New format

I noticed that the format and colors of the forum have changed. I find it difficult to read the new format on the phone. Anyone else?

Any chance of returning to the previous format?

My Stories:
     Thinking Back (NSFW):
     Subscribers (NSFW, Explicit, M/M):
     Subscribers, Part II (NSFW, Explicit, M/M):
     Post Partum Pain and Pregnant:
     Adventures of an Amateur Stripper (NSFW, Explicit, M/M):

     Unexpectedly Pregnant (M/M):


I'm not sure how to help you with this since I'm not very tech savvy, but this may just be a format issue that's happening on your phone, as the site still looks the way it always does on both my phone and laptop.

IIRC, there is some way to change the layout for your own personal account, but a quick look at the user CP showed it wasn't there and I'm not sure where else to look. Maybe someone else knows??

Sometimes, the world is cruel to shiny things...

On computer (not sure about phone) you can change it under user CP and the Edit Options (it's in the Your Profile section).

In Other Options (bottom right part of this page) has a Board Style dropdown menu, with a few different options to choose from.

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