O MPREG Crazy Bitch Pt. 2

Continuation of Mpreg Brunch...

(I have to go bed but i be back in the morning to rp (

Remember Season 2 of this will start off with Mark & Austin behind bars;

Austin Mahone: I can't believe we are behind bars..
Austin Mahone: We need to get out of here and save Jethro from a psychopath...
Austin Mahone: I don't know what Daniel has up his sleeve for him?
Austin Mahone: And I am also sorry that your 7 babies are going into a Foster Home
Austin Mahone: I am also thinking about just moving on with my life and forget about My Engagement to Jethro...
Austin Mahone: Because I just feel like He's more happy with Daniel than with me...
Austin Mahone: So Mark i want your advice you think i am making a smart decision about leaving Jethro?

*Meanwhile in at a Unknown Place & City & State*

Daniel Edwards: And Mark one thing I know about the Hidden Cameras and I deleted the Footage and now that Jethro is all mine again we will be staying here...
Jethro Grantham: Daniel what are you talking about?
Daniel Edwards I just talking about how excited i am about marrying you (Kisses Jethro)'
Jethro Grantham: Oh Daniel (Kisses Daniel back)
*Jethro & Daniel makes their way to the bed*

Mark looks sad "that crazy bitch knew where my hidden cameras were so there was nothing and no one believe us they believe Daniel more then us is Daniel popular in this town

*Meanwhile in at a Unknown Place & City & State*

Jethro Grantham: Daniel i am going to the Store do you need anything?
Daniel Edwards: No but thanks for asking;
Jethro Grantham: Okay I be back (Kisses Daniel).
Daniel Edwards: (Kisses Jethro back)
*Jethro Leaves*

Daniel Edwards: Now Mark & Austin how's Life Behind Bars treating you?
Daniel Edwards: Sorry I had to do this but if i didn't then You both could ruined this for Us...
Daniel Edwards: Yeah I Love Jethro and I am hoping Jethro never gets his memory back so we can be together forever...
Daniel Edwards: Oh Yeah Mark how's your 7 kids doing in Foster Homes? I hope they are doing great....
Daniel Edwards: Mark I am popular in that town so that is why they believed me...

Meanwhile back in Prison;

Austin Mahone: Mark i have decided to move on with my life and leave Jethro...
Austin Mahone: Sorry Mark but i just feel like He's more happy with Daniel....

Mark hugs Austin tears falling down his face "I agree with you Austin I'm not leaving you though you need help raising your kids I would fight for your kids even to get beaten by police

Austin Mahone: I am hoping that Jethro gets his memory back and find Daniel's true colors.

Mark wipes his eyes

Austin Mahone: Mark it's okay even though we be in here for the next 5-6 Years we are going to get out and try to reunite with your kids even though they grown when we get out of Prison;

Meanwhile in the Unknown Place, Unknown City & State;

Daniel Edwards: Me & Jethro can't wait for your guys' trial...
Daniel Edwards: Remember Mess with the Bull you get the horns...

[The Living Room]

Jethro Grantham: Daniel Babe I am back from the Store....


Daniel Edwards: My Fiance is back from the Store....
Daniel Edwards: Mark Your Kids are in a Better Place now they don't has to grow up under your parenting skills;
Daniel Edwards: Because you may teach them to kidnap like what you & Austin did?
Daniel Edwards: And now you & Austin are finally paying the price...
Daniel Edwards: And if Jethro does get his memory back He will still love me because I am pregnant with his child....
Daniel Edwards: So Austin i guess The Better Man won because I got Jethro and you just lost him...

[Daniel heads downstairs to meet up with his Fiance]

Jethro Grantham: Hey Babe what you been up to?
Daniel Edwards: Just binge-watch some Netflix & Hulu...
Jethro Grantham: (Talks to Daniel's Stomach) Hello Baby I can't wait to meet you...
Jethro Grantham: Daniel we are gonna have so much fun with this baby...

Mark nods his head

*Meanwhile in the Unknown Place*

Jethro Grantham: Today is the Day of Mark & Austin's Trial so you be okay here while i go to the trial?
Daniel Edwards: Yes I be okay...
Jethro Grantham: Remember you are 7 months Pregnant so just be careful okay...
Daniel Edwards: Okay (Kisses Jethro)..
Jethro Grantham: (Kisses Daniel back)

Meanwhile back at the Prison;

Austin Mahone: I can't believe that Today is Our Trial of a Crime we did not commit...
Austin Mahone: Mark are you scared about The Aftermath of Our Trial?
Austin Mahone: Daniel's The Criminal not Us... This Town needs to see that...
Austin Mahone: I don't know what i do if Jethro shows up at the Trial... I might lose it....

Mark looks up "he's that bitch that got us here he should be the one in jail not us we did nothing wrong he shot Jethro I save him for fucks shakes and that's how he thanks us for saving him if you lose it I will as well I might hit him in the face for what he did to Jethro

The Courtroom:

Judge: Jury how you plead?
Jury: We find Austin Mahone & Mark Guilty...
Judge: Now Austin since you help Mark kidnap and that you are pregnant I sentenced you to 2 Months and 5 days of Probation...
Judge: Now Mark since you were the mastermind behind it and You was charged with Attempted Murder I sentenced you to Prison for 6-7 Years...
Jethro Grantham: So Long Losers Have a Nice Time in Prison...
Jethro Grantham: I need to call Daniel with the good news...

*Jethro leaves the courtroom makes his way back to airport*

*Jethro arrives back home to be with Daniel*

Back at Home with Daniel;

Jethro Grantham: Good News Daniel Mark get sentenced to 6-7 years behind bars...
Jethro Grantham: And because he was pregnant Austin got sentenced to 2 Months and 5 Days of Probation....
Daniel Edwards: I can't believe Mark the mastermind behind it is going away for a long time...
Jethro Grantham: Yep We don't has to worry about him no more...
Jethro Grantham: This Day tired me out so I am going to the bedroom to take a nap.... (Kisses Daniel)..
Daniel Edwards: Okay (Kisses Jethro back)...
*Jethro Leaves*
Daniel Edwards: See Mark You can't win in my town and you got what you deserved....
Daniel Edwards: The Justice System is broken because Austin i can't believe they gave you a 2 Months & 5 Days Sentenced?
Daniel Edwards: Mark & Austin you were in My Town where they like me....

Mark looks at everyone getting angry "are you guys stupid he's the one who shot Jethro I have a damn witness with me and it was my house that bitch broken into not his house

Austin Mahone: Mark just calm down before you get more years added to your sentences.
The Judge: Mark one more outburst and that will be 10 years...

Mark sits down staying quite

Meanwhile, in a Unknown Place, City and State;

Jethro Grantham: I just feel bad that Austin is doing Probation while Pregnant..
Daniel Edwards: If you want we can move Austin's Probation to Mark Sentence which means Mark will be behind bars for the next 7 Years and Probation for 2 Months and 5 Days...
Jethro Grantham: Daniel babe you think it might work?
Daniel Edwards: Yes I know it will work... It's My Town after all...
Jethro Grantham: Okay Daniel babe Let's Do this....

Meanwhile, back in Prison;

Austin Mahone: Good News I am free from my charges but the bad news is... The Probation is on you Sentence now...
Austin Mahone: Oh Yeah Mark you must be behind bars for the next 9 Years then after that you will start your probation...
Austin Mahone: Actually i has to thank Jethro & Daniel for doing it because They Drop The Charges on me because I am pregnant...
Austin Mahone: I don't want NO Special Treatment because I am pregnant...

Meanwhile back at The Unknown Place;

Jethro Grantham: Good News Daniel i just got a call from Austin and He's No Longer has Probation...
Daniel Edwards: Good for Austin now Mark finally getting what he deserves...
Jethro Grantham: Yeah I can't believe that Mark was the Mastermind behind My Kidnapping.. But I am back now and This Baby is gonna be spoiled..
Daniel Edwards: Yes it is....
Jethro Grantham: Oh Daniel do you know what you are having yet?
Daniel Edwards: Yes and It is Twin Boys....
Jethro Grantham: We are having Twins?
Daniel Edwards: Yep...

Mark doesn't looks up at Austin trying to calm his anger

Austin Mahone: I has to thank Daniel because he was the one that come up with the idea of me not doing any probation...
Austin Mahone: But Mark I feel bad for you now you are doing more time because I won't...
Austin Mahone: Mark the only reason why i am getting special treatment is because I am pregnant
Austin Mahone: Goodbye Mark i am moving away from this town and moving in with Jethro & Daniel....
Austin Mahone: Because They invited me to move in so this will be the last time you will see me...
*Austin leaves the prison to go and pack for his move*

Meanwhile, in a Big House in New Jersey;

Jethro Grantham: Good News i just got off the phone with Austin and He took the offer of moving with us...
Daniel Edwards: Good I am so excited for you...
Jethro Grantham: And I can't believe that 2 of my loves will be living in the same house;
Daniel Edwards: Jethro i am so glad we can be one big happy family.....

Mark crys softly lonely he looked at the bed sheets in his room "Maybe I should just leave this place for good I'm innocent for fucks shakes he tied the sheets to the bar of the cell wrapping the sheets around his neck

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