Edoross Drabbles (closed with chrome)
(This is gonna most likely be slow burn on the mpreg, tho past and future pregnancies are discussed and like 90 percent of the characters are male. If for some reason its not considered fit for the rp thread, feel free to delete it, mods) ( also any pics used, anime for chars, since its less weird for me then pics of actual ppl, pics of places, houses, or rooms, ect....ect...are for ref only and I put no claim on them, all that belongs to the original creators....just wanted to say)


Their house was small and nestled away for privacy and peace... seculded from anyone for miles and miles. Ethan was actually happy with the tiny house, it had two bedrooms, so it was large enough to serve a purpose for their small family. Cross didn't seem to care either way, often pointing out that they were hardly ever there anyway.

That was true too, they spent more time at Diesel's place then anywhere, or Cross did, he ran errands for the man and Ethan himself spent most of his time wondering around the parimiter. Their son spent most of his time with Ahren, a very good friend of Ethan's and Diesel's brother.

As much as Ethan hated to admit it, his son was safer with the other man then with either of his own parents, what with the mansion being fortified and guarded so well.

"Why are you sulking?" a voice sounded in his ear and Ethan jumped, face coloring as he turned his single eye on his alpha. "I'm not sulking, I'm thinking", he replied, somewhat icily, much to the alphas amusement. "What are you even doing down here?"

Cross grinned at his omega, eager to turn the light flush of his cheeks into a full blown blush. "Watching you, obviously, nothing else to do really", he slipped an arm around the omegas trim waist pulled him close, one hand trailing downward to give a squeeze to a firm rounded cheek.

They were nearly equal in height, and build, though Cross knew his own strength was superior, being as he wasn't human, and an alpha besides, though he liked to entertain Ethan in allowing him to fight against his hold.

"The hell are you doing!?' Ethan demanded, face heating and golden eyes molten with annoyance, embarrassment, and a little bit of arousal. "There's guards arond here you asshole! You wanna give them a free show or something?"

Cross followed Ethan's line of sight to a couple of passing guards and shrugged. "I'm not ashamed of showing my mate...'affection', he purred as he trailed his lips down the omega's throat and with a finger pulled at the T-shirt covering the claim mark.

"Staking your claim, you mean", Ethan muttered, breathe hitching just so, as Cross' cool lips touched the mark. The alpha smirked as he felt a shudder run through the brunettes body as his teeth nipped. He laughed when the omega yelped as teeth bit hard enough to draw blood, though it wasn't deep enough to cause more then a sting. 

No, the shudders running through the omegas body weren't because of pain, and it was all he could do not to just take the omega then and there. A look at Ethan's face showed that it was indeed red, almost a match for the alphas hair and eyes.  He had done his job of teasing the omega, while also warding off the lingering eyes of other alphas.

"You should see Ahren about some suppressants", he stated a he pulled away and fished a cigarette from his pocket. "I can smell your heat approaching, and while I would like nothing more then to breed you through it....", he smirked as he heard the humans breath catch. "I have to take care of some business for D".

Ethan crossed his arms and snorted. "Of course, you do. Not that I wanna be breed anyway, I already have suppresants, thank you", he snipped back as he tried to shake off the last vessages of arousal the alphas teasing had caused, he ignored the part of his mind that ask why he had yet to take said suppressants.

"What are you gonna be doing anyway?' He ask as he leaned against the railing that sectioned off the cliff face. He stood far away from the alpha that he could ignore the enticing spicy scent that clung to the red head. He stared over the clifftop, and vaguely wondered if Shawn had spidermaned his way down it yet or not... most likely he had, it would explain the chain link that was waiting to be put around the cliff face.

When Cross didn't answer, he turned to look at his alpha and found him glaring down a stopped guard. " What are you doing?"

Cross turned then, gaze on the omegas backside, curved and encased in jeans pulled taunt where the omega had leaned over to grasp the rail. He gave a passing glance back to where the guard had stood; having run off bow, and shrugged.

"Nothing. And besides, I doubt you want to know what I have to do for D, so best not to ask", he moved forward and placed a quick, deep kiss to his omegas lips. "Take those suppressants, and stay with Ahren for the week", he said, hands slipping into his pockets causally, though his other wise cool words held a tone that the omega knew better then to argue with.

" Yeah, maybe I will, I wanna spend time with Haven anyway... One of us should, at least". 

He hasn't seen much of their son in the last month and Ethan found himself feeling even less like a mother then ever. 

His alpha seemed to pickup on his mood, but instead of being sweet and comforting, he just gave Ethans ass a squeeze that made him yelp and turn with the urge to deck him, only to find that the red eyed alpha was already half up the path cackling like a hyena.

As infuriating as the man could be, Ethan always felt as if half of him were missing when Cross was gone, and he found himself praying to who ever would listen that he always made it back safe.

(That was a lot longer then I expected...and maybe I should post these as drabbles in the library? Well it's part of a rp tho, so I don't know.)
Sneaking around Diesel's compound was almost as fun as annoying the alpha into giving him attention. 

Shawn had considered that his 'crush' on the man was possibly turning into obsession, but there was something about the alpha that called to him, or his omega-self maybe. Either way, Diesel was much to interesting to just leave him be, despite the alphas warnings.

Dressing himself in a pair of old butter soft jeans that clung to his long lean legs, and a form fitting black tee, Shawn buckled himself into a harness he'd had hidden away, and proceeded to repel his way down the cliff side.

Diesels compound was well hidden and well guarded... or seemed to be at least. Most of the guards seemed somewhat lax, or maybe overly confident in their abilities, so they missed his presence.

Then again, maybe they knew and didn't care because they thought of him as just an omega and not a threat.... Not that was, but still, it was a little insulting.

Shaking off the annoyance the thought had brought, Shawn continued down the cliff face until his dropped onto overhang that sheltered the top of the compound.

There was a set of stairs along the rocks that twisted around the building, but it was in line of sight and half the fun of sneaking was, well being sneaky and well there were a mass of beautiful trees that gradually lowered into a thick bussel of ornate shrubbery.

He had climbed up and down, then down and up, branches rustling and creaking as he went. It was on the last tree that his hand had slipped and Shawn felt as if the world had disappeared beneath him as he fell down into a bush that had once looked soft but clearly wasn't. 

He found himself covered in scratches; possibly bruises to be found later, and his long hair a tangled mess of twigs and leaves. He ignored the urge to pout as he tried in vain to put it back in some semblance of order. Monkey he was not, and tree climbing had never actually been part his training.

There was a snicker and Shawin found himself starring into the amused red and black eyes of his 'brothers' mate. 

"Um... I can explain, 'cept not really", he said in a voice that was reminisant of a child who had been caught stealing cookies.

"You came to see D, obviously, not that I actually care, amusing as the two of you are, but as head of the security team I have to act like I'm doing my job", his finger tapped a pair of cuffs attached to his belt. 

Shawn raised a brow, but his eye held a eager look. "I call bull on that, but if means I get see Diesel, then by all means, cuff me", he held out his wrist with a little grin and a bounce in his step. Cross smirked and shook his head.

"These cuffs are for another omega later".

Still, he wrapped a big hand around one of the omegas biceps and matched him into the house, a little eager to see what drama would unfold this time between his boss/friend and the odd omega currently humming happily by his side.
It had been a little more than four months since the twins had been born and Diesel had become much more lax when it came to Shawn’s presence around the compound, even allowing the eccentric blond to assist with the twins when he found himself overwhelmed – though he would never admit it himself. For someone who was generally so stoic, Shawn was rather impressed and even more interested in the softness that had been brought out of the criminal by the twins.

Shawn had spent the last forty or so minutes wandering around the outside of Diesel’s home embedded into the cliff face, doing his best to keep out of the way of the guards. He’d even spotted Cross once or twice but had yet to see the man he’d actually come to see. There even seemed to be more guards than usual hanging around outside and that made Shawn slightly curious.

Before he could figure out what was going on, he was approached by one of the guards who had been standing next to a large pile of boxes in front of the garage.

The guards around the compound didn’t usually approach Shawn, and Diesel had – in private – once admitted to giving them specific orders to leave Shawn alone despite his numerous attempts at sneaking around. Only Cross approached him once in a while, since he seemed to be an exception to all of Diesel’s rules and orders. So when the large man dressed in black with a large weapon strapped across one shoulder came towards him, to say he was a little surprised would be only a slight understatement.

“Have you seen the boss?” the man asked, knowing that if anyone had seen Diesel it would be Shawn. “The house is still locked up and we have deliveries to put inside.”

Shawn shook his head, and for a moment was slightly concerned. It was almost eleven in the morning and Diesel was always the first person up and moving around the area, before the guards and Cross even showed up. Also the fact that Shawn had been there for close to an hour now and hadn’t seen the German himself was something that never happened.

Before Shawn could say anything else the guard had walked off back towards the packages that now needed guarding until it could be placed into the home with the rest of their equipment. Not that Shawn had anything to say anyway that wasn’t already conveyed by the shaking of his head. Instead his hand fished into the front pocket of his jeans and his fingers caught hold of the small copper key in his pocket – copper keys so a certain someone couldn’t get his hands on one.

Diesel had given Shawn the key only two months prior, asking the eccentric blond to check on the twins when he’d gotten caught up in a business deal that was going to take longer than expected. When he was finished, surprisingly Diesel did not ask for them back, and Shawn, excitedly, didn’t give them back. He knew Diesel well enough to realize it was a silent gift and the German was much better at actions than words.

Looking around to make sure no one was paying attention, Shawn headed towards the front door of the house. The worry over Diesel’s uncharacteristic absence was winning out over the lecture he might receive for coming into the house without permission – though if Diesel were to point that out Shawn would be quick to add that he had been given a key that allowed such access.

The house was unnaturally quiet, though that was pretty normal for Diesel as he preferred his home to be calm in comparison to the outside noise of the business run around it. He roamed quietly around the large space of the first floor area and spotted nothing unusual but also seeing no sign of Diesel or either of the twins, so he continued his search upstairs.

It didn’t take long before he spotted a slight difference to Diesel’s normal routine; the door to his bedroom was cracked slightly rather than being shut.

Being perhaps a tad bit too daring while not knowing what the man was up to, Shawn headed towards the cracked door to take a peek inside. The lights were off but there was enough sunlight breaking through the curtains for him to see the scene that lay behind the door.

Diesel was laying on the bed, face down and shirtless as Shawn delightfully took in the view of strong back muscles built up from flying. Only one wing was out, spread out on the left side of the bed where he spotted the unmistakable red hair that was Lulu underneath the warm appendage – he could only assume Kroy was buried somewhere under the tattered wing as well.

“What do you want?” The gruff voice, slightly muffled by the pillow, made Shawn immediately aware that Diesel was not actually sleeping.

“Your useless guards are wondering where you are,” Shawn explained before trailing off. “What are you doing?”

One red eye peeked through stark blond bangs as Diesel tilted his head slightly to stare blankly at Shawn. “Sleeping. What does it look like?” His face disappeared back into the pillow and he seemed to shift further into the bed trying to get even more comfortable. Shawn thought it was adorable. “Kinderkrankheiten.”

Shawn made a soft ‘oh’ noise, stepping fully into the room now while closing the door behind him. “How’d you get them to sleep?”

The one black wing lifted up slightly to expose Kroy who had one of Diesel’s fingers in his mouth before the four month old shifted slightly and the wing came down again before the loss of heat woke him up. “It’s uncomfortable but it worked.”

Throughout the conversation Shawn had steadily made his way closer until he was at the unoccupied side of the large king-sized bed. Before he could set himself down on the comfortable surface a hand shot out from the comforter to stop him, red eyes glaring.

“Did you lock my door after you marched your way inside?”

Shawn grinned happily, knowing that wasn’t a dismissal. “Of course, I’m not an idiot as much as everyone else seems to think so.”

It took another moment of staring before Diesel used his hand – the one that wasn’t in an infant’s increasingly sharp mouth – to pull back the covers to allow Shawn inside. Shawn didn’t need to be told twice; kicking his shoes off at lightning speed before snuggling down into the bed close to the body heat coming off the blond alpha.

Surprising even Shawn, as soon as he was inside the bed Diesel’s other wing appeared to wrap itself around him, pulling him closer. A single red eye was staring at him, the other eye already closed in preparation for going back to sleep, warning him not to say anything and just keep quiet. Diesel had an odd way of showing his growing affection but Shawn had already managed to pull this much out of him and he was excited to see what more the German had to offer.
[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"

Heats were simultaneously one of the best and worst things about being an omega.

They could be really fun, assuming one had a partner, preferably an alpha, in his own opinion. It also really sucked if one didn't have a partner to spend it with, which he didn't.

It felt as if lava were running through his veins.

Shawn knew well enough that could go to Ahren's and get some the stronger suppressants that would still knock the heat out, but the whole reason he had forgone said suppressants in the first place was so he didn't compromise his ability to conceive.

So, he went instead to Cali's Bakery because that's were his friend Raliegh spent most of his time these days. And as a former agency medic, the alpha had access to 'Dampeners' which would help the heat to be more bearable...hopefully.

So, Shawn spent the afternoon in Cali's bakery. The omega had even closed up early while Raleigh drove to his clinic for the meds, all the while complaining about the 'stupidy of some people, as he hurried out the door.

"Raligh's so uptight sometimes", the blonde omega whined as he splayed himself oover one of the cool, clean tables. Cali had even turned on the air-conditioning, despite the chill outside. Shawn wanted nothing more then to tackle the red haired omega and snuggle into his chest, but he had went upstairs to check on his children.

"You realise that this whole store is gonna have to be aired out before it can be opened to the public again", Ethan scolded as he sat a glass of water in front of the blonde. The dark haired omega had apparently been helping out that day while he also learned more about the art himself.

Sitting in the chair across from his the ravenette sighed. "I'm surprised that you didn't drive Diesel's insane with the way you smell right now...or any of the other alphas at the compound for that matter", Ethan said and Shawn snorted. He knew there was only one other alpha at the compound that his 'brother' was concerned about.

"I left last night before it out bad", Shawn answered with a little scowl. "Besides, Diesel has a lot of self-control", the blonde answered assuredly.

"Not really", Ethan fired back causally and Shawn narrowed his green eye. "Look Ethan, Diesel and Cross made a mistake...and really not even that, cause the twins are the greatest thing that's ever happened to D, to me even, and really...", Shawn took and breathe before continuing. "You need to get over it. Either you want to forgive them or you don't, pick one and move on".

Ethan's own single eye was a bit wide, and swirling with emotion. "How can I? I want to be with my alpha... I mean hell, we're bonded, but he cheated on me, with his boss and he still works there. How can I not worry?"

Shawn frowned. "They're just friends now, actually hardly that with the way they argue, but they do share children and nothing will ever change that, but I know they aren't anything more then what they are now. Like I said, you either accept it or you don't,there's no in between".

The blonde groaned then as the muscles in his stomach twisted and he felt Ethan touch the top of his head. "I'll think about what you said, but for now, let's get you an aspirin for those cramps and hope that scent of yours doesn't bring in any unwanted costumers".

He moved to grab the pain releivers from under the counter and whimpered at the discomfort. "I only want, D. I'll tear the limbs off anyone who tried to touch me that isn't him", he said between gritted teeth then let out another whimper. "I only ever want my alpha...'cept he's not really my alpha yet and it sucks".

Ethan place two tablets in front of him and ruffled his hair. "Give it time, if your right, then he'll come around soon, and besides that, your tenacious", he smiled at the other omega as Shawn tilted his head back to swallow the pills with a gulp of water and a sigh.

"I know, thanks for saying so anyway". He dropped his head back onto the table and curled one am around his stomach.

"You shouldn't skip so many heats, it always makes the unmissed ones bad", Raleigh was scolding him as he downed the dampeners a half hour later. Raleigh wasn't affected by Shawn's scent since they had worked together for so long at the agency. Plus they had been given something a long time ago that mimicked the way omegas smelled to alpha family members and vice versa. They were family in all but blood.

My heats have always been strong, you know that", Shawn muttered, pouting just a bit for effect. Raleigh didn't buy it, and Ethan and Cali where cleaning. The scent of cleaners meshed with his own and Shawn almost gagged.

"Yeh, well, I want you to go straight to the hotel. I already reserved your room", Raleigh held out the key and Shawn snorted. "Eager to be rid of me", he teased.

Raleigh shook his head. "No, and I'm sure Cali wants you stay, but we don't exactly have the room here, and uh, well you know the rest".

The blonde omega grinned sharply. "Yeah, I know exactly what you mean, you perv". He tried to keep from laughing with Raleigh turned red and sputtered.

"Stop teasing you brat", Ethan demanded, suddenly behind him, his hand slapping the back of his head with more force then nessasary.

He turned to scowl at the brunette and found Cali grinning as well. "Fine, fine, I apologize, geez", Shawn sighed as he stood and moved to hug each of them. "I'd better get going while I feel better. I'll call once I reach the hotel".

Hugs and goodbyes done, Shawn walked out the door and to where his green mustang sat parked under a tree. For a moment he thought he saw someone standing there, but another look proved it was only a trick of the light and shadow.

It was wishful thinking, Diesel was home with the twins, as he should be... and Shawn wold be back with them soon.

With that thought in mInd, the omega got into his car and sped down the street towards the outer city limits and the descrete hotel that would be his home for the next two days.

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