Would You Rather?

Would You Rather?  Simple game, really.  You ask a "Would you rather" question, and the person answers with the option they would prefer and then asks a question for the next poster.

Starting Question:
Would you rather have an infinite supply of money or the love of your life?

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


As shallow as this sounds, I'd take the money and run.

Would you rather have every traffic light you approach turn green or never have to stand in line again?

I'd rather never have to stand in line again. Even having green lights all the time could still be dangerous.

Would you rather have the ability to fly or the ability to turn yourself invisible?

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Fly, it's all about the journey!

Would you rather be beautiful/handsome but stupid or intelligent but ugly?

Intelligent but ugly. Intelligence pays more, and in the end, intelligence and money wins out over beauty and stupidity.

Would you rather find five hundred dollars on the ground or find all your missing socks?

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Oh $500. I could buy so many socks with that money!

Would you rather Reverse one decision you make every day or be able to stop time for 10 seconds every day?

(04-02-2020, 05:09 PM)atreu Wrote:  Oh $500. I could buy so many socks with that money!

Would you rather Reverse one decision you make every day or be able to stop time for 10 seconds every day?

Reverse one decision I make each day, because I make so many bad decisions!  Big Grin

Would you rather... See into the future 5 years form now and see where you are, OR, see into the future and see where you are tomorrow? 

Hmm, I think just see the future a day ahead. I don't think, for instance, that I'd want to know five years ahead, when I'm going to die. Better only a day do make preparations.

Would you rather gain the ability to become pregnant, carry and birth a child naturally, or would you rather have the ability to grant that to other people but not yourself?

I'm not sure why, but I think I'd rather be able to get other people pregnant, but not be able to myself. When it actually came don to it, I don't think I'd be able to actually have a baby... in reality, it's pretty terrifying! I don't think I'd cope well with giving birth; and I'd be an awful parent, I can barely look after myself! XD

OK, would you rather... have a day's work experience on a maternity ward (getting to help with all the pregnant mothers to-be), or, be trapped in a lift and the only other person with you in that lift, is a heavily pregnant lady, who goes into labour right in front of you? 

I know most people here have at least a passing interest in birth, but I have to admit the elevator scenario terrifies the polka dots off my boxers. I'd much rather be in a ward surrounded by people who knew what the hell they were doing.

Would you rather be 4’5” (1.3716 m) or 7’7” (2.34 m)?

(04-08-2020, 07:53 AM)atreu Wrote:  I know most people here have at least a passing interest in birth, but I have to admit the elevator scenario terrifies the polka dots off my boxers. I'd much rather be in a ward surrounded by people who knew what the hell they were doing.

Would you rather be 4’5” (1.3716 m) or 7’7” (2.34 m)?

I'd love to join this Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin .

I'd rather be 7’7” cuz I love taller frame myself and I think it may be easier than being 4’5”??? I mean I've been in many situation when I can't reach the shelf I want at the supermarket when most of the time I don't even buy anything on the lower shelf at all. I also LOVE pregnancy on big frame man and I think if I am 7’7”, I'd have a quite big frame whether I'm muscular or not

So, let's get back to birth a lit cuz I'm one of the people who love it so much too

Would you rather have a long and painful birth with only one BIG baby or have to deliver 2,3 or even 4 average size babies with not so painful labor?

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Well, I think a gigantic #2 is way worse than several smaller #2's. That's pretty much the same thing as birthing right? Smirk

Would you rather be a surrogate and never meet your kids but be pregnant several times or be pregnant only once and get to raise your kid?

Ooo, let's carry on with these, I love them! 

So, I think I'd be pregnant once and get to raise my kid. Although I'm a little apprehensive about pregnancy and birth, I think one day (If men could get pregnant) I'd be ready to take that step with the right person. So I'd have to go with pregnant once and get to raise my own child. I can't imagine what it must be like for women who have to give up their children (for whatever reasons); that must be one of the hardest things for a mother to do. 

So, let me see... what shall I ask next...

Would you rather, Men evolve to be able to carry children through regular (natural) means (so basically they have a womb and vagina, 9 month pregnancy and all that); or... Women evolve to be able to impregnate Men through the anus instead (so you don't have a vagina, instead a Man's womb is up his backside)?

I've thought about this one for some time and come up with a philosophical debate on the matter. Consider what such evolving might do for Men's, Women's and Equality rights. BIG topic to get your brain cells ticking.

So if I'm parsing this correctly, I think my answer would probably be the second option. Some people just would want the option to copulate with both women and/or men. Seems like the first option would only allow impregnation with another man.

Would you rather, gain the ability to become pregnant via cybernetic implants like an artificial womb or organic, say via organ transplantation or genetic fuckery?

I would do that for sure.

Would you rather be a rich and famous celebrity because of your talents most people don't have?

Father of 3 children wanting to share the experience of pregnancy with my wife (I love her and her ability to bring life to the world).   Heart

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