O MPREG Crazy Bitch Pt. 2

Guard: Mark what the fuck are you doing?
Guard: Hey other guard We got a Prisoner that is trying to commit suicide...
Guard: Sorry Mark but do we need to put you into a Mental Hospital so you won't try to kill yourself?

*Back at Home*

Austin Mahone: I can't believe i am moving in with Jethro & Daniel....

[Meanwhile, in a Big House in New Jersey]

Jethro Grantham: Daniel I can't believe you try to kill me because You was jealous of My Relationship with Austin...
Daniel Edwards: Yep I was jealous and I am working on it....
Jethro Grantham: Good for you Babe....

Mark looks up "why should I live for sir that bitch framed me and now I'm basically stuck here forever I don't need to live I won't see anyone ever again my kids, my kitten,my friends no one

Axl Heck: You must be Mark I am your new cellmate...
Axl Heck: Daniel was My Co-Worker before he got me fired and then i got arrested for stealing My own Car...
Axl Heck: So Mark what are you in for?
Guard: Mark if you try to kill yourself again We will sent you to a Mental Hospital to get you some help....

Mark looks up "he shot one of my friends he brainwashed him then when my friend woke up he blame me for kidnapping and try to kill him when my friend was in my house

Axl Heck: I have 3 kids; 2 Daughters and one Son and also I got one adopted son;
Axl Heck: There's Emma who recently turn 11, Liam who turned 10 4 months ago, My Adopted Son Kyle who's 9 and My Littlest Savannah is 7... Right now they are staying with My Family...
Axl Heck: I don't know why Daniel is so Popular in this town we need to clear our name and make them see that Daniel is The Real Criminal here and not us....
Axl Heck: I would had a job if Daniel didn't get me fired for something that he did...

Mark nods his head "I just had seven kids 6 boys 1 girl

Axl Heck: So Mark what can we do about Daniel he needs to be stop...
Axl Heck: Jethro is so clueless that he don't see that Daniel is a Psycho and that he has this whole town in his hands...
Axl Heck: At Work I saw Daniel hitting on a Fellow Co-Worker so I reported him but He Told Our Boss that I was the one that was hitting on that co-worker so He fired me and He told the fellow co-worker and the rest if they snitch then he will make them pay so they remain quiet after i got fired....
Axl Heck: I just want to get out of here so i can see my 4 Kids again....
Axl Heck: So Mark where are your kids?

Mark looks down sad "in a foster home there only a few days old Jethro and his boyfriend Austin help me

Axl Heck: (Looks Confused) Why are they in a Foster Home? I thought you wanted them?
Axl Heck: My Kids are staying with Family......

Mark doesn't looks up "I have no family they disowned me so they been put into foster home and I won't see them again I didn't even got the chance to name them he started to cry softly

{Meanwhile in the Big House, in New Jersey)

Jethro Grantham: Hey Austin....
Daniel Edwards: Hey Austin....
Austin Mahone: Hey Jethro & Daniel...
Austin Mahone: Jethro i need to talk to you alone...
Jethro Grantham: Daniel you be alright while i talk to Austin alone?
Daniel Edwards: Yes i be okay...

[The Bedroom]

Austin Mahone: Jethro why are you still with Daniel He try to kill you?
Austin Mahone: And he sent Mark away to Prison for 9 years...
Jethro Grantham: HEY!!! He apologize already for almost killing me and Mark kidnap Me from Daniel...
Austin Mahone: Jethro WAKE THE FUCK UP Mark didn't kidnap you it was a lie made up by Daniel to keep Us apart...
Jethro Grantham: A Luckily Story Daniel won't do that... If you don't trust him then Why don't you GET THE FUCK OUT OF OUR HOUSE THEN!!!!!!!
Austin Mahone: Come on Jethro you need to see Daniel's True Colors....
Jethro Grantham: No now GET THE FUCK OUT!!!!
Jethro Grantham: (Points a Gun to Austin's Head) Now Get The FUCK out of Our House.... Before I kill you....
Austin Mahone: okay i am leaving...
Jethro Grantham: (Continues to Point the Gun) I will kill Mark too so Nobody can break Me & Daniel up.... We love each other and having a baby...
Austin Mahone: Jethro wake up Daniel doesn't love you all he loves is Money
*Austin Leaves*

[Back in the Living Room]

Jethro Grantham: Daniel we need to move...
Daniel Edwards: Why?
Jethro Grantham: Because before Austin comes back with the Police...
Daniel Edwards: Jethro what did you do now?
Jethro Grantham: Uh!? I hold a Gun to Austin's Head?
Daniel Edwards: Jethro You need some help with your anger problem? It's getting out of control....

*Meanwhile, In Prison*

Prisoner: Mark & Axl ready to get out of this joint?
Prisoner: Because Today we are breaking out of prison... So Are you with us?
Axl Heck: Sorry but i can't....

Mark shakes his head no "I agree I can't I don't want more time without seeing my kids ten years is good enough I'm staying

Prisoner: Sorry Mark but you are coming with us...
Prisoner: Yeah Mark we are breaking out of Prison together...
Axl Heck: Bye Mark and guys Have a Nice Time out of Prison...
Prisoner: *Sees A Guard* Now we need to run*
*They all run but The Guard caught Mark and couple of other prisoners*
Guard: Mark you just added 6 more years to your sentenced now you in here for 15 Years instead of 9....
*All The Other Prisoners got caught*

Mark looks angry at the prisoners he started to punch the guy he made him go "you bitch I said no you forced me go you had a damn gun to my head

*In Prison*

Jethro Grantham: Hey Mark how's the jailbird doing today...
Jethro Grantham: AXL HECK!? is that you?
Axl Heck: Yep.
Jethro Grantham: Wait a Minute if you in here then who's watching Emma, Liam, Kyle, and Savannah?
Axl Heck: My Family are watching them...
Jethro Grantham: Guards can you please release Axl because he has a family to get back too...
Guard: Okay Jethro;
Guard: Axl you are free to go....
Axl Heck: Thanks Jethro; Bye Mark;
Jethro Grantham: Mark you are behind bars because you thought that Daniel was only in love with me for the money.
Jethro Grantham: No it was a lie He told me that he was jealous that i was spending alot of time with Austin....
Jethro Grantham: So Mark see you in 15 Years.....

Mark doesn't looks up he's not eating or sleeping seeing a piece of glass he cuts his wrist passes out

*The Ambulance rushes Mark to the Hospital*

Meanwhile at at Restaurant;

Jethro Grantham: So Axl what's up how are you?
Axl Heck: I am good and Thanks again for getting me out of prison...
Jethro Grantham: I Loved My Kids Emma, Liam, and Savannah and seeing their father behind bars that doesn't seem right...
Jethro Grantham: So how's Emma, Liam, and Savannah?
Axl Heck: They are good but they miss you though...
Jethro Grantham: I miss them too...
Jethro Grantham: Axl remember at the 4th of July Cookout that Austin kissed me in front of you and My Kids?
Axl Heck: Yep I remember that....

Mark doesn't wake up as he's in a coma

*Orson, Indiana*

Jethro Grantham: I guess my kids don't care that i am here...
Liam Heck: Daddy We miss you....
Savannah Heck: Daddy We Miss You...
Axl Heck: Well Emma's 12, Liam's 10, and Savannah's 6...
Jethro Grantham: Hey My Lovely Kids I miss so very much...
Jethro Grantham: So Kids go and play while i talk with your father....
Emma Heck: Okay Daddy...
Liam Heck: Okay Daddy...
Savannah Heck: Okay Daddy...
*Emma, Liam, and Kyle Left*

Jethro Grantham: Axl i think i made a mistake divorcing you...
Axl Heck: You think?
Jethro Grantham: Axl i want to put our family back together so will you take me back?
Axl Heck: Oh Jethro of course i take you back I never stop loving you...
Jethro Grantham: Okay... But what we do about Daniel? because He shot me when he was jealous that i was with Austin?
Axl Heck: We deal with him...

*Jethro & Axl goes back to Daniel's Town to visit Mark*
*Mark's Hospital Room*

Jethro Grantham: Doctor any update on Mark's Condition?
Axl Heck: Yeah Any Update?
Doctor: We did stop the bleeding and repair his wrist...
Doctor: Only time will tell if Mark wakes up...
Jethro Grantham: Okay Mark please wake up...
Axl Heck: Yeah Mark please...
Jethro Grantham: Mark i know your in a coma i like to introduce my kids to you...
Jethro Grantham: Mark i like for you to meet Emma, Liam, and Savannah my 3 Lovely Kids i had with Axl...
Emma Heck: Hey Mr. Mark...
Liam Heck: Hey Mr. Mark....
Savannah Heck: Hey Mr. Mark....
Emma Heck: Daddy what's wrong with Mr. Mark?
Jethro Grantham: Uh? Emma he cut his wrist to try to kill himself...
Emma Heck: Oh....

Mark started to wake up seeing Jethro his heart rate going up "g get out of here you traitor nurse take him out I don't want him in here

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