i should have informed you sooner, and that was completely my fault." I smile, and move to serve breakfast. "If there's anything else you want to know, dont hesitate to ask."

Once she puts the food in front of me, my belly gave out a deep gurgle, and I immediately ate like it was my last meal on Earth. I didn't even care what I ate, all I wanted was the sustenance to fill me up, but the time I realized my actions, my plate was completely empty, and Essa had a smug look on her face, her eyes filled with pride. She seems satisfied, I blushed at her, feeling some questions burning in my brain. "Um, is feeling like I'm going to starve going to be a common occurrence during this...pregnancy? How will I give...birth? How long is this pregnancy? And why am I feeling this constant fullness? I mean, I kind of like it. I'm starting to feel protective of the life inside me." I rub my belly a little, pressing down on it, only to feel - not fat, but a firmness to it.

Hello! These are/were my social media accounts to RP with me:

Tumblr: blueeblues (You'll get a fairly quick response. It's not my preferred account, though.) (Edit as of May 25, 2024: I don't roleplay on Tumblr anymore.)

Deviantart: blueeblues (same dragon picture as my profile pic on here) (Edit as of March 16, 2023: You will not get a quick response, since I am rarely on there now.)

Kik: MonitorXX (You'll get a quick response)(Edit as of March 14, 2023: I do not have Kik anymore.)

Discord: MonitorX#9527 (You'll get a VERY quick response, I roleplay on Discord now.)

Just letting you know in advance, I am currently not RPing on MpregCentral, since my responses will not be as quick, and I am rarely on here, anyways. So, if you private message me on MC, there is a 90% chance I won't respond back to you. It's easier for me to use Discord, which is why I HIGHLY recommend it. Big Grin

I manage to eat some food ad well, though it seems as if Naethan eats most of the meal. As he asks his various questions though, I simply nod my head and calmly start to explain.

"Increased hunger is normal honestly. It's just the eggs requiring more nutrients to sustain themselves. The fullness is because the eggs are likely pressing on a few organs until your body is able to adapt to them. The protectiveness is your hormones allowing you to accept the changes in your body, and keep anyone or anything from harming them or you during the...year or so you'll actually be pregnant for." I take a sip of water before continuing.

"As for birth, since you don't have a womb they'll likely exit the same way they went in."

(03-21-2019, 05:46 AM)BubbleBelly321 Wrote:  I manage to eat some food ad well, though it seems as if Naethan eats most of the meal. As he asks his various questions though, I simply nod my head and calmly start to explain.

"Increased hunger is normal honestly. It's just the eggs requiring more nutrients to sustain themselves. The fullness is because the eggs are likely pressing on a few organs until your body is able to adapt to them. The protectiveness is your hormones allowing you to accept the changes in your body, and keep anyone or anything from harming them or you during the...year or so you'll actually be pregnant for." I take a sip of water before continuing.

"As for birth, since you don't have a womb they'll likely exit the same way they went in."

I freeze up at her last statement. The same way they went in? That's going to hurt...a lot. Oh, god, the thought of pushing them out. I cringed a little at that. I stare at her again, I don't think I'm ready for kids, and this is pretty bizarre, but I'll give Essa a chance. "Essa, I'm scared, and I don't think I'm ready to have kids, but since you knocked me up, I want to ask if we can try to be a couple; like, I'm asking you out on a date - I mean, if you don't want to be in a relationship or go on a date, and just be friends for our children, then that's also fine, too..." I trailed off with a nervous chuckle. God, I'm so nervous. First, I get dumped and cheated on by my ex, and now I'm pregnant and asking my baby mama - baby father? On a date. Is this my life right now?

Hello! These are/were my social media accounts to RP with me:

Tumblr: blueeblues (You'll get a fairly quick response. It's not my preferred account, though.) (Edit as of May 25, 2024: I don't roleplay on Tumblr anymore.)

Deviantart: blueeblues (same dragon picture as my profile pic on here) (Edit as of March 16, 2023: You will not get a quick response, since I am rarely on there now.)

Kik: MonitorXX (You'll get a quick response)(Edit as of March 14, 2023: I do not have Kik anymore.)

Discord: MonitorX#9527 (You'll get a VERY quick response, I roleplay on Discord now.)

Just letting you know in advance, I am currently not RPing on MpregCentral, since my responses will not be as quick, and I am rarely on here, anyways. So, if you private message me on MC, there is a 90% chance I won't respond back to you. It's easier for me to use Discord, which is why I HIGHLY recommend it. Big Grin

(Really sorry I disappeared for a bit. I was pretty sick for a while, but I'm going to try and get back into my RPs when I have time!)

I just blink in silence for a moment, as Naethan looks nervous waiting for a reply. I set down my glass of water, smiling calmly and nodding my head.

"In all honesty, I'm open to any kind of relationship you'd like to have with me. If you want us to be friends, that's fine. You want me to leave you alone after you give birth, i can do that as well. I won't deny i find you attractive though, and am interested if you want to pursue a romantic relationship." I move to hold his hand. "Whatever you're comfortable with. "

(04-22-2019, 01:22 AM)BubbleBelly321 Wrote:  (Really sorry I disappeared for a bit. I was pretty sick for a while, but I'm going to try and get back into my RPs when I have time!)

I just blink in silence for a moment, as Naethan looks nervous waiting for a reply. I set down my glass of water, smiling calmly and nodding my head.

"In all honesty, I'm open to any kind of relationship you'd like to have with me. If you want us to be friends, that's fine. You want me to leave you alone after you give birth, i can do that as well. I won't deny i find you attractive though, and am interested if you want to pursue a romantic relationship." I move to hold his hand. "Whatever you're comfortable with. "

I looked down at our hands. Maybe, this could be my second chance at happiness. Sure, Essa knocked me up, but if I'm having children, and she's going to be there...then, I'm ready for the long haul - 18 years of it, or...until they reach adulthood since they're part alien - are they part alien? Got to ask Essa. It's never going to stop amazing me that I'm pregnant. A smile slowly crossed my face, and I looked at her, her eyes looking at me in fondness. "I want a second chance at happiness, and maybe - hopefully, with you, we can be together for the long haul in this pregnancy and beyond that, too. I would really like for us to go on a date, Essa - see where this goes for us. I feel a connection towards you - yeah, it's compatibility, but I want us to be more than that. I have a question that could either make me sad or happy. Are our children part alien? Do they have my DNA? It would suck if I'm essentially just a vessel, and I won't feel a connection towards them - have a family bond, you know?" I squeezed her hand a little, waiting for her response.

(You're good! I was away for awhile, too. I sent you a message explaining why)

Hello! These are/were my social media accounts to RP with me:

Tumblr: blueeblues (You'll get a fairly quick response. It's not my preferred account, though.) (Edit as of May 25, 2024: I don't roleplay on Tumblr anymore.)

Deviantart: blueeblues (same dragon picture as my profile pic on here) (Edit as of March 16, 2023: You will not get a quick response, since I am rarely on there now.)

Kik: MonitorXX (You'll get a quick response)(Edit as of March 14, 2023: I do not have Kik anymore.)

Discord: MonitorX#9527 (You'll get a VERY quick response, I roleplay on Discord now.)

Just letting you know in advance, I am currently not RPing on MpregCentral, since my responses will not be as quick, and I am rarely on here, anyways. So, if you private message me on MC, there is a 90% chance I won't respond back to you. It's easier for me to use Discord, which is why I HIGHLY recommend it. Big Grin

I blink my eyes slowly, and listen to Naethan's concerns and questions. Despite how ofthen it seems this human has already surprised me in the short time I've known him, it seems he continues to do so with his reactions. Unsure of what else I can really say in response at first, i chuckle.

"I'm sorry. I just find your emotional response to all this...amusing. Most humans commonly seem to hope for the opposite of what you seem to desire." I clear my throat and calm down, though I still smile. "I'll have to check with a few of my people's superiors, but they should be completely fine with us being together. As for the children that develop from the eggs, they do have your DNA. I can explain the specifics if you like, but essentially they get genetics from both parents."

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